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Q2348044 História
Eu tenho um sonho que um dia essa nação levantar-se-á e viverá o verdadeiro significado da sua crença: Consideramos essas verdades como autoevidentes que todos os homens são criados iguais.
Eu tenho um sonho que um dia, nas montanhas rubras da Geórgia, os filhos dos descendentes de escravos e os filhos dos descendentes de donos de escravos poderão sentar-se juntos à mesa da fraternidade.
Eu tenho um sonho que um dia mesmo o estado do Mississippi, um estado desértico sufocado pelo calor da injustiça, e sufocado pelo calor da opressão, será transformado num oásis de liberdade e justiça.
Eu tenho um sonho que meus quatro pequenos filhos um dia viverão em uma nação onde não serão julgados pela cor da pele, mas pelo conteúdo do seu caráter.
Eu tenho um sonho hoje. Eu tenho um sonho que um dia o estado do Alabama, com seus racistas cruéis, cujo governador cospe palavras de “interposição” e “anulação”, um dia bem lá no Alabama meninos negros e meninas negras possam dar-se as mãos com meninos brancos e meninas brancas, como irmãs e irmãos. Eu tenho um sonho hoje. (Martin Luther King Jr.)

O trecho destacado do discurso “Eu tenho um sonho” durante a “Marcha para Washington” do pastor batista estadunidense Martin Luther King Jr. deve ser entendido no contexto
Q2348043 História
Fernando Braudel, maior representante da 2ª geração do Movimento dos Annales, refletiu, em alguns de seus estudos, sobre a pluralidade temporal da História.

“Apesar de todas as mudanças evidentes que os atravessam, estes quatro ou cinco séculos de vida econômica tiveram uma certa coerência, até a reviravolta do século XVIII e da revolução industrial, da qual ainda não saímos.” (BRAUDEL, Fernand)
Nessa passagem, ao analisar o capitalismo mercantil na Europa Ocidental, o historiador francês se refere a um exemplo de
Q2348042 História
Agostinho Neto escreveu o poema “Sobre o sangue ainda quente do meu irmão” durante a luta pela independência de Angola, Estado do qual foi o primeiro presidente após a independência. Durante a segunda metade do século XX, vários novos países independentes surgiram em África.

Sobre o sangue ainda quente do meu irmão Sacrificado pela pátria Construo o meu sonho de união Sobre o sangue ainda quente da minha irmã Assassinada pelos carrascos Construo o meu sonho de unidade Unidade cimentada pelo sangue União plantada sobre a terra Germinando no meu gesto Crescendo na minha voz Gritando no teu olhar

Sobre o contexto de pós-2ª Guerra Mundial em Portugal e suas antigas colônias, assinale V para a afirmativa Verdadeira e F para a Falsa.
  ( )  As ex-colônias portuguesas foram umas das últimas regiões a se tornarem independentes no continente africano, sendo a principal preocupação da política diplomática do regime salazarista

( ) A luta pela manutenção das suas possessões em África chegou a consumir aproximadamente 40% da economia de Portugal, o que ampliava o descontentamento da população com o governo.

( ) O Salazarismo manteve o apoio irrestrito dos militares durante todo o seu período, sendo derrubado pela “Revolução dos Cravos”, em 1969, em um movimento liderado pelos camponeses. 

As afirmativas são, respectivamente,
Q2348041 História
“O projeto da Coroa portuguesa, no tocante aos índios, [...] era preciso convencê-los, pacificamente, a "descerem'' do interior (a "serra" ou "sertão") para a costa; lá, junto aos portugueses, os índios pacificamente descidos seriam aldeados, sob a administração (inicialmente) de missionários; os índios das aldeias constituiriam a reserva de mão de obra da Colônia (serviços obrigatórios para a Coroa e remunerados para particulares), enquanto seriam convertidos, educados, "civilizados"; até que, finalmente, desaparecessem enquanto gentios e passassem a engrossar a população de vassalos da Coroa portuguesa na Colônia”.

(PERRONE-MOISÉS, Beatriz. Terras indígenas na legislação colonial. Revista da Faculdade de Direito. USP, São Paulo, v. 95, p. 107-120, 2000. p.110)

A questão da escravização dos povos originários causou muitos conflitos no Brasil. Entre eles, é correto assinalar a
Q2348040 História
"[...] a França que fez suas revoluções e a elas deu suas ideias, a ponto de bandeiras tricolores de um tipo ou de outro terem-se tornado o emblema de praticamente todas as nações emergentes, e as políticas europeias (ou mesmo mundiais), entre 1789 e 1917, foram em grande parte lutas a favor ou contra os princípios de 1789, ou ainda os mais incendiários princípios de 1793. A França forneceu o vocabulário e os temas da política liberal e radical-democrática para a maior parte do mundo. A França deu o primeiro grande exemplo, o conceito e o vocabulário do nacionalismo. Ela forneceu os códigos legais, o modelo de organização técnica e científica e o sistema métrico de medidas para a maioria dos países. A ideologia do mundo moderno atingiu, pela influência francesa, as antigas civilizações que até então resistiam às ideias europeias. Essa foi a obra da Revolução Francesa."

(HOBSBAWM, Eric J. A Era da Revoluções: Europa (1789 - 1848). 3ª ed. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1981. p.71-72)

Sobre o período conhecido como Revolução Francesa, é correto afirmar que
Q2348039 História
Carlo Ginzburg, um dos mais famosos historiadores italianos do século XX, dialoga com Mikhail Bakhtin para pensar a sociedade camponesa italiana na Europa pré-industrial.
“A consciência pesada do colonialismo se uniu assim a consciência pesada da opressão de classe. Dessa maneira foi superada, pelo menos verbalmente, não só a concepção antiquada de folclore como mera coleção de curiosidades, mas também a posição de quem distinguia nas ideias, crenças, visões de mundo das classes subalternas nada mais do que um acúmulo inorgânico de fragmentos de ideias, crenças, visões de mundo elaborados pelas classes dominantes provavelmente vários séculos antes.”
(GINZBURG, Carlo. O queijo e os vermes: o cotidiano e as ideias de um moleiro perseguido pela inquisição. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1987, p.12)

Assim, o autor recorreu a qual conceito para escrever sobre um dos seus mais famosos personagens, o moleiro Menocchio?
Q2348038 História
O conhecimento sobre o continente africano, durante o longo período da Idade Antiga, muitas vezes, se restringe ao Egito Antigo. Todavia, nota-se, historicamente, a presença de inúmeros povos, reinos, culturas e sociedades com fortes influências econômicas e políticas na região. Assim, sobre a Antiguidade em África, é correto afirmar que

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

(Adaptado de
Q2348037 História
A obra “A redenção de Cam” (1895), do pintor espanhol Modesto Brocos, nos remete à discussão do final do século XIX e início do século XX acerca da miscigenação do povo brasileiro. Sobre esse debate histórico, analise as afirmativas a seguir:

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

(Adaptada de )

I. A miscigenação era um dos temas de preocupação das elites nacionais na busca de uma nova coesão social para a “nação brasileira”, principalmente após a Proclamação da República, pautada na modernidade, no progresso e na trilha da civilização.

II. As teorias raciais, oriundas da Europa, baseadas em um determinismo biológico, encontraram receptividade em boa parte dos intelectuais e cientistas brasileiros desse período, que percebiam a significativa presença de negros e mestiços como obstáculo para o desenvolvimento do país.

III. Com a chegada do liberalismo como paradigma político no Brasil, na virada do século XIX para o século XX, as teorias raciais apresentaram-se como modelo teórico legitimador das hierarquias sociais, antes reguladas pela lógica escravista.

Q2348036 Pedagogia
Nas primeiras décadas do século XXI, é formulado um documento que pretende ser o norteador para a elaboração das referências curriculares em todo o país. A qual documento nos referimos?
Q2348005 Inglês
Nas opções a seguir estão listados eixos organizadores propostos para o componente Língua Inglesa,  . Assinale-a. 
Q2348004 Inglês
Assim como a sociedade e a cultura, a língua está em um constante processo de transformação, o que significa, em grande parte, que
Q2348003 Pedagogia
De acordo com a Base Nacional Comum Curricular para a Língua Inglesa, o estudo da língua inglesa pode possibilitar a todos o acesso aos saberes linguísticos necessários para engajamento e participação, contribuindo para o agenciamento crítico dos estudantes e para o exercício da cidadania ativa, além de ampliar as possibilidades de interação e mobilidade, abrindo novos percursos de construção de conhecimentos e de continuidade nos estudos. Nesse sentido, a aprendizagem de inglês
Q2348002 Inglês

City lawmakers in Brazil have enacted what appears to be the nation’s first legislation written entirely by artificial intelligence (AI) — even if they didn’t know it at the time.

The experimental ordinance was passed in October in the southern city of Porto Alegre and city councilman Ramiro Rosário revealed that it was written by a chatbot, sparking objections and raising questions about the role of artificial intelligence in public policy.

Rosário told The Associated Press that he asked OpenAI’s chatbot ChatGPT to craft a proposal to prevent the city from charging taxpayers to replace water consumption meters if they are stolen. He then presented it to his 35 peers on the council without making a single change or even letting them know about its unprecedented origin. The 36-member council approved it unanimously and the ordinance went into effect on Nov. 23.

The arrival of ChatGPT on the marketplace just a year ago has sparked a global debate on the impacts of potentially revolutionary AI-powered chatbots. While some see it as a promising tool, it has also caused concerns and anxiety about the unintended or undesired impacts of a machine handling tasks currently performed by humans.

Porto Alegre, with a population of 1.3 million, is the second-largest city in Brazil’s south. The city’s council president, Hamilton Sossmeier, found out that Rosário had enlisted ChatGPT to write the proposal when the councilman bragged about the achievement on social media. Sossmeier initially told local media he thought it was a “dangerous precedent.”

The AI large language models that power chatbots like ChatGPT work by repeatedly trying to guess the next word in a sentence and are prone to making up false information, a phenomenon sometimes called hallucination.

All chatbots sometimes introduce false information when summarizing a document, ranging from about 3% of the time for the most advanced GPT model to a rate of about 27% for one of Google’s models, according to recently published research by the tech company Vectara.

In an article published on the website of Harvard Law School’s Center of Legal Profession earlier this year, Andrew Perlman, wrote that ChatGPT “is a machine learning system, it may not have the same level of understanding and judgment as a human lawyer when it comes to interpreting legal principles and precedent. This could lead to problems in situations where a more in-depth legal analysis is required”.

There was no such transparency for Rosário’s proposal in Porto Alegre. Sossmeier said Rosário did not inform fellow council members that ChatGPT had written the proposal.

Rosário told the AP his objective was also to spark a debate. He said he entered a 49-word prompt into ChatGPT and it returned the full draft proposal within seconds, including justifications.

And the council president, who initially decried the method, already appears to have been swayed. “I changed my mind,” Sossmeier said. “I started to read more in depth and saw that, unfortunately or fortunately, this is going to be a trend.”

( (<>(adapted))
Choose the best alternative: “Person’s use of GPT _____ ”. 
Q2348001 Inglês

City lawmakers in Brazil have enacted what appears to be the nation’s first legislation written entirely by artificial intelligence (AI) — even if they didn’t know it at the time.

The experimental ordinance was passed in October in the southern city of Porto Alegre and city councilman Ramiro Rosário revealed that it was written by a chatbot, sparking objections and raising questions about the role of artificial intelligence in public policy.

Rosário told The Associated Press that he asked OpenAI’s chatbot ChatGPT to craft a proposal to prevent the city from charging taxpayers to replace water consumption meters if they are stolen. He then presented it to his 35 peers on the council without making a single change or even letting them know about its unprecedented origin. The 36-member council approved it unanimously and the ordinance went into effect on Nov. 23.

The arrival of ChatGPT on the marketplace just a year ago has sparked a global debate on the impacts of potentially revolutionary AI-powered chatbots. While some see it as a promising tool, it has also caused concerns and anxiety about the unintended or undesired impacts of a machine handling tasks currently performed by humans.

Porto Alegre, with a population of 1.3 million, is the second-largest city in Brazil’s south. The city’s council president, Hamilton Sossmeier, found out that Rosário had enlisted ChatGPT to write the proposal when the councilman bragged about the achievement on social media. Sossmeier initially told local media he thought it was a “dangerous precedent.”

The AI large language models that power chatbots like ChatGPT work by repeatedly trying to guess the next word in a sentence and are prone to making up false information, a phenomenon sometimes called hallucination.

All chatbots sometimes introduce false information when summarizing a document, ranging from about 3% of the time for the most advanced GPT model to a rate of about 27% for one of Google’s models, according to recently published research by the tech company Vectara.

In an article published on the website of Harvard Law School’s Center of Legal Profession earlier this year, Andrew Perlman, wrote that ChatGPT “is a machine learning system, it may not have the same level of understanding and judgment as a human lawyer when it comes to interpreting legal principles and precedent. This could lead to problems in situations where a more in-depth legal analysis is required”.

There was no such transparency for Rosário’s proposal in Porto Alegre. Sossmeier said Rosário did not inform fellow council members that ChatGPT had written the proposal.

Rosário told the AP his objective was also to spark a debate. He said he entered a 49-word prompt into ChatGPT and it returned the full draft proposal within seconds, including justifications.

And the council president, who initially decried the method, already appears to have been swayed. “I changed my mind,” Sossmeier said. “I started to read more in depth and saw that, unfortunately or fortunately, this is going to be a trend.”

( (<>(adapted))
Choose the best alternative: “The 36-member council approved the proposal, _____?” 
Q2348000 Inglês

City lawmakers in Brazil have enacted what appears to be the nation’s first legislation written entirely by artificial intelligence (AI) — even if they didn’t know it at the time.

The experimental ordinance was passed in October in the southern city of Porto Alegre and city councilman Ramiro Rosário revealed that it was written by a chatbot, sparking objections and raising questions about the role of artificial intelligence in public policy.

Rosário told The Associated Press that he asked OpenAI’s chatbot ChatGPT to craft a proposal to prevent the city from charging taxpayers to replace water consumption meters if they are stolen. He then presented it to his 35 peers on the council without making a single change or even letting them know about its unprecedented origin. The 36-member council approved it unanimously and the ordinance went into effect on Nov. 23.

The arrival of ChatGPT on the marketplace just a year ago has sparked a global debate on the impacts of potentially revolutionary AI-powered chatbots. While some see it as a promising tool, it has also caused concerns and anxiety about the unintended or undesired impacts of a machine handling tasks currently performed by humans.

Porto Alegre, with a population of 1.3 million, is the second-largest city in Brazil’s south. The city’s council president, Hamilton Sossmeier, found out that Rosário had enlisted ChatGPT to write the proposal when the councilman bragged about the achievement on social media. Sossmeier initially told local media he thought it was a “dangerous precedent.”

The AI large language models that power chatbots like ChatGPT work by repeatedly trying to guess the next word in a sentence and are prone to making up false information, a phenomenon sometimes called hallucination.

All chatbots sometimes introduce false information when summarizing a document, ranging from about 3% of the time for the most advanced GPT model to a rate of about 27% for one of Google’s models, according to recently published research by the tech company Vectara.

In an article published on the website of Harvard Law School’s Center of Legal Profession earlier this year, Andrew Perlman, wrote that ChatGPT “is a machine learning system, it may not have the same level of understanding and judgment as a human lawyer when it comes to interpreting legal principles and precedent. This could lead to problems in situations where a more in-depth legal analysis is required”.

There was no such transparency for Rosário’s proposal in Porto Alegre. Sossmeier said Rosário did not inform fellow council members that ChatGPT had written the proposal.

Rosário told the AP his objective was also to spark a debate. He said he entered a 49-word prompt into ChatGPT and it returned the full draft proposal within seconds, including justifications.

And the council president, who initially decried the method, already appears to have been swayed. “I changed my mind,” Sossmeier said. “I started to read more in depth and saw that, unfortunately or fortunately, this is going to be a trend.”

( (<>(adapted))
The text brings information about revolution caused by AIpowered chatbots as a promising tool, at the same time, the text also
Q2347999 Inglês

City lawmakers in Brazil have enacted what appears to be the nation’s first legislation written entirely by artificial intelligence (AI) — even if they didn’t know it at the time.

The experimental ordinance was passed in October in the southern city of Porto Alegre and city councilman Ramiro Rosário revealed that it was written by a chatbot, sparking objections and raising questions about the role of artificial intelligence in public policy.

Rosário told The Associated Press that he asked OpenAI’s chatbot ChatGPT to craft a proposal to prevent the city from charging taxpayers to replace water consumption meters if they are stolen. He then presented it to his 35 peers on the council without making a single change or even letting them know about its unprecedented origin. The 36-member council approved it unanimously and the ordinance went into effect on Nov. 23.

The arrival of ChatGPT on the marketplace just a year ago has sparked a global debate on the impacts of potentially revolutionary AI-powered chatbots. While some see it as a promising tool, it has also caused concerns and anxiety about the unintended or undesired impacts of a machine handling tasks currently performed by humans.

Porto Alegre, with a population of 1.3 million, is the second-largest city in Brazil’s south. The city’s council president, Hamilton Sossmeier, found out that Rosário had enlisted ChatGPT to write the proposal when the councilman bragged about the achievement on social media. Sossmeier initially told local media he thought it was a “dangerous precedent.”

The AI large language models that power chatbots like ChatGPT work by repeatedly trying to guess the next word in a sentence and are prone to making up false information, a phenomenon sometimes called hallucination.

All chatbots sometimes introduce false information when summarizing a document, ranging from about 3% of the time for the most advanced GPT model to a rate of about 27% for one of Google’s models, according to recently published research by the tech company Vectara.

In an article published on the website of Harvard Law School’s Center of Legal Profession earlier this year, Andrew Perlman, wrote that ChatGPT “is a machine learning system, it may not have the same level of understanding and judgment as a human lawyer when it comes to interpreting legal principles and precedent. This could lead to problems in situations where a more in-depth legal analysis is required”.

There was no such transparency for Rosário’s proposal in Porto Alegre. Sossmeier said Rosário did not inform fellow council members that ChatGPT had written the proposal.

Rosário told the AP his objective was also to spark a debate. He said he entered a 49-word prompt into ChatGPT and it returned the full draft proposal within seconds, including justifications.

And the council president, who initially decried the method, already appears to have been swayed. “I changed my mind,” Sossmeier said. “I started to read more in depth and saw that, unfortunately or fortunately, this is going to be a trend.”

( (<>(adapted))
From the sentence, “And the council president, who initially decried the method, already appears to have been swayed”, it is possible to say that the attitudes of the council president were not 
Q2347998 Inglês

City lawmakers in Brazil have enacted what appears to be the nation’s first legislation written entirely by artificial intelligence (AI) — even if they didn’t know it at the time.

The experimental ordinance was passed in October in the southern city of Porto Alegre and city councilman Ramiro Rosário revealed that it was written by a chatbot, sparking objections and raising questions about the role of artificial intelligence in public policy.

Rosário told The Associated Press that he asked OpenAI’s chatbot ChatGPT to craft a proposal to prevent the city from charging taxpayers to replace water consumption meters if they are stolen. He then presented it to his 35 peers on the council without making a single change or even letting them know about its unprecedented origin. The 36-member council approved it unanimously and the ordinance went into effect on Nov. 23.

The arrival of ChatGPT on the marketplace just a year ago has sparked a global debate on the impacts of potentially revolutionary AI-powered chatbots. While some see it as a promising tool, it has also caused concerns and anxiety about the unintended or undesired impacts of a machine handling tasks currently performed by humans.

Porto Alegre, with a population of 1.3 million, is the second-largest city in Brazil’s south. The city’s council president, Hamilton Sossmeier, found out that Rosário had enlisted ChatGPT to write the proposal when the councilman bragged about the achievement on social media. Sossmeier initially told local media he thought it was a “dangerous precedent.”

The AI large language models that power chatbots like ChatGPT work by repeatedly trying to guess the next word in a sentence and are prone to making up false information, a phenomenon sometimes called hallucination.

All chatbots sometimes introduce false information when summarizing a document, ranging from about 3% of the time for the most advanced GPT model to a rate of about 27% for one of Google’s models, according to recently published research by the tech company Vectara.

In an article published on the website of Harvard Law School’s Center of Legal Profession earlier this year, Andrew Perlman, wrote that ChatGPT “is a machine learning system, it may not have the same level of understanding and judgment as a human lawyer when it comes to interpreting legal principles and precedent. This could lead to problems in situations where a more in-depth legal analysis is required”.

There was no such transparency for Rosário’s proposal in Porto Alegre. Sossmeier said Rosário did not inform fellow council members that ChatGPT had written the proposal.

Rosário told the AP his objective was also to spark a debate. He said he entered a 49-word prompt into ChatGPT and it returned the full draft proposal within seconds, including justifications.

And the council president, who initially decried the method, already appears to have been swayed. “I changed my mind,” Sossmeier said. “I started to read more in depth and saw that, unfortunately or fortunately, this is going to be a trend.”

( (<>(adapted))
According to text, Andrew Perlman wrote that ChatGPT “is a machine learning system, it may not have the same level of understanding and judgment as a human lawyer when it comes to interpreting legal principles and precedent. This could lead to problems in situations where a more in-depth legal analysis is required”, it is possible to say that
Q2347997 Inglês

City lawmakers in Brazil have enacted what appears to be the nation’s first legislation written entirely by artificial intelligence (AI) — even if they didn’t know it at the time.

The experimental ordinance was passed in October in the southern city of Porto Alegre and city councilman Ramiro Rosário revealed that it was written by a chatbot, sparking objections and raising questions about the role of artificial intelligence in public policy.

Rosário told The Associated Press that he asked OpenAI’s chatbot ChatGPT to craft a proposal to prevent the city from charging taxpayers to replace water consumption meters if they are stolen. He then presented it to his 35 peers on the council without making a single change or even letting them know about its unprecedented origin. The 36-member council approved it unanimously and the ordinance went into effect on Nov. 23.

The arrival of ChatGPT on the marketplace just a year ago has sparked a global debate on the impacts of potentially revolutionary AI-powered chatbots. While some see it as a promising tool, it has also caused concerns and anxiety about the unintended or undesired impacts of a machine handling tasks currently performed by humans.

Porto Alegre, with a population of 1.3 million, is the second-largest city in Brazil’s south. The city’s council president, Hamilton Sossmeier, found out that Rosário had enlisted ChatGPT to write the proposal when the councilman bragged about the achievement on social media. Sossmeier initially told local media he thought it was a “dangerous precedent.”

The AI large language models that power chatbots like ChatGPT work by repeatedly trying to guess the next word in a sentence and are prone to making up false information, a phenomenon sometimes called hallucination.

All chatbots sometimes introduce false information when summarizing a document, ranging from about 3% of the time for the most advanced GPT model to a rate of about 27% for one of Google’s models, according to recently published research by the tech company Vectara.

In an article published on the website of Harvard Law School’s Center of Legal Profession earlier this year, Andrew Perlman, wrote that ChatGPT “is a machine learning system, it may not have the same level of understanding and judgment as a human lawyer when it comes to interpreting legal principles and precedent. This could lead to problems in situations where a more in-depth legal analysis is required”.

There was no such transparency for Rosário’s proposal in Porto Alegre. Sossmeier said Rosário did not inform fellow council members that ChatGPT had written the proposal.

Rosário told the AP his objective was also to spark a debate. He said he entered a 49-word prompt into ChatGPT and it returned the full draft proposal within seconds, including justifications.

And the council president, who initially decried the method, already appears to have been swayed. “I changed my mind,” Sossmeier said. “I started to read more in depth and saw that, unfortunately or fortunately, this is going to be a trend.”

( (<>(adapted))
Choose the alternative that better substitutes the underlined preposition in “The AI large language models that power chatbots like ChatGPT work by repeatedly trying to guess the next word in a sentence and are prone to making up false information, a phenomenon sometimes called hallucination.”. 
Q2347996 Inglês

City lawmakers in Brazil have enacted what appears to be the nation’s first legislation written entirely by artificial intelligence (AI) — even if they didn’t know it at the time.

The experimental ordinance was passed in October in the southern city of Porto Alegre and city councilman Ramiro Rosário revealed that it was written by a chatbot, sparking objections and raising questions about the role of artificial intelligence in public policy.

Rosário told The Associated Press that he asked OpenAI’s chatbot ChatGPT to craft a proposal to prevent the city from charging taxpayers to replace water consumption meters if they are stolen. He then presented it to his 35 peers on the council without making a single change or even letting them know about its unprecedented origin. The 36-member council approved it unanimously and the ordinance went into effect on Nov. 23.

The arrival of ChatGPT on the marketplace just a year ago has sparked a global debate on the impacts of potentially revolutionary AI-powered chatbots. While some see it as a promising tool, it has also caused concerns and anxiety about the unintended or undesired impacts of a machine handling tasks currently performed by humans.

Porto Alegre, with a population of 1.3 million, is the second-largest city in Brazil’s south. The city’s council president, Hamilton Sossmeier, found out that Rosário had enlisted ChatGPT to write the proposal when the councilman bragged about the achievement on social media. Sossmeier initially told local media he thought it was a “dangerous precedent.”

The AI large language models that power chatbots like ChatGPT work by repeatedly trying to guess the next word in a sentence and are prone to making up false information, a phenomenon sometimes called hallucination.

All chatbots sometimes introduce false information when summarizing a document, ranging from about 3% of the time for the most advanced GPT model to a rate of about 27% for one of Google’s models, according to recently published research by the tech company Vectara.

In an article published on the website of Harvard Law School’s Center of Legal Profession earlier this year, Andrew Perlman, wrote that ChatGPT “is a machine learning system, it may not have the same level of understanding and judgment as a human lawyer when it comes to interpreting legal principles and precedent. This could lead to problems in situations where a more in-depth legal analysis is required”.

There was no such transparency for Rosário’s proposal in Porto Alegre. Sossmeier said Rosário did not inform fellow council members that ChatGPT had written the proposal.

Rosário told the AP his objective was also to spark a debate. He said he entered a 49-word prompt into ChatGPT and it returned the full draft proposal within seconds, including justifications.

And the council president, who initially decried the method, already appears to have been swayed. “I changed my mind,” Sossmeier said. “I started to read more in depth and saw that, unfortunately or fortunately, this is going to be a trend.”

( (<>(adapted))
Rosário told The Associated Press that he asked OpenAI’s chatbot ChatGPT to craft a proposal to prevent the city from charging taxpayers to replace water consumption meters if they are stolen.”
In above sentence, the word in bold type cannot be substituted for
Q2347995 Inglês

City lawmakers in Brazil have enacted what appears to be the nation’s first legislation written entirely by artificial intelligence (AI) — even if they didn’t know it at the time.

The experimental ordinance was passed in October in the southern city of Porto Alegre and city councilman Ramiro Rosário revealed that it was written by a chatbot, sparking objections and raising questions about the role of artificial intelligence in public policy.

Rosário told The Associated Press that he asked OpenAI’s chatbot ChatGPT to craft a proposal to prevent the city from charging taxpayers to replace water consumption meters if they are stolen. He then presented it to his 35 peers on the council without making a single change or even letting them know about its unprecedented origin. The 36-member council approved it unanimously and the ordinance went into effect on Nov. 23.

The arrival of ChatGPT on the marketplace just a year ago has sparked a global debate on the impacts of potentially revolutionary AI-powered chatbots. While some see it as a promising tool, it has also caused concerns and anxiety about the unintended or undesired impacts of a machine handling tasks currently performed by humans.

Porto Alegre, with a population of 1.3 million, is the second-largest city in Brazil’s south. The city’s council president, Hamilton Sossmeier, found out that Rosário had enlisted ChatGPT to write the proposal when the councilman bragged about the achievement on social media. Sossmeier initially told local media he thought it was a “dangerous precedent.”

The AI large language models that power chatbots like ChatGPT work by repeatedly trying to guess the next word in a sentence and are prone to making up false information, a phenomenon sometimes called hallucination.

All chatbots sometimes introduce false information when summarizing a document, ranging from about 3% of the time for the most advanced GPT model to a rate of about 27% for one of Google’s models, according to recently published research by the tech company Vectara.

In an article published on the website of Harvard Law School’s Center of Legal Profession earlier this year, Andrew Perlman, wrote that ChatGPT “is a machine learning system, it may not have the same level of understanding and judgment as a human lawyer when it comes to interpreting legal principles and precedent. This could lead to problems in situations where a more in-depth legal analysis is required”.

There was no such transparency for Rosário’s proposal in Porto Alegre. Sossmeier said Rosário did not inform fellow council members that ChatGPT had written the proposal.

Rosário told the AP his objective was also to spark a debate. He said he entered a 49-word prompt into ChatGPT and it returned the full draft proposal within seconds, including justifications.

And the council president, who initially decried the method, already appears to have been swayed. “I changed my mind,” Sossmeier said. “I started to read more in depth and saw that, unfortunately or fortunately, this is going to be a trend.”

( (<>(adapted))
In “The experimental ordinance was passed in October in the southern city of Porto Alegre and city councilman Ramiro Rosário revealed that it was written by a chatbot, sparking objections and raising questions about the role of artificial intelligence in public policy”, the pronoun “it” refers to
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