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Q3128720 Geografia
Leia o excerto a seguir.

As unidades territoriais básicas são as células elementares de informação e análise para um zoneamento ecológico-econômico. (...) As unidades de paisagem natural, enquanto unidades territoriais básicas passíveis de georreferenciamento, contêm uma porção do terreno onde se inscreve uma combinação de eventos e interações, visíveis e invisíveis, cujo resultado é registrado e pode ser visto na forma de imagem fotográfica de um determinado momento, representando um elo entre a Geografia e a Ecologia.
(CREPANI, E. (, 2001, pág. 12-13.)

Para se analisar uma unidade de paisagem natural no contexto brasileiro atual, para efeitos de georreferenciamento e considerando a dimensão dos impactos sobre os solos, é necessário conhecer, EXCETO:
Q3128659 Inglês
A wh-question usually refers to the main clause which starts with the question word, however, questions can also refer to subordinate That-clauses. THAT must be dropped in:
Q3128657 Inglês
The dialogue describing an everyday purchase situation was presented for role playing, and oral practice, being the underlined segments examples of:

Salesman: Madam, how may I help you?
Customer: I’m looking for a leather purse.
Salesman: What size do you prefer?
Customer: Medium.
Salesman: What about the brand?
Customer: Maybe an Italian one in red.
Salesman: It won’t be a problem. The section on the left has new famous Italian arrivals but I’m not sure we have all of them in red.
Customer: The variety there seems far less. Anyway I will see the second, fourth and sixth red Italian ones on the first row to start with.
Q3128655 Inglês
    Although higher education institutions offer self-paced massive open online courses (MOOCs) on platforms like edX, little systematic effort has been made to examine their instructional design features. Therefore, to review self-paced MOOCs on edX and examine their instructional design features for those interested in designing and offering them is essential. Aiming at offering reliable data, a significative amount of MOOCs that represent engineering, computer science, communications, business and management should be randomly selected for analysis if a realistic view is sought. Moreover the instructional design features of the MOOCs ought to be organized in terms of course structure and elements of course information, as well as types of instructional videos, assessments, and online discussion boards, for by catering to those aspects, issues of current instructional design features will be also involved.
(Available in:, Adapted.)

According to what is inferred from usage, the ING forms are:
Q3128653 Inglês
Cohesion helps readers to focus well on the text topic by building clearer emphasis and understanding. Concerning the highlighted cohesive devices, it is compatible information they function as:
   The official journal of the IFIP Technical Committee on Education covers the complex relationships that are established between information and communication technologies and education. Especially those providing perspectives at all levels which range from the micro of specific applications or instances of use in classrooms to macro concerns of national policies and major projects; from classes of five year olds to adults in tertiary institutions; from teachers and administrators, to researchers and designers; from institutions to open, distance and lifelong learning. This breadth of coverage allows Education and Information Technologies to examine fundamental issues at all levels that discuss specific instances and cases, drawing inference and probing theory. This journal is embedded in the research and practice of professionals who look for boosting their performances by bringing in innovation. We are also very proud to acknowledge that over 50% of the articles published in this journal in 2023 were related to one or more of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
(Available in: Adapted.)
Q3128650 Inglês
The text coming next was submitted to study through activities such as reading and interpretation, aiming at featuring language’s referential function in a practical way, since its author focuses on:
     A survey released on Thursday (18) by MapBiomas shows that, in 2022, 77% of the illegal mining areas in the Brazilian Amazon were less than 500 meters away from water streams, such as rivers and lakes. According to satellite images recently revealed, the Amazon had 186,000 hectares of illegal mining areas near water streams, out of a total of 241,000 hectares occupied by illegal miners (known in Brazil as “garimpeiros”) in the region. At the time, the Amazon accounted for 92% of all the area mined in the country.      “The proximity of gold mines to watercourses is the DNA of mining activities in the Amazon, especially gold, which is almost always linked to rivers and their alluvial deposits. While deforestation is confined to the area mined, the siltation caused by mining near the edges of rivers and other water streams coupled with the contamination of water by mercury, and more recently by cyanide, reach much larger areas,” said Cesar Diniz, a technical coordinator of mining mapping at MapBiomas. The survey also showed that around 10% of the area mined in the Amazon (25,100 hectares) is located within Indigenous Lands, especially in the Kayapó, Munduruku and Yanomami lands. MapBiomas points out that Indigenous lands are the best-preserved areas in the Amazon: from 1985 to 2022, they lost less than 1% of their native vegetation, compared to 26% recorded in private areas.
(Available in: Accessed in: April/2014.)
Q3128648 Inglês
Every language has, due to several factors, variations in its structure, speech, grammar and pronunciation. That is, in the same language we may find different ways of speaking, that enrich even more the linguistic content and the dynamism in communication. Some of these possibilities are related to the linguistic variations that occur in specific regions, namely, there is a difference in words and phonemes, according to the place where certain language is spoken. For example, does a person who was born in Rio Grande do Sul speak in the same way as someone who was born in Bahia? Certainly not. Each region has its own variations of a same language. The same applies to international examples, such as The United States, England, New Zealand, The Virgin Islands, and South Africa, to quote just a few of the locations where English is mainly spoken, in different places and regions, different forms develop. This linguistic phenomenon happens in locations with different cultures, habits, customs and traditions, thus creating other language structures, diverse lexicon, as well as sounds and accents. The dimmension of linguistic variation described is:
Q3128647 Inglês
A handout containing the pairs of sentences that follow was given 9th graders for translation, observation and comparison. Being the use of a specialized online dictionary, indicated by the teacher, allowed and encouraged, by means of the teacher’s orientations and guidance while it happens the sharing of students’ perceptions it should be possible to:

1.a) Bill had a golden opportunity this semester.
1.b) Bill had a golden chance this semester.

2.a) She is stubborn, and won’t change her mind.
2.b) She is stubborn, and won’t change her thought.

3.a) Unfortunately mom is a heavy smoker.
3.b) Unfortunately mom is a big smoker.

4.a) Are you fully aware of this medicine’s side effects?
4.b) Are you entirely aware of this medicine’s side effects?

5.a) The teacher gave us advice.
5.b) The teacher offered us advice.
Q3128646 Inglês
Students were divided in groups and each group received one of the fragments for analysis and comprehension. The thorough examination highlights the presence and command of one same figure of speech mainly employed in all of them contributing to:

“My friend is dead, my neighbor is dead, my love, the darling of my soul, is dead.”
(A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens.)

“Buddy, you’re a boy, make a big noise Playing in the street, gonna be a big man someday Buddy, you’re a young man, hard man Shouting in the street, gonna take on the world someday.”
(We Will Rock You, Queen.)

“We will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together knowing that we will be free one day.”
(I Have a Dream, Martin Luther King.)

“I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive. I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise.”
(Fly, Nicki Minaj.)

“… and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the Earth.”
(Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln.)

“We saw no houses, no smoke, no footprints, no boats, no people.”
(Lord of the Flies, William Golding.)
Q3128645 Inglês
As to the featured sentences, there is consistent information in:
    The magic realm was just ahead of us, all wrapped in mystery and cloaked by soft haze. No dwellings could be seen at that point, since the winding road did not leave much of a clear spatial prospect, but some characters who had always inhabited imagination were evidently visible then. On the grass sat an enormous frog gazing at a swarm of insects in the distance which sharpened our curiosity, as if unpredictable surprises were to come. The first scenario was promising, so we went on the road. Next, under a tree was lying one of the biggest men we had ever seen peacefully sleeping. Directly in front of him stood a great hut, indicating its landlord was the slumbering creature. As we quietly proceeded and the mist scattered, we were able to view that along the road came a strange procession
Q3128644 Inglês
Scan the following content:

From Woolf to Sackville-West

52 Tavistock Square
Tuesday, January 26.

    Your letter from Trieste came this morning – But why do you think I don’t feel, or that I make phrases? ‘Lovely phrases’ you say which rob things of reality. Just the opposite. Always, always, always I try to say what I feel. Will you then believe that after you went last Tuesday – exactly a week ago – out I went into the slums of Bloomsbury, to find a barrel organ. But it did not make me cheerful … And ever since, nothing important has happened – Somehow it's dull and damp. I have been dull; I have missed you. I do miss you. I shall miss you. And if you don’t believe it, you’re a long eared owl and ass. Lovely phrases? …
    But of course (to return to your letter) I always knew about your standoffishness. Only I said to myself, I insist upon kindness. With this aim in view, I came to Long Barn. Open the top button of your jersey and you will see, nestling inside, a lively squirrel with the most inquisitive habits, but a dear creature all the same – V.
In “But of course (to return to your letter) I always knew about your STANDOFFISHNESS.” appoint the fitting option that best substitutes the highlighted word.
Q3128642 Inglês
Scan the following content:

From Woolf to Sackville-West

52 Tavistock Square
Tuesday, January 26.

    Your letter from Trieste came this morning – But why do you think I don’t feel, or that I make phrases? ‘Lovely phrases’ you say which rob things of reality. Just the opposite. Always, always, always I try to say what I feel. Will you then believe that after you went last Tuesday – exactly a week ago – out I went into the slums of Bloomsbury, to find a barrel organ. But it did not make me cheerful … And ever since, nothing important has happened – Somehow it's dull and damp. I have been dull; I have missed you. I do miss you. I shall miss you. And if you don’t believe it, you’re a long eared owl and ass. Lovely phrases? …
    But of course (to return to your letter) I always knew about your standoffishness. Only I said to myself, I insist upon kindness. With this aim in view, I came to Long Barn. Open the top button of your jersey and you will see, nestling inside, a lively squirrel with the most inquisitive habits, but a dear creature all the same – V.
Taking into account verbal and non-verbal language, it is correct to affirm that content consists of:
Q3128641 Inglês
Students received the quotes and were asked to reflect on the aspects of modality conveyed in each. As an introductory activity, the teacher encouraged them to find an additional quote that matched the meaning of one of the provided quotes. All of the following students succeeded, EXCEPT:
Q3128639 Inglês
Inspect the quotes in detail:

I. “You should be the change that you want to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi
II. “You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” – Maya Angelou
III. “I might have been born in a hovel, but I am determined to travel with the greats.” – Tina Turner
IV.“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

The shades of modality can be identified respectively in
Q3128634 Inglês
The reference to “New Nightmare” alongside “Scream” was stressed out by a teacher with the goal to demonstrate: 
Q3128633 Inglês
Students were asked to read the text thoroughly and and answer the following questions about the movie “Scream”:

• Who was the director?
• What is the release date?
• Who played the characters?
• Who wrote the script?

This activity is an example of:
Q3128632 Inglês

An English teacher handed this text to his/her students with the following sentence highlighted. Analyze his criteria to do so:

If I would have told my 18 year-old self that someday I'd work with (and become great friends with) Matthew Lillard, enjoy meals and social deduction games with Kevin Williamson, and have a relaxed, casual dinner with Neve Campbell… I frankly would never have believed it.

Which item presents the standard form of the sentence structure in question ?

Q3128631 Inglês
An English teacher handed this text to his/her students with the following sentence highlighted. Analyze his criteria to do so:

If I would have told my 18 year-old self that someday I'd work with (and become great friends with) Matthew Lillard, enjoy meals and social deduction games with Kevin Williamson, and have a relaxed, casual dinner with Neve Campbell… I frankly would never have believed it.

I. Use of spoken and informal language.
II. Non-standard use of past unreal conditional structure.
III. Commas to enhance formality.
IV.Conversational tone as a way to create a sense of familiarity.

The correct items are:
Q3128630 Inglês
Read thoroughly to answer the following question.

    Had the great pleasure of introducing my 14-year-old son to one of my favorite movies tonight. I saw SCREAM five times when it was released theatrically in 1996. I was a freshman in college and working part-time at my hometown movie theater, Cineplex Odeon in Bowie, Maryland, and I remember loving it so much that I would sometimes spend my 15-minute breaks in the back of the theater just to admire the filmmaking.
   The movie absolutely knocked the wind out of me in '96, and I'm pleased to report that it still works beautifully for me today.
    SCREAM is a riff on the high-school slasher film, where a group of friends are picked off one-by-one by a masked killer. The difference is that both the killer and the intended victims are aware of (and in some cases well-versed in) the very movies that created this genre, and try to use those tropes as a means of attack, or a way to survive. This kind of meta-genre deconstruction was pretty revolutionary in 1996, but SCREAM succeeds at being an exceptional slasher film even as it takes the genre apart, and that is truly miraculous to behold.
    Kevin Williamson's script is crackling with wit, humor, and deep respect and love for the genre. Craven's direction is fluid, confident, and full of brilliant misdirection – it feels like watching close-up magic, and his slight of hand is balanced with some truly inspired set pieces and beautiful cinematography. The cast is wonderful, and I found myself smiling about just how affectionately I remember these characters. When the movie started, I didn't think “oh there's Neve Campbell, and there's Matt Lillard” – I was thinking “There's Sid, there's Stu.”
    It's easy to forgot how revolutionary and astonishing the iconic opening sequence was, and I marvel now at the extended party set-piece, which takes up almost the entirety of the second half of the film. Just wonderful stuff.
     SCREAM is a gleeful, brilliant deconstruction of the genre itself, breaking it apart with profound respect and love, and celebrating the very tropes it is exposing. There's a reason it had such impact on release, and that the franchise is still finding some fuel in the tank nearly three decades later. It's also a time capsule of the late 90's, and reminds me so much of my youth – I grinned when the sheriff asks Billy Loomis “Why do you have a cellular telephone, son?” This was, at the time, not an unreasonable question. It's a different world, but horror still works just as well.
     If I would have told my 18 year-old self that someday I'd work with (and become great friends with) Matthew Lillard, enjoy meals and social deduction games with Kevin Williamson, and have a relaxed, casual dinner with Neve Campbell... I frankly would never have believed it. I've now gotten to personally thank those artists for the impact this film had on me, and that in and of itself only further blurs the lines between movies and reality – a sensation I faintly felt watching NEW NIGHTMARE in 1994, and felt completely with SCREAM. What a wild world this is.
    This movie was formative for me, and changed the way I looked at what was possible in the genre. I loved it when I was 18, and I loved it tonight. And, my son also loved it... so a great evening all around.

(Available: Accessed in: November/2024.)
Analyze the following statements:

I. Praising technical features of the movie indicates the author’s appreciation for it.
II. “Scream” deeply influenced the author’s professional and personal growth.
III. The author is in disbelief on his current relationship with some cast and crew members of the film.
IV.The author finds connection only with his youth in regard to the movie script.

All of them are true, EXCEPT:
Q3128629 Inglês
Read thoroughly to answer the following question.

    Had the great pleasure of introducing my 14-year-old son to one of my favorite movies tonight. I saw SCREAM five times when it was released theatrically in 1996. I was a freshman in college and working part-time at my hometown movie theater, Cineplex Odeon in Bowie, Maryland, and I remember loving it so much that I would sometimes spend my 15-minute breaks in the back of the theater just to admire the filmmaking.
   The movie absolutely knocked the wind out of me in '96, and I'm pleased to report that it still works beautifully for me today.
    SCREAM is a riff on the high-school slasher film, where a group of friends are picked off one-by-one by a masked killer. The difference is that both the killer and the intended victims are aware of (and in some cases well-versed in) the very movies that created this genre, and try to use those tropes as a means of attack, or a way to survive. This kind of meta-genre deconstruction was pretty revolutionary in 1996, but SCREAM succeeds at being an exceptional slasher film even as it takes the genre apart, and that is truly miraculous to behold.
    Kevin Williamson's script is crackling with wit, humor, and deep respect and love for the genre. Craven's direction is fluid, confident, and full of brilliant misdirection – it feels like watching close-up magic, and his slight of hand is balanced with some truly inspired set pieces and beautiful cinematography. The cast is wonderful, and I found myself smiling about just how affectionately I remember these characters. When the movie started, I didn't think “oh there's Neve Campbell, and there's Matt Lillard” – I was thinking “There's Sid, there's Stu.”
    It's easy to forgot how revolutionary and astonishing the iconic opening sequence was, and I marvel now at the extended party set-piece, which takes up almost the entirety of the second half of the film. Just wonderful stuff.
     SCREAM is a gleeful, brilliant deconstruction of the genre itself, breaking it apart with profound respect and love, and celebrating the very tropes it is exposing. There's a reason it had such impact on release, and that the franchise is still finding some fuel in the tank nearly three decades later. It's also a time capsule of the late 90's, and reminds me so much of my youth – I grinned when the sheriff asks Billy Loomis “Why do you have a cellular telephone, son?” This was, at the time, not an unreasonable question. It's a different world, but horror still works just as well.
     If I would have told my 18 year-old self that someday I'd work with (and become great friends with) Matthew Lillard, enjoy meals and social deduction games with Kevin Williamson, and have a relaxed, casual dinner with Neve Campbell... I frankly would never have believed it. I've now gotten to personally thank those artists for the impact this film had on me, and that in and of itself only further blurs the lines between movies and reality – a sensation I faintly felt watching NEW NIGHTMARE in 1994, and felt completely with SCREAM. What a wild world this is.
    This movie was formative for me, and changed the way I looked at what was possible in the genre. I loved it when I was 18, and I loved it tonight. And, my son also loved it... so a great evening all around.

(Available: Accessed in: November/2024.)
The word “riff” in paragraph 3 is best replaced by:
1021: B
1022: C
1023: B
1024: A
1025: B
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1027: A
1028: D
1029: D
1030: D
1031: C
1032: A
1033: A
1034: A
1035: C
1036: A
1037: B
1038: C
1039: D
1040: B