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Q1117022 Pedagogia

“No Brasil, a Escola Nova buscava a modernização, a democratização, a industrialização e a urbanização da sociedade. (...) Historicamente, os fatos marcantes da Escola Nova passam pela criação da Associação Brasileira de Educação em 1924 e a dissidência ocorrida na IV Conferência Nacional de Educação em 1931, que dividiu o pensamento renovador em dois grupos: liberais e católicos. Vale citar que o primeiro grupo, dos liberais, era integrado por nomes conhecidos como Fernando de Azevedo, Lourenço Filho, Anísio Teixeira e outros. Um marco importante foi o Manifesto dos Pioneiros da Educação Nova, publicado em 1932, que apresentava as principais diretrizes políticas, sociais, filosóficas e educacionais do escolanovismo. (...)”

(Disponível em

Considerando o exposto, assinale a afirmativa que NÃO se trata de um dos pressupostos pedagógicos e princípios didáticos preconizados pelo movimento da Escola Nova.

Q1117021 Inglês

Read and analyse the sentence to answer.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Mark the item which contains an inconsistency and its corresponding correction:

Q1117020 Inglês
Read and analyse the list of words to answer.  Alderperson.  Assemblyperson.  Aurally challenged. Hearing-impaired.  Homemaker.  Ironperson.  Letter carrier.  Little person.  Waitron. Thought shower. It is true that the words on list:
Q1117019 Inglês

Read the text to answer.

The reading passage as dependent exemplification

   The presentation of language through reading passages, with appended comprehension questions, is a well-established and very familiar pedagogic practice. But what is the purpose of such passages? When they appear in structurally based courses they seem to be used as a vehicle for usage, to consolidate a knowledge of structure and vocabulary that has already been introduced and to extend this knowledge by incorporating into the passages examples of whatever elements of usage come next in the course. In this case, the passage is intended as a manifestation of selected parts of the language system and in consequence they frequently exhibit an abnormally high occurence of particular structures. It has something of the character of a display case and its value as discourse is decreased accordingly.

(Widdowson, H. G. Teaching Language as Communication. Oxford University Press.)

All sentences are true about the reading passage described, EXCEPT: 

Q1117018 Inglês

Read the text to answer.

Over a ten-month period studying English, Alberto still used reduced and simplified forms of expression. For example, he did not progress beyond the first stage in development of negatives, he continued to use declarative word order rather than inversion in questions, he acquired virtually no auxiliary verbs, and failed to mark regular verbs for past tense or nouns for possession. The gramatical features that he did seem to have acquired could be accounted for his positive transfer from his native language – Spanish – and he was at a very early stage of development. 

According to Schumann’s acculturation model, the scenario describes: 

446: D
447: B
448: A
449: C
450: B