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Q2614569 Inglês
News Headlines

1. How will AI shape your future?
2. Will AI really take over our jobs?
3. Will AI makes us smarter?
4. How will AI impact generations to come?

Prepared by the author.
A teacher decided to work with news headlines with her students in order to discuss the potential impacts of artificial intelligence (AI) on the world of work and on the future of the job market. Regarding this topic, which headline could be used to illustrate the worry about replacement of labor functions and professional stability?
Q2614568 Inglês
Text 2

How English develops in the world is no business whatsoever of native speakers in England, the United States, or anywhere else. They have no say in the matter, no right to intervene or pass judgment. They are irrelevant. The very fact that English is an international language means that no nation can have custody over it. To grant such custody of the language is necessarily to arrest its development and so undermine its international status. It is a matter of considerable pride and satisfaction for native speakers of English that their language is an international means of communication. But the point is that it is only international to the extent that it is not their language. It is not a possession which they lease out to others, while retaining the freehold. Other people actually own it (Widdowson, 1994, p. 385).

KILICKAYA, F. World Englishes, English as an International Language and Applied Linguistics. English Language Teaching, Vol. 2, No. 3, 2009. Available at: . Access on: 21 may. 2024. [Adapted].
In the excerpt from the text "It is not a possession which they lease out to others, while retaining the freehold," what does the noun freehold mean?
Q2614567 Inglês
Text 2

How English develops in the world is no business whatsoever of native speakers in England, the United States, or anywhere else. They have no say in the matter, no right to intervene or pass judgment. They are irrelevant. The very fact that English is an international language means that no nation can have custody over it. To grant such custody of the language is necessarily to arrest its development and so undermine its international status. It is a matter of considerable pride and satisfaction for native speakers of English that their language is an international means of communication. But the point is that it is only international to the extent that it is not their language. It is not a possession which they lease out to others, while retaining the freehold. Other people actually own it (Widdowson, 1994, p. 385).

KILICKAYA, F. World Englishes, English as an International Language and Applied Linguistics. English Language Teaching, Vol. 2, No. 3, 2009. Available at: . Access on: 21 may. 2024. [Adapted].
Regarding how English develops in the world, what can be inferred from the text?
Q2614566 Inglês
According to Brown (2002), for much of the 20th century, the language teaching profession was focused on finding a single, ideal method that could effectively teach a foreign language in the classroom setting. By the 21st century, there was a move away from a one-size-fits-all approach in language teaching towards a more adaptable and studentcentered methodology. In the history of language teaching methods and approaches this movement is known as:
Q2614564 Inglês

Cartoon Strip 1

What can be inferred from the student's attitude towards learning?
Q2614563 Inglês
In Scott Thornbury’s book “How to Teach Grammar”, the use of grammar in Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is viewed differently in the "shallow end" (weak CLT) and the "deep end" (strong CLT) approaches. What is a key characteristic of the weak CLT approach compared to the strong one?
Q2614562 Inglês
Read the case below.

A teacher writes 5 questions on the board, then hands the learners a reading text on printed paper. Individually, the students have to read the text and find the answers as quickly as possible.

Prepared by the author.

Based on this activity description, which reading strategy is being practiced?
Q2614561 Inglês
Text 1

The concept of language as discourse leads to a perspective of language teaching as a process of teaching not only pre-existent meanings, but also a process of teaching ways in which we can create new meanings, position ourselves and construct our identities. In other words, when language is defined as discourse, teaching a foreign language becomes teaching new ways of reinventing and representing oneself and of perceiving (and constructing) the world. Language as discourse implies an understanding of our language practices as practices of constructing and assigning meanings to the world, to what happens in the world, to what we see and what we don't see in reality. A change in discourse practice therefore leads to a reconfiguration of our identity and the way we read the world (cf.: GEE, 1986). This is to say that, when learning a new language we learn new meanings, new (des)identifications (HALL, 2005) and new ways to understand ourselves and the "wor(l)d" (FREIRE; MACEDO, 1987).

JORDÃO C. M, FOGAÇA F. C. Critical literacy in the English language classroom. DELTA v. 28, n. 1, p. 69-84, 2012. Available at: . Access on: 21 may. 2024. [Adapted].
In the excerpt from the text “A change in discourse practice therefore leads to a reconfiguration of our identity and the way we read the world”, the verb leads to can be replaced by
Q2614560 Inglês
Text 1

The concept of language as discourse leads to a perspective of language teaching as a process of teaching not only pre-existent meanings, but also a process of teaching ways in which we can create new meanings, position ourselves and construct our identities. In other words, when language is defined as discourse, teaching a foreign language becomes teaching new ways of reinventing and representing oneself and of perceiving (and constructing) the world. Language as discourse implies an understanding of our language practices as practices of constructing and assigning meanings to the world, to what happens in the world, to what we see and what we don't see in reality. A change in discourse practice therefore leads to a reconfiguration of our identity and the way we read the world (cf.: GEE, 1986). This is to say that, when learning a new language we learn new meanings, new (des)identifications (HALL, 2005) and new ways to understand ourselves and the "wor(l)d" (FREIRE; MACEDO, 1987).

JORDÃO C. M, FOGAÇA F. C. Critical literacy in the English language classroom. DELTA v. 28, n. 1, p. 69-84, 2012. Available at: . Access on: 21 may. 2024. [Adapted].
According to the text, the concept of language teaching derived from the view of language as discourse states that language teaching 
Q2606988 Inglês

Read the dialogue.

A: So, I’ve decided that I’ll move to the big city to look for a dream job.

B: You know, that sounds like a good idea.

C: Well, actually you ought to make decisions about your future.

B: Right.

A: Anyway, I was wondering if either of you would help me find a furnished apartment to rent.

B: Look, I’m like...very busy during the week, I mean, I'm trying to catch up with my deadline.

C: I’m in the same boat.

A: What about the weekend? Say, Saturday afternoon? You both could take turns, and later we might grab some beers.

B: Fine with me!

C: Count me in!

The words reproducing pause, hesitation, redundancy, etc, present in the dialogue in abbreviated or full form are:

Q2606983 Inglês
“Smooth” is a song issued in 1999, revealing several of very contemporary society’s aspects through language, and also through its message, EXCEPT:

           Imagem associada para resolução da questão

(Available in:
Q2606982 Inglês

Read the text to choose the option that is a text supported statement.

    Claudine and Dismas have always struggled to make ends meet in Burundi. On their farm, they grow beans, maize, bananas and sorghum, which helps them financially since their harvest is profitable, and the lands fruitful. After her second pregnancy, Claudine became very ill, and much of the extras they had went to pay for traditional healers and medical doctors searching for answers to her sickness.

    The birth of their second child, Valerie, with clubfoot added to the family’s tight financial situation. The condition was not even identified until about a month after Valerie was born when her grandmother was changing her. The grandmother recognized clubfoot because Claudine’s stepsister also had children born with the disability. People discouraged Claudine and Dismas from finding treatment because they felt Valerie’s feet resulted from the strange illness Claudine suffered during her pregnancy. Even if treatment was possible, neighbors reasoned the family would never be able to afford it.

   Claudine and Dismas decided to put all their limited financial resources toward clubfoot treatment. Still, saving enough money for transportation to the first clinic visit took them a while. At the clinic, Hope Walks staff gave them the good news that treatment would be free for them.

(Available in:


Q2606980 Inglês

Rupi Kaur emigrated to Canada from India when she was four. On Instagram, 2009, she became a worldwide success. Considering the hints available, the text’s main idea is:

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

(Available in:

Q2606978 Inglês

Examine verbal and non verbal information to select the compatible item. 

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

(Available in: Adapted.)

    The book “No Mirrors in my Nana's House” is a fiction book about a young African American girl who enjoys going to visit her Nana, whose house doesn't have any mirrors. The young girl's Nana zones in on the young girls inner beauty instead of focusing on external appearance. Since Nana's house doesn't have any mirrors, they can't see the reflection of the cracks in the wall or the clothes that don't fit. The granddaughter grows up seeing the world through her Nana's loving eyes, rather than in a coldly objective reflection. The symbolic meaning of mirrorsis a clear view of oneself causing people to think about themselves and analyze feelings and actions.     Dr. Ysaye M. Barnwell, the book’s author, is best known as a member of Sweet Honey in the Rock, an a capella quintet of African American women who perform to acclaim across the country and around the world. "No Mirrors in My Nana's House" is one of a number of her compositions performed and recorded by the group that she transformed in her first book for children. Barnwell, who has a PhD (1975) in speech pathology from the University of Pittsburgh, and also earned a Master of Science in Public health, from Howard University in 1981, informs us that in Africa "Nana" refers to a respected leader or teacher, and also that no mirrors are allowed during initiation ceremonies in Africa.
(Available in: https://www.rif.or. Adapted.)   

Q2606977 Inglês

Read the text.

    It refers to two major aspects of language use today. The first is the variability of meaning making in different cultural, social or domain-specific contexts. These differences are becoming ever more significant to our communication environment. This means that it is no longer enough for literacy teaching to focus solely on the rules of standard forms of the national language. Rather, the business of communication and representation of meaning today increasingly requires that learners are able figure to out differences in patterns of meaning from one context to another. These differences are the consequence of any number of factors such as culture, gender, life experience, subject matter, or social or subject domain. Every meaning exchange is cross-cultural to a certain degree.

   The second aspect of language use today arises in part from the characteristics of the new information and communication media. Meaning is made in ways that are increasingly multimodal – in which written-linguistic modes of meaning interface with oral, visual, audio, gestural, tactile and spatial patterns of meaning.

(Available in:

The above explanation matches:

Q2606975 Inglês
Read the following text, analyse the assertions below and point out the corresponding option.

    Language Trends is an annual survey of primary and secondary schools in England, designed to gather information about the situation for language teaching and learning. Its aims are: (a) to assess the impact of policy measures in relation to languages; and (b) to analyse strengths and weaknesses based both on quantitative evidence and on views expressed by teachers. Since 2015 there has also been an annual survey in Wales, and since 2019 a biennial survey in Northern Ireland; reports can be found on the corresponding country’s British Council website. The Language Trends series shows general shifts in data and seeks to provide a springboard for teachers, school leaders, academics, inspectors, policy makers, school pupils and the public to consider aspects of language learning more deeply. The headline findings for 2023 include: 

• Almost nine out of ten responding primary schools have some pupils for whom English is an Additional Language (EAL).
• The 2023 data reflect a positive increase in the number of primary schools in contact with secondary schools concerning language education.
• French remains the most popular language at Key Stage 3, followed closely by Spanish in both state and independent sectors.
• German is the third most popular curricular language, but entries are much higher in the independent sector.
• For the fourth year running, Spanish continues to have the highest number of A-level entries.
• Schools’ international engagement is improving since the Covid-19 pandemic.
• Further study is required to observe to what extent parents’/carers’ attitudes to languages can affect pupils’ desire to study a language.

(Available in: Adapted.)

I. Students’ wish to study a language is soundly swayed by their parents.
II. Yet to determine is the students’ front-runner language in public schools.
III. The brunt of measures that set up the decision making basis for language education will be rated.
Q2606974 Inglês

The item preserving the same message/idea as the one emphasized in the text below is:

Rahul: Hi, Raj. You 've participated the drawing competition.

Raj: Sure, you know drawing is my bailiwick.

Rahul: What is the topic you chose?

Raj: “Environmental Issues”

Rahul: How many days did it take you to complete it?

Raj: It took me 2.

Rahul: Have the results already? To whom did the prize go?

Raj: A dude in Texas, at least my personal experience has grown...

(Available in:


Q2594895 Inglês
Leia o texto a seguir.

Wreckage of US World War Two submarine found after 80 years
The wreckage of a US Navy submarine that sank the most Japanese warships during World War Two has been found in the South China Sea, some 80 years after it was sunk by enemy forces.
The USS Harder was found 3,000ft (914m) below water off the Philippines' northern island of Luzon. The Harder was sunk in battle on 29 August 1944, along with its crew of 79 men.
In one of its final war patrols, it sank three Japanese destroyers and heavily damaged two others over four days, according to the US Navy's History and Heritage Command (NHHC). This forced the Japanese to change their battle plans and delay their carrier force, contributing to their defeat.
“Harder was lost in the course of victory. We must not forget that victory has a price, as does freedom,” said Samuel J. Cox, a retired US admiral who heads the NHHC.
The Philippines was one of the main Pacific battlegrounds of World War Two, as the US fought to retake its former colony from the Japanese Imperial Army.
Waters in and around the archipelago have served as the resting place of famed World War Two battleships. In 2015, US billionaire Paul Allen located the wreck of the Musashi, one of the two largest Japanese warships ever built, in the Philippines' Sibuyan Sea.
The Harder, which sailed under the motto of "Hit 'em harder', was found by the Lost 52 project, which aims to find the 52 US submarines lost during World War Two. It was found sitting upright on its keel or spine, and relatively intact, the US Navy said.
The submarine and its crew were later awarded the Presidential Unit Citation for its service during the war. The honour recognises extraordinary heroism in action.
Its skipper, Commander Sam Dealey, was posthumously awarded the US's highest military decoration, the Medal of Honor.

Joel Guinto. BBC News. Wreckage of US World War Two submarine found after 80 years. Disponível em:<> . Acesso em: 24 mai. 2024.

What is the function of the word "which" in the sentence "The Harder, which sailed under the motto of 'Hit 'em harder', was found by the Lost 52 project"?
Q2594886 Inglês
Which literary period in English literature is characterized by a focus on reason, scientific inquiry, and the exploration of human potential? 
Q2592870 Inglês

Read Text | and answer questions 05 to 13.

Netflix is trying to prove to the world that it's all grown up

Netflix is trying to persuade Wall Street that it is now all grown up. After squeezing out millions of additional subscribers via its password sharing crackdown and through the introduction of cheaper advertiser-supported plans, the streamer knows that its growth spurts are coming to an end — and now it wants investors to stop obsessing over those pesky membership numbers and instead focus on other metrics.

"In our early days, when we had little revenue or profit, membership growth was a strong indicator of our future potential. But now we're generating very substantial profit and free cash flow. We are also developing new revenue streams like advertising and our extra member feature, so memberships are just one component of our growth", Netflix told shareholders as it reported quarterly earnings.

To that end, Netflix said that it will no longer report quarterly subscriber numbers, starting in 2025. Alas, the metric that Wall Street has forever judged Netflix on — the metric that prompted legacy media companies to burn endless piles of cash in their bids to compete with the streamer — will be retired. The decision to shut off transparency on the metric represents a significant turning point in the streaming revolution. For years, Netflix has prided itself on being extraordinarily transparent. Now it is aiming to hold its cards closer to its chest. And given that streaming giant is the trendsetter in the space, one could expect that other media companies will be inspired by the company's move and also opt to cease reporting such data.

To be fair, what Netflix is saying isn't necessarily off base either. As the company shifts its business model away from subscriptions and toward advertising and other revenue streams, it makes sense to consider how much time users are spending on the service. The more content a user consumes on Netflix, the more likely they are to continue paying for the service, and the more money Netflix then makes from that single subscriber. "We're focused on revenue and operating margin as our primary financial metrics — and engagement (i.e. time spent) as our best proxy for customer satisfaction,” Netflix underscored in its letter to shareholders.

Regardless, less transparency in an already opaque industry is not ideal. The walled garden of streaming already lacks the same detailed viewership data that Nielsen collects on linear television broadcasters. Now, visibility into the streaming world will get even dimmer.

The announcement from Netflix managed to overshadow its otherwise stellar quarter. The company handily beat expectations and added a staggering 9.3 million subscribers, meaning it now boasts nearly 270 million in total. Netflix also beat analyst expectations on both earnings and revenue. However, it wasn't all good news. Netflix forecasted its subscriber growth to be lower in quarter two, chalking it up to “typical seasonality.” That led the stock to slide nearly 5% in after-hours trading.

Whether "typical seasonality” is solely to blame, or whether the streamer is simply starting to hit a ceiling, is hard to tell. Perhaps it is a mix of both. Whatever the cause, the stock sliding on the less-than-ideal outlook is a prime example of why Netflix wants Wall Street to stop focusing on its subscriber numbers. And, in one year's time, investors won't have a choice.

Adapted from:

Based on Text |, mark the statements below as True (T) or False (F).

( ) Netflix's steps might lead other streaming companies to crack on reporting quarterly subscriber numbers.

( ) Excluding engagement, being less transparent is the key for Netflix to maintain its customer satisfaction.

( )Netflix wants investors to stop obsessing over membership numbers and instead focus on other metrics.

( ) Falling short of expectations, the streaming company added a staggering 9.3 million subscribers.

The statements are, in the order presented, respectively:

1441: B
1442: C
1443: B
1444: A
1445: A
1446: C
1447: B
1448: B
1449: C
1450: C
1451: A
1452: A
1453: D
1454: A
1455: A
1456: C
1457: B
1458: B
1459: C
1460: B