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A UN agency rolled out a $ 214 million program
Tuesday to help 16 needy places hit hard by high prices for food
and oil, amid a crisis already making it hard for aid groups to
provide enough food for the world's hungry.
The World Food Program said almost 1 billion poor
people around the world are struggling to survive amid the higher
prices. The agency is trying to reach those in critical need of
assistance in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean.
"Food prices are not abating, and the world's most
vulnerable have exhausted their coping strategies", said Josette
Sheeran, the agency's executive director. "Our action plan is
targeted and customized to help the most vulnerable meet their
urgent needs."
The plan will provide assistance to groups such as
pregnant women, undernourished children and people living in
urban areas affected most by the food crisis.
The Rome-based agency also hopes to cut transportation
costs and help support farmers in countries where emergency
food can be bought locally.
But the agency already faces "obstacles" in procuring
food, particularly when trying to buy supplies locally,
spokeswoman Brenda Barton said.
"At the markets we have been buying food it has become
just too expensive", Barton told The Associated Press by
telephone. And she added: "a lot of markets just don't have any
food to buy."
Based on the text above, it can be deduced that
A UN agency rolled out a $ 214 million program
Tuesday to help 16 needy places hit hard by high prices for food
and oil, amid a crisis already making it hard for aid groups to
provide enough food for the world's hungry.
The World Food Program said almost 1 billion poor
people around the world are struggling to survive amid the higher
prices. The agency is trying to reach those in critical need of
assistance in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean.
"Food prices are not abating, and the world's most
vulnerable have exhausted their coping strategies", said Josette
Sheeran, the agency's executive director. "Our action plan is
targeted and customized to help the most vulnerable meet their
urgent needs."
The plan will provide assistance to groups such as
pregnant women, undernourished children and people living in
urban areas affected most by the food crisis.
The Rome-based agency also hopes to cut transportation
costs and help support farmers in countries where emergency
food can be bought locally.
But the agency already faces "obstacles" in procuring
food, particularly when trying to buy supplies locally,
spokeswoman Brenda Barton said.
"At the markets we have been buying food it has become
just too expensive", Barton told The Associated Press by
telephone. And she added: "a lot of markets just don't have any
food to buy."
Based on the text above, it can be deduced that
A UN agency rolled out a $ 214 million program
Tuesday to help 16 needy places hit hard by high prices for food
and oil, amid a crisis already making it hard for aid groups to
provide enough food for the world's hungry.
The World Food Program said almost 1 billion poor
people around the world are struggling to survive amid the higher
prices. The agency is trying to reach those in critical need of
assistance in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean.
"Food prices are not abating, and the world's most
vulnerable have exhausted their coping strategies", said Josette
Sheeran, the agency's executive director. "Our action plan is
targeted and customized to help the most vulnerable meet their
urgent needs."
The plan will provide assistance to groups such as
pregnant women, undernourished children and people living in
urban areas affected most by the food crisis.
The Rome-based agency also hopes to cut transportation
costs and help support farmers in countries where emergency
food can be bought locally.
But the agency already faces "obstacles" in procuring
food, particularly when trying to buy supplies locally,
spokeswoman Brenda Barton said.
"At the markets we have been buying food it has become
just too expensive", Barton told The Associated Press by
telephone. And she added: "a lot of markets just don't have any
food to buy."
Based on the text above, it can be deduced that
A UN agency rolled out a $ 214 million program
Tuesday to help 16 needy places hit hard by high prices for food
and oil, amid a crisis already making it hard for aid groups to
provide enough food for the world's hungry.
The World Food Program said almost 1 billion poor
people around the world are struggling to survive amid the higher
prices. The agency is trying to reach those in critical need of
assistance in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean.
"Food prices are not abating, and the world's most
vulnerable have exhausted their coping strategies", said Josette
Sheeran, the agency's executive director. "Our action plan is
targeted and customized to help the most vulnerable meet their
urgent needs."
The plan will provide assistance to groups such as
pregnant women, undernourished children and people living in
urban areas affected most by the food crisis.
The Rome-based agency also hopes to cut transportation
costs and help support farmers in countries where emergency
food can be bought locally.
But the agency already faces "obstacles" in procuring
food, particularly when trying to buy supplies locally,
spokeswoman Brenda Barton said.
"At the markets we have been buying food it has become
just too expensive", Barton told The Associated Press by
telephone. And she added: "a lot of markets just don't have any
food to buy."
Based on the text above, it can be deduced that
A UN agency rolled out a $ 214 million program
Tuesday to help 16 needy places hit hard by high prices for food
and oil, amid a crisis already making it hard for aid groups to
provide enough food for the world's hungry.
The World Food Program said almost 1 billion poor
people around the world are struggling to survive amid the higher
prices. The agency is trying to reach those in critical need of
assistance in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean.
"Food prices are not abating, and the world's most
vulnerable have exhausted their coping strategies", said Josette
Sheeran, the agency's executive director. "Our action plan is
targeted and customized to help the most vulnerable meet their
urgent needs."
The plan will provide assistance to groups such as
pregnant women, undernourished children and people living in
urban areas affected most by the food crisis.
The Rome-based agency also hopes to cut transportation
costs and help support farmers in countries where emergency
food can be bought locally.
But the agency already faces "obstacles" in procuring
food, particularly when trying to buy supplies locally,
spokeswoman Brenda Barton said.
"At the markets we have been buying food it has become
just too expensive", Barton told The Associated Press by
telephone. And she added: "a lot of markets just don't have any
food to buy."
Based on the text above, it can be deduced that
Considere a seguinte situação hipotética. Um romancista famoso publicou, no Brasil, um livro no qual defende a tese de que as pessoas que seguem determinada religião seriam menos evoluídas do que as que seguem outra religião. Nessa situação, tal afirmação poderia ser enquadrada como racismo, embora, tecnicamente, religião não constitua raça.
julgue os itens a seguir.
julgue os itens a seguir.
exportações, principalmente as do agronegócio. Ganhos em produtividade
são reconhecidos em todos os fatores da produção: terra, trabalho e
capital. Tendo em vista o panorama da agricultura brasileira na atualidade,
sua evolução e características principais, julgue os itens que se seguem.
Com auxílio dos dados apresentados no gráfico, que mostra a pirâmide
etária brasileira no ano de 2000 e a sua projeção para 2020, julgue os
seguintes itens.
globalização. Um dado fundamental é a evidência de que
o mercado se tornou mundial. Isso não quer dizer que
tombaram os muros das fronteiras nacionais ou dos
protecionismos, mas que nunca tantos produtos cruzaram
oceanos e continentes. As barreiras estabelecidas pelos
blocos nacionais ou pelos acordos comerciais visam mais
normatizar a competição em favor dos interesses
comerciais particulares de cada país do que bloquear
essa circulação. É, pois, no mercado e nas expectativas
de consumo que ele propicia que se materialize a
Iná E. Castro. Bertrand do Brasil, 2006, p. 233 (com adaptações).
Tendo em vista o tema da globalização, tratado no texto
acima, julgue os itens a seguir.
Com relação a aspectos lingüísticos do texto acima, julgue os
itens de 16 a 20.
Julgue o item seguinte, relativo ao direito de nacionalidade.
Filho de brasileiros nascido no estrangeiro que opte pela
nacionalidade brasileira não poderá ser extraditado, uma vez
que os efeitos dessa opção são plenos e têm eficácia retroativa.
Julgue o item seguinte, relativo ao direito de nacionalidade.
Considera-se hipótese excepcional de quase nacionalidade
aquela que depende tanto da manifestação da vontade do
estrangeiro quanto da aquiescência do chefe do Poder
Julgue o item que se segue, a respeito do regime jurídico dos servidores públicos, da Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal, da Lei de Improbidade Administrativa e da garantia empregatícia de servidores efetivos e vitalícios.
Cometerá ato de improbidade administrativa, violando o dever
da imparcialidade, legalidade, lealdade às instituições, o
servidor público que, em consequência de desafeição com
determinado cidadão, negar publicidade de um ato oficial.
no Brasil, julgue os itens que seguem.