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A política de segurança da informação deve ser divulgada na organização, tomando-se os devidos cuidados de não serem reveladas informações sensíveis, especialmente para fora da organização.
É conveniente que exista uma declaração de comprometimento da direção apoiando as metas e princípios da segurança da informação, alinhada com os objetivos e estratégias do negócio.
O objetivo de uma política de segurança da informação é fornecer à alta administração um conjunto rígido de metodologias e procedimentos para a segurança da informação, de acordo com as regulamentações existentes na organização.
Sempre que ocorrerem mudanças significativas na organização, a política de segurança da informação deverá sofrer uma análise criteriosa e, se necessário, uma revisão.
Incidente de segurança da informação é um evento simples ou uma série de eventos indesejados ou inesperados, que tenham uma grande probabilidade de comprometer as operações do negócio e ameaçar a segurança da informação.
Disponibilidade da informação, integridade, autenticidade e confiabilidade são algumas das propriedades obrigatórias na definição da segurança da informação de uma organização.
Uma nova sprint inicia imediatamente após a conclusão da sprint anterior. Uma sprint pode ser cancelada antes do seu time-box terminar, porém, a autoridade para cancelar é exclusiva do product owner.
Teste contínuo é uma prática do DevOps que, além de permitir a diminuição dos custos finais do teste, ajuda as equipes de desenvolvimento a balancear qualidade e velocidade.
É possível que uma determinada organização realize planejamento da contratação de serviços de TI contendo aferição de esforço por meio da métrica homens-hora, de acordo com o prescrito na IN n.º 4 MPOG/SLTI.
Estudos técnicos preliminares, plano de trabalho, no caso da contratação de serviços, e o termo de referência ou projeto básico são requisitos mínimos exigidos no processo de planejamento da contratação de soluções em TI.
O sistema de gerenciamento de conhecimento de serviço, que inclui o sistema de gerenciamento de configuração, consiste em um conjunto de ferramentas e bancos de dados usados para gerenciar conhecimento, informações e dados. Sua arquitetura é disposta em quatro camadas, de modo que o portfólio de serviços encontra-se na camada de dados.
O service design package (SDP) é encaminhado pela estratégia para o estágio de desenho que, a seguir, o envia para a transição. A partir dele, são realizadas as atividades de transição de serviços de construção, testes, operação e posterior suporte do serviço.
O desenho do serviço é influenciado por alterações nas necessidades de negócio e melhorias de serviços. O ITIL preconiza que deve ser adotada uma abordagem estruturada e holística para o desenho dos serviços, com vistas a garantir a consistência e a integração com o negócio.
O COBIT possui como princípio e enfoque exclusivo as funções inerentes a TI. Na versão 5, o COBIT integra, em um framework único, o BSC, o VAL IT e o COSO, devido ao fato de o cenário atual recomendar que a TI seja parte estratégica das organizações e de reconhecer a importância do alinhamento entre a TI e o negócio.
A ISO 38500 visa promover o uso eficaz, eficiente e aceitável da tecnologia da informação (TI) e possui, como princípios da boa governança corporativa de TI, a responsabilidade, a estratégia e a aquisição.
O COBIT 5 possui cinco domínios, sendo um deles o domínio Avaliar, Direcionar e Monitorar (EDM – Evaluate, Direct and Monitor), afeto diretamente à governança e relacionado a ISO 38500.
A repeater is an electronic device that receives a network signal, cleans it of unnecessary noise, and regenerates it. The signal is retransmitted at a higher power level, or to the other side of an obstruction, so that the signal can cover longer distances without degradation. In most twisted pair Ethernet configurations, repeaters are required for cable that runs longer than 100 meters. A repeater with multiple ports is known as a hub. Repeaters work on the physical layer of the OSI model. Repeaters require a small amount of time to regenerate the signal. This can cause a propagation delay which can affect network performance. As a result, many network architectures limit the number of repeaters that can be used in a row, e.g., the Ethernet 5-4-3 rule.
Hubs have been mostly obsoleted by modern switches; but repeaters are used for long distance links, notably undersea cabling.
A network bridge connects multiple network segments at the data link layer (layer 2) of the OSI model to form a single network. Bridges broadcast to all ports except the port on which the broadcast was received. However, bridges do not promiscuously copy traffic to all ports, as hubs do. Instead, bridges learn which MAC addresses are reachable through specific ports. Once the bridge associates a port with an address, it will send traffic for that address to that port only.
Bridges learn the association of ports and addresses by examining the source address of frames that it sees on various ports. Once a frame arrives through a port, the bridge assumes that the MAC address is associated with that port and stores its source address.
The first time a bridge sees a previously unknown destination address, the bridge will forward the frame to all ports other than the one on which the frame arrived.
Bridges come in three basic types:
Local bridges: Directly connect LANs
Remote bridges: Can be used to create a wide area network (WAN) link between LANs. Remote bridges, where the connecting link is slower than the end networks, largely have been replaced with routers. Wireless bridges: Can be used to join LANs or connect remote devices to LANs.
Internet: (adapted).
Remote devices can be connected to LANs with the use of wireless bridges.
A repeater is an electronic device that receives a network signal, cleans it of unnecessary noise, and regenerates it. The signal is retransmitted at a higher power level, or to the other side of an obstruction, so that the signal can cover longer distances without degradation. In most twisted pair Ethernet configurations, repeaters are required for cable that runs longer than 100 meters. A repeater with multiple ports is known as a hub. Repeaters work on the physical layer of the OSI model. Repeaters require a small amount of time to regenerate the signal. This can cause a propagation delay which can affect network performance. As a result, many network architectures limit the number of repeaters that can be used in a row, e.g., the Ethernet 5-4-3 rule.
Hubs have been mostly obsoleted by modern switches; but repeaters are used for long distance links, notably undersea cabling.
A network bridge connects multiple network segments at the data link layer (layer 2) of the OSI model to form a single network. Bridges broadcast to all ports except the port on which the broadcast was received. However, bridges do not promiscuously copy traffic to all ports, as hubs do. Instead, bridges learn which MAC addresses are reachable through specific ports. Once the bridge associates a port with an address, it will send traffic for that address to that port only.
Bridges learn the association of ports and addresses by examining the source address of frames that it sees on various ports. Once a frame arrives through a port, the bridge assumes that the MAC address is associated with that port and stores its source address.
The first time a bridge sees a previously unknown destination address, the bridge will forward the frame to all ports other than the one on which the frame arrived.
Bridges come in three basic types:
Local bridges: Directly connect LANs
Remote bridges: Can be used to create a wide area network (WAN) link between LANs. Remote bridges, where the connecting link is slower than the end networks, largely have been replaced with routers. Wireless bridges: Can be used to join LANs or connect remote devices to LANs.
Internet: (adapted).
The signal regeneration that is performed by repeaters can cause small propagation delays that can affect the performance of a computer network.
A repeater is an electronic device that receives a network signal, cleans it of unnecessary noise, and regenerates it. The signal is retransmitted at a higher power level, or to the other side of an obstruction, so that the signal can cover longer distances without degradation. In most twisted pair Ethernet configurations, repeaters are required for cable that runs longer than 100 meters. A repeater with multiple ports is known as a hub. Repeaters work on the physical layer of the OSI model. Repeaters require a small amount of time to regenerate the signal. This can cause a propagation delay which can affect network performance. As a result, many network architectures limit the number of repeaters that can be used in a row, e.g., the Ethernet 5-4-3 rule.
Hubs have been mostly obsoleted by modern switches; but repeaters are used for long distance links, notably undersea cabling.
A network bridge connects multiple network segments at the data link layer (layer 2) of the OSI model to form a single network. Bridges broadcast to all ports except the port on which the broadcast was received. However, bridges do not promiscuously copy traffic to all ports, as hubs do. Instead, bridges learn which MAC addresses are reachable through specific ports. Once the bridge associates a port with an address, it will send traffic for that address to that port only.
Bridges learn the association of ports and addresses by examining the source address of frames that it sees on various ports. Once a frame arrives through a port, the bridge assumes that the MAC address is associated with that port and stores its source address.
The first time a bridge sees a previously unknown destination address, the bridge will forward the frame to all ports other than the one on which the frame arrived.
Bridges come in three basic types:
Local bridges: Directly connect LANs
Remote bridges: Can be used to create a wide area network (WAN) link between LANs. Remote bridges, where the connecting link is slower than the end networks, largely have been replaced with routers. Wireless bridges: Can be used to join LANs or connect remote devices to LANs.
Internet: (adapted).
Multiple network segments at the layer 2 of the OSI model can be connected by a network bridge, in order to form a single network.
A repeater is an electronic device that receives a network signal, cleans it of unnecessary noise, and regenerates it. The signal is retransmitted at a higher power level, or to the other side of an obstruction, so that the signal can cover longer distances without degradation. In most twisted pair Ethernet configurations, repeaters are required for cable that runs longer than 100 meters. A repeater with multiple ports is known as a hub. Repeaters work on the physical layer of the OSI model. Repeaters require a small amount of time to regenerate the signal. This can cause a propagation delay which can affect network performance. As a result, many network architectures limit the number of repeaters that can be used in a row, e.g., the Ethernet 5-4-3 rule.
Hubs have been mostly obsoleted by modern switches; but repeaters are used for long distance links, notably undersea cabling.
A network bridge connects multiple network segments at the data link layer (layer 2) of the OSI model to form a single network. Bridges broadcast to all ports except the port on which the broadcast was received. However, bridges do not promiscuously copy traffic to all ports, as hubs do. Instead, bridges learn which MAC addresses are reachable through specific ports. Once the bridge associates a port with an address, it will send traffic for that address to that port only.
Bridges learn the association of ports and addresses by examining the source address of frames that it sees on various ports. Once a frame arrives through a port, the bridge assumes that the MAC address is associated with that port and stores its source address.
The first time a bridge sees a previously unknown destination address, the bridge will forward the frame to all ports other than the one on which the frame arrived.
Bridges come in three basic types:
Local bridges: Directly connect LANs
Remote bridges: Can be used to create a wide area network (WAN) link between LANs. Remote bridges, where the connecting link is slower than the end networks, largely have been replaced with routers. Wireless bridges: Can be used to join LANs or connect remote devices to LANs.
Internet: (adapted).
Since the invention of the hubs, the switches became obsolete.