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Q483831 Inglês
                        Gravity, review: “heartachingly tender”

            Starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney as astronauts adrift in
                  space, Alfonso Cuarón’s astonishing thriller is one of the films of
                                           the year, says Robbie Collin

      Watch an astronaut drifting through space for long enough and eventually you notice how much they look like a newborn baby. The oxygen helmet makes their head bigger, rounder and cuter; their hands grasp eagerly at whatever happens to be passing; their limbs are made fat and their movements simple by the spacesuit’s cuddly bulk. They tumble head-over-heels like tripping toddlers or simply bob there in amniotic suspension. Even the lifeline that keeps them tethered to their ship has a pulsing, umbilical aspect.
      Gravity, the new Alfonso Cuarón picture, is a heart- achingly tender film about the miracle of motherhood, and the billion-to-one odds against any of us being here, astronauts or not. It’s also a totally absorbing, often overpowering spectacle - a $100 million 3D action movie in which Sandra Bullock and George Clooney play two Hollywood-handsome spacefarers, fighting for their lives 375 miles above the Earth’s crust.
      A series of captions over the opening titles reminds us that this is a dead zone: no oxygen or air pressure, and nothing to carry sound. “Life in space is impossible,” the final message tells us, as the cinema shakes with Steven Price’s resonant score, and then suddenly falls quiet.
      For Dr. Ryan Stone (Bullock), a mission specialist in orbit for the first time, the lack of noise is welcome. She’s a medical engineer called up by NASA to install new software on to the Hubble Telescope, but also a mother in mourning for her four- year-old daughter, whom she lost in a senseless accident, and the silence enfolds her like a comfort blanket.

                                                            Available in:

Read the sentence taken from the text and choose the alternative that presents the simple past tense of the underlined verb.

Watch an astronaut drifting through space for long enough and eventually you notice how much they look like a newborn baby.”
Q483830 Inglês
                        Gravity, review: “heartachingly tender”

            Starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney as astronauts adrift in
                  space, Alfonso Cuarón’s astonishing thriller is one of the films of
                                           the year, says Robbie Collin

      Watch an astronaut drifting through space for long enough and eventually you notice how much they look like a newborn baby. The oxygen helmet makes their head bigger, rounder and cuter; their hands grasp eagerly at whatever happens to be passing; their limbs are made fat and their movements simple by the spacesuit’s cuddly bulk. They tumble head-over-heels like tripping toddlers or simply bob there in amniotic suspension. Even the lifeline that keeps them tethered to their ship has a pulsing, umbilical aspect.
      Gravity, the new Alfonso Cuarón picture, is a heart- achingly tender film about the miracle of motherhood, and the billion-to-one odds against any of us being here, astronauts or not. It’s also a totally absorbing, often overpowering spectacle - a $100 million 3D action movie in which Sandra Bullock and George Clooney play two Hollywood-handsome spacefarers, fighting for their lives 375 miles above the Earth’s crust.
      A series of captions over the opening titles reminds us that this is a dead zone: no oxygen or air pressure, and nothing to carry sound. “Life in space is impossible,” the final message tells us, as the cinema shakes with Steven Price’s resonant score, and then suddenly falls quiet.
      For Dr. Ryan Stone (Bullock), a mission specialist in orbit for the first time, the lack of noise is welcome. She’s a medical engineer called up by NASA to install new software on to the Hubble Telescope, but also a mother in mourning for her four- year-old daughter, whom she lost in a senseless accident, and the silence enfolds her like a comfort blanket.

                                                            Available in:

Read the sentence taken from the text.

It’s also a totally absorbing, often overpowering spectacle – a $100 million 3D action movie in which Sandra Bullock and George Clooney play two Hollywood-handsome spacefarers, fighting for their lives 375 miles above the Earth’s crust.”

According to the context and considering the text, it is correct to affirm that the underlined word refers to
Q483829 Inglês
Read the sentence below and then choose the alternative that fills in correctly the blank.

“____ October 8th , interested skywatchers should attempt to see the total eclipse of the moon and the rising sun simultaneously.”

                                                                                                            Available in:
Q483828 Inglês
Read the sentences below.

I. The team of astronauts had the potential to execute the experiments.
II. The university library will be closed until the end of the week.
III. The results of the experiments are different.

The sentence(s) in which the underlined word is a false cognate is(are)
Q483827 Inglês
Read the sentence below and choose the alternative that best translates it.

“It’s worse than we thought. Scientists may have hugely underestimated the extent of global warming because temperature readings from southern hemisphere seas were inaccurate.”

                                                                        Available in:
Q483826 Inglês
                        Solar System’s Water is Older Than the Sun

      Next time you’re swimming in the ocean, consider this: part of the water is older than the sun.
      So concludes a team of scientists who ran computer models comparing the ratios of hydrogen isotopes over time. Taking into account new insights that the solar nebula had less ionizing radiation than previously thought, the models show that at least some of the water found in the ocean, as well as in comets, meteorites and on the moon, predate the sun’s birth.
      The only other option, the scientists conclude, is that it formed in the cold, intersteller cloud from which the sun itself originated.
      The discovery, reported in this week’s Science, stems from the insight of lead author Lauren Ilsedore Cleeves, a doctoral student at the University of Michigan, who realized that planet- forming disks around young stars should be shielded from galactic rays by the strong solar winds, dramatically altering the chemistry occurring inside the disks, said Conel Alexander, with the Carnegie Institution of Washington.
      “The findingX makes it quite hard for these regions in the disk to synthesize any new molecules. This was an ‘aha’ moment for us - without any new water creation the only place these ices could have come from was the chemically rich interstellar gas out of which the solar system formed originally,” Cleeves wrote in an email to Discovery News.
      “It’s remarkable that these ices survived the entire process of stellar birth,” she added.
      The finding has implications for the search for life beyond Earth, as water is believed to be necessary for life.
      “If the sun’s formation was typical, interstellar ices - including water - are likely common ingredients present during the formation of all planetary systems, which puts a wonderful outlook on the possibility of other life in the universe,” Cleeves said.
      In addition, it’s not just water that likely survived the solar system’s birth.
      “The same must be true for the organic matter that we know is present in molecular cloud ices. So I think this strengthens the case that we have interstellar organic matter in meteorites and comets too,” Alexander wrote in an email to Discovery News.

                                                                                          Available in:

Read the sentence taken from the text.

“The finding has implications for the search for life beyond Earth, as water is believed to be necessary for life.”

Choose the alternative in which the underlined word is conjugated in the same verb tense as the one above.
Q483825 Inglês
                        Solar System’s Water is Older Than the Sun

      Next time you’re swimming in the ocean, consider this: part of the water is older than the sun.
      So concludes a team of scientists who ran computer models comparing the ratios of hydrogen isotopes over time. Taking into account new insights that the solar nebula had less ionizing radiation than previously thought, the models show that at least some of the water found in the ocean, as well as in comets, meteorites and on the moon, predate the sun’s birth.
      The only other option, the scientists conclude, is that it formed in the cold, intersteller cloud from which the sun itself originated.
      The discovery, reported in this week’s Science, stems from the insight of lead author Lauren Ilsedore Cleeves, a doctoral student at the University of Michigan, who realized that planet- forming disks around young stars should be shielded from galactic rays by the strong solar winds, dramatically altering the chemistry occurring inside the disks, said Conel Alexander, with the Carnegie Institution of Washington.
      “The findingX makes it quite hard for these regions in the disk to synthesize any new molecules. This was an ‘aha’ moment for us - without any new water creation the only place these ices could have come from was the chemically rich interstellar gas out of which the solar system formed originally,” Cleeves wrote in an email to Discovery News.
      “It’s remarkable that these ices survived the entire process of stellar birth,” she added.
      The finding has implications for the search for life beyond Earth, as water is believed to be necessary for life.
      “If the sun’s formation was typical, interstellar ices - including water - are likely common ingredients present during the formation of all planetary systems, which puts a wonderful outlook on the possibility of other life in the universe,” Cleeves said.
      In addition, it’s not just water that likely survived the solar system’s birth.
      “The same must be true for the organic matter that we know is present in molecular cloud ices. So I think this strengthens the case that we have interstellar organic matter in meteorites and comets too,” Alexander wrote in an email to Discovery News.

                                                                                          Available in:

Read the sentence taken from the text and, according to the context, choose the alternative that presents a synonym to the underlined word.

“It’s remarkable that these ices survived the entire process of stellar birth”.
Q483824 Inglês
                        Solar System’s Water is Older Than the Sun

      Next time you’re swimming in the ocean, consider this: part of the water is older than the sun.
      So concludes a team of scientists who ran computer models comparing the ratios of hydrogen isotopes over time. Taking into account new insights that the solar nebula had less ionizing radiation than previously thought, the models show that at least some of the water found in the ocean, as well as in comets, meteorites and on the moon, predate the sun’s birth.
      The only other option, the scientists conclude, is that it formed in the cold, intersteller cloud from which the sun itself originated.
      The discovery, reported in this week’s Science, stems from the insight of lead author Lauren Ilsedore Cleeves, a doctoral student at the University of Michigan, who realized that planet- forming disks around young stars should be shielded from galactic rays by the strong solar winds, dramatically altering the chemistry occurring inside the disks, said Conel Alexander, with the Carnegie Institution of Washington.
      “The findingX makes it quite hard for these regions in the disk to synthesize any new molecules. This was an ‘aha’ moment for us - without any new water creation the only place these ices could have come from was the chemically rich interstellar gas out of which the solar system formed originally,” Cleeves wrote in an email to Discovery News.
      “It’s remarkable that these ices survived the entire process of stellar birth,” she added.
      The finding has implications for the search for life beyond Earth, as water is believed to be necessary for life.
      “If the sun’s formation was typical, interstellar ices - including water - are likely common ingredients present during the formation of all planetary systems, which puts a wonderful outlook on the possibility of other life in the universe,” Cleeves said.
      In addition, it’s not just water that likely survived the solar system’s birth.
      “The same must be true for the organic matter that we know is present in molecular cloud ices. So I think this strengthens the case that we have interstellar organic matter in meteorites and comets too,” Alexander wrote in an email to Discovery News.

                                                                                          Available in:

According to text,

I. all the water in the ocean can be considered older than the sun.
II. the water on the planet is ending and, in the future, will be possible to find it on the sun.
III. in the sentence taken from the text: “The only other option, the scientists conclude, is that it formed in the cold, intersteller cloud from which the sun itself originated”, the opposite of the underlined word is “hot”.

The correct assertion(s) is(are)
Q483822 Português
Assinale a alternativa incorreta quanto ao emprego da vírgula.
Q483821 Português
Quanto ao emprego das conjunções, correlacione as colunas abaixo e, em seguida, assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência correta.

1. Conclusiva.
2. Adversativa.
3. Aditiva.
4. Alternativa.

( ) O presidente esteve presente no encontro e mostrou-se favorável ao novo governo.
( ) O rapaz gosta de sorvete, mas hoje prefere comer bolo.
( ) A professora irá ao evento (ou) de carro, ou de ônibus.
( ) A inflação precisa ser eliminada; logo, é meta prioritária do governo eliminá-la.
Q483815 Português
                              Um Apólogo

                                                                  Machado de Assis

            Era uma vez uma agulha, que disse a um novelo de linha:
            - Por que está você com esse ar, toda cheia de si, toda enrolada, para fingir que vale alguma cousa neste mundo?
            - Deixe-me, senhora.
            - Que a deixe? Que a deixe, por quê? Porque lhe digo que está com um ar insuportável? Repito que sim, e falarei sempre que me der na cabeça.
            - Que cabeça, senhora? A senhora não é alfinete, é agulha. Agulha não tem cabeça. Que lhe importa o meu ar? Cada qual tem o ar que Deus lhe deu. Importe-se com a sua vida e deixe a dos outros.
            - Mas você é orgulhosa.
            - Decerto que sou.
            - Mas por quê?
            - É boa! Porque coso. Então os vestidos e enfeites de nossa ama, quem é que os cose, senão eu?
            - Você? Esta agora é melhor. Você é que os cose? Você ignora que quem os cose sou eu e muito eu?
            - Você fura o pano, nada mais; eu é que coso, prendo um pedaço ao outro, dou feição aos babados...
            - Sim, mas que vale isso? Eu é que furo o pano, vou adiante, puxando por você, que vem atrás obedecendo ao que eu faço e mando...
            - Também os batedores vão adiante do imperador.
            - Você é imperador?
            - Não digo isso. Mas a verdade é que você faz um papel subalterno, indo adiante; vai só mostrando o caminho, vai fazendo o trabalho obscuro e ínfimo. Eu é que prendo, ligo, ajunto...
            Estavam nisto, quando a costureira chegou à casa da baronesa. Não sei se disse que isto se passava em casa de uma baronesa, que tinha a modista ao pé de si, para não andar atrás dela. Chegou a costureira, pegou do pano, pegou da agulha, pegou da linha, enfiou a linha na agulha, e entrou a coser. Uma e outra iam andando orgulhosas, pelo pano adiante, que era a melhor das sedas, entre os dedos da costureira, ágeis como os galgos de Diana - para dar a isto uma cor poética. E dizia a agulha:
            - Então, senhora linha, ainda teima no que dizia há pouco? Não repara que esta distinta costureira só se importa comigo; eu é que vou aqui entre os dedos dela, unidinha a eles, furando abaixo e acima...
            A linha não respondia; ia andando. Buraco aberto pela agulha era logo enchido por ela, silenciosa e ativa, como quem sabe o que faz, e não está para ouvir palavras loucas. A agulha, vendo que ela não lhe dava resposta, calou-se também, e foi andando. E era tudo silêncio na saleta de costura; não se ouvia mais que o plic-plic-plic-plic da agulha no pano. Caindo o sol, a costureira dobrou a costura, para o dia seguinte. Continuou ainda nessa e no outro, até que no quarto acabou a obra, e ficou esperando o baile.
            Veio a noite do baile, e a baronesa vestiu-se. A costureira, que a ajudou a vestir-se, levava a agulha espetada no corpinho, para dar algum ponto necessário. E enquanto compunha o vestido da bela dama, e puxava de um lado ou outro, arregaçava daqui ou dali, alisando, abotoando, acolchetando, a linha para mofar da agulha, perguntou-lhe:
            - Ora, agora, diga-me, quem é que vai ao baile, no corpo da baronesa, fazendo parte do vestido e da elegância? Quem é que vai dançar com ministros e diplomatas, enquanto você volta para a caixinha da costureira, antes de ir para o balaio das mucamas? Vamos, diga lá.
            Parece que a agulha não disse nada; mas um alfinete, de cabeça grande e não menor experiência, murmurou à pobre agulha:
            - Anda, aprende, tola. Cansas-te em abrir caminho para ela e ela é que vai gozar da vida, enquanto aí ficas na caixinha de costura. Faze como eu, que não abro caminho para ninguém. Onde me espetam, fico.
            Contei esta história a um professor de melancolia, que me disse, abanando a cabeça:
            - Também eu tenho servido de agulha a muita linha ordinária!

                                                                                                Texto extraído do livro “Para Gostar de Ler - Volume 9 - Contos”,
                                                                                                                                          Editora Ática: São Paulo, 1984, p. 59.

Assinale a alternativa cujo termo destacado funcione como um adjetivo.
Q482244 Gerência de Projetos
Independentemente da estrutura e das características de uma equipe de projeto, o papel do gerente de projetos como líder da equipe é um fator constante, mesmo que ocorra variação do grau de autoridade que ele possa ter sobre os seus membros. Pode-se considerar que essa afirmativa é
Q482243 Gerência de Projetos
É correto afirmar que um histograma de recursos é um(a)
Q482242 Gerência de Projetos
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o documento que apresenta uma descrição formal e detalhada do projeto e do produto do projeto, com os limites do projeto, serviços ou resultados, além de quais requisitos serão incluídos e quais serão excluídos.
Q482241 Gerência de Projetos
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a estrutura organizacional na qual o gerente de projetos possui autoridade total para atribuir prioridades, aplicar recursos e orientar o trabalho das pessoas alocadas no projeto.
Q482240 Gerência de Projetos
O processo de análise quantitativa dos riscos é utilizado para avaliar o efeito agregado dos riscos que afetam o projeto, atribuindo-se uma classificação de prioridade numérica aos riscos de forma individual. A análise quantitativa é realizada exclusivamente na técnica ou ferramenta de(a)
Q482239 Gerência de Projetos
Considerando o exemplo de uma corporação com negócios em diversas áreas e que tenha estabelecido como objetivo estratégico aumentar o retorno dos seus investimentos por meio de uma mescla de projetos, é correto afirmar que será necessário utilizar a perspectiva de
Q482238 Gerência de Projetos
Sobre as partes interessadas no projeto, é incorreto afirmar que
Q482237 Gerência de Projetos
De acordo com a norma ISO 10006 (Diretrizes para Qualidade de Gerenciamento de Projetos), projeto é “um processo único, consistindo de um grupo de atividades coordenadas e controladas com datas para início e término, empreendido para alcance de um objetivo conforme requisitos específicos, incluindo limitações de tempo, custo e recursos”. Desse modo, assinale a alternativa que apresenta um exemplo de projeto.
Q482236 Gerência de Projetos
A técnica de decomposição envolve a subdivisão das entregas em componentes menores até o nível de detalhe em que se possa facilmente planejar, executar, monitorar, controlar e encerrar o projeto. É correto afirmar que essa técnica é utilizada no(a)
41: B
42: D
43: C
44: A
45: E
46: B
47: A
48: D
49: A
50: C
51: B
52: A
53: A
54: B
55: A
56: A
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58: E
59: D
60: A