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Q2696288 Inglês

English learning in Brazil

Statutory and the National Curricular Guidelines make the teaching of a ......................................... language at elementary and high school ................................... . However, teachers and experts acknowledge that English teaching - both public and private - is unable to provide students with a usable level of English. They identify similar reasons to those that cause other problems in basic education: the lack of language teaching equipment and over-filled classrooms.

There are also fundamental problems with the amount of time set aside for teaching English and it is hard to find adequately qualified teachers. In these conditions English teaching is reduced to the basic rules of grammar, reading short texts and learning to pass multiple choice exams for university admittance. Even government officials admit that English teaching in basic education has many shortcomings. The National Curricular Guidelines (which outline the curriculum for each subject) are well articulated, but cannot be applied fully in practice. Officials have pointed out that there are no language labs in schools as there is little funding available for them.

They feel that this limits oral communication, a problem that many educators have argued is exacerbated by the large number of students in the classroom. Government representatives and teachers alike have bemoaned the poor quality of language teachers working in basic language education. They argue that a bachelor degree in literature coupled with a teaching license does not prepare a language teacher for the reality of the classroom and to effectively teach the language. There is a widely held belief that these teachers are unlikely to have actually had the means to visit English speaking countries and lack the communication practice required to develop the command of a language. Experts have argued that it would be helpful to send teachers to travel to English speaking countries.

The shortcomings of language teaching in Brazil have resulted in a shortage of professionals who can speak English well. That limits contact between professionals, clients and suppliers and restricts international business opportunities. This affects the whole country - if Brazil is to function fully in the global arena it will need professionals better equipped with English.

Read the following sentence:

“The new society resulting from the technological revolution and its implications to production and information-related processes has features that can ................................... an unprecedented level of autonomy to ......................................... .

Choose the alternative that correctly completes the sentence.

Q2696286 Inglês

English learning in Brazil

Statutory and the National Curricular Guidelines make the teaching of a ......................................... language at elementary and high school ................................... . However, teachers and experts acknowledge that English teaching - both public and private - is unable to provide students with a usable level of English. They identify similar reasons to those that cause other problems in basic education: the lack of language teaching equipment and over-filled classrooms.

There are also fundamental problems with the amount of time set aside for teaching English and it is hard to find adequately qualified teachers. In these conditions English teaching is reduced to the basic rules of grammar, reading short texts and learning to pass multiple choice exams for university admittance. Even government officials admit that English teaching in basic education has many shortcomings. The National Curricular Guidelines (which outline the curriculum for each subject) are well articulated, but cannot be applied fully in practice. Officials have pointed out that there are no language labs in schools as there is little funding available for them.

They feel that this limits oral communication, a problem that many educators have argued is exacerbated by the large number of students in the classroom. Government representatives and teachers alike have bemoaned the poor quality of language teachers working in basic language education. They argue that a bachelor degree in literature coupled with a teaching license does not prepare a language teacher for the reality of the classroom and to effectively teach the language. There is a widely held belief that these teachers are unlikely to have actually had the means to visit English speaking countries and lack the communication practice required to develop the command of a language. Experts have argued that it would be helpful to send teachers to travel to English speaking countries.

The shortcomings of language teaching in Brazil have resulted in a shortage of professionals who can speak English well. That limits contact between professionals, clients and suppliers and restricts international business opportunities. This affects the whole country - if Brazil is to function fully in the global arena it will need professionals better equipped with English.

Related to The National Curricular Guidelines (which outline the curriculum for each subject), we can infer that:

Q2696282 Inglês

English learning in Brazil

Statutory and the National Curricular Guidelines make the teaching of a ......................................... language at elementary and high school ................................... . However, teachers and experts acknowledge that English teaching - both public and private - is unable to provide students with a usable level of English. They identify similar reasons to those that cause other problems in basic education: the lack of language teaching equipment and over-filled classrooms.

There are also fundamental problems with the amount of time set aside for teaching English and it is hard to find adequately qualified teachers. In these conditions English teaching is reduced to the basic rules of grammar, reading short texts and learning to pass multiple choice exams for university admittance. Even government officials admit that English teaching in basic education has many shortcomings. The National Curricular Guidelines (which outline the curriculum for each subject) are well articulated, but cannot be applied fully in practice. Officials have pointed out that there are no language labs in schools as there is little funding available for them.

They feel that this limits oral communication, a problem that many educators have argued is exacerbated by the large number of students in the classroom. Government representatives and teachers alike have bemoaned the poor quality of language teachers working in basic language education. They argue that a bachelor degree in literature coupled with a teaching license does not prepare a language teacher for the reality of the classroom and to effectively teach the language. There is a widely held belief that these teachers are unlikely to have actually had the means to visit English speaking countries and lack the communication practice required to develop the command of a language. Experts have argued that it would be helpful to send teachers to travel to English speaking countries.

The shortcomings of language teaching in Brazil have resulted in a shortage of professionals who can speak English well. That limits contact between professionals, clients and suppliers and restricts international business opportunities. This affects the whole country - if Brazil is to function fully in the global arena it will need professionals better equipped with English.

There are some problems in Brazil about teaching of a foreign language at elementary and high school.

Which alternative shows some of these problems?

Q2696279 Inglês

English learning in Brazil

Statutory and the National Curricular Guidelines make the teaching of a ......................................... language at elementary and high school ................................... . However, teachers and experts acknowledge that English teaching - both public and private - is unable to provide students with a usable level of English. They identify similar reasons to those that cause other problems in basic education: the lack of language teaching equipment and over-filled classrooms.

There are also fundamental problems with the amount of time set aside for teaching English and it is hard to find adequately qualified teachers. In these conditions English teaching is reduced to the basic rules of grammar, reading short texts and learning to pass multiple choice exams for university admittance. Even government officials admit that English teaching in basic education has many shortcomings. The National Curricular Guidelines (which outline the curriculum for each subject) are well articulated, but cannot be applied fully in practice. Officials have pointed out that there are no language labs in schools as there is little funding available for them.

They feel that this limits oral communication, a problem that many educators have argued is exacerbated by the large number of students in the classroom. Government representatives and teachers alike have bemoaned the poor quality of language teachers working in basic language education. They argue that a bachelor degree in literature coupled with a teaching license does not prepare a language teacher for the reality of the classroom and to effectively teach the language. There is a widely held belief that these teachers are unlikely to have actually had the means to visit English speaking countries and lack the communication practice required to develop the command of a language. Experts have argued that it would be helpful to send teachers to travel to English speaking countries.

The shortcomings of language teaching in Brazil have resulted in a shortage of professionals who can speak English well. That limits contact between professionals, clients and suppliers and restricts international business opportunities. This affects the whole country - if Brazil is to function fully in the global arena it will need professionals better equipped with English.

According to the government representatives and teachers, what do they bemoan about?

Q2696275 Inglês

English learning in Brazil

Statutory and the National Curricular Guidelines make the teaching of a ......................................... language at elementary and high school ................................... . However, teachers and experts acknowledge that English teaching - both public and private - is unable to provide students with a usable level of English. They identify similar reasons to those that cause other problems in basic education: the lack of language teaching equipment and over-filled classrooms.

There are also fundamental problems with the amount of time set aside for teaching English and it is hard to find adequately qualified teachers. In these conditions English teaching is reduced to the basic rules of grammar, reading short texts and learning to pass multiple choice exams for university admittance. Even government officials admit that English teaching in basic education has many shortcomings. The National Curricular Guidelines (which outline the curriculum for each subject) are well articulated, but cannot be applied fully in practice. Officials have pointed out that there are no language labs in schools as there is little funding available for them.

They feel that this limits oral communication, a problem that many educators have argued is exacerbated by the large number of students in the classroom. Government representatives and teachers alike have bemoaned the poor quality of language teachers working in basic language education. They argue that a bachelor degree in literature coupled with a teaching license does not prepare a language teacher for the reality of the classroom and to effectively teach the language. There is a widely held belief that these teachers are unlikely to have actually had the means to visit English speaking countries and lack the communication practice required to develop the command of a language. Experts have argued that it would be helpful to send teachers to travel to English speaking countries.

The shortcomings of language teaching in Brazil have resulted in a shortage of professionals who can speak English well. That limits contact between professionals, clients and suppliers and restricts international business opportunities. This affects the whole country - if Brazil is to function fully in the global arena it will need professionals better equipped with English.

According to the article what are the reasons that cause problems when teaching a foreign language at elementary and high school?

Q2696272 Pedagogia

Mudanças tecnológicas e comunicacionais têm exigido que a escola promova a educação científica e tecnológica para análise crítica da informação.

São ações pedagógicas que auxiliam neste processo:

promover conhecimento que permita às crianças e aos adolescentes o uso responsável das redes sociais. incorporar apenas o uso instrumental de novas tecnologias em ambiente educativo. problematizar informação, oferecendo base cientifica, filosófica e artística para apropriação conceitual. incorporar diversidade textual, incluindo as diversas mídias para análise crítica.
Q2696270 Pedagogia

A Resolução CNE/CP nº 2, de 22/12/2017 – Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), no seu artigo 5º diz que “A BNCC é referência nacional para os sistemas de ensino e para as instituições ou redes escolares públicas e privadas da Educação Básica, dos sistemas federal, estaduais, distrital e municipais, para construírem ou revisarem os seus currículos.”

Isso significa que:

Q2696269 Pedagogia

O brincar envolve o corpo e a linguagem da criança, que elabora o mundo vivido e expressa-se, através da imaginação e do faz de conta, os sentidos que atribui aos códigos sociais partilhados pela cultura. Através do brincar, passamos, nós adultos, a perceber como as crianças constroem suas culturas e se “autorregulam” como grupo social”.

Propostas e experiências pedagógicas da Rede Municipal de Ensino de São José - Santa Catarina / Setor de Educação Infantil (org.). – São José: PMSJ, 2018 p.29.

Entendendo que no Brasil toda a pessoa até 12 anos incompletos é considerada criança, assinale a alternativa correta.

Q2696268 Direito Constitucional

“Está explicitado no ECA, em seu artigo 3º , que: A criança e o adolescente gozam de todos os direitos fundamentais inerentes à pessoa humana, sem prejuízo da proteção integral de que trata esta Lei, assegurando-se-lhes, por lei ou por outros meios, todas as oportunidades e facilidades, a fim de lhes facultar o desenvolvimento físico, mental, moral, espiritual e social, em condições de liberdade e dignidade.

“ in Propostas e experiências pedagógicas da Rede Municipal de Ensino de São José - Santa Catarina / Setor de Educação Infantil (org.). – São José: PMSJ, 2018p.22).

Identifique abaixo as afirmativas verdadeiras ( V ) e as falsas ( F ) em relação ao assunto.

( ) Os direitos das crianças e dos adolescentes deverão ser assegurados com prioridade absoluta, em detrimento a qualquer forma de negligência, discriminação, exploração, violência, crueldade e opressão.

( ) É dever de todos os profissionais da educação zelar pela proteção das crianças e dos adolescentes nas unidades educativas, independentemente de ser seu aluno ou não.

( ) Quando uma criança está sendo ríspida com outra, é dever do profissional intervir, mediando para fomentar relações respeitosas no ambiente educativo.

Assinale a alternativa que indica a sequência correta, de cima para baixo.

Q2696266 Pedagogia

A Resolução CNE/CP nº 2, de 22/12/2017 – Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) no seu artigo 3º , define competências como:

Q2696264 Pedagogia

É preciso assegurar às crianças o direito de não vivenciarem nenhuma forma de constrangimento que as menorize por conta das suas identidades, seus modos de expressão através do corpo, gestos e movimentos; traços, cores e sonoridades; oralidades e grafias.

Propostas e experiências pedagógicas da Rede Municipal de Ensino de São José - Santa Catarina / Setor de Educação Infantil (org.). – São José: PMSJ, 2018p.14.

Considerando que essa máxima se estende para toda a infância e adolescência, assinale a alternativa correta.

Q2696262 Pedagogia

No documento Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais Gerais para a Educação Básica - Política Nacional de Educação: pelo direito das crianças de zero a seis anos, está estabelecido que:

Q2696260 Pedagogia

De acordo com o artigo 9º da Resolução nº 4, de 13 de julho de 2010 que define Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais Gerais para a Educação Básica, a escola de qualidade social adota como centralidade o estudante e a aprendizagem, o que pressupõe atendimento aos seguintes requisitos:

revisão das referências conceituais quanto aos diferentes espaços e tempos educativos, abrangendo espaços sociais na escola e fora dela. consideração sobre a inclusão, a valorização das diferenças e o atendimento à pluralidade e à diversidade cultural, resgatando e respeitando as várias manifestações de cada comunidade. foco no projeto político-pedagógico, no gosto pela aprendizagem e na avaliação das aprendizagens como instrumento de contínua progressão dos estudantes. inter-relação entre organização do currículo, do trabalho pedagógico e da jornada de trabalho do professor, tendo como objetivo a atuação do docente em distintas escolas.

Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmativas corretas.

Q2696258 Pedagogia

De acordo com o artigo 5º da Lei nº 9.394, de 20 de dezembro de 1996-Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional, o acesso à educação básica obrigatória é direito público subjetivo, podendo:

Q2696256 Pedagogia

De acordo com o artigo 3º da Lei nº 9.394, de 20 de dezembro de 1996-Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional, o ensino será ministrado com base nos seguintes princípios:

liberdade de aprender, ensinar, pesquisar e divulgar a cultura, o pensamento, a arte e o saber. igualdade de condições para o acesso e a permanência na escola. pluralismo de ideias e de concepções pedagógicas. consideração com a diversidade étnico-racial. garantia de padrão de qualidade.

Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmativas corretas.

Q2692781 Odontologia

A área da odontologia que é responsável pelas técnicas de tratamento de canal é denominada:

Q2692778 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho

Qual das alternativas abaixo NÃO contém um EPI (equipamento de proteção individual) a ser usado em odontologia?

Q2692776 Odontologia

O método ideal de administração de fluoretos é aquele que atende a necessidade de alta frequência e baixa concentração. Assinale o método mais adequado para esse princípio:

Q2692772 Odontologia

Assinale a alternativa que contém o carboidrato com maior grau cariogênico:

Q2692771 Odontologia

A Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) considera que uma criança com índice CPO-D igual a 5 está classificada como tendo uma prevalência à doença cárie:

121: A
122: B
123: C
124: E
125: B
126: D
127: B
128: C
129: A
130: D
131: A
132: B
133: E
134: C
135: E
136: B
137: D
138: C
139: C
140: C