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Q3017528 Pedagogia
De acordo com Haydt (2006), é um procedimento de ensino-aprendizagem individualizante: 
Q3017527 Pedagogia
De acordo com as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais Gerais para a Educação Básica, é o conjunto de valores e práticas que proporcionam a produção, a socialização de significados no espaço social e que contribuem intensamente para a construção de identidades socioculturais dos educandos, deve difundir os valores fundamentais do interesse social, dos direitos e deveres dos cidadãos, do respeito ao bem comum e à ordem democrática, considerando as condições de escolaridade dos estudantes em cada estabelecimento, a orientação para o trabalho, a promoção de práticas educativas formais e não formais. O trecho refere-se ao(à):
Q3017526 Pedagogia
Assinale a alternativa que NÃO corresponde a uma das metas previstas no atual Plano Nacional de Educação (PNE).
Q3017523 Pedagogia
De acordo com o art. 65 da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional, a formação docente, exceto para o(a) _________________, incluirá prática de ensino de, no mínimo, trezentas horas.
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna do trecho acima.
Q2760535 Pedagogia

As Orientações Curriculares para o Ensino Médio (OCEM), no que se refere ao ensino de português, propõem uma “[...] abordagem que envolva ora ações metalinguísticas (de descrição e reflexão sistemática sobre aspectos linguísticos), ora ações epilinguísticas (de reflexão sobre o uso de um dado recurso linguístico, no processo mesmo de enunciação e no interior da prática em que ele se dá), conforme o propósito e a natureza da inverstigação empreendida pelo aluno e dos saberes a serem construídos.” Com base nisso, podemos afirmar.

Q2760508 Pedagogia

Mesmo diante da importância dada à educação no texto constitucional, sendo um direito de todos e dever do Estado e da família, o Estado brasileiro ainda luta para concretizar certas garantias educacionais, mesmo após duas décadas da criação da Constituição Cidadã. Assinale a alternativa que NÃO corresponde expressamente as disposições relativas à Educação trazidas pela Constituição Federal de 1988.

Q2760507 Pedagogia

A remoção e a redistribuição são importantes institutos jurídicos presentes na Lei n.º 8.112/90. Consubstanciados nesses dois instrumentos assinale a alternativa correta:

Q2760503 Pedagogia

Em conformidade com o artigo 16 da Lei n.º 9394/1996, compõem o sistema federal de ensino:

I. Universidades federais;

II. Instituições de educação superior criadas e mantidas pela iniciativa privada;

III. Instituições de educação superior mantidas pelo Poder Público municipal;

IV. Institutos Federais de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia;

V. Escolas de ensino fundamental e médio vinculadas às universidades (colégios de aplicação);

VI. Instituições de educação especial mantidas pela União;

VII. Escolas estaduais de ensino médio;

VIII. As instituições de ensino fundamental e médio criadas e mantidas pela iniciativa privada.

Marque a alternativa que contempla todas as instituições do sistema federal de ensino anteriormente mencionadas, e não relacione instituição dos sistemas de ensino estadual ou municipal.

Q2760502 Pedagogia

“No paradigma da inclusão, talvez um dos maiores problemas enfrentados no contexto brasileiro seja a escassez de recursos e serviços que assegurem condições de acessibilidade às pessoas com necessidades educacionais especiais” (MEC, 2007). Nesse contexto, não pode ser considerada uma ação de inclusão:

Q2743709 Inglês

Read the excerpt below and answer the questions 34 to 40.

  1. The transfer of Alaska from Russia to the United States formed one of those unbelievable incidents of
  2. history because by 1867, Russia was nervously eager to get rid of it, while the United States still
  3. recovering from the Civil War and immersed in the impending impeachment of President Johnson,
  4. refused to accept it on any terms.
  5. At this impasse an extraordinary man monopolized center stage. He was not a Russian, a fact which
  6. would become important more than a century later, but a soi-disant baron of dubious background; half
  7. Austrian, half Italian, and a charmer who was picked up in 1841 for temporary duty representing Russia in
  8. the United States and who lingered there till 1868. In that time, Edouard de Stoeckl, parading himself as a
  9. nobleman, although no one could say for sure how or when or even if he had earned his title, became
  10. such an ardent friend of America that he married an American heiress and took upon himself the task of
  11. acting as marriage broker between Russia, which he called homeland, and the United States, his adopted
  12. residence.
  13. He faced a most difficult task, for when the United States showed hesitancy about accepting Alaska,
  14. support for the sale withered in Russia, and later when Russia wanted to sell, half a dozen of the most
  15. influential American politicians led by Secretary of State William Seward of New York looked far into the
  16. future and saw the desirability of acquiring Alaska to serve as America's artic bastion, yet the hard-
  17. headed businessmen in the Senate, the House and the general public opposed the purchase with all the
  18. scorn they could summon. 'Seward's Icebox' and 'Seward's Folly' were two of the gentler jibes. Some
  19. critics accused Seward of being in the pay of the Russians; others accused De Stoeckl of buying votes in
  20. the House. One sharp satirist claimed that Alaska contained nothing but polar bears and Eskimos, and
  21. many protested that America should not accept this useless, frozen domain even if Russia wanted to give
  22. it away.
  23. Many pointed out that Alaska had no wealth of any kind, not even reindeer, which proliferated in other
  24. northern areas, and experts affirmed that an arctic area like this could not possibly have any minerals or
  25. other deposits of value. On and on went the abuse of this unknown and somewhat terrifying land, and the
  26. castigations would have been comical had they not influenced American thinking and behavior and
  27. condemned Alaska to decades of neglect.
  28. But an ingenious man like Baron de Stoeckl was not easily diverted from his main target, and with
  29. Seward's unflinching support and admirable statesmanship, the sale squeaked by with a favorable margin
  30. of one vote. By such a narrow margin did the United States come close to losing one of her potentially
  31. valuable acquisitions, but of course, had one viewed Alaska from the vantage point of frozen Fort Nulato
  32. in 1867, with the thermometer at minus-fifty-seven and about to be attacked by hostile Athapascans, the
  33. purchase at more than $7,000,000 would have seemed a poor bargain.
  34. Now the comedy intensified, became burlesque, for although the U.S Senate had bought the place,
  35. the U.S. House refused to appropriate the money to pay for it, and for many tense months the sale hung
  36. in the balance. When a favorable vote was finally taken, it was almost negated by the discovery that
  37. Baron de Stoeckl had disposed of $125,000 in cash for which he refused to give an accounting. Widely
  38. suspected of having bribed congressmen to vote for land that was obviously worthless, the baron waited
  39. until the sale was completed, then quietly slipped out of the country, his life's ambition having been
  40. achieved.
  41. One congressman with a keen sense of history, economics and geopolitics said of the whole affair:
  42. 'If we were so eager to show Russia our appreciation of the help she gave us during the Civil War, why
  43. didn't we give her the seven million and tell her to keep her damned colony? It'll never be of any use to
  44. us.'

Excerpt from: MICHENER, James A. Alaska. Fawcett Books: New York, 1988, p. 369 - 370.

Consider the statements below:

I. The verbs 'claimed' (line 20), 'pointed out' (line 23), and 'affirmed' (line 24) are verbs of saying;

II. The sentence 'Alaska contained nothing' (line 20) can be rewritten as 'Alaska did not contain anything';

III. The sentence 'Baron de Stoeckl had disposed of $125,000 in cash' (lines 37) means that the Baron won that sum of money only after the negotiations were finished.

Q2743708 Inglês

Read the excerpt below and answer the questions 34 to 40.

  1. The transfer of Alaska from Russia to the United States formed one of those unbelievable incidents of
  2. history because by 1867, Russia was nervously eager to get rid of it, while the United States still
  3. recovering from the Civil War and immersed in the impending impeachment of President Johnson,
  4. refused to accept it on any terms.
  5. At this impasse an extraordinary man monopolized center stage. He was not a Russian, a fact which
  6. would become important more than a century later, but a soi-disant baron of dubious background; half
  7. Austrian, half Italian, and a charmer who was picked up in 1841 for temporary duty representing Russia in
  8. the United States and who lingered there till 1868. In that time, Edouard de Stoeckl, parading himself as a
  9. nobleman, although no one could say for sure how or when or even if he had earned his title, became
  10. such an ardent friend of America that he married an American heiress and took upon himself the task of
  11. acting as marriage broker between Russia, which he called homeland, and the United States, his adopted
  12. residence.
  13. He faced a most difficult task, for when the United States showed hesitancy about accepting Alaska,
  14. support for the sale withered in Russia, and later when Russia wanted to sell, half a dozen of the most
  15. influential American politicians led by Secretary of State William Seward of New York looked far into the
  16. future and saw the desirability of acquiring Alaska to serve as America's artic bastion, yet the hard-
  17. headed businessmen in the Senate, the House and the general public opposed the purchase with all the
  18. scorn they could summon. 'Seward's Icebox' and 'Seward's Folly' were two of the gentler jibes. Some
  19. critics accused Seward of being in the pay of the Russians; others accused De Stoeckl of buying votes in
  20. the House. One sharp satirist claimed that Alaska contained nothing but polar bears and Eskimos, and
  21. many protested that America should not accept this useless, frozen domain even if Russia wanted to give
  22. it away.
  23. Many pointed out that Alaska had no wealth of any kind, not even reindeer, which proliferated in other
  24. northern areas, and experts affirmed that an arctic area like this could not possibly have any minerals or
  25. other deposits of value. On and on went the abuse of this unknown and somewhat terrifying land, and the
  26. castigations would have been comical had they not influenced American thinking and behavior and
  27. condemned Alaska to decades of neglect.
  28. But an ingenious man like Baron de Stoeckl was not easily diverted from his main target, and with
  29. Seward's unflinching support and admirable statesmanship, the sale squeaked by with a favorable margin
  30. of one vote. By such a narrow margin did the United States come close to losing one of her potentially
  31. valuable acquisitions, but of course, had one viewed Alaska from the vantage point of frozen Fort Nulato
  32. in 1867, with the thermometer at minus-fifty-seven and about to be attacked by hostile Athapascans, the
  33. purchase at more than $7,000,000 would have seemed a poor bargain.
  34. Now the comedy intensified, became burlesque, for although the U.S Senate had bought the place,
  35. the U.S. House refused to appropriate the money to pay for it, and for many tense months the sale hung
  36. in the balance. When a favorable vote was finally taken, it was almost negated by the discovery that
  37. Baron de Stoeckl had disposed of $125,000 in cash for which he refused to give an accounting. Widely
  38. suspected of having bribed congressmen to vote for land that was obviously worthless, the baron waited
  39. until the sale was completed, then quietly slipped out of the country, his life's ambition having been
  40. achieved.
  41. One congressman with a keen sense of history, economics and geopolitics said of the whole affair:
  42. 'If we were so eager to show Russia our appreciation of the help she gave us during the Civil War, why
  43. didn't we give her the seven million and tell her to keep her damned colony? It'll never be of any use to
  44. us.'

Excerpt from: MICHENER, James A. Alaska. Fawcett Books: New York, 1988, p. 369 - 370.

The word 'pay' may be both a noun, as in 'the pay' (line 19) and a verb, as in 'to pay' (line 35) without having to change its spelling. The same may occur to all the words bellow, EXCEPT for:

Q2743707 Inglês

Read the excerpt below and answer the questions 34 to 40.

  1. The transfer of Alaska from Russia to the United States formed one of those unbelievable incidents of
  2. history because by 1867, Russia was nervously eager to get rid of it, while the United States still
  3. recovering from the Civil War and immersed in the impending impeachment of President Johnson,
  4. refused to accept it on any terms.
  5. At this impasse an extraordinary man monopolized center stage. He was not a Russian, a fact which
  6. would become important more than a century later, but a soi-disant baron of dubious background; half
  7. Austrian, half Italian, and a charmer who was picked up in 1841 for temporary duty representing Russia in
  8. the United States and who lingered there till 1868. In that time, Edouard de Stoeckl, parading himself as a
  9. nobleman, although no one could say for sure how or when or even if he had earned his title, became
  10. such an ardent friend of America that he married an American heiress and took upon himself the task of
  11. acting as marriage broker between Russia, which he called homeland, and the United States, his adopted
  12. residence.
  13. He faced a most difficult task, for when the United States showed hesitancy about accepting Alaska,
  14. support for the sale withered in Russia, and later when Russia wanted to sell, half a dozen of the most
  15. influential American politicians led by Secretary of State William Seward of New York looked far into the
  16. future and saw the desirability of acquiring Alaska to serve as America's artic bastion, yet the hard-
  17. headed businessmen in the Senate, the House and the general public opposed the purchase with all the
  18. scorn they could summon. 'Seward's Icebox' and 'Seward's Folly' were two of the gentler jibes. Some
  19. critics accused Seward of being in the pay of the Russians; others accused De Stoeckl of buying votes in
  20. the House. One sharp satirist claimed that Alaska contained nothing but polar bears and Eskimos, and
  21. many protested that America should not accept this useless, frozen domain even if Russia wanted to give
  22. it away.
  23. Many pointed out that Alaska had no wealth of any kind, not even reindeer, which proliferated in other
  24. northern areas, and experts affirmed that an arctic area like this could not possibly have any minerals or
  25. other deposits of value. On and on went the abuse of this unknown and somewhat terrifying land, and the
  26. castigations would have been comical had they not influenced American thinking and behavior and
  27. condemned Alaska to decades of neglect.
  28. But an ingenious man like Baron de Stoeckl was not easily diverted from his main target, and with
  29. Seward's unflinching support and admirable statesmanship, the sale squeaked by with a favorable margin
  30. of one vote. By such a narrow margin did the United States come close to losing one of her potentially
  31. valuable acquisitions, but of course, had one viewed Alaska from the vantage point of frozen Fort Nulato
  32. in 1867, with the thermometer at minus-fifty-seven and about to be attacked by hostile Athapascans, the
  33. purchase at more than $7,000,000 would have seemed a poor bargain.
  34. Now the comedy intensified, became burlesque, for although the U.S Senate had bought the place,
  35. the U.S. House refused to appropriate the money to pay for it, and for many tense months the sale hung
  36. in the balance. When a favorable vote was finally taken, it was almost negated by the discovery that
  37. Baron de Stoeckl had disposed of $125,000 in cash for which he refused to give an accounting. Widely
  38. suspected of having bribed congressmen to vote for land that was obviously worthless, the baron waited
  39. until the sale was completed, then quietly slipped out of the country, his life's ambition having been
  40. achieved.
  41. One congressman with a keen sense of history, economics and geopolitics said of the whole affair:
  42. 'If we were so eager to show Russia our appreciation of the help she gave us during the Civil War, why
  43. didn't we give her the seven million and tell her to keep her damned colony? It'll never be of any use to
  44. us.'

Excerpt from: MICHENER, James A. Alaska. Fawcett Books: New York, 1988, p. 369 - 370.

The clauses 'the castigations would have been comical' and 'had they not influenced American thinking...' present the same grammatical relation as in:

Q2743706 Inglês

Read the excerpt below and answer the questions 34 to 40.

  1. The transfer of Alaska from Russia to the United States formed one of those unbelievable incidents of
  2. history because by 1867, Russia was nervously eager to get rid of it, while the United States still
  3. recovering from the Civil War and immersed in the impending impeachment of President Johnson,
  4. refused to accept it on any terms.
  5. At this impasse an extraordinary man monopolized center stage. He was not a Russian, a fact which
  6. would become important more than a century later, but a soi-disant baron of dubious background; half
  7. Austrian, half Italian, and a charmer who was picked up in 1841 for temporary duty representing Russia in
  8. the United States and who lingered there till 1868. In that time, Edouard de Stoeckl, parading himself as a
  9. nobleman, although no one could say for sure how or when or even if he had earned his title, became
  10. such an ardent friend of America that he married an American heiress and took upon himself the task of
  11. acting as marriage broker between Russia, which he called homeland, and the United States, his adopted
  12. residence.
  13. He faced a most difficult task, for when the United States showed hesitancy about accepting Alaska,
  14. support for the sale withered in Russia, and later when Russia wanted to sell, half a dozen of the most
  15. influential American politicians led by Secretary of State William Seward of New York looked far into the
  16. future and saw the desirability of acquiring Alaska to serve as America's artic bastion, yet the hard-
  17. headed businessmen in the Senate, the House and the general public opposed the purchase with all the
  18. scorn they could summon. 'Seward's Icebox' and 'Seward's Folly' were two of the gentler jibes. Some
  19. critics accused Seward of being in the pay of the Russians; others accused De Stoeckl of buying votes in
  20. the House. One sharp satirist claimed that Alaska contained nothing but polar bears and Eskimos, and
  21. many protested that America should not accept this useless, frozen domain even if Russia wanted to give
  22. it away.
  23. Many pointed out that Alaska had no wealth of any kind, not even reindeer, which proliferated in other
  24. northern areas, and experts affirmed that an arctic area like this could not possibly have any minerals or
  25. other deposits of value. On and on went the abuse of this unknown and somewhat terrifying land, and the
  26. castigations would have been comical had they not influenced American thinking and behavior and
  27. condemned Alaska to decades of neglect.
  28. But an ingenious man like Baron de Stoeckl was not easily diverted from his main target, and with
  29. Seward's unflinching support and admirable statesmanship, the sale squeaked by with a favorable margin
  30. of one vote. By such a narrow margin did the United States come close to losing one of her potentially
  31. valuable acquisitions, but of course, had one viewed Alaska from the vantage point of frozen Fort Nulato
  32. in 1867, with the thermometer at minus-fifty-seven and about to be attacked by hostile Athapascans, the
  33. purchase at more than $7,000,000 would have seemed a poor bargain.
  34. Now the comedy intensified, became burlesque, for although the U.S Senate had bought the place,
  35. the U.S. House refused to appropriate the money to pay for it, and for many tense months the sale hung
  36. in the balance. When a favorable vote was finally taken, it was almost negated by the discovery that
  37. Baron de Stoeckl had disposed of $125,000 in cash for which he refused to give an accounting. Widely
  38. suspected of having bribed congressmen to vote for land that was obviously worthless, the baron waited
  39. until the sale was completed, then quietly slipped out of the country, his life's ambition having been
  40. achieved.
  41. One congressman with a keen sense of history, economics and geopolitics said of the whole affair:
  42. 'If we were so eager to show Russia our appreciation of the help she gave us during the Civil War, why
  43. didn't we give her the seven million and tell her to keep her damned colony? It'll never be of any use to
  44. us.'

Excerpt from: MICHENER, James A. Alaska. Fawcett Books: New York, 1988, p. 369 - 370.

The sequence 'was not easily diverted' (line 28) presents the same passive voice structure in all of the following, EXCEPT for:

Q2743705 Inglês

Read the excerpt below and answer the questions 34 to 40.

  1. The transfer of Alaska from Russia to the United States formed one of those unbelievable incidents of
  2. history because by 1867, Russia was nervously eager to get rid of it, while the United States still
  3. recovering from the Civil War and immersed in the impending impeachment of President Johnson,
  4. refused to accept it on any terms.
  5. At this impasse an extraordinary man monopolized center stage. He was not a Russian, a fact which
  6. would become important more than a century later, but a soi-disant baron of dubious background; half
  7. Austrian, half Italian, and a charmer who was picked up in 1841 for temporary duty representing Russia in
  8. the United States and who lingered there till 1868. In that time, Edouard de Stoeckl, parading himself as a
  9. nobleman, although no one could say for sure how or when or even if he had earned his title, became
  10. such an ardent friend of America that he married an American heiress and took upon himself the task of
  11. acting as marriage broker between Russia, which he called homeland, and the United States, his adopted
  12. residence.
  13. He faced a most difficult task, for when the United States showed hesitancy about accepting Alaska,
  14. support for the sale withered in Russia, and later when Russia wanted to sell, half a dozen of the most
  15. influential American politicians led by Secretary of State William Seward of New York looked far into the
  16. future and saw the desirability of acquiring Alaska to serve as America's artic bastion, yet the hard-
  17. headed businessmen in the Senate, the House and the general public opposed the purchase with all the
  18. scorn they could summon. 'Seward's Icebox' and 'Seward's Folly' were two of the gentler jibes. Some
  19. critics accused Seward of being in the pay of the Russians; others accused De Stoeckl of buying votes in
  20. the House. One sharp satirist claimed that Alaska contained nothing but polar bears and Eskimos, and
  21. many protested that America should not accept this useless, frozen domain even if Russia wanted to give
  22. it away.
  23. Many pointed out that Alaska had no wealth of any kind, not even reindeer, which proliferated in other
  24. northern areas, and experts affirmed that an arctic area like this could not possibly have any minerals or
  25. other deposits of value. On and on went the abuse of this unknown and somewhat terrifying land, and the
  26. castigations would have been comical had they not influenced American thinking and behavior and
  27. condemned Alaska to decades of neglect.
  28. But an ingenious man like Baron de Stoeckl was not easily diverted from his main target, and with
  29. Seward's unflinching support and admirable statesmanship, the sale squeaked by with a favorable margin
  30. of one vote. By such a narrow margin did the United States come close to losing one of her potentially
  31. valuable acquisitions, but of course, had one viewed Alaska from the vantage point of frozen Fort Nulato
  32. in 1867, with the thermometer at minus-fifty-seven and about to be attacked by hostile Athapascans, the
  33. purchase at more than $7,000,000 would have seemed a poor bargain.
  34. Now the comedy intensified, became burlesque, for although the U.S Senate had bought the place,
  35. the U.S. House refused to appropriate the money to pay for it, and for many tense months the sale hung
  36. in the balance. When a favorable vote was finally taken, it was almost negated by the discovery that
  37. Baron de Stoeckl had disposed of $125,000 in cash for which he refused to give an accounting. Widely
  38. suspected of having bribed congressmen to vote for land that was obviously worthless, the baron waited
  39. until the sale was completed, then quietly slipped out of the country, his life's ambition having been
  40. achieved.
  41. One congressman with a keen sense of history, economics and geopolitics said of the whole affair:
  42. 'If we were so eager to show Russia our appreciation of the help she gave us during the Civil War, why
  43. didn't we give her the seven million and tell her to keep her damned colony? It'll never be of any use to
  44. us.'

Excerpt from: MICHENER, James A. Alaska. Fawcett Books: New York, 1988, p. 369 - 370.

The feature voiceless for the 'th' sound in the word 'worthless' (line 38), considering their ideal phonological pronunciation, is the same as in the following pair of words:

Q2743704 Inglês

Read the excerpt below and answer the questions 34 to 40.

  1. The transfer of Alaska from Russia to the United States formed one of those unbelievable incidents of
  2. history because by 1867, Russia was nervously eager to get rid of it, while the United States still
  3. recovering from the Civil War and immersed in the impending impeachment of President Johnson,
  4. refused to accept it on any terms.
  5. At this impasse an extraordinary man monopolized center stage. He was not a Russian, a fact which
  6. would become important more than a century later, but a soi-disant baron of dubious background; half
  7. Austrian, half Italian, and a charmer who was picked up in 1841 for temporary duty representing Russia in
  8. the United States and who lingered there till 1868. In that time, Edouard de Stoeckl, parading himself as a
  9. nobleman, although no one could say for sure how or when or even if he had earned his title, became
  10. such an ardent friend of America that he married an American heiress and took upon himself the task of
  11. acting as marriage broker between Russia, which he called homeland, and the United States, his adopted
  12. residence.
  13. He faced a most difficult task, for when the United States showed hesitancy about accepting Alaska,
  14. support for the sale withered in Russia, and later when Russia wanted to sell, half a dozen of the most
  15. influential American politicians led by Secretary of State William Seward of New York looked far into the
  16. future and saw the desirability of acquiring Alaska to serve as America's artic bastion, yet the hard-
  17. headed businessmen in the Senate, the House and the general public opposed the purchase with all the
  18. scorn they could summon. 'Seward's Icebox' and 'Seward's Folly' were two of the gentler jibes. Some
  19. critics accused Seward of being in the pay of the Russians; others accused De Stoeckl of buying votes in
  20. the House. One sharp satirist claimed that Alaska contained nothing but polar bears and Eskimos, and
  21. many protested that America should not accept this useless, frozen domain even if Russia wanted to give
  22. it away.
  23. Many pointed out that Alaska had no wealth of any kind, not even reindeer, which proliferated in other
  24. northern areas, and experts affirmed that an arctic area like this could not possibly have any minerals or
  25. other deposits of value. On and on went the abuse of this unknown and somewhat terrifying land, and the
  26. castigations would have been comical had they not influenced American thinking and behavior and
  27. condemned Alaska to decades of neglect.
  28. But an ingenious man like Baron de Stoeckl was not easily diverted from his main target, and with
  29. Seward's unflinching support and admirable statesmanship, the sale squeaked by with a favorable margin
  30. of one vote. By such a narrow margin did the United States come close to losing one of her potentially
  31. valuable acquisitions, but of course, had one viewed Alaska from the vantage point of frozen Fort Nulato
  32. in 1867, with the thermometer at minus-fifty-seven and about to be attacked by hostile Athapascans, the
  33. purchase at more than $7,000,000 would have seemed a poor bargain.
  34. Now the comedy intensified, became burlesque, for although the U.S Senate had bought the place,
  35. the U.S. House refused to appropriate the money to pay for it, and for many tense months the sale hung
  36. in the balance. When a favorable vote was finally taken, it was almost negated by the discovery that
  37. Baron de Stoeckl had disposed of $125,000 in cash for which he refused to give an accounting. Widely
  38. suspected of having bribed congressmen to vote for land that was obviously worthless, the baron waited
  39. until the sale was completed, then quietly slipped out of the country, his life's ambition having been
  40. achieved.
  41. One congressman with a keen sense of history, economics and geopolitics said of the whole affair:
  42. 'If we were so eager to show Russia our appreciation of the help she gave us during the Civil War, why
  43. didn't we give her the seven million and tell her to keep her damned colony? It'll never be of any use to
  44. us.'

Excerpt from: MICHENER, James A. Alaska. Fawcett Books: New York, 1988, p. 369 - 370.

The sentence 'But an ingenious man like Baron de Stoeckl was not easily diverted from his main target' (line 28) could be paraphrased only by the following sentence:

Q2743703 Inglês

Read the excerpt below and answer the questions 34 to 40.

  1. The transfer of Alaska from Russia to the United States formed one of those unbelievable incidents of
  2. history because by 1867, Russia was nervously eager to get rid of it, while the United States still
  3. recovering from the Civil War and immersed in the impending impeachment of President Johnson,
  4. refused to accept it on any terms.
  5. At this impasse an extraordinary man monopolized center stage. He was not a Russian, a fact which
  6. would become important more than a century later, but a soi-disant baron of dubious background; half
  7. Austrian, half Italian, and a charmer who was picked up in 1841 for temporary duty representing Russia in
  8. the United States and who lingered there till 1868. In that time, Edouard de Stoeckl, parading himself as a
  9. nobleman, although no one could say for sure how or when or even if he had earned his title, became
  10. such an ardent friend of America that he married an American heiress and took upon himself the task of
  11. acting as marriage broker between Russia, which he called homeland, and the United States, his adopted
  12. residence.
  13. He faced a most difficult task, for when the United States showed hesitancy about accepting Alaska,
  14. support for the sale withered in Russia, and later when Russia wanted to sell, half a dozen of the most
  15. influential American politicians led by Secretary of State William Seward of New York looked far into the
  16. future and saw the desirability of acquiring Alaska to serve as America's artic bastion, yet the hard-
  17. headed businessmen in the Senate, the House and the general public opposed the purchase with all the
  18. scorn they could summon. 'Seward's Icebox' and 'Seward's Folly' were two of the gentler jibes. Some
  19. critics accused Seward of being in the pay of the Russians; others accused De Stoeckl of buying votes in
  20. the House. One sharp satirist claimed that Alaska contained nothing but polar bears and Eskimos, and
  21. many protested that America should not accept this useless, frozen domain even if Russia wanted to give
  22. it away.
  23. Many pointed out that Alaska had no wealth of any kind, not even reindeer, which proliferated in other
  24. northern areas, and experts affirmed that an arctic area like this could not possibly have any minerals or
  25. other deposits of value. On and on went the abuse of this unknown and somewhat terrifying land, and the
  26. castigations would have been comical had they not influenced American thinking and behavior and
  27. condemned Alaska to decades of neglect.
  28. But an ingenious man like Baron de Stoeckl was not easily diverted from his main target, and with
  29. Seward's unflinching support and admirable statesmanship, the sale squeaked by with a favorable margin
  30. of one vote. By such a narrow margin did the United States come close to losing one of her potentially
  31. valuable acquisitions, but of course, had one viewed Alaska from the vantage point of frozen Fort Nulato
  32. in 1867, with the thermometer at minus-fifty-seven and about to be attacked by hostile Athapascans, the
  33. purchase at more than $7,000,000 would have seemed a poor bargain.
  34. Now the comedy intensified, became burlesque, for although the U.S Senate had bought the place,
  35. the U.S. House refused to appropriate the money to pay for it, and for many tense months the sale hung
  36. in the balance. When a favorable vote was finally taken, it was almost negated by the discovery that
  37. Baron de Stoeckl had disposed of $125,000 in cash for which he refused to give an accounting. Widely
  38. suspected of having bribed congressmen to vote for land that was obviously worthless, the baron waited
  39. until the sale was completed, then quietly slipped out of the country, his life's ambition having been
  40. achieved.
  41. One congressman with a keen sense of history, economics and geopolitics said of the whole affair:
  42. 'If we were so eager to show Russia our appreciation of the help she gave us during the Civil War, why
  43. didn't we give her the seven million and tell her to keep her damned colony? It'll never be of any use to
  44. us.'

Excerpt from: MICHENER, James A. Alaska. Fawcett Books: New York, 1988, p. 369 - 370.

Considering the whole excerpt, it is possible to say that:

I. the author depicts the historical facts, but shows his opinion by using irony;

II. the author describes the process by which the USA bought the Alaska territory, which belonged to Russia.

III. the statements ‘One sharp satirist' (line 20) and 'One congressman' (line 41) express the author’s own opinions and the ideas of historical characters whose names were not worth mentioning respectively.

Q2743702 Inglês

According to Brown (2001, p.54), “it is appropriate [...] to focus on what we do know, what we have learned, and what we can say with some certainty about second language acquisition. We can then clearly see that a great many of a teacher’s choices are grounded in established principles of language learning and teaching. By perceiving and internalizing connections between practice (choices we make in the classroom) and theory (principles derived from research), our teaching is likely to be enlightened”.

The author divided twelve principles into three categories: cognitive, affective and linguistic.

Choose the alternative in which ALL the principles correspond to the given category

Q2743701 Inglês

“During the last quarter of the nineteenth century, a revolution took place that affected much of the language teaching used in the twentieth century. The revolt was primarily against the stultifying methods of grammatical explanation and translation of texts which were then popular [...]. In its place, the pioneers of the new language teaching [...] emphasized [...] the naturalness of language learning” (COOK, 2013, p.3).

This new proposal generated some common assumptions that have been considered questionable in the past recent years.

Choose the alternative that DOES NOT correspond to any of these assumptions:

Q2743700 Inglês

“Since the 1990s, research and theories from cognitive psychology have become increasingly central to our understanding of second language development. Some of these theories use the computer as a metaphor for the mind, comparing language acquisition to the capacities of computers for storing, integrating, and retrieving information. Some draw on neurobiology, seeking to relate observed behaviour as directly as possible to brain activity” (LIGHTBOWN; SPADA, 2013, p.108).

The current cognitive perspectives related to second language development are: Information Processing, Usage-based learning and The competition model. Correlate these perspectives with their main propositions:

1. Information Processing

2. Usage-based learning

3. The competition model.

A. This perspective sees second language acquisition as the building up of knowledge that can eventually be called on automatically for speaking and understanding. It has suggested that learners must pay attention (use cognitive resources) at first to any aspect of the language that they are trying to learn or produce. The model also suggests that there is a limit to how much information a learner can pay attention to.

B. This perspective emphasizes the frequency with which the learners encounter specific features in the input and the frequency with which language features occur together. According to this view learners develop a stronger and stronger network of associations or connections between these features as well as between language features and the contexts in which they occur.

C. This perspective is based on the hypothesis that language acquisition occurs without the necessity of a learner's focused attention or the need for any innate brain module that is specifically for language; it can be described as an explanation for language acquisition that takes into account not only language form but also language meaning and language use.

Choose the alternative which CORRECTLY correlates these perspectives with their main propositions:

Q2743699 Inglês

“Since computers started to be introduced in language learning (and in education in general) people have rightly asked whether the investment we are making in these technologies gives us value for money. As digital technologies have taken a hold in society in general, this particular question is not asked quite so often, but it is still important to make sure that the technologies that we have available are used effectively” (MOTTERAM, 2013, p. 7).

According to the latest research on the use of technology for second language learning and teaching, it is INCORRECT to state that:

21: C
22: A
23: D
24: C
25: B
26: C
27: B
28: D
29: B
30: D
31: C
32: B
33: E
34: A
35: D
36: A
37: C
38: E
39: B
40: D