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Ano: 2013 Banca: FUNDEPES Órgão: Prefeitura de Belo Horizonte - MG
Q1189490 Inglês
Read the abstract taken from an article written by Professor Dr. Reinildes Dias and answer question.     INTEGRAÇÃO DAS TIC AO ENSINO E APRENDIZAGEM DE LÍNGUA ESTRANGEIRA E O APRENDER COLABORATIVO ONLINE    ABSTRACT: My main focus is to discuss and reflect ____ the importance of the integration of information and communication technology resources with the aim of creating online learning communities to extend time and give more opportunities for interactions among participants in the target language. These online communities can be seen as collaborative networks for the joint construction of knowledge about the foreign language. Examples of both web and web 2.0 resources as well as of the application of principles related to DeskTop publishing are also provided throughout the article. Theoretical and practical aspects based on the collaborative learning approach give support to my work, also including vygostskian learning principles. 
( Acessed on March 2nd, 2013.)    Write True (T) or False (F) for the sentences below according to the same article:    (  ) In terms of language teaching, Dias recommends the association of the vygostikyan view of knowledge construction, genre pedagogy and the integration of technological resources. 
(  ) Dias affirms that the integration of technological tools to the classroom environment is enough to make teaching techniques adequate to the 21st century students’ needs. 
(  ) According to the article, students are required to comprehend authentic texts and to be able to produce similar texts of the same genre. 
(  ) Writing short paragraphs about specific themes is an example of a task based on the notion of writing as social practice. 
(  ) Writing activities should follow a circular and recursive process that involves the production of a first draft, followed by peer revision and the teacher’s feedback.    The CORRECT sequence is: 
Ano: 2013 Banca: FUNDEPES Órgão: Prefeitura de Belo Horizonte - MG
Q1189475 Inglês
Read the abstract taken from an article written by Professor Dr. Reinildes Dias and answer question.     INTEGRAÇÃO DAS TIC AO ENSINO E APRENDIZAGEM DE LÍNGUA ESTRANGEIRA E O APRENDER COLABORATIVO ONLINE    ABSTRACT: My main focus is to discuss and reflect ____ the importance of the integration of information and communication technology resources with the aim of creating online learning communities to extend time and give more opportunities for interactions among participants in the target language. These online communities can be seen as collaborative networks for the joint construction of knowledge about the foreign language. Examples of both web and web 2.0 resources as well as of the application of principles related to DeskTop publishing are also provided throughout the article. Theoretical and practical aspects based on the collaborative learning approach give support to my work, also including vygostskian learning principles. 
( Acessed on March 2nd, 2013.)     The preposition that correctly completes the sentence: “My main focus is to discuss and reflect ____ the importance of the integration of information” is 
Q1189451 Enfermagem
Os artigos utilizados nos procedimentos terapêuticos e diagnósticos que são realizados nas Unidades de Pronto Atendimento podem ser classificados segundo seu potencial para causar infecções.
Correlacione as colunas a seguir, numerando a COLUNA II de acordo com a COLUNA I.
1. Artigo crítico  2. Artigo semicrítico  3. Artigo não crítico 
( ) Comadre  ( ) Lâmina de bisturi  ( ) Tubo endotraqueal  ( ) Agulhas  ( ) Aparelho de pressão  ( ) Equipamento de terapia respiratória 
Assinale a sequência CORRETA
Ano: 2019 Banca: FUNDEPES Órgão: Prefeitura de Santa Luzia - MG
Q1189308 Pedagogia
De acordo com a Resolução CNE / CEB nº 2, de 11/09/01, que institui Diretrizes Nacionais para a Educação Especial na Educação Básica, são considerados professores capacitados para atuar em classes comuns, com alunos que apresentam necessidades educacionais especiais, aqueles que comprovem que em sua formação foram incluídos conteúdos sobre educação especial adequados ao desenvolvimento das seguintes competências e valores, exceto:
Ano: 2015 Banca: FUNDEPES Órgão: UNIMED - Belo Horizonte
Q1189279 Medicina
Sobre as granulomatoses nasais, assinale a alternativa INCORRETA.
1576: C
1577: C
1578: D
1579: C
1580: B