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Q2315592 Direito Constitucional
Foi decretado estado de sítio em determinada região do País. Preocupado com os reflexos dessa medida sobre sua atuação parlamentar, João, Deputado Federal, realizou alentada análise da Constituição da República para verificar os efeitos em relação à imunidade que lhe assegura a impossibilidade de ser responsabilizado por suas palavras, opiniões e votos.
Ao fim de suas reflexões, João concluiu, corretamente, que a imunidade
Q2315591 Direito Constitucional
A Diretoria de Recursos Humanos de determinada estrutura estatal de poder foi instada a se pronunciar a respeito da possibilidade de que Maria e Joana fossem nomeadas para um cargo em comissão ou o exercício de uma função de confiança no plano federal. Maria foi servidora pública estadual, tendo se aposentado voluntariamente no cargo de provimento efetivo que ocupara. Joana, por sua vez, é servidora pública federal da ativa, ocupante de cargo de provimento efetivo, estando inserida na mesma estrutura da referida Diretoria.
A Diretoria de Recursos Humanos respondeu corretamente que
Q2315590 Direito Constitucional
O Estado Alfa, no exercício de competência legislativa concorrente, editou a Lei estadual nº X, disciplinando determinada matéria de modo exauriente, considerando que, até então, a União não tinha editado nenhum padrão normativo a esse respeito. Em momento posterior, sobreveio a Lei federal nº Y, que veiculou normas gerais sobre a matéria e colidiu frontalmente com a integralidade da Lei estadual nº X.
À luz da sistemática constitucional, assinale a afirmativa correta.
Q2315589 Inglês

Read the Text II and answer the question that follow it.

Text II 

Global plastic treaty should address chemicals 

    In March, the global community agreed to establish a legally binding treaty to end plastic pollution. To deliver on this goal, the treaty needs to cover all issues of plastics chemicals as an inseparable part of the problem.

    Plastics are complex materials consisting of chemical mixtures, including polymers, additives, residual monomers and processing aids, and non-intentionally added substances. Such mixtures release across the plastics life cycle, from feedstock extraction, production, and use, to reuse, recycling, and disposal; they also recombine along complex, unplanned pathways. As a result, humans and environments are ubiquitously exposed to plastics chemicals, often with serious consequences.

    Out of more than 10,000 known plastics chemicals, at least 2,400 are classified as toxic, such as many phthalates and brominated flame retardants. Documented health effects span generations and include premature births, low birth weight, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, endometriosis, infertility, and cancers. In the United States alone, associated costs of endocrine-disrupting chemicals amount to USD$300 billion/year. The total burden on community, ecosystem health, and biodiversity is far greater.

    Even with material recycling, plastics chemicals ultimately proliferate in the ecosystem, whether as emissions or by entering new products, exposing waste-laborers, consumers, and frontline communities to new chemical cocktails. An effective, fair, and safe circular economy can only be achieved by phasing out toxic chemicals from plastic production. 

    As negotiations for a global treaty begin, plastics chemicals need to be front and center. However, preparatory meeting documents focus on downstream plastic waste and work from a narrow definition of chemicals as hazardous additives. To enable the treaty to fully address plastics’ ecological, health, and environmental justice problems, it is essential to redefine plastics as complex chemical mixtures and to integrate chemical issues across the life cycle within the scope and core obligations of the legal instrument.

Adapted from:

When one opts for “phasing out toxic chemicals from plastic production” (4th paragraph), this means the process is
Q2315588 Inglês

Read the Text II and answer the question that follow it.

Text II 

Global plastic treaty should address chemicals 

    In March, the global community agreed to establish a legally binding treaty to end plastic pollution. To deliver on this goal, the treaty needs to cover all issues of plastics chemicals as an inseparable part of the problem.

    Plastics are complex materials consisting of chemical mixtures, including polymers, additives, residual monomers and processing aids, and non-intentionally added substances. Such mixtures release across the plastics life cycle, from feedstock extraction, production, and use, to reuse, recycling, and disposal; they also recombine along complex, unplanned pathways. As a result, humans and environments are ubiquitously exposed to plastics chemicals, often with serious consequences.

    Out of more than 10,000 known plastics chemicals, at least 2,400 are classified as toxic, such as many phthalates and brominated flame retardants. Documented health effects span generations and include premature births, low birth weight, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, endometriosis, infertility, and cancers. In the United States alone, associated costs of endocrine-disrupting chemicals amount to USD$300 billion/year. The total burden on community, ecosystem health, and biodiversity is far greater.

    Even with material recycling, plastics chemicals ultimately proliferate in the ecosystem, whether as emissions or by entering new products, exposing waste-laborers, consumers, and frontline communities to new chemical cocktails. An effective, fair, and safe circular economy can only be achieved by phasing out toxic chemicals from plastic production. 

    As negotiations for a global treaty begin, plastics chemicals need to be front and center. However, preparatory meeting documents focus on downstream plastic waste and work from a narrow definition of chemicals as hazardous additives. To enable the treaty to fully address plastics’ ecological, health, and environmental justice problems, it is essential to redefine plastics as complex chemical mixtures and to integrate chemical issues across the life cycle within the scope and core obligations of the legal instrument.

Adapted from:

From the excerpt “humans and environments are ubiquitously exposed to plastics chemicals” (2nd paragraph), one can infer that this situation is
681: E
682: C
683: D
684: C
685: E