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Q2003604 Inglês

Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology

The Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology (JOMT) is a multidisciplinary journal focused on clinical and scientific aspects of occupational and environmental health. The field is devoted to the diagnosis, prevention, management and scientific analysis of occupational diseases, injuries and disability. It also covers the promotion of health of workers, their families, and communities, and ranges from rehabilitation to tropical medicine and public health aspects.

As an open access, peer-reviewed journal, JOMT offers a platform for both clinicians and researchers in the wide-ranging discipline of occupational medicine and toxicology.

All articles published by Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication, without subscription charges or registration barriers.

As authors of articles published in Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology you are the copyright holders of your article and have granted to any third party, in advance and in perpetuity, the right to use, reproduce or disseminate your article, according to the BioMed Central license agreement. For those of you who are US government employees or are prevented from being copyright holders for similar reasons, BioMed Central can accommodate non-standard copyright lines. Please contact us if further information is needed.

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Which of the sentences below is CORRECT, according to the text?
Q2003603 Inglês


What does an occupational and environmental physician do?
As highly trained specialists, OEM physicians and other health professionals enhance the health of workers through preventive medicine, clinical care, disability management, research, and education. OEM professionals have expertise in determining the ability of employees to perform work; the arrangements of work, the physical, chemical, biological, and social environments of the workplace, and the health outcomes of environmental exposures.
They recognize that work and the environment in which it is performed can have favorable or adverse effects upon the health of workers as well as of other populations; that the nature of work can be arranged to protect worker health; and that health and well-being at the workplace are promoted when workers’ physical attributes or limitations are accommodated in job placement.
They are skilled at using the tools of preventive medicine ______ improve the health of workers and their families, and they are trained in the complex Returnto-Work process, an advanced system of health monitoring that optimizes the time in which ill or injured workers can safely return to work. The occupational and environmental physician must communicate with and inspire confidence in people on all levels.
Perhaps most importantly, occupational health professionals occupy a critical position at the center of virtually all health-related transactional activities in the workplace. They are connected to all of the other parts of this complex infrastructure—senior management, benefits and human resources, legal, worker’s compensation, government regulatory agencies, labor and unions, hospitals and public health organizations. They are a fulcrum of workplace health—understanding the needs and challenges of each of these diverse groups. They provide a unique bridge between the clinical/scientific medical community and the businessbased employer community.

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“What is the main function of occupational health professions?
Q2003602 Inglês


What does an occupational and environmental physician do?
As highly trained specialists, OEM physicians and other health professionals enhance the health of workers through preventive medicine, clinical care, disability management, research, and education. OEM professionals have expertise in determining the ability of employees to perform work; the arrangements of work, the physical, chemical, biological, and social environments of the workplace, and the health outcomes of environmental exposures.
They recognize that work and the environment in which it is performed can have favorable or adverse effects upon the health of workers as well as of other populations; that the nature of work can be arranged to protect worker health; and that health and well-being at the workplace are promoted when workers’ physical attributes or limitations are accommodated in job placement.
They are skilled at using the tools of preventive medicine ______ improve the health of workers and their families, and they are trained in the complex Returnto-Work process, an advanced system of health monitoring that optimizes the time in which ill or injured workers can safely return to work. The occupational and environmental physician must communicate with and inspire confidence in people on all levels.
Perhaps most importantly, occupational health professionals occupy a critical position at the center of virtually all health-related transactional activities in the workplace. They are connected to all of the other parts of this complex infrastructure—senior management, benefits and human resources, legal, worker’s compensation, government regulatory agencies, labor and unions, hospitals and public health organizations. They are a fulcrum of workplace health—understanding the needs and challenges of each of these diverse groups. They provide a unique bridge between the clinical/scientific medical community and the businessbased employer community.

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The use of the modal verb must in “The occupational and environmental physician must communicate with and inspire confidence in people on all levels” conveys an idea of
Q2003601 Inglês


What does an occupational and environmental physician do?
As highly trained specialists, OEM physicians and other health professionals enhance the health of workers through preventive medicine, clinical care, disability management, research, and education. OEM professionals have expertise in determining the ability of employees to perform work; the arrangements of work, the physical, chemical, biological, and social environments of the workplace, and the health outcomes of environmental exposures.
They recognize that work and the environment in which it is performed can have favorable or adverse effects upon the health of workers as well as of other populations; that the nature of work can be arranged to protect worker health; and that health and well-being at the workplace are promoted when workers’ physical attributes or limitations are accommodated in job placement.
They are skilled at using the tools of preventive medicine ______ improve the health of workers and their families, and they are trained in the complex Returnto-Work process, an advanced system of health monitoring that optimizes the time in which ill or injured workers can safely return to work. The occupational and environmental physician must communicate with and inspire confidence in people on all levels.
Perhaps most importantly, occupational health professionals occupy a critical position at the center of virtually all health-related transactional activities in the workplace. They are connected to all of the other parts of this complex infrastructure—senior management, benefits and human resources, legal, worker’s compensation, government regulatory agencies, labor and unions, hospitals and public health organizations. They are a fulcrum of workplace health—understanding the needs and challenges of each of these diverse groups. They provide a unique bridge between the clinical/scientific medical community and the businessbased employer community.

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Complete the following sentence in the text using a word indicating finality. “They are skilled at using the tools of preventive medicine ____ improve the health of workers and their families,”
Q2003600 Inglês


What does an occupational and environmental physician do?
As highly trained specialists, OEM physicians and other health professionals enhance the health of workers through preventive medicine, clinical care, disability management, research, and education. OEM professionals have expertise in determining the ability of employees to perform work; the arrangements of work, the physical, chemical, biological, and social environments of the workplace, and the health outcomes of environmental exposures.
They recognize that work and the environment in which it is performed can have favorable or adverse effects upon the health of workers as well as of other populations; that the nature of work can be arranged to protect worker health; and that health and well-being at the workplace are promoted when workers’ physical attributes or limitations are accommodated in job placement.
They are skilled at using the tools of preventive medicine ______ improve the health of workers and their families, and they are trained in the complex Returnto-Work process, an advanced system of health monitoring that optimizes the time in which ill or injured workers can safely return to work. The occupational and environmental physician must communicate with and inspire confidence in people on all levels.
Perhaps most importantly, occupational health professionals occupy a critical position at the center of virtually all health-related transactional activities in the workplace. They are connected to all of the other parts of this complex infrastructure—senior management, benefits and human resources, legal, worker’s compensation, government regulatory agencies, labor and unions, hospitals and public health organizations. They are a fulcrum of workplace health—understanding the needs and challenges of each of these diverse groups. They provide a unique bridge between the clinical/scientific medical community and the businessbased employer community.

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What do the words as well as in “… as well as of other populations” (paragraph 2) indicate? 
Q2003599 Inglês


What does an occupational and environmental physician do?
As highly trained specialists, OEM physicians and other health professionals enhance the health of workers through preventive medicine, clinical care, disability management, research, and education. OEM professionals have expertise in determining the ability of employees to perform work; the arrangements of work, the physical, chemical, biological, and social environments of the workplace, and the health outcomes of environmental exposures.
They recognize that work and the environment in which it is performed can have favorable or adverse effects upon the health of workers as well as of other populations; that the nature of work can be arranged to protect worker health; and that health and well-being at the workplace are promoted when workers’ physical attributes or limitations are accommodated in job placement.
They are skilled at using the tools of preventive medicine ______ improve the health of workers and their families, and they are trained in the complex Returnto-Work process, an advanced system of health monitoring that optimizes the time in which ill or injured workers can safely return to work. The occupational and environmental physician must communicate with and inspire confidence in people on all levels.
Perhaps most importantly, occupational health professionals occupy a critical position at the center of virtually all health-related transactional activities in the workplace. They are connected to all of the other parts of this complex infrastructure—senior management, benefits and human resources, legal, worker’s compensation, government regulatory agencies, labor and unions, hospitals and public health organizations. They are a fulcrum of workplace health—understanding the needs and challenges of each of these diverse groups. They provide a unique bridge between the clinical/scientific medical community and the businessbased employer community.

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What should OEM professionals be able to do?
Q2003598 Inglês


What does an occupational and environmental physician do?
As highly trained specialists, OEM physicians and other health professionals enhance the health of workers through preventive medicine, clinical care, disability management, research, and education. OEM professionals have expertise in determining the ability of employees to perform work; the arrangements of work, the physical, chemical, biological, and social environments of the workplace, and the health outcomes of environmental exposures.
They recognize that work and the environment in which it is performed can have favorable or adverse effects upon the health of workers as well as of other populations; that the nature of work can be arranged to protect worker health; and that health and well-being at the workplace are promoted when workers’ physical attributes or limitations are accommodated in job placement.
They are skilled at using the tools of preventive medicine ______ improve the health of workers and their families, and they are trained in the complex Returnto-Work process, an advanced system of health monitoring that optimizes the time in which ill or injured workers can safely return to work. The occupational and environmental physician must communicate with and inspire confidence in people on all levels.
Perhaps most importantly, occupational health professionals occupy a critical position at the center of virtually all health-related transactional activities in the workplace. They are connected to all of the other parts of this complex infrastructure—senior management, benefits and human resources, legal, worker’s compensation, government regulatory agencies, labor and unions, hospitals and public health organizations. They are a fulcrum of workplace health—understanding the needs and challenges of each of these diverse groups. They provide a unique bridge between the clinical/scientific medical community and the businessbased employer community.

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The word enhance in “OEM physicians and other health professionals enhance the health of workers” could be replaced by
Q2003596 Matemática
Nos quatro blocos a seguir, o número situado no interior de cada um deles é obtido através de uma mesma sequência de operações matemáticas.
Nessas condições, é CORRETO afirmar que os valores de x, y e z são, respectivamente, iguais a:

Imagem associada para resolução da questão
Q2003591 Matemática
Uma folha circular de alumínio tem vinte centímetros raio. Necessita-se recortar um triângulo equilátero, inscrito nessa folha, cujo apótema mede 10 centímetros, conforme a figura abaixo. 
Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Nessas condições, é CORRETO afirmar que a área a ser retirada dessa folha, em centímetros quadrados, corresponde a: 
Q2003588 Matemática
A figura abaixo se constitui de triângulos equiláteros construídos com palitos e está incompleta. Se o total de palitos necessários é dado em função do número de triângulos que se pretende formar e a figura completa possui 77 triângulos, então é CORRETO afirmar que o total de palitos necessários para se obter a figura completa é: 
Imagem associada para resolução da questão
Q2003575 Português

Atente para o fragmento (1º parágrafo): 

O título "agressivo" é proposital. As intenções são duas: provocar os que dizem que só se pode compreender um texto - ou mesmo uma palavra - escrito "corretamente"; se algum desses sábios consegue ler "as placas" em "as praca" - os melhores sintomas são o riso de superioridade ou a correção que fará - sua tese será desmentida no ato. Também quero verificar se, de fato, alguém não consegue ler este título (eventualmente, tentará descobrir alguma ironia ou, ao menos, uma alusão ou sugestão, que o texto esclarecerá). Assim, eu poderia gritar "ignorante!", se alguém não consegue mesmo entender o sentido do título.

Sobre ele, são afirmativas corretas, EXCETO

Q2003567 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho
Para a exposição ocupacional às radiações ionizantes, deve-se realizar _________________ como exame complementar, com uma periodicidade _________________, conforme estabelece o Quadro II, da NR7, Programa de Controle Médico de Saúde Ocupacional - PCMSO.
As lacunas na frase são MELHOR preenchidas, respectivamente por:
Q2003563 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho
Considerando as especificações sobre os mobiliários dos postos de trabalho, de acordo com a NR17 – Ergonomia, analise as sentenças a seguir, classificando-as como V (verdadeiras) ou F (falsas).
( ) Os assentos utilizados nos postos de trabalho devem possuir borda frontal arredondada.
( ) Para as atividades em que os trabalhos devam ser realizados de pé, devem ser colocados assentos para descanso em locais em possam ser usados por todos os trabalhadores durante as pausas.
( ) Para as atividades em que os trabalhos devam ser realizados sentados, a partir da análise ergonômica do trabalho, poderá ser exigido suporte para os pés que se adapte ao comprimento da perna do trabalhador
A sequência CORRETA, de cima para baixo, é: 
Q2003561 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho
José Antônio, que trabalha permanentemente em altura, ficou afastado do trabalho por 120 dias. Ao seu retorno ao trabalho, o empregador disse-lhe ser obrigatória a realização do treinamento para o trabalho em altura.
Considerando as disposições da NR 35 – Segurança e saúde no trabalho em altura, esse treinamento
Q2003558 Medicina
Professor universitário de 40 anos, da área de Ciências Biológicas, sofre um assalto marcado por intensa violência nos arredores da Universidade onde trabalha. Dois meses após o ato de agressão, o profissional passa a apresentar um estado de hipervigilância, marcado, principalmente, por irritabilidade intensa, isolamento, pesadelos e evitação do câmpus universitário.
O quadro acima descrito sugere:
Q2003557 Medicina
De acordo com o Anexo I da NR7, em relação ao diagnóstico da perda auditiva induzida por níveis de pressão sonora elevados e à definição de aptidão para o trabalho, devem-se levar em conta, além do traçado audiométrico ou da evolução sequencial de exames audiométricos, os seguintes fatores, EXCETO:
Q2003556 Medicina
Em relação à elaboração do Programa de Controle Médico de Saúde Ocupacional - PCMSO, é correto afirmar, EXCETO:
Q2003555 Medicina
São variáveis usadas no cálculo do FAP – Fator Acidentário de Prevenção:
Q2003552 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho
Em relação à NR 7, Programa de Controle Médico de Saúde Ocupacional - PCMSO, é correto afirmar, EXCETO:
Q2003549 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho
Sobre o Relatório Anual previsto na NR 7, Programa de Controle Médico de Saúde Ocupacional - PCMSO, é INCORRETO afirmar:
1781: C
1782: A
1783: A
1784: D
1785: A
1786: B
1787: B
1788: D
1789: D
1790: A
1791: A
1792: D
1793: D
1794: A
1795: A
1796: C
1797: A
1798: A
1799: D
1800: D