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Q1247586 Inglês
Use the following text to answer the question.

   Summertime is the time of year for the sandwich. But just how did this famous food get started? Its history only traces back a few hundred years! 
   It was in 1762, and strangely enough, it involved gambling. The Earl of Sandwich, John Montagu, was playing cards with his friends and was hungry - but didn't want to stop playing. So he asked for his normal meat and cheese to be brought stuck in bread so that he could eat with one hand while playing with the other. 
    His companions thought this was a brilliant idea, being solid gamblers themselves, and immediately began ordering their meals "Sandwich Style". A new craze was begun! The sandwich hit the US in 1827, when Elizabeth Leslie published her cookbook that included a ham sandwich. lt was immediately popular with the population of the states, giving a practical, portable meal for workers and schoolchildren.
     By the 1900s, bakeries started selling presliced bread, so that sandwiches were easy to create. Until that time, consumers would buy solid loaves - or bake their own bread at home. Bread portions were often just torn off the loaf in random shapes. Now, with perfectly sliced pieces of bread, the sandwich had come into its glory.
What is the translation of the phrase "by the 1900s"?
Q1247585 Inglês
Use the following text to answer the question.

   Summertime is the time of year for the sandwich. But just how did this famous food get started? Its history only traces back a few hundred years! 
   It was in 1762, and strangely enough, it involved gambling. The Earl of Sandwich, John Montagu, was playing cards with his friends and was hungry - but didn't want to stop playing. So he asked for his normal meat and cheese to be brought stuck in bread so that he could eat with one hand while playing with the other. 
    His companions thought this was a brilliant idea, being solid gamblers themselves, and immediately began ordering their meals "Sandwich Style". A new craze was begun! The sandwich hit the US in 1827, when Elizabeth Leslie published her cookbook that included a ham sandwich. lt was immediately popular with the population of the states, giving a practical, portable meal for workers and schoolchildren.
     By the 1900s, bakeries started selling presliced bread, so that sandwiches were easy to create. Until that time, consumers would buy solid loaves - or bake their own bread at home. Bread portions were often just torn off the loaf in random shapes. Now, with perfectly sliced pieces of bread, the sandwich had come into its glory.
What does the word “craze” refer to in the last sentence of the third paragraph?
Q1247584 Inglês
Use the following text to answer the question.

   Summertime is the time of year for the sandwich. But just how did this famous food get started? Its history only traces back a few hundred years! 
   It was in 1762, and strangely enough, it involved gambling. The Earl of Sandwich, John Montagu, was playing cards with his friends and was hungry - but didn't want to stop playing. So he asked for his normal meat and cheese to be brought stuck in bread so that he could eat with one hand while playing with the other. 
    His companions thought this was a brilliant idea, being solid gamblers themselves, and immediately began ordering their meals "Sandwich Style". A new craze was begun! The sandwich hit the US in 1827, when Elizabeth Leslie published her cookbook that included a ham sandwich. lt was immediately popular with the population of the states, giving a practical, portable meal for workers and schoolchildren.
     By the 1900s, bakeries started selling presliced bread, so that sandwiches were easy to create. Until that time, consumers would buy solid loaves - or bake their own bread at home. Bread portions were often just torn off the loaf in random shapes. Now, with perfectly sliced pieces of bread, the sandwich had come into its glory.
What does the word “gambling” refer to in the first sentence of the second paragraph?
Q1247583 Inglês
Use the following text to answer the question.

   Summertime is the time of year for the sandwich. But just how did this famous food get started? Its history only traces back a few hundred years! 
   It was in 1762, and strangely enough, it involved gambling. The Earl of Sandwich, John Montagu, was playing cards with his friends and was hungry - but didn't want to stop playing. So he asked for his normal meat and cheese to be brought stuck in bread so that he could eat with one hand while playing with the other. 
    His companions thought this was a brilliant idea, being solid gamblers themselves, and immediately began ordering their meals "Sandwich Style". A new craze was begun! The sandwich hit the US in 1827, when Elizabeth Leslie published her cookbook that included a ham sandwich. lt was immediately popular with the population of the states, giving a practical, portable meal for workers and schoolchildren.
     By the 1900s, bakeries started selling presliced bread, so that sandwiches were easy to create. Until that time, consumers would buy solid loaves - or bake their own bread at home. Bread portions were often just torn off the loaf in random shapes. Now, with perfectly sliced pieces of bread, the sandwich had come into its glory.
How and when did the sandwich become popular in America?
Q1247582 Inglês
Use the following text to answer the question.

   Summertime is the time of year for the sandwich. But just how did this famous food get started? Its history only traces back a few hundred years! 
   It was in 1762, and strangely enough, it involved gambling. The Earl of Sandwich, John Montagu, was playing cards with his friends and was hungry - but didn't want to stop playing. So he asked for his normal meat and cheese to be brought stuck in bread so that he could eat with one hand while playing with the other. 
    His companions thought this was a brilliant idea, being solid gamblers themselves, and immediately began ordering their meals "Sandwich Style". A new craze was begun! The sandwich hit the US in 1827, when Elizabeth Leslie published her cookbook that included a ham sandwich. lt was immediately popular with the population of the states, giving a practical, portable meal for workers and schoolchildren.
     By the 1900s, bakeries started selling presliced bread, so that sandwiches were easy to create. Until that time, consumers would buy solid loaves - or bake their own bread at home. Bread portions were often just torn off the loaf in random shapes. Now, with perfectly sliced pieces of bread, the sandwich had come into its glory.
What kind of ease did the sandwich provide to the players?
Q1247581 Inglês
Use the following text to answer the question.

   Summertime is the time of year for the sandwich. But just how did this famous food get started? Its history only traces back a few hundred years! 
   It was in 1762, and strangely enough, it involved gambling. The Earl of Sandwich, John Montagu, was playing cards with his friends and was hungry - but didn't want to stop playing. So he asked for his normal meat and cheese to be brought stuck in bread so that he could eat with one hand while playing with the other. 
    His companions thought this was a brilliant idea, being solid gamblers themselves, and immediately began ordering their meals "Sandwich Style". A new craze was begun! The sandwich hit the US in 1827, when Elizabeth Leslie published her cookbook that included a ham sandwich. lt was immediately popular with the population of the states, giving a practical, portable meal for workers and schoolchildren.
     By the 1900s, bakeries started selling presliced bread, so that sandwiches were easy to create. Until that time, consumers would buy solid loaves - or bake their own bread at home. Bread portions were often just torn off the loaf in random shapes. Now, with perfectly sliced pieces of bread, the sandwich had come into its glory.
In the phrase “The Earl of Sandwich, John Montagu ...” what meaning can be attributed to Sandwich?
Q1247580 Inglês
Use the following text to answer the question.

   Summertime is the time of year for the sandwich. But just how did this famous food get started? Its history only traces back a few hundred years! 
   It was in 1762, and strangely enough, it involved gambling. The Earl of Sandwich, John Montagu, was playing cards with his friends and was hungry - but didn't want to stop playing. So he asked for his normal meat and cheese to be brought stuck in bread so that he could eat with one hand while playing with the other. 
    His companions thought this was a brilliant idea, being solid gamblers themselves, and immediately began ordering their meals "Sandwich Style". A new craze was begun! The sandwich hit the US in 1827, when Elizabeth Leslie published her cookbook that included a ham sandwich. lt was immediately popular with the population of the states, giving a practical, portable meal for workers and schoolchildren.
     By the 1900s, bakeries started selling presliced bread, so that sandwiches were easy to create. Until that time, consumers would buy solid loaves - or bake their own bread at home. Bread portions were often just torn off the loaf in random shapes. Now, with perfectly sliced pieces of bread, the sandwich had come into its glory.
It’s inferred from the text that the sandwich was invented in which country?
Q1246939 Inglês
Leia as afirmativas a seguir: I. Estão corretas a grafia e a tradução do seguinte trecho, em inglês: where do you keep? (você gosta de legumes?). II. Estão corretas a grafia e a tradução do seguinte trecho, em inglês: to know oneself (conhecer a si mesmo). III. O projeto político-pedagógico da escola não pode ser desenvolvido sem o envolvimento dos profissionais da educação.
Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
Q1246938 Inglês
Leia as afirmativas a seguir: I. A coexistência de instituições públicas e privadas de ensino é uma das bases da educação nacional, permitida nos termos da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases. II. No Brasil, é vedada a coexistência de instituições públicas e privadas de ensino. III. Estão corretas a grafia e a tradução do seguinte trecho, em inglês: to take leave (despedir-se, partir).
Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
Q1246937 Pedagogia
Leia as afirmativas a seguir: I. A vinculação entre a educação escolar, o trabalho e as práticas sociais deve ser estimulada no cotidiano escolar. II. O conselho escolar não pode prescindir dos professores e dos funcionários da instituição de ensino. III. É prejudicial aos objetivos do ensino nas escolas promover a valorização do profissional da educação escolar, dos professores e demais servidores da instituição de ensino.
Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
Q1246936 Inglês
Leia as afirmativas a seguir: I. A assimilação ativa deve evitar a direção e a orientação do professor. II. Estão corretas a grafia e a tradução do seguinte trecho, em inglês: to have im kypimg (guardar, custodiar). III. Estão corretas a grafia e a tradução do seguinte trecho, em inglês: to keep in custody (estudar).
Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
Q1246935 Inglês
Leia as afirmativas a seguir: I. Estão corretas a grafia e a tradução do seguinte trecho, em inglês: to keep quiet (ficar quieto). II. Está correta a grafia do trecho a seguir em inglês: it is like enough (é muito provável).
III. Uma postura tradicional de avaliação inclui discutir resultados e estabelecer uma postura democrática.
Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
Q1246934 Inglês
Leia as afirmativas a seguir: I. Está correta a grafia do trecho a seguir em inglês: maternity leave (licença-maternidade). II. Estão corretas a grafia e a tradução do seguinte trecho, em inglês: ui xall rave rain (teremos chuva). III. Para Libâneo, os estudantes do Ensino Fundamental não devem ter a oportunidade de estudar a Língua Inglesa.
Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
Q1246933 Pedagogia
Leia as afirmativas a seguir: I. Para Libâneo, os estudantes do Ensino Fundamental não devem ter contato com elementos de culturas estrangeiras. II. A valorização do profissional da educação escolar reduz a qualidade da atividade de ensino. III. A administração dos recursos materiais e financeiros da escola é de responsabilidade dos profissionais que atuam na sua gestão.
Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
Q1246932 Inglês
Leia as afirmativas a seguir: I. Estão corretas a grafia e a tradução do seguinte trecho, em inglês: in the rope off (na esperança de). II. É vedada a bolsa de aprendizagem ao adolescente até quatorze anos de idade. III. Estão corretas a grafia e a tradução do seguinte trecho, em inglês: not that I know (não que eu saiba).
Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
Q1246931 Inglês
Leia as afirmativas a seguir: I. Estão corretas a grafia e a tradução do seguinte trecho, em inglês: make it known (torne público). II. O professor democrático obriga-se a tentar convencer seus alunos de suas convicções ideológicas. III. Estão corretas a grafia e a tradução do seguinte trecho, em inglês: to hellp imto (ajudar a entrar).
Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
Q1246930 Inglês
Leia as afirmativas a seguir: I. A criança tem direito à educação, visando ao pleno desenvolvimento de sua pessoa, entre outros aspectos. II. Está correta a grafia do trecho a seguir em inglês: by your leave (com sua licença). III. A valorização da experiência extra-escolar é uma das bases da educação brasileira e deve nortear a atuação das escolas municipais.
Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
Q1246929 Inglês
Leia as afirmativas a seguir: I. Estão corretas a grafia e a tradução do seguinte trecho, em inglês: to keep silence (ficar calado). II. Estão corretas a grafia e a tradução do seguinte trecho, em inglês: you know best (eu gosto de carros rápidos). III. Estão corretas a grafia e a tradução do seguinte trecho, em inglês: to kiss the cup (bebericar).
Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
Q1246928 Pedagogia
Leia as afirmativas a seguir: I. É papel dos docentes estabelecer estratégias de recuperação para os alunos de menor rendimento, respeitadas as normas do sistema de ensino. II. Vygotsky e Wallon defendem o pressuposto de que o desenvolvimento sempre se adianta ao aprendizado. III. O currículo escolar não está ligado, ou mesmo comprometido, com as relações de poder.
Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
Q1246927 Pedagogia
Leia as afirmativas a seguir: I. Os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais não propõem o trabalho com temas transversais. II. Os docentes devem zelar pela aprendizagem dos alunos. III. No Brasil, é vedado à instituição de ensino vincular a educação escolar ao mundo do trabalho.
Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
9781: C
9782: C
9783: B
9784: A
9785: D
9786: B
9787: A
9788: D
9789: D
9790: D
9791: A
9792: D
9793: B
9794: D
9795: D
9796: B
9797: E
9798: D
9799: B
9800: C