Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Arcoverde - PE 2024 para Professor II de Língua Inglesa

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Q2520353 Pedagogia

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Democratic management in schools aims to promote a collective organization of educational actions and conceptions, enabling a progressive pedagogical practice committed to the civic formation of students.

Q2520355 Pedagogia

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According to Law N. 13,146/2015, it is the duty of the State, society, and family to ensure, with priority, the realization of rights related to food, housing, social security, culture, tourism, leisure, among others, for people with disabilities.

Q2520356 Pedagogia

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Democratic management of public schools emerges as a response to contemporary needs for organization, participation, planning, and decision-making, providing a more efficient and effective environment for the educational process. 

Q2520358 Pedagogia

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The Political-Pedagogical Project (PPP) is a tool that describes and reveals the school's identity, organizing pedagogical work in a democratic and collaborative manner. It is the exclusive responsibility of the principal to develop and implement it.

Q2520361 Pedagogia

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According to Resolution CNE-CEB (National Council of Education/Basic Education Council) N. 07/2010, the teaching of a modern Foreign Language in Elementary School is mandatory from the 6th year onwards, with the choice of the language to be taught determined exclusively by educational authorities.

Q2520364 Pedagogia

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The English Language curriculum component, according to the BNCC, has criteria for organizing skills that can be flexibilized according to the specific needs and contexts of each school.

Q2520366 Pedagogia

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According to Law N. 13,146/2015, disability does not affect a person's legal capacity, including the right to decide on the number of children and to have access to adequate information on reproduction and family planning.

Q2520368 Pedagogia

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The direct or cooperative implementation of school performance evaluation, which is done every two years, can be carried out by the Union, and also the States, the Federal District, and Municipalities as long as there is an agreed cooperation between the institution and is also according to the current national education system. 

Q2520371 Pedagogia

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Reading practices in the English language, according to the BNCC, prioritize only the overall comprehension of the text, neglecting the search for specific information.

Q2520372 Pedagogia

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The progressive pedagogy known as "liberating" emphasizes the transmission of objective and measurable information, subordinating teaching to the science of behavioral change and educational technology.

Q2520373 Pedagogia

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The Oral Language axis, according to the BNCC, does not consider the individual characteristics of speakers, such as their pronunciation and intonation, when exploring oral language practices.

Q2520375 Pedagogia

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Democratic management in schools implies centralizing decisions in the hands of the principal, who, in turn, must act exclusively as a managerial and corporatist figure.

Q2520377 Pedagogia

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Integral Education promotes equity by recognizing the right of all individuals to learn and access differentiated educational opportunities.

Q2520378 Pedagogia

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A LDB assegura que todos os estudantes têm o direito à educação física, integrada à proposta pedagógica da escola, ajustada às faixas etárias e condições da população escolar, com prática facultativa nos cursos noturnos. 

Q2520379 Pedagogia

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A LDB determina que a Educação Básica é obrigatória e gratuita para todas as crianças e adolescentes de 4 a 17 anos, destacando a importância de uma educação inclusiva e acessível.

Q2520380 Pedagogia

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De acordo com a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (LDB), a Educação Básica é obrigatória dos 4 aos 16 anos de idade, abrangendo a Educação Infantil, o Ensino Fundamental e o Ensino Médio.

Q2520381 Pedagogia

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A Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) tem como objetivo principal estabelecer diretrizes nacionais para o currículo da Educação Básica, proporcionando uma base comum para todos os estudantes do Brasil. Essa base serve para garantir que todos os alunos tenham acesso a uma educação de qualidade, independentemente de onde estejam localizados no país. 

Q2520382 Pedagogia

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A Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) é orientada pela educação integral e foca no desenvolvimento de competências para toda a Educação Básica. Ela segue as diretrizes estabelecidas pelas competências gerais, que incluem habilidades e conhecimentos que todos os estudantes devem desenvolver ao longo de sua trajetória escolar.

Q2520383 Pedagogia

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As Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais de 1998 desempenharam um papel importante na reforma educacional, mas não estabeleceram as áreas do conhecimento da Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC).

Q2520384 Pedagogia

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Conforme a LDB, a Educação Básica deve vincular-se ao mundo do trabalho e às práticas sociais, enfatizando a importância de uma educação que prepare os alunos para os desafios práticos além dos acadêmicos. 

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