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Q2949182 Comunicação Social

No relacionamento entre a empresa e a mídia, cada vez mais, se exigem posturas novas das assessorias de comunicação. Algumas estratégias vêm sendo adotadas para que os representantes empresariais se relacionem com a imprensa de modo competente e adequado. A esse processo dá-se o nome de:

Q2949181 Comunicação Social

Segundo Paul Johnson, citado por Carlos Alberto Di Franco, em Jornalismo, Ética e Qualidade (Vozes, 1996), a invasão de privacidade é o "pecado mais pernicioso da mídia de nossos tempos". A fronteira ética entre o direito à informação e o direito à privacidade é(são) o(a):

Q2949180 Comunicação Social

O texto jornalístico se caracteriza pelo volume de informação factual e é o resultado da apuração e tratamento dos dados. Portanto, o texto jornalístico deve:

Q2949178 Comunicação Social

As rápidas mudanças tecnológicas, observadas no processo de comunicação das sociedades, estão dando um novo sentido ao espaço e ao tempo do sujeito contemporâneo. Esse processo tem por base a:

Q2949177 Comunicação Social

Nos últimos anos, vem-se observando um movimento crescente das empresas na direção da responsabilidade social, que inclui o apoio a eventos culturais e esportivos, bem como a iniciativas filantrópicas. Neste contexto, estimulado por leis federais e estaduais, o chamado marketing cultural é bastante utilizado por grandes empresas. Assim, pode-se considerar que o emprego do marketing cultural constitui um investimento:

Q2949175 Comunicação Social

Entre os quatro componentes sociológicos que identificam a massa, defendidos por Herbert Blumer, tem-se que: (1) os membros podem vir de qualquer profissão ou camada social; (2) a massa é um grupo anônimo, composto de indivíduos anônimos; (3) a massa é frouxamente organizada; (4) e os membros da massa __________ .

O 4º componente se completa corretamente com:

Q2949172 Comunicação Social

Muitos fabricantes de bebidas alcoólicas comunicam-se por meio de propaganda e, ao final dos comerciais de TV, spots de rádio ou mesmo anúncios em mídia impressa, são dadas orientações para que o cliente não dirija após a ingestão de álcool. Esta característica específica classifica a propaganda como:

Q2949166 Comunicação Social

Quando uma agência de comunicação desenvolve o mix de mídia de uma determinada campanha, seus profissionais devem conciliar os interesses e necessidades do cliente com a disponibilidade orçamentária deste, de modo a atingir os objetivos da referida campanha. Para nortear o trabalho da agência, o perfil das mídias jornal, Internet, revista, outdoor e televisão, respectivamente, possuem como vantagens:

Q2949161 Comunicação Social

A Promoção de Vendas é um importante elemento do mix de comunicação integrada, tendo recebido atenção crescente nos últimos anos, quando da elaboração dos orçamentos de comunicação de empresas de todos os tipos e portes. Neste contexto, o merchandising no ponto de venda integra o plano de comunicação quando é o caso de:

Q2949135 Inglês


Biofuels such as ethanol and biodiesel can

significantly reduce global dependence on oil, according

to a new report by the Worldwatch Institute.

Last year, world biofuel production surpassed 670,000

5 barrels per day, the equivalent of about 1 percent of the

global transport fuel market. Although oil still accounts for

more than 96 percent of transport fuel use, biofuel

production has doubled since 2001 and is poised for even

stronger growth as the industry responds to higher fuel

10 prices and supportive government policies. “Coordinated

action to expand biofuel markets and advance new

technologies could relieve pressure on oil prices while

strengthening agricultural economies and reducing climatealtering

emissions,” says Worldwatch Institute President

15 Christopher Flavin.

Brazil is the world’s biofuel leader, with half of its

sugar cane crop providing more than 40 percent of its nondiesel

transport fuel. In the United States, where 15 percent

of the corn crop provides about 2 percent of the non-diesel

20 transport fuel, ethanol production is growing even more

rapidly. This surging growth may allow the U.S. to overtake

Brazil as the world’s biofuel leader this year. Both countries

are now estimated to be producing ethanol at less than

the current cost of gasoline.

25 Figures cited in the report reveal that biofuels could

provide 37 percent of U.S. transport fuel within the next 25

years, and up to 75 percent if automobile fuel economy

doubles. Biofuels could replace 20–30 percent of the oil

used in European Union countries during the same time

30 frame.

As the first-ever global assessment of the potential

social and environmental impacts of biofuels, Biofuels for

Transportation warns that the large-scale use of biofuels

carries significant agricultural and ecological risks. “It is

35 essential that government incentives be used to minimize

competition between food and fuel crops and to discourage

expansion onto ecologically valuable lands,” says

Worldwatch Biofuels Project Manager Suzanne Hunt.

However, the report also finds that biofuels have the potential

40 to increase energy security, create new economic

opportunities in rural areas, and reduce local pollution and

emissions of greenhouse gases.

The long-term potential of biofuels is in the use of

non-food feedstock that include agricultural, municipal, and

45 forestry wastes as well as fast-growing, cellulose-rich

energy crops such as switchgrass. It is expected that the

combination of cellulosic biomass resources and “nextgeneration”

biofuel conversion technologies will compete

with conventional gasoline and diesel fuel without subsidies

50 in the medium term.

The report recommends policies to accelerate the

development of biofuels, while maximizing the benefits and

minimizing the risks. Recommendations include:

strengthening the market (i.e. focusing on market

55 development, infrastructure development, and the building

of transportation fleets that are able to use the new fuels),

speeding the transition to next-generation

technologies allowing for dramatically increased

production at lower cost, and facilitating sustainable

60 international biofuel trade, developing a true

international market unimpeded by the trade restrictions

in place today.

Worldwatch Institute - June 7, 2006.

Adapted from:

Some of the benefits of the increase in biofuel production listed by the author are:

Q2949133 Inglês


Biofuels such as ethanol and biodiesel can

significantly reduce global dependence on oil, according

to a new report by the Worldwatch Institute.

Last year, world biofuel production surpassed 670,000

5 barrels per day, the equivalent of about 1 percent of the

global transport fuel market. Although oil still accounts for

more than 96 percent of transport fuel use, biofuel

production has doubled since 2001 and is poised for even

stronger growth as the industry responds to higher fuel

10 prices and supportive government policies. “Coordinated

action to expand biofuel markets and advance new

technologies could relieve pressure on oil prices while

strengthening agricultural economies and reducing climatealtering

emissions,” says Worldwatch Institute President

15 Christopher Flavin.

Brazil is the world’s biofuel leader, with half of its

sugar cane crop providing more than 40 percent of its nondiesel

transport fuel. In the United States, where 15 percent

of the corn crop provides about 2 percent of the non-diesel

20 transport fuel, ethanol production is growing even more

rapidly. This surging growth may allow the U.S. to overtake

Brazil as the world’s biofuel leader this year. Both countries

are now estimated to be producing ethanol at less than

the current cost of gasoline.

25 Figures cited in the report reveal that biofuels could

provide 37 percent of U.S. transport fuel within the next 25

years, and up to 75 percent if automobile fuel economy

doubles. Biofuels could replace 20–30 percent of the oil

used in European Union countries during the same time

30 frame.

As the first-ever global assessment of the potential

social and environmental impacts of biofuels, Biofuels for

Transportation warns that the large-scale use of biofuels

carries significant agricultural and ecological risks. “It is

35 essential that government incentives be used to minimize

competition between food and fuel crops and to discourage

expansion onto ecologically valuable lands,” says

Worldwatch Biofuels Project Manager Suzanne Hunt.

However, the report also finds that biofuels have the potential

40 to increase energy security, create new economic

opportunities in rural areas, and reduce local pollution and

emissions of greenhouse gases.

The long-term potential of biofuels is in the use of

non-food feedstock that include agricultural, municipal, and

45 forestry wastes as well as fast-growing, cellulose-rich

energy crops such as switchgrass. It is expected that the

combination of cellulosic biomass resources and “nextgeneration”

biofuel conversion technologies will compete

with conventional gasoline and diesel fuel without subsidies

50 in the medium term.

The report recommends policies to accelerate the

development of biofuels, while maximizing the benefits and

minimizing the risks. Recommendations include:

strengthening the market (i.e. focusing on market

55 development, infrastructure development, and the building

of transportation fleets that are able to use the new fuels),

speeding the transition to next-generation

technologies allowing for dramatically increased

production at lower cost, and facilitating sustainable

60 international biofuel trade, developing a true

international market unimpeded by the trade restrictions

in place today.

Worldwatch Institute - June 7, 2006.

Adapted from:

"This surging growth..." (line 21) refers to:

Q2949131 Inglês


Biofuels such as ethanol and biodiesel can

significantly reduce global dependence on oil, according

to a new report by the Worldwatch Institute.

Last year, world biofuel production surpassed 670,000

5 barrels per day, the equivalent of about 1 percent of the

global transport fuel market. Although oil still accounts for

more than 96 percent of transport fuel use, biofuel

production has doubled since 2001 and is poised for even

stronger growth as the industry responds to higher fuel

10 prices and supportive government policies. “Coordinated

action to expand biofuel markets and advance new

technologies could relieve pressure on oil prices while

strengthening agricultural economies and reducing climatealtering

emissions,” says Worldwatch Institute President

15 Christopher Flavin.

Brazil is the world’s biofuel leader, with half of its

sugar cane crop providing more than 40 percent of its nondiesel

transport fuel. In the United States, where 15 percent

of the corn crop provides about 2 percent of the non-diesel

20 transport fuel, ethanol production is growing even more

rapidly. This surging growth may allow the U.S. to overtake

Brazil as the world’s biofuel leader this year. Both countries

are now estimated to be producing ethanol at less than

the current cost of gasoline.

25 Figures cited in the report reveal that biofuels could

provide 37 percent of U.S. transport fuel within the next 25

years, and up to 75 percent if automobile fuel economy

doubles. Biofuels could replace 20–30 percent of the oil

used in European Union countries during the same time

30 frame.

As the first-ever global assessment of the potential

social and environmental impacts of biofuels, Biofuels for

Transportation warns that the large-scale use of biofuels

carries significant agricultural and ecological risks. “It is

35 essential that government incentives be used to minimize

competition between food and fuel crops and to discourage

expansion onto ecologically valuable lands,” says

Worldwatch Biofuels Project Manager Suzanne Hunt.

However, the report also finds that biofuels have the potential

40 to increase energy security, create new economic

opportunities in rural areas, and reduce local pollution and

emissions of greenhouse gases.

The long-term potential of biofuels is in the use of

non-food feedstock that include agricultural, municipal, and

45 forestry wastes as well as fast-growing, cellulose-rich

energy crops such as switchgrass. It is expected that the

combination of cellulosic biomass resources and “nextgeneration”

biofuel conversion technologies will compete

with conventional gasoline and diesel fuel without subsidies

50 in the medium term.

The report recommends policies to accelerate the

development of biofuels, while maximizing the benefits and

minimizing the risks. Recommendations include:

strengthening the market (i.e. focusing on market

55 development, infrastructure development, and the building

of transportation fleets that are able to use the new fuels),

speeding the transition to next-generation

technologies allowing for dramatically increased

production at lower cost, and facilitating sustainable

60 international biofuel trade, developing a true

international market unimpeded by the trade restrictions

in place today.

Worldwatch Institute - June 7, 2006.

Adapted from:

According to the text, Brazil:

Q2949130 Inglês


Biofuels such as ethanol and biodiesel can

significantly reduce global dependence on oil, according

to a new report by the Worldwatch Institute.

Last year, world biofuel production surpassed 670,000

5 barrels per day, the equivalent of about 1 percent of the

global transport fuel market. Although oil still accounts for

more than 96 percent of transport fuel use, biofuel

production has doubled since 2001 and is poised for even

stronger growth as the industry responds to higher fuel

10 prices and supportive government policies. “Coordinated

action to expand biofuel markets and advance new

technologies could relieve pressure on oil prices while

strengthening agricultural economies and reducing climatealtering

emissions,” says Worldwatch Institute President

15 Christopher Flavin.

Brazil is the world’s biofuel leader, with half of its

sugar cane crop providing more than 40 percent of its nondiesel

transport fuel. In the United States, where 15 percent

of the corn crop provides about 2 percent of the non-diesel

20 transport fuel, ethanol production is growing even more

rapidly. This surging growth may allow the U.S. to overtake

Brazil as the world’s biofuel leader this year. Both countries

are now estimated to be producing ethanol at less than

the current cost of gasoline.

25 Figures cited in the report reveal that biofuels could

provide 37 percent of U.S. transport fuel within the next 25

years, and up to 75 percent if automobile fuel economy

doubles. Biofuels could replace 20–30 percent of the oil

used in European Union countries during the same time

30 frame.

As the first-ever global assessment of the potential

social and environmental impacts of biofuels, Biofuels for

Transportation warns that the large-scale use of biofuels

carries significant agricultural and ecological risks. “It is

35 essential that government incentives be used to minimize

competition between food and fuel crops and to discourage

expansion onto ecologically valuable lands,” says

Worldwatch Biofuels Project Manager Suzanne Hunt.

However, the report also finds that biofuels have the potential

40 to increase energy security, create new economic

opportunities in rural areas, and reduce local pollution and

emissions of greenhouse gases.

The long-term potential of biofuels is in the use of

non-food feedstock that include agricultural, municipal, and

45 forestry wastes as well as fast-growing, cellulose-rich

energy crops such as switchgrass. It is expected that the

combination of cellulosic biomass resources and “nextgeneration”

biofuel conversion technologies will compete

with conventional gasoline and diesel fuel without subsidies

50 in the medium term.

The report recommends policies to accelerate the

development of biofuels, while maximizing the benefits and

minimizing the risks. Recommendations include:

strengthening the market (i.e. focusing on market

55 development, infrastructure development, and the building

of transportation fleets that are able to use the new fuels),

speeding the transition to next-generation

technologies allowing for dramatically increased

production at lower cost, and facilitating sustainable

60 international biofuel trade, developing a true

international market unimpeded by the trade restrictions

in place today.

Worldwatch Institute - June 7, 2006.

Adapted from:

Based on what Christopher Flavin, President of the Worldwatch Institute, has said, it is possible to state that:

Q2949128 Inglês


Biofuels such as ethanol and biodiesel can

significantly reduce global dependence on oil, according

to a new report by the Worldwatch Institute.

Last year, world biofuel production surpassed 670,000

5 barrels per day, the equivalent of about 1 percent of the

global transport fuel market. Although oil still accounts for

more than 96 percent of transport fuel use, biofuel

production has doubled since 2001 and is poised for even

stronger growth as the industry responds to higher fuel

10 prices and supportive government policies. “Coordinated

action to expand biofuel markets and advance new

technologies could relieve pressure on oil prices while

strengthening agricultural economies and reducing climatealtering

emissions,” says Worldwatch Institute President

15 Christopher Flavin.

Brazil is the world’s biofuel leader, with half of its

sugar cane crop providing more than 40 percent of its nondiesel

transport fuel. In the United States, where 15 percent

of the corn crop provides about 2 percent of the non-diesel

20 transport fuel, ethanol production is growing even more

rapidly. This surging growth may allow the U.S. to overtake

Brazil as the world’s biofuel leader this year. Both countries

are now estimated to be producing ethanol at less than

the current cost of gasoline.

25 Figures cited in the report reveal that biofuels could

provide 37 percent of U.S. transport fuel within the next 25

years, and up to 75 percent if automobile fuel economy

doubles. Biofuels could replace 20–30 percent of the oil

used in European Union countries during the same time

30 frame.

As the first-ever global assessment of the potential

social and environmental impacts of biofuels, Biofuels for

Transportation warns that the large-scale use of biofuels

carries significant agricultural and ecological risks. “It is

35 essential that government incentives be used to minimize

competition between food and fuel crops and to discourage

expansion onto ecologically valuable lands,” says

Worldwatch Biofuels Project Manager Suzanne Hunt.

However, the report also finds that biofuels have the potential

40 to increase energy security, create new economic

opportunities in rural areas, and reduce local pollution and

emissions of greenhouse gases.

The long-term potential of biofuels is in the use of

non-food feedstock that include agricultural, municipal, and

45 forestry wastes as well as fast-growing, cellulose-rich

energy crops such as switchgrass. It is expected that the

combination of cellulosic biomass resources and “nextgeneration”

biofuel conversion technologies will compete

with conventional gasoline and diesel fuel without subsidies

50 in the medium term.

The report recommends policies to accelerate the

development of biofuels, while maximizing the benefits and

minimizing the risks. Recommendations include:

strengthening the market (i.e. focusing on market

55 development, infrastructure development, and the building

of transportation fleets that are able to use the new fuels),

speeding the transition to next-generation

technologies allowing for dramatically increased

production at lower cost, and facilitating sustainable

60 international biofuel trade, developing a true

international market unimpeded by the trade restrictions

in place today.

Worldwatch Institute - June 7, 2006.

Adapted from:

The main purpose of the text is to:

Q2948203 Português

Acostumar-se a tudo?

A gente se acostuma praticamente a tudo.

Isso é bom? Isso é ruim?

A resposta – inevitável – é: isso é bom e é ruim.

Senão, vejamos. Nossa elasticidade, nossa capa-

5 cidade de adaptação, tem permitido que sobrevivamos em

condições muitas vezes bastante adversas.

Lembro-me de que o escritor francês Saint-Exupéry

contou, uma vez, sobre como o avião caiu em cima de

montanhas geladas e como o piloto conseguiu sobreviver

10 durante vários dias, enfrentando o frio, a fome, a dor e

inúmeros perigos, adaptando-se às circunstâncias para,

na medida do possível, poder dominá-las.

Nunca esquecerei o justificado orgulho com que ele

falou: “O que eu fiz, nenhum bicho jamais faria”.

15 Por outro lado, a capacidade de adaptação pode

funcionar como mola propulsora de um mecanismo

oportunista, de uma facilitação resignada à aceitação de

coisas inaceitáveis.

É um fenômeno que, infelizmente, não é raro.

20 Acontece nas melhores famílias. Pode estar acontecendo

agora mesmo, com você, que está lendo este jornal.

Quando nos acostumamos a ver o que se passa

em volta e começamos a achar que tudo é “normal”,

deixamos de enxergar as “anormalidades”, deixamos de

25 nos assustar e de nos preocupar com elas.

O poeta espanhol Federico Garcia Lorca esteve nos

Estados Unidos em 1929/1930 e ficou assustado com

Nova York. Enquanto os turistas, como nós, ficam maravilhados

com a imponência dos prédios, Lorca se referia a

30 eles como “montanhas de cimento”.

Enquanto os turistas admiram a qualidade da

comida nos magníficos restaurantes, Lorca se espantava

com o fato de ninguém se escandalizar com a matança

dos animais. (...)

35 A insensibilidade se generaliza, a indiferença em

relação aos animais se estende, inexoravelmente, aos

seres humanos. A mesma máquina que tritura os animais

esmaga as vacas e sufoca os seres humanos.

Lorca interpela os que se beneficiam com esse

40 sistema, investe contra a contabilidade deles: “Embaixo

das multiplicações / há uma gota de sangue de pato. /

Embaixo das divisões, há uma gota de sangue de


Acusa os detentores do poder e da riqueza de

45 camuflarem a dura realidade social para fazê-la aparecer

apenas como espaço de rudes entretenimentos e

vertiginoso progresso tecnológico. Furioso, brada:

“Cuspo-lhes na cara”.

É possível que alguns aspectos da reação do poeta

50 nos pareçam exagerados, unilaterais. Afinal, Nova York

também é lugar de cultura, tem museus maravilhosos,

encena peças magníficas, faz um excelente cinema,

apresenta espetáculos musicais fantásticos.

O exagero, porém, ajuda Garcia Lorca a chamar

55 a nossa atenção para o “lado noturno” dessa “face

luminosa” de Nova York. E Nova York, no caso, vale

como símbolo das contradições que estão enraizadas

em praticamente todas as grandes cidades modernas.

Os habitantes dessas cidades tendem a fixar sua

60 atenção em falhas que podem ser sanadas, em defeitos

que podem ser superados, em feridas que podem ser

curadas por um tratamento tópico.

Falta-lhes a percepção de que determinadas

questões só poderiam ser efetivamente resolvidas por

65 uma mudança radical, através de um novo modelo.

Só um modelo novo de cidade permitirá que sejam

pensadas e postas em prática soluções para os impasses

a que chegaram as nossas megalópoles.

O que é pior do que ter graves problemas? É ter

70 graves problemas e se recusar a reconhecê-los.

A condenação do poeta levanta questões para as

quais não temos, atualmente, soluções viáveis. Lorca nos

presta, contudo, o relevante serviço de nos cobrar que as


KONDER, Leandro. Jornal do Brasil. 26 maio 2005.

A alusão ao poema e à opinião do poeta Garcia Lorca reforça os argumentos do autor do texto contra:

Q2947625 Comunicação Social

Uma das políticas administrativas atuais mais celebradas pelas corporações é a chamada Responsabilidade Social e Corporativa (RSC), segundo o qual as organizações devem levar em conta as necessidades sociais como um todo e incluí-las no planejamento da empresa. Para atender a essa política, uma organização procurou minimizar as margens (mark ups) de produtos destinados ao público de baixa renda e fazer investimentos volumosos em ações de cunho social e ambiental.

Com base nessas políticas sociais, assinale a alternativa que define, corretamente, a ação da empresa com RSC.

Q2947599 Comunicação Social

Para o Management de Marketing e Comunicação, a Reputação Corporativa (RC) se tornou um dos principais ativos intangíveis da empresa, uma verdadeira “tábua de salvação” empresarial. Pesquisa da Global Awareness Tracking, 2005, da Accenture, aponta que a RC é a terceira maior preocupação de 61% dos executivos de empresas em oito dos países mais desenvolvidos do mundo, e o risco reputacional é a primeira ameaça ao valor das empresas no mercado. Frombun e Rindova (2005) apresentam a RC como uma “representação coletiva das ações e dos resultados de uma organização, por meio da qual se demonstra sua habilidade em gerar valores para os múltiplos stakeholders”.

(Adaptado de: ALMEIDA, A. L. C. Reputação organizacional: a importância de parâmetros para o seu gerenciamento. Revista Brasileira de Comunicação Organizacional e Relações Públicas. ano 2, nº 2, 1º sem. 2005.)

Considerando essas afirmações, assinale a alternativa correta.

Q2934178 Relações Públicas
São frequentes as discussões sobre as atividades de relações públicas e marketing, sob diferentes perspectivas. Silva (2009), França (2009), Machado Neto (2008), Kunsch (1997), Kotler e outros pesquisadores são alguns dos estudiosos que contribuem com estudos sobre o assunto, comparando as atividades e analisando a sua atuação nas organizações. Com base nos conhecimentos sobre o assunto, considere as seguintes afirmativas:

1. Enquanto o marketing procura impactos marcantes, as relações públicas têm a credibilidade como sua meta principal.

2. O marketing segue um padrão relativamente rígido em suas comunicações; as comunicações de relações públicas são flexíveis, de acordo com as circunstâncias.

3. “Relações públicas de marketing (RPM)” são voltadas aos clientes; é a denominação de uma subdivisão especial criada para apoiar diretamente tanto a divulgação da empresa quanto a promoção e a imagem de um produto.

4. O marketing está focalizado no gerenciamento do relacionamento com o cliente (CRM), que inclui os valores e as estratégias do marketing, enquanto as relações públicas focalizam valores intangíveis.

Assinale a alternativa correta.
Q2934170 Relações Públicas
Assinale a alternativa que NÃO diz respeito ao desempenho estratégico e gerencial de relações públicas, caracterizando-se como mero desempenho operacional.
Q2932013 Relações Públicas

A comunicação interna, planejada e avaliada, é uma ferramenta estratégica que estimula o diálogo entre lideranças e funcionários.

São proposições que direcionam a qualidade do processo da comunicação interna, EXCETO:

661: B
662: B
663: C
664: A
665: B
666: D
667: C
668: E
669: C
670: C
671: A
672: E
673: D
674: B
675: E
676: C
677: B
678: E
679: D
680: B