Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Jundiaí - SP 2022 para Professor II - Língua Estrangeira (Inglês)

Foram encontradas 49 questões

Q2409332 Pedagogia

A Política Nacional de Educação Especial na Perspectiva da Educação Inclusiva, vigente desde 2008, define como público-alvo da educação especial alunos

Q2409333 Pedagogia

Em relação à educação inclusiva, segundo a perspectiva de Claudia Werneck (autora de Ninguém mais vai ser bonzinho na sociedade inclusiva), é correto afirmar que inclusão e integração

Q2409335 Pedagogia

Em relação à concepção de avaliação formativa, na perspectiva que compreende “ensinar, aprender e avaliar como processo único” (LUÍS, S. M. B. De que avaliação precisamos em arte e educação física? In: SILVA; HOFFMANN; ESTEBAN. Práticas avaliativas e aprendizagens significativas em diferentes áreas do currículo), é correto afirmar que

Q2409337 Pedagogia

As Diretrizes Curriculares da Educação Básica Municipal de Jundiaí, publicadas em 2016, explicitam a compreensão de que a educação abarca um compromisso social, um pacto em disseminar acesso aos bens culturais e aos conhecimentos sistematizados. Nessa perspectiva, em relação às diretrizes para a avaliação da aprendizagem no Ensino Fundamental, o documento

Q2409339 Pedagogia

Em suas reflexões registradas no livro Ofício de mestre: imagens e autoimagens, Miguel G. Arroyo discute o papel central da docência, bem como suas especificidades, imagens sociais e autoimagens, entre outros temas afins. Tendo em vista que o autor parte de uma perspectiva de renovação pedagógica voltada à pluralidade como condição para a educação integral, assinale a alternativa que apresenta uma asserção coerente com o que ele defende.

Q2409342 Pedagogia

Em relação ao que estabelece a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional atualmente vigente (Lei n° 9.394/1996), assinale a alternativa correta.

Q2409344 Direito da Criança e do Adolescente - Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA) - Lei nº 8.069 de 1990

O Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (Lei n° 8.069/1990), um dos principais dispositivos jurídicos de proteção das infâncias e juventudes do país, afirma que é dever da família, da comunidade, da sociedade em geral e do poder público assegurar a efetivação dos direitos previstos à criança e ao adolescente

Q2409348 Pedagogia

A Resolução CNE/CEB n° 4, de 13 de julho de 2010, define Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais Gerais para a Educação Básica. Entre as etapas da Educação Básica, são citados a Educação Infantil, o Ensino Fundamental e o Ensino Médio. Entre as modalidades da Educação Básica expressas no documento, estão

Q2409350 Pedagogia

A Resolução CNE/CEB n° 4, de 13 de julho de 2010, que define Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais Gerais para a Educação Básica, diferencia a base nacional comum e a parte diversificada que devem compor o currículo da Educação Básica. De acordo com o que determina o documento, é correto afirmar que

Q2409352 Pedagogia

A Resolução CNE/CEB n° 7, de 14 de dezembro de 2010, que fixa Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para o Ensino Fundamental de 9 (nove) anos, afirma que a educação de qualidade, como um direito fundamental, é, antes de tudo, relevante, pertinente e equitativa. Em relação ao terceiro desses atributos, o referido documento afirma explicitamente que a equidade

Q2409353 Pedagogia

A Resolução CNE/CEB n° 5, de 17 de dezembro de 2009, fixa as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para a Educação Infantil. Leia a seguir um excerto do documento.

“É considerada Educação Infantil em tempo parcial, a jornada de, no mínimo, ____________ horas diárias e, em tempo integral, a jornada com duração igual ou superior a __________ horas diárias, compreendendo o tempo total que a criança permanece na instituição.”

Assinale a alternativa que preenche, correta e respectivamente, as lacunas do excerto.

Q2409354 Estatuto da Pessoa com Deficiência - Lei nº 13.146 de 2015

De acordo com o capítulo IV da Lei Brasileira de Inclusão da Pessoa com Deficiência (Lei n° 13.146/2015), no que concerne especificamente à educação de alunos surdos, é incumbência do poder público assegurar, criar, desenvolver, implementar, incentivar, acompanhar e avaliar, entre outros,

Q2409356 Pedagogia

Em conversa com o diretor de uma escola da rede pública de sua cidade, Sandra anotou uma série de informações sobre o Atendimento Educacional Especializado (AEE) – recurso que busca para seu filho, um menino de 9 anos com Transtorno do Espectro Autista. Em suas anotações, listou a Resolução n° 4, de 2 de outubro de 2009 (que “institui diretrizes operacionais para o Atendimento Educacional Especializado na Educação Básica, modalidade Educação Especial”), citada pelo diretor.

Assinale a alternativa que, a partir da leitura do documento, resulta correta.

Q2409357 Pedagogia

A Lei n° 13.257, de 8 de maço de 2016, dispõe sobre as políticas públicas para a primeira infância e altera documentos precedentes referentes ao tema. Leia a seguir um excerto do documento.

“Os programas de __________ voltados ao cuidado e educação na primeira infância deverão contar com ________ , apoiados por medidas que assegurem sua permanência e formação continuada.”

Assinale a alternativa que preenche, correta e respectivamente, as lacunas do excerto.

Q2409793 Inglês

Leia o texto para responder às questões de números 36 a 42.

While the potential benefits or drawbacks of children playing video games receive a lot of attention, little notice is taken of the place of children within video games themselves.

A recent survey at the Anglia Ruskin University, Great Britain, investigated how children were represented in over 500 commercially successful video games, aimed both at adults and at children, published between 2009 and 2019. Although video games are often considered a children’s medium, it was found that, out of the 506 video games analysed, 331 did not contain any child characters at all. In the remaining titles that did feature a child character, less than half of them were significant characters.

How “the child” is treated in media like video games is a reflection of the morals of wider society. If a game treats children badly without explicitly condemning this treatment, it violates these morals. This accounts for the absence of child characters in controversial open-world games that predominantly invite players to steal cars, shoot people, and evade the police.

Children were also absent from games that aren’t particularly violent. Child characters did not feature in the majority of sports, racing or music games. Because the majority of children are excluded from the world of work, games that simulate aspects of real industries represent virtual environments that are only populated with adults.

Child characters in video games can also tell us about how society visualises the figure of the child. Adult characters in video games are more likely to be white and male. This same pattern was observed in the research on child characters. Where playable child characters were given a gender, 25 were male and six were female. The lack of playable girl characters reinforces the idea that boys are at the centre of the action and girls exist only on the sidelines.

Animal or other non-human characters were more common than non-white child characters. This echoes a problem in western children’s literature: non-human characters appear less frequently than white child protagonists but significantly outnumber child protagonists of all other races. Examining the digital kids that populate virtual gameworlds is a great way to show that how societies perceive “the child” is often in a narrow and exclusionary way.

(Emma Joy Reay., 01.06.2022. Adaptado)

The text’s content indicates that it has been written based on information deriving from

Q2409799 Inglês

Leia o texto para responder às questões de números 36 a 42.

While the potential benefits or drawbacks of children playing video games receive a lot of attention, little notice is taken of the place of children within video games themselves.

A recent survey at the Anglia Ruskin University, Great Britain, investigated how children were represented in over 500 commercially successful video games, aimed both at adults and at children, published between 2009 and 2019. Although video games are often considered a children’s medium, it was found that, out of the 506 video games analysed, 331 did not contain any child characters at all. In the remaining titles that did feature a child character, less than half of them were significant characters.

How “the child” is treated in media like video games is a reflection of the morals of wider society. If a game treats children badly without explicitly condemning this treatment, it violates these morals. This accounts for the absence of child characters in controversial open-world games that predominantly invite players to steal cars, shoot people, and evade the police.

Children were also absent from games that aren’t particularly violent. Child characters did not feature in the majority of sports, racing or music games. Because the majority of children are excluded from the world of work, games that simulate aspects of real industries represent virtual environments that are only populated with adults.

Child characters in video games can also tell us about how society visualises the figure of the child. Adult characters in video games are more likely to be white and male. This same pattern was observed in the research on child characters. Where playable child characters were given a gender, 25 were male and six were female. The lack of playable girl characters reinforces the idea that boys are at the centre of the action and girls exist only on the sidelines.

Animal or other non-human characters were more common than non-white child characters. This echoes a problem in western children’s literature: non-human characters appear less frequently than white child protagonists but significantly outnumber child protagonists of all other races. Examining the digital kids that populate virtual gameworlds is a great way to show that how societies perceive “the child” is often in a narrow and exclusionary way.

(Emma Joy Reay., 01.06.2022. Adaptado)

The text looks mainly at

Q2409811 Inglês

Leia o texto para responder às questões de números 36 a 42.

While the potential benefits or drawbacks of children playing video games receive a lot of attention, little notice is taken of the place of children within video games themselves.

A recent survey at the Anglia Ruskin University, Great Britain, investigated how children were represented in over 500 commercially successful video games, aimed both at adults and at children, published between 2009 and 2019. Although video games are often considered a children’s medium, it was found that, out of the 506 video games analysed, 331 did not contain any child characters at all. In the remaining titles that did feature a child character, less than half of them were significant characters.

How “the child” is treated in media like video games is a reflection of the morals of wider society. If a game treats children badly without explicitly condemning this treatment, it violates these morals. This accounts for the absence of child characters in controversial open-world games that predominantly invite players to steal cars, shoot people, and evade the police.

Children were also absent from games that aren’t particularly violent. Child characters did not feature in the majority of sports, racing or music games. Because the majority of children are excluded from the world of work, games that simulate aspects of real industries represent virtual environments that are only populated with adults.

Child characters in video games can also tell us about how society visualises the figure of the child. Adult characters in video games are more likely to be white and male. This same pattern was observed in the research on child characters. Where playable child characters were given a gender, 25 were male and six were female. The lack of playable girl characters reinforces the idea that boys are at the centre of the action and girls exist only on the sidelines.

Animal or other non-human characters were more common than non-white child characters. This echoes a problem in western children’s literature: non-human characters appear less frequently than white child protagonists but significantly outnumber child protagonists of all other races. Examining the digital kids that populate virtual gameworlds is a great way to show that how societies perceive “the child” is often in a narrow and exclusionary way.

(Emma Joy Reay., 01.06.2022. Adaptado)

Suppose an English language teacher wished to use this text with a group of more advanced students. An adequate instruction for the development of the reading skill “scanning” would be:

Q2409817 Inglês

Leia o texto para responder às questões de números 36 a 42.

While the potential benefits or drawbacks of children playing video games receive a lot of attention, little notice is taken of the place of children within video games themselves.

A recent survey at the Anglia Ruskin University, Great Britain, investigated how children were represented in over 500 commercially successful video games, aimed both at adults and at children, published between 2009 and 2019. Although video games are often considered a children’s medium, it was found that, out of the 506 video games analysed, 331 did not contain any child characters at all. In the remaining titles that did feature a child character, less than half of them were significant characters.

How “the child” is treated in media like video games is a reflection of the morals of wider society. If a game treats children badly without explicitly condemning this treatment, it violates these morals. This accounts for the absence of child characters in controversial open-world games that predominantly invite players to steal cars, shoot people, and evade the police.

Children were also absent from games that aren’t particularly violent. Child characters did not feature in the majority of sports, racing or music games. Because the majority of children are excluded from the world of work, games that simulate aspects of real industries represent virtual environments that are only populated with adults.

Child characters in video games can also tell us about how society visualises the figure of the child. Adult characters in video games are more likely to be white and male. This same pattern was observed in the research on child characters. Where playable child characters were given a gender, 25 were male and six were female. The lack of playable girl characters reinforces the idea that boys are at the centre of the action and girls exist only on the sidelines.

Animal or other non-human characters were more common than non-white child characters. This echoes a problem in western children’s literature: non-human characters appear less frequently than white child protagonists but significantly outnumber child protagonists of all other races. Examining the digital kids that populate virtual gameworlds is a great way to show that how societies perceive “the child” is often in a narrow and exclusionary way.

(Emma Joy Reay., 01.06.2022. Adaptado)

A proper discourse marker to help make explicit the relation of ideas between the third and fourth paragraphs would be:

Q2409823 Inglês

Leia o texto para responder às questões de números 36 a 42.

While the potential benefits or drawbacks of children playing video games receive a lot of attention, little notice is taken of the place of children within video games themselves.

A recent survey at the Anglia Ruskin University, Great Britain, investigated how children were represented in over 500 commercially successful video games, aimed both at adults and at children, published between 2009 and 2019. Although video games are often considered a children’s medium, it was found that, out of the 506 video games analysed, 331 did not contain any child characters at all. In the remaining titles that did feature a child character, less than half of them were significant characters.

How “the child” is treated in media like video games is a reflection of the morals of wider society. If a game treats children badly without explicitly condemning this treatment, it violates these morals. This accounts for the absence of child characters in controversial open-world games that predominantly invite players to steal cars, shoot people, and evade the police.

Children were also absent from games that aren’t particularly violent. Child characters did not feature in the majority of sports, racing or music games. Because the majority of children are excluded from the world of work, games that simulate aspects of real industries represent virtual environments that are only populated with adults.

Child characters in video games can also tell us about how society visualises the figure of the child. Adult characters in video games are more likely to be white and male. This same pattern was observed in the research on child characters. Where playable child characters were given a gender, 25 were male and six were female. The lack of playable girl characters reinforces the idea that boys are at the centre of the action and girls exist only on the sidelines.

Animal or other non-human characters were more common than non-white child characters. This echoes a problem in western children’s literature: non-human characters appear less frequently than white child protagonists but significantly outnumber child protagonists of all other races. Examining the digital kids that populate virtual gameworlds is a great way to show that how societies perceive “the child” is often in a narrow and exclusionary way.

(Emma Joy Reay., 01.06.2022. Adaptado)

In the fragment from the fourth paragraph “aspects of real industries represent virtual environments that are only populated with adults”, the underlined word can be correctly replaced by

Q2409828 Inglês

Leia o texto para responder às questões de números 36 a 42.

While the potential benefits or drawbacks of children playing video games receive a lot of attention, little notice is taken of the place of children within video games themselves.

A recent survey at the Anglia Ruskin University, Great Britain, investigated how children were represented in over 500 commercially successful video games, aimed both at adults and at children, published between 2009 and 2019. Although video games are often considered a children’s medium, it was found that, out of the 506 video games analysed, 331 did not contain any child characters at all. In the remaining titles that did feature a child character, less than half of them were significant characters.

How “the child” is treated in media like video games is a reflection of the morals of wider society. If a game treats children badly without explicitly condemning this treatment, it violates these morals. This accounts for the absence of child characters in controversial open-world games that predominantly invite players to steal cars, shoot people, and evade the police.

Children were also absent from games that aren’t particularly violent. Child characters did not feature in the majority of sports, racing or music games. Because the majority of children are excluded from the world of work, games that simulate aspects of real industries represent virtual environments that are only populated with adults.

Child characters in video games can also tell us about how society visualises the figure of the child. Adult characters in video games are more likely to be white and male. This same pattern was observed in the research on child characters. Where playable child characters were given a gender, 25 were male and six were female. The lack of playable girl characters reinforces the idea that boys are at the centre of the action and girls exist only on the sidelines.

Animal or other non-human characters were more common than non-white child characters. This echoes a problem in western children’s literature: non-human characters appear less frequently than white child protagonists but significantly outnumber child protagonists of all other races. Examining the digital kids that populate virtual gameworlds is a great way to show that how societies perceive “the child” is often in a narrow and exclusionary way.

(Emma Joy Reay., 01.06.2022. Adaptado)

Make use of contextual clues and identify the meaning of the underlined word in “but significantly outnumber child protagonists of all other races”, in the last paragraph.

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