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Q1374274 Inglês

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    Culture is really an integral part of the interaction between language and thought. Cultural patterns, customs, and ways of life are expressed in language; culture-specific world views are reflected in language. Each culture has at its disposal a particular range of colours, illustrating its particular world view on what color is and how to identify color. The African Shona and Bassa peoples, for example, have fewer color categories than speakers of European languages and they break up the spectrum at different points, as shown below:

    Of course, the Shona or Bassa are able to perceive and describe other colors, in the same way that an English speaker might describe a “dark bluish green”, but the labels which the language provides tend to shape the person’s overall cognitive organization of color and to cause varying degrees of color discrimination. Eskimo tribes commonly have as many as seven different words for snow to distinguish among different types of snow (falling snow, snow on the ground, fluffy snow, wet snow, etc.), whereas certain African cultures in the equatorial forests of Zaire have no word at all for snow.

(Douglas Brown. Principles of language learning and teaching. 5th ed. Longman, 2000. Adaptado)

Na frase que conclui o texto “Eskimo tribes commonly have as many as seven different words for snow to distinguish among different types of snow”, o trecho sublinhado
Q1374273 Inglês

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    Culture is really an integral part of the interaction between language and thought. Cultural patterns, customs, and ways of life are expressed in language; culture-specific world views are reflected in language. Each culture has at its disposal a particular range of colours, illustrating its particular world view on what color is and how to identify color. The African Shona and Bassa peoples, for example, have fewer color categories than speakers of European languages and they break up the spectrum at different points, as shown below:

    Of course, the Shona or Bassa are able to perceive and describe other colors, in the same way that an English speaker might describe a “dark bluish green”, but the labels which the language provides tend to shape the person’s overall cognitive organization of color and to cause varying degrees of color discrimination. Eskimo tribes commonly have as many as seven different words for snow to distinguish among different types of snow (falling snow, snow on the ground, fluffy snow, wet snow, etc.), whereas certain African cultures in the equatorial forests of Zaire have no word at all for snow.

(Douglas Brown. Principles of language learning and teaching. 5th ed. Longman, 2000. Adaptado)

The purpose of the text is to
Q1374272 Inglês

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Humor in the charge derives from

Q1373726 Educação Física

Um professor de Educação Física, ao trabalhar a modalidade de futebol com o objetivo de que seus alunos aprimorem a habilidade de chutar a bola ao gol, sugere diversos exercícios nos quais eles chutam ao gol de diversos lugares da quadra, com a bola parada, com a bola em movimento, após receber um passe, após conduzir a bola por alguns metros, e em situações com marcadores que tentam impedir o chute.

Segundo Magill (2002), ao conduzir a aula dessa forma, o professor agiu de maneira

Q1373725 Educação Física

A fase _______________do desenvolvimento motor é resultado da fase de movimentos _____________. Nesta fase, o movimento torna-se uma ferramenta que se aplica a muitas atividades motoras complexas presentes na vida diária, na recreação e nos objetivos esportivos.

Assinale a alternativa que contém as palavras que, segundo Gallahue (2001), completam a frase correta e respectivamente.

616: C
617: D
618: B
619: E
620: D