Questões de Inglês - Ensino da Língua Estrangeira Inglesa para Concurso
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Education encompasses both the teaching and learning of knowledge, proper conduct, and technical competency. It thus focuses on the cultivation of skills, trades or professions, as well as mental, moral & aesthetic development.
Formal education consists of systematic instruction, teaching and training by professional teachers. This consists of the application of pedagogy and the development of curricula.
The right to education is a fundamental human right. Since 1952, Article 2 of the first Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights obliges all signatory parties to guarantee the right to education. At world level, the United Nations’ International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of 1966 guarantees this right under its Article 13.
Educational systems are established to provide education and training, often for children and the young. A curriculum defines what students should know, understand and be able to do as the result of education. A teaching profession delivers teaching which enables learning, and a system of policies, regulations, examinations, structures and funding enables teachers to teach to the best of their abilities.
Primary (or elementary) education consists of the first
years of formal, structured education. In general, primary education consists of six or seven years of schooling starting at the age of 5 or 6, although this varies
between, and sometimes within, countries. Globally,
around 70% of primary-age children are enrolled in
primary education, and this proportion is rising.
In most contemporary educational systems of the world, secondary education consists of the second years of formal education that occur during adolescence. It is characterized by transition from the typically compulsory, comprehensive primary education for minors, to the optional, selective tertiary, “post-secondary”, or “higher” education (e.g., university, vocational school) for adults.
Higher education, also called tertiary, third stage, or
post secondary education, is the non-compulsory
educational level that follows the completion of a
school providing a secondary education, such as a
high school or secondary school. Tertiary education is
normally taken to include undergraduate and postgraduate education, as well as vocational education and
training. Colleges and universities are the main institutions that provide tertiary education. Collectively,
these are sometimes known as tertiary institutions.
Tertiary education generally results in the receipt of
certificates, diplomas, or academic degrees.
Learning a foreign language demands the development of some skills.
Choose the alternative that contains all of them.
Read Text 4 and answer the question.
Text 4
Exploring Identity-based Challenges to English Teachers’ Professional Growth
Heather Camp
Minnesota State University-Mankato
Research on pre-service teacher education indicates that identity construction is an important facet of becoming a teacher. To establish oneself as a teaching professional, a person must craft a teacher identity out of the personal and professional discourses that surround him/her. This idea is consistent with contemporary theories of identity construction, which posit that the self is discursively constructed, made and remade by the various discourses that encompass the person. Such discourses -- “pattern[s] of thinking, speaking, behaving, and interacting that [are] socially, culturally, and historically constructed and sanctioned by a specific group or groups of people” (Miller Marsh 456) -- are constantly intermingling, wrangling for ideological power and dynamically shaping one another. To construct an identity, an individual must integrate these diverse discourses, weaving them together to form a dynamic but cohesive sense of self. On one hand, this twining process has the potential to promote psychological development, leading to the attainment of “an expanded, integrated self, more diverse and richer in the possibilities for action that these multiple identities afford” (Brown 676). Yet, it also may produce identity destabilization and fragmentation, leading to uncertainty, distress and stymied psychological growth.
New teachers are confronted with the task of adopting new discourses, and of forging relationships between old and new strands of their identities. Succeeding at this process facilitates the development of a secure and satisfying professional sense-ofself: research indicates that the attainment of an integrated identity helps teachers transition into and find satisfaction within the teaching profession, teach effectively, and nurture students’ self-development. Further, it suggests that attaining a cohesive identity better prepares teachers to champion educational reform.
Yet, research also suggests that accessing this array of rewards can be difficult. As teachers seek to integrate their teacherly roles with other discourses that contribute to their sense of self, they may encounter identity conflicts that work against a sense of identity cohesiveness. Encountering such conflicts can lead to emotional turmoil and stunted professional growth, even leading some student teachers (and practicing teachers) to leave the teaching profession altogether.
Growing awareness of the importance of professional identity construction and the psychological labor it demands has led to an upsurge in scholarship on pre-service teacher identity formation. […] This scholarship has drawn attention to the complexity of identity construction for pre-service teachers and offered educators insights into how they might support these students through this important work.
Adapted from
Read Text 2 and answer the question.
Text 2
Here are four passages from an article on awareness of English as a lingua franca (ELF):
1) “Few will deny that research in the area of English as a lingua franca (ELF) has significantly contributed to our understanding of many different facets of communication involving non-native speakers of English. Such studies have added valuable insights to the growing research in the domain of critical applied linguistics and critical pedagogy and have prompted many scholars to problematize all aspects of English language teaching, learning, testing, curriculum designing, etc.”
2) “It is important at this stage to distinguish between the critical and the transformative perspective in ESOL teacher education. While they both share the element of reflection, they are different in a crucial way, although the former has often been seen as an umbrella term that subsumes the latter.”
3) “Critical pedagogy is invaluable in our attempt to understand the complex processes of the global spread of English and the intricate ways in which it continues to be localized and relocalized (Pennycook, 2010). It has the tools to help teachers appreciate the complications of context and the various underlying and often hidden discourses, from learner identity construction in the ESOL classroom (Norton and Toohey, 2011) to language testing (Shohamy, 2004) to the politics of pedagogy in the ‘classroom as a microcosm of the larger social and cultural world’” (Pennycook, 2001: 138).
4) “The value of an ELF-aware transformative perspective to ESOL teacher education lies in its power to help teachers define ELF for themselves and for their teaching contexts. In this way, teachers are involved in the co-construction of ELF and, in particular, in the development of one or more pedagogical frameworks for ELF. To achieve this, teachers have to have an informed awareness of the ELF construct, a critical awareness of their own deeper convictions about essential aspects of language, communication, and language teaching/learning, and the capability to bring about sustainable change in their teaching.”
From Sifakis, N. C. (2014). "ELF awareness as an opportunity for change: a
transformative perspective for ESOL teacher education". Journal of English as a
Lingua Franca, 3/2: 317-335
Read Text 2 and answer the question.
Text 2
Here are four passages from an article on awareness of English as a lingua franca (ELF):
1) “Few will deny that research in the area of English as a lingua franca (ELF) has significantly contributed to our understanding of many different facets of communication involving non-native speakers of English. Such studies have added valuable insights to the growing research in the domain of critical applied linguistics and critical pedagogy and have prompted many scholars to problematize all aspects of English language teaching, learning, testing, curriculum designing, etc.”
2) “It is important at this stage to distinguish between the critical and the transformative perspective in ESOL teacher education. While they both share the element of reflection, they are different in a crucial way, although the former has often been seen as an umbrella term that subsumes the latter.”
3) “Critical pedagogy is invaluable in our attempt to understand the complex processes of the global spread of English and the intricate ways in which it continues to be localized and relocalized (Pennycook, 2010). It has the tools to help teachers appreciate the complications of context and the various underlying and often hidden discourses, from learner identity construction in the ESOL classroom (Norton and Toohey, 2011) to language testing (Shohamy, 2004) to the politics of pedagogy in the ‘classroom as a microcosm of the larger social and cultural world’” (Pennycook, 2001: 138).
4) “The value of an ELF-aware transformative perspective to ESOL teacher education lies in its power to help teachers define ELF for themselves and for their teaching contexts. In this way, teachers are involved in the co-construction of ELF and, in particular, in the development of one or more pedagogical frameworks for ELF. To achieve this, teachers have to have an informed awareness of the ELF construct, a critical awareness of their own deeper convictions about essential aspects of language, communication, and language teaching/learning, and the capability to bring about sustainable change in their teaching.”
From Sifakis, N. C. (2014). "ELF awareness as an opportunity for change: a
transformative perspective for ESOL teacher education". Journal of English as a
Lingua Franca, 3/2: 317-335
Manga account_______. nearly fifty percent of all the books and magazines published in Japan each year. And few magazines of any kind in the world can match this number: Shonen Jump, the leading comic title, has a circulation of 6.5 million copies week!
The method that avoids using the students' native language and only uses the target language is the audio-lingual method.
According to the Task-Based Learning approach, a lesson planned within this framework consists of three phases: pre-task, task cycle and language focus.
English language teaching uses Vygotsky through a socio-interactionist approach.
One characteristic of the Communicative Approach includes tasks that have projects for producing posters, brochures, pamphlets, oral presentations, radio plays, videos, websites and dramatic performances. It means the students may also be using a range of different communicative language skills.
Associe corretamente a forma de correção à sua definição.
1 - Correção direta 2 - Autocorreção (self-correction) 3 - Correção com toda a turma (whole classroom correction) 4 - Correção com os pares (peer correction)
( ) É a leitura do texto pelo próprio aluno, sem ajuda externa (colega ou professor), ou o professor pode indicar que um erro foi produzido.
( ) O professor seleciona alguns tipos de erros e trabalha-os no quadro, pois o erro de um poderá esclarecer a dúvida do outro e, com isso, todos poderão aprender.
( ) É a forma de correção mais tradicional feita pelo professor; ela implica marcar no texto os erros e fornecer a forma correta, com maior ênfase nos aspectos formais; pode ou não ser levado em conta o aspecto comunicativo.
( ) Os alunos trabalham com os colegas para fazer a correção de seus textos. Ela pode ser realizada em pares, em trios etc. Esse tipo de correção é muito positivo por permitir uma interação maior entre os alunos, o que pode, consequentemente, levá-los a construir o seu conhecimento por meio de uma aprendizagem colaborativa.
A sequência correta dessa associação é
I - In 1780 John Adams, as part of his proposal to Congress for an American Academy, was in no doubt: "English is destined to be in the next and succeeding centuries more generally the language of the world than Latin was in the last or French is in the present age. The reason of this is obvious,
II - the increasing population in America, and their universal connection and correspondence with all nations will, aided by the influence of England in the world, whether great or small, force their language into general use, in spite of all the obstacles that may be thrown in their way, if any such there should be". He proved to be an accurate prophet.
Sobre as asserções, é correto afirmar que
Avalie o que se afirmam serem algumas dessas competências, de acordo com a BNCC.
I - Identificar similaridades e diferenças entre a língua inglesa e a língua materna/outras línguas, articulando -as a aspectos sociais, culturais e identitários, em uma relação intrínseca entre língua, cultura e identidade.
II - Utilizar novas tecnologias, com novas linguagens e modos de interação, para pesquisar, selecionar, compartilhar, posicionar-se e produzir sentidos em práticas de letramento na língua inglesa, de forma ética, crítica e responsável.
III - Elaborar repertórios linguístico-discursivos da língua inglesa, aplicados somente no Brasil, de modo a reconhecer a diversidade linguística como direito e valorizar os usos heterogêneos, híbridos e multimodais emergentes nas sociedades contemporâneas.
IV - Comunicar-se na língua inglesa, por meio do uso variado de linguagens em mídias impressas ou digitais, reconhecendo-a como ferramenta de acesso ao conhecimento, de ampliação das perspectivas e de possibilidades para a compreensão dos valores e interesses de outras culturas e para o exercício do protagonismo social, sem a necessidade de considerar o mundo do trabalho.
Está correto apenas o que se afirma em
Analise as asserções a seguir e a relação proposta entre elas.
I - Ao se entender a linguagem como prática social, como possibilidade de compreender e expressar opiniões, valores, sentimentos, informações, oralmente e por escrito, o estudo de palavras e de estruturas deve ser interessante para o estudante, em relação à língua, principalmente
II - permite a oportunidade de arriscar-se a interpretá-la e a utilizá-la em suas funções de comunicação e esse estudante acabará vendo sentido em aprendê-la.
Sobre as asserções, é correto afirmar que
( ) The behaviourist learning was the dominant psychological theory of the 1980s and 1990s.
( ) According to this theory, language learning is like any other kind of learning in that it involves habit formation.
( ) It was believed that all behaviour, including the kind of complex behavior found in language acquisition, could be explained in terms of habits.
( ) Habits are formed when learner respond to stimuli in the environment and subsequently have their responses reinforced so that they are remembered; thus, a habit is not a stimulus-response connection.
The correct sequence is
Consider the following statements.
I – Dialects emerge because they give identi ty to the groups which own them.
II – The study of language history shows that if two social groups come to be separated only by a mountain range or a wide river, they will soon begin to develop diff erent habits of speech.
III – When a country becomes independent, there is a natural reacti on to reinforce the linguisti c character imposed by its colonial past, avoiding the indigenous language, to provide a symbol for new nati onhood.
IV – The drive for identi ty was parti cularly dominant in the second half of the twenti eth century, when the number of independent nati ons dramati cally grew, and the membership of the United Nati ons more than tripled.
The only correcti ve alternati ve is
( ) Ela envolve suposições, inferências e conhecimentos prévios;
( ) Necessita que o leitor possua conhecimentos aprofundados da língua inglesa;
( ) Ela parte de gravuras, infográficos, imagens e conhecimentos gerais sobre o assunto;
( ) Se baseia na tradução literal do texto que está sendo lido.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência correta de cima para baixo.
Dentre as estratégias de leituras possíveis de se fazer para a compreensão de um texto em língua inglesa, assinale a alternativa que apresenta a que estratégia de leitura a citação se refere.