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Uma das marcas das reformas educacionais realizadas no país nas últimas décadas foi a de incorporar e pôr em movimento uma agenda de avaliações em larga escala, a partir de uma retórica político-pedagógica de que tais modalidades de avaliação têm o poder de contribuir para:
I. a formulação e a definição mais adequada de políticas e programas educacionais.
II. a alocação mais justa e pertinente de recursos financeiros aos sistemas e unidades escolares.
III. a atribuição de responsabilidades públicas aos gestores dos sistemas de ensino pelos resultados de suas escolas, junto ao Ministério Público.
IV. a competição entre as unidades escolares de modo a valorizar aquelas que obtém os melhores resultados nas avaliações nacionais.
V. fortalecer o papel dos estudantes como protagonistas e responsáveis pelo sucesso ou fracasso de seus pares nas avaliações em larga escala.
Está INCORRETO o que se afirma APENAS em
São princípios da Convenção sobre os Direitos das Pessoas com Deficiência:
I. O respeito à liberdade de fazer as próprias escolhas, e a independência das pessoas.
II. A garantia do acesso a escolas especiais e tratamento diferenciado a todos alunos.
III. A plena inclusão de toda pessoa deficiente em escolas públicas e privadas.
IV. A igualdade entre homens e mulheres.
É correto o que se afirma em
O trabalho não é emprego, não é apenas uma forma histórica do trabalho em sociedade, ele é a atividade fundamental pela qual o ser humano se humaniza, se cria, se expande em conhecimento...
Considerar o trabalho como princípio educativo equivale a dizer que
Na organização curricular encontramos, muitas vezes, uma valorização diferente entre os conhecimentos escolares. Exemplo disso é a prioridade dada à matemática em detrimento da língua estrangeira ou da geografia. Nessa hierarquia se supervalorizam as chamadas disciplinas científicas, secundarizando-se os saberes referentes às artes e ao corpo; silenciam-se as vozes de muitos indivíduos e grupos sociais e classificam-se seus saberes como indignos de entrarem na sala de aula e de serem ensinados e aprendidos.
Em vista disso, é correto afirmar que
A escola atua no aperfeiçoamento da ordem social vigente (o sistema capitalista), articulando-se diretamente com o sistema produtivo; para tanto, emprega a ciência da mudança de comportamento, ou seja, a tecnologia comportamental. Seu interesse imediato é o de produzir indivíduos "competentes" para o mercado de trabalho, transmitindo, eficientemente, informações precisas, objetivas e rápidas.
Numa concepção de educação tecnicista,
A construção de Projetos nas escolas se remete ao planejamento que se tem intenção de fazer, de realizar. É uma forma de antever um futuro diferente do presente. Gadotti (1994, p.579) afirma que “todo projeto supõe rupturas com o presente e promessas para o futuro. Projetar significa tentar quebrar um estado confortável para arriscar-se, atravessar um período de instabilidade e buscar nova estabilidade em função da promessa que cada projeto contém de estado melhor do que o presente. Um projeto educativo pode ser tomado como promessa frente a determinadas rupturas. As promessas tornam visíveis os campos de ação possível, comprometendo seus atores e autores.”
Nessa perspectiva, o Projeto Político-Pedagógico vai além de um simples agrupamento de planos de ensino e de diversas atividades.
Ele é construído e vivenciado em todos os momentos, por todos os envolvidos com o processo educativo da escola.
Diante do exposto, pode-se afirmar que o Projeto Político-Pedagógico é:
Text IV
How to be an Effective EFL Teacher
Over the short history of the ESL/EFL field various methods have been proposed. Each method has in turn fallen out of favor and has been replaced with a new one. Audiolingualism, functionalism, communicative paradigms, and now the fad is "task-based syllabuses." In his critique of the task-based syllabus Sheen (1994:127) points out, "frequent paradigm shifts in the field of second and foreign language teaching have not resulted in significant progress in language learning." Since no method has been proven to be more effective than another, many teachers have jumped on the "eclectic" bandwagon. Common sense would have this as the best available choice since variety is the spice of language.
Text IV
How to be an Effective EFL Teacher
Over the short history of the ESL/EFL field various methods have been proposed. Each method has in turn fallen out of favor and has been replaced with a new one. Audiolingualism, functionalism, communicative paradigms, and now the fad is "task-based syllabuses." In his critique of the task-based syllabus Sheen (1994:127) points out, "frequent paradigm shifts in the field of second and foreign language teaching have not resulted in significant progress in language learning." Since no method has been proven to be more effective than another, many teachers have jumped on the "eclectic" bandwagon. Common sense would have this as the best available choice since variety is the spice of language.
Text IV
How to be an Effective EFL Teacher
Over the short history of the ESL/EFL field various methods have been proposed. Each method has in turn fallen out of favor and has been replaced with a new one. Audiolingualism, functionalism, communicative paradigms, and now the fad is "task-based syllabuses." In his critique of the task-based syllabus Sheen (1994:127) points out, "frequent paradigm shifts in the field of second and foreign language teaching have not resulted in significant progress in language learning." Since no method has been proven to be more effective than another, many teachers have jumped on the "eclectic" bandwagon. Common sense would have this as the best available choice since variety is the spice of language.
Text IV
How to be an Effective EFL Teacher
Over the short history of the ESL/EFL field various methods have been proposed. Each method has in turn fallen out of favor and has been replaced with a new one. Audiolingualism, functionalism, communicative paradigms, and now the fad is "task-based syllabuses." In his critique of the task-based syllabus Sheen (1994:127) points out, "frequent paradigm shifts in the field of second and foreign language teaching have not resulted in significant progress in language learning." Since no method has been proven to be more effective than another, many teachers have jumped on the "eclectic" bandwagon. Common sense would have this as the best available choice since variety is the spice of language.
Text IV
How to be an Effective EFL Teacher
Over the short history of the ESL/EFL field various methods have been proposed. Each method has in turn fallen out of favor and has been replaced with a new one. Audiolingualism, functionalism, communicative paradigms, and now the fad is "task-based syllabuses." In his critique of the task-based syllabus Sheen (1994:127) points out, "frequent paradigm shifts in the field of second and foreign language teaching have not resulted in significant progress in language learning." Since no method has been proven to be more effective than another, many teachers have jumped on the "eclectic" bandwagon. Common sense would have this as the best available choice since variety is the spice of language.
Text IV
How to be an Effective EFL Teacher
Over the short history of the ESL/EFL field various methods have been proposed. Each method has in turn fallen out of favor and has been replaced with a new one. Audiolingualism, functionalism, communicative paradigms, and now the fad is "task-based syllabuses." In his critique of the task-based syllabus Sheen (1994:127) points out, "frequent paradigm shifts in the field of second and foreign language teaching have not resulted in significant progress in language learning." Since no method has been proven to be more effective than another, many teachers have jumped on the "eclectic" bandwagon. Common sense would have this as the best available choice since variety is the spice of language.
Text III
Here are some of the conclusions of a study conducted by The British Council to examine the policy, perceptions and influencing factors of English in Brazil:
[…] Brazil does not have a policy that focuses solely on teaching and learning English. The National Education Guidelines identify English as one of many foreign languages offered to students in primary and secondary education. Various English language learning initiatives have emerged at the federal, state and municipal levels however many English initiatives have limited success due to unbalanced curriculums, limited class time, teachers lacking the linguistic and pedagogical knowledge to effectively guide students, and minimal resources.[…]
Those working in internationalised industries, especially in management roles, do need English for employment though they may use it sparingly. As FDI ("Foreign Direct Investment") and interaction with other countries grow, especially in localised sectors, the demand for English as a medium of communication will increase. Currently, Brazil‘s average level of education and lack of English are perceived by some as detrimental to its economic growth and investment.[…]
Perceptions of English language use are changing. Younger generations are more open to English and link it less to a political agenda and more with personal growth and opportunity. Although there seem to be deeply-rooted ideological barriers at a national level to prioritise English over other languages, at an individual level, the language is gaining increased value and influence.
(Source: British Council Education Intelligence. (2015). English in Brazil: An examination of policy, perceptions and
influencing factors. Retrieved and adapted from