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Mães, filhas, irmãs, mulheres representantes da nação reivindicam constituir-se em uma assembleia nacional. Considerando que a ignorância, o menosprezo e a ofensa aos direitos da mulher são as únicas causas das desgraças públicas e da corrupção no governo, resolvem expor em uma declaração solene, os direitos naturais, inalienáveis e sagrados da mulher. [...] Artigo 1º A mulher nasce livre e tem os mesmos direitos do homem. As distinções sociais só podem ser baseadas no interesse comum. Artigo 2º O objeto de toda associação política é a conservação dos direitos imprescritíveis da mulher e do homem. Esses direitos são a liberdade, a propriedade, a segurança e, sobretudo, a resistência à opressão. |
Disponível em: < >. Acesso em: 4 maio 2016.
Este documento foi proposto à Assembleia Nacional da França, durante a Revolução Francesa (1789-1799) por Olympe de Gouges (1748-1793). A sua formulação
Leia o fragmento a seguir.
Os indígenas foram também utilizados em determinados momentos, e sobretudo na fase inicial; nem se podia colocar problema nenhum de maior ou melhor “aptidão” ao trabalho escravo [...]. O que talvez tenha importado é a rarefação demográfica dos aborígines, e as dificuldades de seu apresamento, transporte, etc. Mas na “preferência” pelo africano revela-se, mais uma vez, a engrenagem do sistema mercantilista de colonização; esta se processa num sistema de relações tendentes a promover a acumulação primitiva de capitais na metrópole; ora, o tráfico negreiro, isto é, o abastecimento das colônias com escravos, abria um novo e importante setor do comércio colonial, enquanto o apresamento dos indígenas era um negócio interno da colônia. […] Paradoxalmente, é a partir do tráfico negreiro que se pode entender a escravidão africana colonial, e não o contrário. |
NOVAIS, Fernando A. Portugal e Brasil na crise do Antigo Sistema Colonial (1777- 1808). São Paulo: Hucitec, 1979. p. 105. [Adaptado].
Ao discorrer sobre a imposição da mão de obra de africanos escravizados na América Portuguesa, Novais
Leia o fragmento a seguir.
Os espanhóis vieram depois de ter-se aberto o caminho. A gente de Tlaxcala, a gente de Aconlhuacan e a gente de Chalco encheram os canais. E quando os canais foram tapados os espanhóis se puseram a caminho. Atrás deles ia em formação toda a gente de Tlaxcala e todos das aldeias. Abundantemente as pessoas foram mortas. |
COLL, Josefina Oliva de. A resistência indígena. Porto Alegre: L&PM, 1986, p. 79-81. [Adaptado].
O texto destacado foi escrito pelo frade espanhol Bernardino de Sahagún, com base em relatos orais feitos por astecas, publicado no livro História general de las cosas de Nueva España (1569). O texto revela um elemento decisivo no processo de conquista do Império Asteca que foi ocultado em grande parte dos documentos escritos pelos vencedores. O relato baseado na oralidade dos astecas evidencia o
Leia o fragmento a seguir.
Qualquer que arrenegar, descrer, ou pezar de Deos, ou de sua Santa Fé, ou disses outras blasfemias, pola primeira vez, sendo Fidalgo, pague vinte cruzados, e seja degredado hum anno para a Africa. E sendo Cavalleiro, ou Scudeiro, pague quatro mil reis, e seja degradado hum anno para Africa. E se fôr peão, dem-lhe trinta açoutes ao pé do Pelourinho com baraço e pregão, e pague dous mil reis. E póla segunda vez, todos os sobreditos incorram nas mesmas penas em dobro. E póla terceira vez, além da pena pecuniaria, sejam degradados trez annos para Africa, e se fôr peão, para as Galés. |
ORDENAÇÕES FILIPINAS, liv. 5.º, tit. II. Disponível em: < >. Acesso em: 4 maio 2016.
As chamadas Ordenações Filipinas foram um conjunto de normas que constituíram a base do direito português do início do século XVII até meados do século XIX. O trecho destacado do enunciado da lei evidencia uma característica típica da sociedade absolutista ao
Leia o fragmento a seguir.
Os huguenotes da cidade entraram furiosamente nas igrejas, sem nenhuma exceção. E, chegando lá em grandes bandos, armados e munidos de bastões, atiraram abaixo os crucifixos e as imagens dos santos, com muitas blasfêmias e muitas palavras infames, depois destruíram e quebraram as tribunas, órgãos, cercados das capelas, altares, assentos, fontes batismais, vitrais, depois queimaram os ornamentos das ditas igrejas, de tal modo que o ouro fundido dali fluía em várias igrejas. |
DELUMEAU, J. História do medo no Ocidente. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2009, p. 29. [Adaptado].
O fragmento apresenta um relato, do ponto de vista católico, de um episódio ocorrido em 1566. Esse episódio se insere no contexto dos conflitos entre católicos e
Analise o mapa-múndi a seguir.
Mapa-múndi Orbis typus universalis tabula, elaborado pelo veneziano Jerônimo Marini em 1511. Disponível em: <> Acesso em: 4 maio 2016.
Mapas históricos são importante fonte para o ensino. Ao analisar o planisfério apresentado, o professor deve assinalar aos alunos que o mapa
Leia o fragmento a seguir.
O Islão acrescenta um aspecto particular à tradição europeia: do séc. IX ao XII estudavam-se os escritos de Aristóteles com mais afinco e profundidade no mundo islâmico do que no ocidente cristão. |
MEISSNER, H. A Antiguidade cria laços. Iniciativa em favor de uma cultura humanística na Europa. Apud MELO, A. M. M. A conquista da liberdade: ecos das grandes batalhas na cultura greco-romana. Ágora. Estudos Clássicos em Debate, n. 11, 2009, p. 75. Disponível em: < >. Acesso em: 4 maio 2016.
O texto se refere a um movimento ocorrido no contexto da
Leia o fragmento.
Essa gente miserável começou a se sublevar porque alguns diziam que eram mantidos em grande servidão e que, no começo do mundo, não havia servos, viam-se como homens livres semelhantes aos seus senhores e não como bestas, motivo pelo qual não queriam mais sofrer. Pelo contrário, eles desejavam ser iguais e, se trabalhassem ou prestassem algum serviço para os seus senhores, queriam receber salários. |
FROISSART, J. Chroniques. Apud MACEDO, J. R. Movimentos populares na Idade Média. São Paulo: Moderna, 2003, p. 80.
O fragmento relata uma revolta ocorrida na Inglaterra no ano de 1381, cuja principal motivação foi:
Leia o fragmento a seguir.
Julgou-se durante muito tempo que bastava, para explicar a sociedade medieval, recorrer à clássica divisão em três ordens: clero, nobreza e terceiro estado. É a noção que dão ainda os manuais de história: três categorias de indivíduos, bem definidas, tendo cada uma as suas atribuições próprias e nitidamente separadas umas das outras. Nada está mais afastado da realidade histórica. |
PERNOUD, R. Luz sobre a Idade Média. Lisboa: Publicações Europa-América, 1981. p. 13.
No fragmento, Regine Pernoud critica a imagem de uma sociedade medieval
Leia o fragmento a seguir.
Porém, quem afirmar que os Atenienses foram os salvadores da Grécia, não falta à verdade. Para qualquer dos dois partidos que se voltassem, se inclinaria a balança. Uma vez que escolheram que a Grécia continuasse livre, escolhendo assim, foram eles que despertaram todo o resto da Hélade, que não estava ao lado dos Medos, e eles que, depois dos deuses, repeliram o grande Rei. Nem mesmo os oráculos temíveis vindos de Delfos, que infundiam terror, os persuadiram a abandonar a Grécia, mas permaneceram, para deter o invasor e lhe fazer frente. |
HERÓDOTO. Apud MARTINS MELO, A. M. A conquista da liberdade: ecos das grandes batalhas na cultura greco-romana. Ágora. Estudos Clássicos em Debate, n. 11, 2009, p. 66.
O texto que exalta o papel de Atenas na guerra contra o grande Rei, refere-se às guerras dos gregos contra os
Leia o fragmento.
O filme, baseado em fatos ou personagens históricos, sempre interessa ao grande público e deveria, igualmente, interessar ao historiador, pois o uso do passado pelo presente não se dá de forma ingênua ou descompromissada. |
ROSSINI, Mirian de Souza. As marcas da história no cinema, as marcas do cinema na história. Anos 90, n. 12, dez. 1999, p.119.
As considerações expostas no fragmento indicam que, ao usar o filme como recurso didático, o professor deve
Leia o fragmento a seguir.
O documento não é inócuo. É, antes de mais nada, o resultado de uma montagem, consciente ou inconsciente, da história, da época, da sociedade que o produziram, mas também das épocas sucessivas durante as quais continuou a viver, talvez esquecido, durante as quais continuou a ser manipulado, ainda que pelo silêncio. O documento é uma coisa que fica, que dura, e o testemunho, o ensinamento (para evocar a etimologia) que ele traz devem ser em primeiro lugar analisados, desmistificando- lhe o seu significado aparente. O documento é monumento. |
LE GOFF, J. Documento/Monumento. In: _____. História e memória. Campinas: Editora da Unicamp, 2003. p. 538.
Nas considerações de Le Goff, o conceito de monumento destaca a relação entre o documento do passado e o
Leia o fragmento a seguir.
Como definiu magistralmente Georges Lefèbvre, somente podemos propor novas explicações para os fenômenos históricos se conhecermos a historiografia, pois muito embora a escrita da história dependa da exploração de novas fontes ou da leitura de fontes já conhecidas sob uma ótica renovada, ela não depende menos do diálogo com todo um repertório de interpretações pré-existentes. |
SILVA, G. V. O fim do mundo antigo: uma discussão historiográfica. Mirabilia, n. 1, 2001. p. 59.
De acordo com o fragmento, a escrita da história se realiza na análise das fontes e na
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O historiador escreve e esta escrita não é nem neutra nem transparente. Ela modela-se por meio de formas literárias, até mesmo por meio de figuras retóricas. Que o historiador tenha perdido sua inocência, que se deixe tomar como objeto, que se tome a si próprio como objeto, quem o lastimará? Resta que, se o discurso histórico não se ligasse, pela quantidade de intermediários que se queira, ao que chamaremos, na ausência de melhor palavra, o real, nós estaríamos sempre no discurso, mas este discurso deixaria de ser histórico. |
VIDAL-NAQUET, P. Les assassins de la mémoire. Apud CHARTIER, R. A verdade entre ficção e história. In: SALOMON, M. História, verdade e tempo. Chapecó: Argos, 2011. p. 363.
Ao discutir a escrita da história, Vidal-Naquet rejeita
Read the following text to answer the question. It's part of a 50-minute lesson plan for a group of pre-intermediate students in which the activities have been jumbled.
I. |
Teacher asks learners what animals make the best pets. |
II. |
Working in groups learners discuss the advantages and disadvantages of keeping pets in and out of the context of the text and then report them to the class. |
III. |
Teacher elicits/teaches essential vocabulary and writes it on the board. |
IV. |
Learner read the text (max. 2 mins.) to see whose predictions was closest to the story. |
V. |
Working in groups learners predict content of story from vocabulary and headline and then report their predictions to the class. |
VI. |
Learners read the text to answer more intensive reading questions. |
WATKINS, P. Learning to Teach English – a practical introduction for new teachers. Surrey, England: DELTA Publishing. 2006. p. 110. [Adaptado].
The activities that correspond to “fase de pré-leitura” as caracterized in the PCNs (1998) are
Read the text which follows. Questions 61 to 66 are based on it.
I am a tacher who is fascinated by educational technology; I put it on a high pedestal; I value it and all the opportunities it creates in the classroom. Why? What is it that makes me do so? I did not grow up with technology; what is it that triggered in me the urge to learn about it and integrate it in my teaching? As I reflect on that, just three words come to my mind: “You won’t understand!” A few years ago, I asked "a friend of mine" a question about the new desktop he had just purchased and, as he was in a hurry, the only answer he could come up with was, “You won’t understand!” I was mad! How could he tell me that?! And this is when my passion for technology exploration started. I taught myself how to type; how to use the word processor; how to use email; how to browse the Internet; and, finally, how to create and design web pages for educational purposes. I spent endless hours in front of that computer screen, and not once did I even feel like giving up. As I was learning about technology, I started integrating it in my classrooms. I also taught my students how to create their own websites and publish their work. They were fascinated. They loved it! Suddenly, they were no longer working only "for the teacher" or "for a grade," they were working for a real, authentic audience. They started being extremely motivated to learn English as a Second/Foreign Language. Their whole attitude towards the language changed: it became the language of technology; the language of innovations; the language of new opportunities. I was thrilled to see my students thrive in my classes. I have always believed in John Dewey’s famous quote, "If we teach today as we taught yesterday, then we rob our children of tomorrow." So, it is our duty to teach today in a way that prepares our students for tomorrow. They are already halfway there... they have beaten us when it comes to technology; we should definitely catch up, and even more! It is crucial to acknowledge the importance of the role technology plays nowadays in schools. Integrating it in the classroom gives students the possibility of having a better future. |
Disponivel em: <> Acesso em: 17 abr. 2016.
In the sentence “I was thrilled to see my students thrive in my classes”, the words 'thrilled' and 'thrive' mean, respectively,
Read the text which follows. Questions 61 to 66 are based on it.
I am a tacher who is fascinated by educational technology; I put it on a high pedestal; I value it and all the opportunities it creates in the classroom. Why? What is it that makes me do so? I did not grow up with technology; what is it that triggered in me the urge to learn about it and integrate it in my teaching? As I reflect on that, just three words come to my mind: “You won’t understand!” A few years ago, I asked "a friend of mine" a question about the new desktop he had just purchased and, as he was in a hurry, the only answer he could come up with was, “You won’t understand!” I was mad! How could he tell me that?! And this is when my passion for technology exploration started. I taught myself how to type; how to use the word processor; how to use email; how to browse the Internet; and, finally, how to create and design web pages for educational purposes. I spent endless hours in front of that computer screen, and not once did I even feel like giving up. As I was learning about technology, I started integrating it in my classrooms. I also taught my students how to create their own websites and publish their work. They were fascinated. They loved it! Suddenly, they were no longer working only "for the teacher" or "for a grade," they were working for a real, authentic audience. They started being extremely motivated to learn English as a Second/Foreign Language. Their whole attitude towards the language changed: it became the language of technology; the language of innovations; the language of new opportunities. I was thrilled to see my students thrive in my classes. I have always believed in John Dewey’s famous quote, "If we teach today as we taught yesterday, then we rob our children of tomorrow." So, it is our duty to teach today in a way that prepares our students for tomorrow. They are already halfway there... they have beaten us when it comes to technology; we should definitely catch up, and even more! It is crucial to acknowledge the importance of the role technology plays nowadays in schools. Integrating it in the classroom gives students the possibility of having a better future. |
Disponivel em: <> Acesso em: 17 abr. 2016.
The message one can grasp from John Dewey's claim in his famous quote "If we teach today as we taught yesterday, then we rob our children of tomorrow" is that education needs to
Read the text which follows. Questions 61 to 66 are based on it.
I am a tacher who is fascinated by educational technology; I put it on a high pedestal; I value it and all the opportunities it creates in the classroom. Why? What is it that makes me do so? I did not grow up with technology; what is it that triggered in me the urge to learn about it and integrate it in my teaching? As I reflect on that, just three words come to my mind: “You won’t understand!” A few years ago, I asked "a friend of mine" a question about the new desktop he had just purchased and, as he was in a hurry, the only answer he could come up with was, “You won’t understand!” I was mad! How could he tell me that?! And this is when my passion for technology exploration started. I taught myself how to type; how to use the word processor; how to use email; how to browse the Internet; and, finally, how to create and design web pages for educational purposes. I spent endless hours in front of that computer screen, and not once did I even feel like giving up. As I was learning about technology, I started integrating it in my classrooms. I also taught my students how to create their own websites and publish their work. They were fascinated. They loved it! Suddenly, they were no longer working only "for the teacher" or "for a grade," they were working for a real, authentic audience. They started being extremely motivated to learn English as a Second/Foreign Language. Their whole attitude towards the language changed: it became the language of technology; the language of innovations; the language of new opportunities. I was thrilled to see my students thrive in my classes. I have always believed in John Dewey’s famous quote, "If we teach today as we taught yesterday, then we rob our children of tomorrow." So, it is our duty to teach today in a way that prepares our students for tomorrow. They are already halfway there... they have beaten us when it comes to technology; we should definitely catch up, and even more! It is crucial to acknowledge the importance of the role technology plays nowadays in schools. Integrating it in the classroom gives students the possibility of having a better future. |
Disponivel em: <> Acesso em: 17 abr. 2016.
The teacher's recent acquired practice points to the state of online technology called Web 2.0 in which users
Read the text which follows. Questions 61 to 66 are based on it.
I am a tacher who is fascinated by educational technology; I put it on a high pedestal; I value it and all the opportunities it creates in the classroom. Why? What is it that makes me do so? I did not grow up with technology; what is it that triggered in me the urge to learn about it and integrate it in my teaching? As I reflect on that, just three words come to my mind: “You won’t understand!” A few years ago, I asked "a friend of mine" a question about the new desktop he had just purchased and, as he was in a hurry, the only answer he could come up with was, “You won’t understand!” I was mad! How could he tell me that?! And this is when my passion for technology exploration started. I taught myself how to type; how to use the word processor; how to use email; how to browse the Internet; and, finally, how to create and design web pages for educational purposes. I spent endless hours in front of that computer screen, and not once did I even feel like giving up. As I was learning about technology, I started integrating it in my classrooms. I also taught my students how to create their own websites and publish their work. They were fascinated. They loved it! Suddenly, they were no longer working only "for the teacher" or "for a grade," they were working for a real, authentic audience. They started being extremely motivated to learn English as a Second/Foreign Language. Their whole attitude towards the language changed: it became the language of technology; the language of innovations; the language of new opportunities. I was thrilled to see my students thrive in my classes. I have always believed in John Dewey’s famous quote, "If we teach today as we taught yesterday, then we rob our children of tomorrow." So, it is our duty to teach today in a way that prepares our students for tomorrow. They are already halfway there... they have beaten us when it comes to technology; we should definitely catch up, and even more! It is crucial to acknowledge the importance of the role technology plays nowadays in schools. Integrating it in the classroom gives students the possibility of having a better future. |
Disponivel em: <> Acesso em: 17 abr. 2016.
The objective of the first paragraph is to
Read the text which follows. Questions 61 to 66 are based on it.
I am a tacher who is fascinated by educational technology; I put it on a high pedestal; I value it and all the opportunities it creates in the classroom. Why? What is it that makes me do so? I did not grow up with technology; what is it that triggered in me the urge to learn about it and integrate it in my teaching? As I reflect on that, just three words come to my mind: “You won’t understand!” A few years ago, I asked "a friend of mine" a question about the new desktop he had just purchased and, as he was in a hurry, the only answer he could come up with was, “You won’t understand!” I was mad! How could he tell me that?! And this is when my passion for technology exploration started. I taught myself how to type; how to use the word processor; how to use email; how to browse the Internet; and, finally, how to create and design web pages for educational purposes. I spent endless hours in front of that computer screen, and not once did I even feel like giving up. As I was learning about technology, I started integrating it in my classrooms. I also taught my students how to create their own websites and publish their work. They were fascinated. They loved it! Suddenly, they were no longer working only "for the teacher" or "for a grade," they were working for a real, authentic audience. They started being extremely motivated to learn English as a Second/Foreign Language. Their whole attitude towards the language changed: it became the language of technology; the language of innovations; the language of new opportunities. I was thrilled to see my students thrive in my classes. I have always believed in John Dewey’s famous quote, "If we teach today as we taught yesterday, then we rob our children of tomorrow." So, it is our duty to teach today in a way that prepares our students for tomorrow. They are already halfway there... they have beaten us when it comes to technology; we should definitely catch up, and even more! It is crucial to acknowledge the importance of the role technology plays nowadays in schools. Integrating it in the classroom gives students the possibility of having a better future. |
Disponivel em: <> Acesso em: 17 abr. 2016.
An appropriate tittle for the text is