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Building Blocks: The First Steps of Creating a Multicultural Classroom
Discovering diversity takes creativity, extra effort, diligence, and courage on the teacher's part. A
multicultural classroom must thrive on these differences and use them as a foundation for growth and
development. Differences command work, resolution, openness, and understanding. Teachers who
address these differences and add them to the curriculum will succeed in creating a multicultural
5 classroom that will advance the educational goals of all students.
(...) Teachers in multicultural classrooms must be open to their students and put forth the effort
needed to get to know their students inside and outside of class. If a teacher is hesitant about being
open, the class will reciprocate and the students will become estranged from one another and the
teacher. In order to be open, teachers must be interested in their students, fearless, willing to try new
10 and different things, sure of themselves in order to avoid taking things personally, and non-
judgmental of his or her students (Canning 196). Also, openness is not making assumptions and being
prepared for the unexpected (Canning 199). (...)Many cultures have many different mores and
folkways. Teachers must be open to what the students are doing and find out why they do what they
do. This openness will create communication in the class, which will ultimately develop into a
15 classroom that is learning, understanding, and culturally fluent.
In addition to openness, teachers must know the learning patterns of the students in their class.
Teachers must understand the learning patterns of the students who grew up in a culture other than
their own. Teachers who open themselves up to cultural difference will effectively handle culture
clash while teachers who assume that student A is rude and student B is dumb will close
20 communication in the classroom and destroy any hope of having a multicultural classroom. The best
way to handle culture clash is to be open, knowledgeable, and not be afraid to talk about the cultural
differences in class no matter what discipline the teacher is teaching (Jones 12). An open teacher will
create an open class and an open class will have open lines of communication that will create a positive
and beneficial learning environment for everyone.
25 (...) Gloria Boutte and Christine McCormick suggest six basic principles for teachers to use when
evaluating their culturally diverse classroom, these are, "1) building multicultural programs, 2)
showing appreciation of differences, 3) avoiding stereotypes, 4) acknowledging differences in
children, 5) discovering the diversity within the classroom, 6) avoiding pseudomulticulturalism"
(140). Showing appreciation of differences is very important because a teacher who does not show
30 appreciation of all the differences in their class will not get the chance to attempt any of the other five
principles. Teachers need to pay attention to their verbal and nonverbal language when he or she
responds to students who speak differently. For example, if a child reads, "Dere go the sto-man", the
teacher should avoid interrupting the student to provide the correct English version. Instead, the
teacher should thank the student for reading and then model the correct English version when she or
35 he speaks. However, the most important thing to remember about all classrooms is the premise that
every child is unique. All children are different and beautiful in their own way, no one student should
feel excluded from the class.
(...) Creating multicultural classrooms is a growing priority for all teachers and administrators. This
includes restructuring classroom evaluation and punishment techniques, but, more importantly, it
40 includes embracing difference and opening up the classroom for communication.
Larri Fish of Siena College
In a few words, how can you sum up Text I?
Building Blocks: The First Steps of Creating a Multicultural Classroom
Discovering diversity takes creativity, extra effort, diligence, and courage on the teacher's part. A
multicultural classroom must thrive on these differences and use them as a foundation for growth and
development. Differences command work, resolution, openness, and understanding. Teachers who
address these differences and add them to the curriculum will succeed in creating a multicultural
5 classroom that will advance the educational goals of all students.
(...) Teachers in multicultural classrooms must be open to their students and put forth the effort
needed to get to know their students inside and outside of class. If a teacher is hesitant about being
open, the class will reciprocate and the students will become estranged from one another and the
teacher. In order to be open, teachers must be interested in their students, fearless, willing to try new
10 and different things, sure of themselves in order to avoid taking things personally, and non-
judgmental of his or her students (Canning 196). Also, openness is not making assumptions and being
prepared for the unexpected (Canning 199). (...)Many cultures have many different mores and
folkways. Teachers must be open to what the students are doing and find out why they do what they
do. This openness will create communication in the class, which will ultimately develop into a
15 classroom that is learning, understanding, and culturally fluent.
In addition to openness, teachers must know the learning patterns of the students in their class.
Teachers must understand the learning patterns of the students who grew up in a culture other than
their own. Teachers who open themselves up to cultural difference will effectively handle culture
clash while teachers who assume that student A is rude and student B is dumb will close
20 communication in the classroom and destroy any hope of having a multicultural classroom. The best
way to handle culture clash is to be open, knowledgeable, and not be afraid to talk about the cultural
differences in class no matter what discipline the teacher is teaching (Jones 12). An open teacher will
create an open class and an open class will have open lines of communication that will create a positive
and beneficial learning environment for everyone.
25 (...) Gloria Boutte and Christine McCormick suggest six basic principles for teachers to use when
evaluating their culturally diverse classroom, these are, "1) building multicultural programs, 2)
showing appreciation of differences, 3) avoiding stereotypes, 4) acknowledging differences in
children, 5) discovering the diversity within the classroom, 6) avoiding pseudomulticulturalism"
(140). Showing appreciation of differences is very important because a teacher who does not show
30 appreciation of all the differences in their class will not get the chance to attempt any of the other five
principles. Teachers need to pay attention to their verbal and nonverbal language when he or she
responds to students who speak differently. For example, if a child reads, "Dere go the sto-man", the
teacher should avoid interrupting the student to provide the correct English version. Instead, the
teacher should thank the student for reading and then model the correct English version when she or
35 he speaks. However, the most important thing to remember about all classrooms is the premise that
every child is unique. All children are different and beautiful in their own way, no one student should
feel excluded from the class.
(...) Creating multicultural classrooms is a growing priority for all teachers and administrators. This
includes restructuring classroom evaluation and punishment techniques, but, more importantly, it
40 includes embracing difference and opening up the classroom for communication.
Larri Fish of Siena College
According to the text type, it is correct to say that Text I
Building Blocks: The First Steps of Creating a Multicultural Classroom
Discovering diversity takes creativity, extra effort, diligence, and courage on the teacher's part. A
multicultural classroom must thrive on these differences and use them as a foundation for growth and
development. Differences command work, resolution, openness, and understanding. Teachers who
address these differences and add them to the curriculum will succeed in creating a multicultural
5 classroom that will advance the educational goals of all students.
(...) Teachers in multicultural classrooms must be open to their students and put forth the effort
needed to get to know their students inside and outside of class. If a teacher is hesitant about being
open, the class will reciprocate and the students will become estranged from one another and the
teacher. In order to be open, teachers must be interested in their students, fearless, willing to try new
10 and different things, sure of themselves in order to avoid taking things personally, and non-
judgmental of his or her students (Canning 196). Also, openness is not making assumptions and being
prepared for the unexpected (Canning 199). (...)Many cultures have many different mores and
folkways. Teachers must be open to what the students are doing and find out why they do what they
do. This openness will create communication in the class, which will ultimately develop into a
15 classroom that is learning, understanding, and culturally fluent.
In addition to openness, teachers must know the learning patterns of the students in their class.
Teachers must understand the learning patterns of the students who grew up in a culture other than
their own. Teachers who open themselves up to cultural difference will effectively handle culture
clash while teachers who assume that student A is rude and student B is dumb will close
20 communication in the classroom and destroy any hope of having a multicultural classroom. The best
way to handle culture clash is to be open, knowledgeable, and not be afraid to talk about the cultural
differences in class no matter what discipline the teacher is teaching (Jones 12). An open teacher will
create an open class and an open class will have open lines of communication that will create a positive
and beneficial learning environment for everyone.
25 (...) Gloria Boutte and Christine McCormick suggest six basic principles for teachers to use when
evaluating their culturally diverse classroom, these are, "1) building multicultural programs, 2)
showing appreciation of differences, 3) avoiding stereotypes, 4) acknowledging differences in
children, 5) discovering the diversity within the classroom, 6) avoiding pseudomulticulturalism"
(140). Showing appreciation of differences is very important because a teacher who does not show
30 appreciation of all the differences in their class will not get the chance to attempt any of the other five
principles. Teachers need to pay attention to their verbal and nonverbal language when he or she
responds to students who speak differently. For example, if a child reads, "Dere go the sto-man", the
teacher should avoid interrupting the student to provide the correct English version. Instead, the
teacher should thank the student for reading and then model the correct English version when she or
35 he speaks. However, the most important thing to remember about all classrooms is the premise that
every child is unique. All children are different and beautiful in their own way, no one student should
feel excluded from the class.
(...) Creating multicultural classrooms is a growing priority for all teachers and administrators. This
includes restructuring classroom evaluation and punishment techniques, but, more importantly, it
40 includes embracing difference and opening up the classroom for communication.
Larri Fish of Siena College
What kind of text type is Text I?
Ao organizar um estudo do meio para seus alunos do 6º ano de uma escola municipal de Alumínio, o professor, em seu plano, deveria inserir as justificativas para essa atividade. Desse modo, fez uso das Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para o Ensino Fundamental de nove anos, que estabelecem, em seu artigo 26, que as escolas devem criar um ambiente propício à aprendizagem, com base
A Lei Federal nº 9.394/96, ao determinar que nos estabelecimentos de ensino fundamental e de ensino médio, públicos e privados, torna-se obrigatório o estudo da história e das culturas afro-brasileira e indígena,
A Lei Federal nº 9.394/96, ao estabelecer as diretrizes e bases para a educação nacional, determina que a educação básica, nos níveis fundamental e médio, se organize de acordo com algumas regras comuns, dentre elas:
As Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais Gerais para a Educação Básica, Resolução CNE/CEB nº 04/10, ao tratarem das formas para a organização curricular, afirmam que o currículo deve possibilitar a produção, a socialização de significados no espaço social e contribuir para a construção de identidades socioculturais dos educandos. Assim, concebem o currículo como
O trabalho docente é uma atividade consciente e sistemática, em cujo centro está a aprendizagem ou o estudo dos alunos sob a direção do professor. Nesse sentido, é necessário que o professor desenvolva seu planejamento como um processo de racionalização, organização e coordenação da ação docente, articulando a atividade escolar e a problemática do contexto social. A respeito do planejamento, é correto afirmar que se trata de
No contexto atual, a inserção no mundo do trabalho e do consumo, o cuidado com o próprio corpo e com a saúde, passando pela educação sexual, e a preservação do meio ambiente são temas que ganham um novo estatuto. Nesse sentido, é papel preponderante da escola propiciar o domínio dos recursos capazes de
O questionamento da segmentação entre os diferentes campos de conhecimento, produzido por uma abordagem que não leva em conta a inter-relação e a influência entre eles e a visão compartimentada da realidade sobre a qual a escola, tal como é conhecida, historicamente se constitui, diz respeito à
A aprendizagem escolar é uma atividade planejada, intencional e dirigida, e não algo casual e espontâneo. Aprendizagem e ensino formam uma unidade, mas não são atividades que se confundem uma com a outra. O que dá unidade ao binômio ensino e aprendizagem, pelo processo de transmissão-assimilação ativa de conhecimento, realizando a tarefa de mediação na relação cognitiva entre o aluno e as matérias de estudo,
Valores e regras são transmitidos pelos professores, pelos livros didáticos, pela organização institucional, pelas formas de avaliação, pelos comportamentos dos próprios alunos, etc. Por essa razão é que a ética deve ser tratada na escola, visto que ela
A concepção de currículo assumida pela escola permite analisar a qualidade pedagógica que nela ocorre, uma vez que fundamenta os conteúdos que o compõem. Acerca do conceito de currículo, é correto afirmar que é
A escola, enquanto instituição social educativa, tem funções distintas de outras instituições que também proporcionam práticas educativas, como a família, o trabalho, a mídia, o lazer, etc. Nesse sentido, é correto afirmar que a função da escola é
Uma escola de qualidade que seja boa para todos e não apenas para a minoria, de modo a ampliar e consolidar a inclusão de todos, constitui os grandes desafios de nosso sistema educacional, diante da democratização do ensino. A verdadeira educação inclusiva na escola implica
O educador Celso Vasconcellos foi convidado a fazer uma palestra sobre o planejamento na escola. Assim, ao iniciar sua fala, projetou na tela: “iremos tratar de um documento que propõe uma direção política e pedagógica para o trabalho escolar, formula metas, prevê as ações, institui procedimentos e instrumentos de ação.”
Face a essa informação, pode-se afirmar corretamente que o educador estava se referindo
O professor é visto como facilitador no processo da busca de conhecimento que deve partir do aluno, cabendo a ele organizar e coordenar as situações de aprendizagem, adequando suas ações às características individuais dos alunos, para desenvolver suas capacidades e habilidades intelectuais. Tais características definem o papel do professor na pedagogia
A escola constitui-se em unidade básica do sistema escolar, ou seja, como ponto de encontro entre as políticas e as diretrizes do sistema educacional. Para que ela tenha um bom funcionamento como instituição e alcance seus objetivos, é necessário planejar, organizar dirigir e avaliar constantemente. Acerca do planejar, é correto afirmar que é
Em uma reunião pedagógica de professores de uma escola da rede municipal de Alumínio, discute-se a respeito do papel da avaliação e de sua importância. Afirma a Coordenação que o professor deve ter em mente a correta função da avaliação, que
Read the text to answer 39 and 40.
One day an Indian gentleman, a snake charmer, arrived in England by plane. He was coming from Bombay with two pieces of luggage. The big of them contained a snake. A man and a little boy was watching him at the customs area. The man said to the little boy “Go and speak to the gentleman”. When the little boy was speaking with the traveller, the thief took the big suitcase and went out quickly. When the victim saw that he cried, “Help me! Help me! A thief!” A police officer was in this corner whistle but it was too late. The thieves escaped with the big suitcase, took their car and went in the traffic. Later they had a big surprise because the suitcase contain a snake.
(ELLIS, Rod. Second Language Acquisition. Oxford University Press. Pag. 15-16.)
The use of “contained” (L 2) and “contain” (L 6) indicates: