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O Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES) vem discutindo com o Ministério dos Transportes para incluir nos editais de licitação das novas concessões rodoviárias critérios que obriguem os proponentes a comprovar capacidade financeira compatível com o investimento. O Valor apurou que, com a medida, o banco quer evitar "aventureiros", empresas que ganham uma concessão e depois não têm capacidade econômica para desenvolver o projeto.
Jornol Valor Econômico (set/2012)
Analise os itens a seguir e marque C (CERTO) e E (ERRADO)
( ) O procedimento requerido pelo BNDES está previsto em lei quando esta indica que as obras e os serviços somente poderão ser licitados quando houver previsão de recursos orçamentários que assegurem o pagamento das obrigações decorrentes de obras ou serviços. ( ) O procedimento requerido pelo BNDES está previsto em lei quando esta indica que nas licitações de obras e serviços qualquer cidadão é parte legítima para impugnar preço constante do quadro geral em razão de incompatibilidade desse com o preço vigente no mercado.
( ) O procedimento requerido pelo BNDES está previsto em lei quando esta indica que, para fins de julgamento da licitação, as propostas apresentadas por licitantes estrangeiros serão acrescidas dos gravames conseqüentes dos mesmos tributos que oneram exclusivamente os licitantes brasileiros quanto à operação final de venda.
( ) O procedimento requerido pelo BNDES está previsto em lei quando esta indica que, para a habilitação nas licitações, exigir-se-á dos interessados, entre outros, documentação relativa à qualificação técnica e à qualificação econômico-financeira.
Assinale a alternativa correta.
"Os atos indicados na impugnação do PP - inobservância da Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal [...] não configurariam atos dolosos de improbidade administrativa, ante a ausência de prejuízo ao erário e enriquecimento ilícito por parte do impugnado [...], tendo sido inclusive reconhecida a prescrição por atos de improbidade".
Acerca das questões apresentadas acima, assinale a alternativa incorreta a respeito dos temas improbidade administrativa e prescrição.
I. Para procurar por uma palavra exata ou um conjunto de palavras em uma ordem específica, colocamos o texto entre aspas, como em "ajuda do LibreOffice".
II. Para excluir todos os resultados que trazem uma determinada palavra, coloca-se um hífen antes dela, como em -burocracia.
III. Para pesquisar em um único site específico, tal site deve ser especificado após a expressão site:, como em
Está correto o que se afirma em:
Considere os pacotes de escritório LibreOffice 3.6 e o MS Office 2010, ambos em português do Brasil e em suas instalações padrões. Assinale a alternativa correta.
Hedge Fund Manager Donates $100 Million for
Central Park
ceremony at the fountain.
When asked at the news conference what prompted the gift, Mr. Paulson said: "Walking through the
park in different seasons, it kept coming back that in my mind Central Park is the most deserving of ali of New York's cultural institutions. And I wanted the amount to make a difference. The park is very large, and its endowment is relatively small."
The park's current endowment stands at $144 million. Half of Mr. Paulson's gift will go to the endowment, while the other half will be used for capital improvements. Mr. Paulson mentioned that he considered important: Restoring the park's North Woods, and sprucing up the Merchanfs Gate entrance at the park's Southwest comer, the most heavily used entrance.
Mr. Paulson has been a supporter of the Central Park Conservancy for 20 years, but this is his first major gift to the park. He joined the conservancy's board in June.
Two former parks commissioners, Henry Stern and Adrian Benepe, were at the news conference on Tuesday. It was also attended by Elizabeth Barlow Rogers and Richard Gilder, key figures in the conservancy's founding.
The announcement was made under cloudy skies in a ceremony attended by hundreds of employees of the Central Park Conservancy in their gray sweatshirts, as well as the conservancy's board. Doug Blonsky, the president and chief executive officer of the conservancy, which operates Central Park for the city, hailed the gift as "transformational," saying that it would break the cycle of restoration and decline that has marked the park throughout its 153-year history.
(h ttp ://www. nytimes. com)
Hedge Fund Manager Donates $100 Million for
Central Park
ceremony at the fountain.
When asked at the news conference what prompted the gift, Mr. Paulson said: "Walking through the
park in different seasons, it kept coming back that in my mind Central Park is the most deserving of ali of New York's cultural institutions. And I wanted the amount to make a difference. The park is very large, and its endowment is relatively small."
The park's current endowment stands at $144 million. Half of Mr. Paulson's gift will go to the endowment, while the other half will be used for capital improvements. Mr. Paulson mentioned that he considered important: Restoring the park's North Woods, and sprucing up the Merchanfs Gate entrance at the park's Southwest comer, the most heavily used entrance.
Mr. Paulson has been a supporter of the Central Park Conservancy for 20 years, but this is his first major gift to the park. He joined the conservancy's board in June.
Two former parks commissioners, Henry Stern and Adrian Benepe, were at the news conference on Tuesday. It was also attended by Elizabeth Barlow Rogers and Richard Gilder, key figures in the conservancy's founding.
The announcement was made under cloudy skies in a ceremony attended by hundreds of employees of the Central Park Conservancy in their gray sweatshirts, as well as the conservancy's board. Doug Blonsky, the president and chief executive officer of the conservancy, which operates Central Park for the city, hailed the gift as "transformational," saying that it would break the cycle of restoration and decline that has marked the park throughout its 153-year history.
(h ttp ://www. nytimes. com)
"It was also attended by Elizabeth Barlow Rogers and Richard Gilder, key figures in the conservancy's founding."
"Attended by Elizabeth Barlow Rogers and Richard Gilder" means that them both:
Hedge Fund Manager Donates $100 Million for
Central Park
ceremony at the fountain.
When asked at the news conference what prompted the gift, Mr. Paulson said: "Walking through the
park in different seasons, it kept coming back that in my mind Central Park is the most deserving of ali of New York's cultural institutions. And I wanted the amount to make a difference. The park is very large, and its endowment is relatively small."
The park's current endowment stands at $144 million. Half of Mr. Paulson's gift will go to the endowment, while the other half will be used for capital improvements. Mr. Paulson mentioned that he considered important: Restoring the park's North Woods, and sprucing up the Merchanfs Gate entrance at the park's Southwest comer, the most heavily used entrance.
Mr. Paulson has been a supporter of the Central Park Conservancy for 20 years, but this is his first major gift to the park. He joined the conservancy's board in June.
Two former parks commissioners, Henry Stern and Adrian Benepe, were at the news conference on Tuesday. It was also attended by Elizabeth Barlow Rogers and Richard Gilder, key figures in the conservancy's founding.
The announcement was made under cloudy skies in a ceremony attended by hundreds of employees of the Central Park Conservancy in their gray sweatshirts, as well as the conservancy's board. Doug Blonsky, the president and chief executive officer of the conservancy, which operates Central Park for the city, hailed the gift as "transformational," saying that it would break the cycle of restoration and decline that has marked the park throughout its 153-year history.
(h ttp ://www. nytimes. com)
Hedge Fund Manager Donates $100 Million for
Central Park
ceremony at the fountain.
When asked at the news conference what prompted the gift, Mr. Paulson said: "Walking through the
park in different seasons, it kept coming back that in my mind Central Park is the most deserving of ali of New York's cultural institutions. And I wanted the amount to make a difference. The park is very large, and its endowment is relatively small."
The park's current endowment stands at $144 million. Half of Mr. Paulson's gift will go to the endowment, while the other half will be used for capital improvements. Mr. Paulson mentioned that he considered important: Restoring the park's North Woods, and sprucing up the Merchanfs Gate entrance at the park's Southwest comer, the most heavily used entrance.
Mr. Paulson has been a supporter of the Central Park Conservancy for 20 years, but this is his first major gift to the park. He joined the conservancy's board in June.
Two former parks commissioners, Henry Stern and Adrian Benepe, were at the news conference on Tuesday. It was also attended by Elizabeth Barlow Rogers and Richard Gilder, key figures in the conservancy's founding.
The announcement was made under cloudy skies in a ceremony attended by hundreds of employees of the Central Park Conservancy in their gray sweatshirts, as well as the conservancy's board. Doug Blonsky, the president and chief executive officer of the conservancy, which operates Central Park for the city, hailed the gift as "transformational," saying that it would break the cycle of restoration and decline that has marked the park throughout its 153-year history.
(h ttp ://www. nytimes. com)
I. Central Park is a cultural institution.
II. The Park's endowment is the biggest one around the country.
III. Central Park's fountain is the most important one around the world nowadays.
Is (are) correct: