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Q2701745 Matemática

Analise as afirmativas a seguir.

I. Todo número racional é natural.

II. Todo número natural é inteiro.

III. Todo número real é inteiro.

IV. Se um número é natural e inteiro, então ele também é racional.

V. O número π é uma dízima periódica; portanto, é irracional.

Estão corretas apenas as afirmativas

Q2701744 Pedagogia

De acordo com Sacristán, o currículo é a ligação entre a cultura e a sociedade exterior a escola e a educação; entre o conhecimento e a cultura herdados e a aprendizagem dos alunos; entre a teoria (ideias, suposições e aspirações) e a prática possível, dadas determinadas condições. Neste sentido, NÃO se pode afirmar que currículo:

Q2701742 Matemática

A quantidade de anagramas da palavra SOTERRADO que começa com T e termina com D é:

Q2701740 Pedagogia

O professor Nando propõe à sua de turma do 1º ano do Ensino Fundamental que se arrisque a escrever do jeito que imagina. De acordo com Weisz (2002), essa atividade está baseada na:

Q2701739 Matemática

No ano passado, o salário de Débora obteve dois reajustes: em março recebeu um aumento de 5% e em julho um novo aumento de 8%, passando a receber R$ 1.247,40. Pode-se afirmar que o salário de Débora, antes dela receber tais aumentos era de:

Q2701738 Pedagogia

Considerando as Tendências Pedagógicas, marque V para as afirmativas verdadeiras e F para as falsas.

(_) Na Pedagogia Tecnicista, a prática pedagógica é altamente controlada e dirigida pelo professor, com atividades mecânicas inseridas em uma proposta educacional rígida e passível de ser totalmente programada em detalhes.

(_) A Pedagogia Tradicional se caracteriza pela sobrecarga de informações veiculadas ao aluno; processo de aquisição de conhecimento muitas vezes destituído de significação.

(_) Na Pedagogia Renovadora Não-Diretiva, as ideias de descobrir, inventar, redescobrir, criar, sendo que aquilo que se faz é tão importante quanto o motivo e a maneira que se faz.

(_) Na Pedagogia Progressista, o conhecimento já adquirido pelo aluno não é valorizado, sendo a cartilha sequencialmente seguida a base do processo de alfabetização.

(_) A Pedagogia Crítico-Social dos Conteúdos é uma proposta centrada no professor, cabendo-lhe ensinar o conteúdo através de aulas expositivas e com exercícios de memorização.

(_) Entre as práticas pedagógicas progressistas estão as Pedagogias: Libertadora, Libertária e Crítico-Social dos Conteúdos.

(_) O modelo pedagógico difundido por Paulo Freire se encontra inserido na Pedagogia Libertária.

A sequência está correta em

Q2701736 Pedagogia

O sistema educacional brasileiro é o resultado das mudanças que ocorreram e ocorrem ao longo da história da educação no país, com o seu início lá no período da colonização do Brasil. O sistema e a legislação educacional são influenciados pelo contexto político, econômico e social de cada período histórico. A compreensão do sistema educacional brasileiro exige que não se perca de vista a totalidade social da qual o sistema educativo faz parte.

(Saviani, 1987.)

Relacione adequadamente as informações a seguir.

1. Plano Nacional de Educação.

2. Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais.

3. Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente.

4. Lei nº 9394/96 – Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional.

(_) Determina que os casos de maus-tratos envolvendo os alunos; a reiteração de faltas injustificadas e de evasão escolar, esgotados os recursos escolares; e os elevados níveis de repetência deverão ser comunicados ao Conselho Tutelar.

(_) Disciplina a educação escolar, que se desenvolve, predominantemente, por meio do ensino, em instituições próprias.

(_) Algumas de suas diretrizes são: erradicação do analfabetismo; universalização do atendimento escolar; promoção humanística, científica, cultural e tecnológica do país.

(_) Sua função é orientar e garantir a coerência dos investimentos no sistema educacional, socializando discussões, pesquisas e recomendações, subsidiando a participação de técnicos e professores brasileiros.

A sequência está correta em

Q2701735 Inglês

Read the text to answer 37, 38, 39 and 40.

Identity and globalization

Krasimira Mineva -Burgas Free University.

During the recent decades, intensity of relations between different cultures and different regions of the world has been increasing, due to the rapid development of telecommunications. The increasing economic and financial independence has its impact on the new opportunities for mobility and communications amongst different cultures. The development of the global market, the large volumes of production and exports enable the consumption of new, unfamiliar products. The economic aspects of the processes developing on a global scale are characterized by free movement of capital, search for new markets for goods and services, exported manufacturing facilities seeking cheaper labor markets, collision between local producers and powerful international corporations. The economic processes encourage the development of a new global culture, the basis for it being standards such as consumption, consumer attitudes and ultimate individualism. The effects of globalization have been described as: aculturalism, the mutual influence among cultures and their gradual convergence and unification; migration processes due to the collapse of local economies; increased number of illegal immigrants; marginalization and prejudice; spread of individualism and consumer attitude which undermine the values of traditional society; increased exchange of information and ideas , information on global scale doubles its volume every two years; individual consciousness is overloaded with information but behaviors which might alter culture become even more uniform.

(Available in: Adapted.)

Analyse word usage in the text. Mark the item which is a modifier.

Q2701734 Inglês

Read the text to answer 37, 38, 39 and 40.

Identity and globalization

Krasimira Mineva -Burgas Free University.

During the recent decades, intensity of relations between different cultures and different regions of the world has been increasing, due to the rapid development of telecommunications. The increasing economic and financial independence has its impact on the new opportunities for mobility and communications amongst different cultures. The development of the global market, the large volumes of production and exports enable the consumption of new, unfamiliar products. The economic aspects of the processes developing on a global scale are characterized by free movement of capital, search for new markets for goods and services, exported manufacturing facilities seeking cheaper labor markets, collision between local producers and powerful international corporations. The economic processes encourage the development of a new global culture, the basis for it being standards such as consumption, consumer attitudes and ultimate individualism. The effects of globalization have been described as: aculturalism, the mutual influence among cultures and their gradual convergence and unification; migration processes due to the collapse of local economies; increased number of illegal immigrants; marginalization and prejudice; spread of individualism and consumer attitude which undermine the values of traditional society; increased exchange of information and ideas , information on global scale doubles its volume every two years; individual consciousness is overloaded with information but behaviors which might alter culture become even more uniform.

(Available in: Adapted.)

Choose the item that is NOT connected to globalization.

Q2701733 Inglês

Read the text to answer 37, 38, 39 and 40.

Identity and globalization

Krasimira Mineva -Burgas Free University.

During the recent decades, intensity of relations between different cultures and different regions of the world has been increasing, due to the rapid development of telecommunications. The increasing economic and financial independence has its impact on the new opportunities for mobility and communications amongst different cultures. The development of the global market, the large volumes of production and exports enable the consumption of new, unfamiliar products. The economic aspects of the processes developing on a global scale are characterized by free movement of capital, search for new markets for goods and services, exported manufacturing facilities seeking cheaper labor markets, collision between local producers and powerful international corporations. The economic processes encourage the development of a new global culture, the basis for it being standards such as consumption, consumer attitudes and ultimate individualism. The effects of globalization have been described as: aculturalism, the mutual influence among cultures and their gradual convergence and unification; migration processes due to the collapse of local economies; increased number of illegal immigrants; marginalization and prejudice; spread of individualism and consumer attitude which undermine the values of traditional society; increased exchange of information and ideas , information on global scale doubles its volume every two years; individual consciousness is overloaded with information but behaviors which might alter culture become even more uniform.

(Available in: Adapted.)

Mark the item which matches the text.

Q2701732 Inglês

Read the text to answer 37, 38, 39 and 40.

Identity and globalization

Krasimira Mineva -Burgas Free University.

During the recent decades, intensity of relations between different cultures and different regions of the world has been increasing, due to the rapid development of telecommunications. The increasing economic and financial independence has its impact on the new opportunities for mobility and communications amongst different cultures. The development of the global market, the large volumes of production and exports enable the consumption of new, unfamiliar products. The economic aspects of the processes developing on a global scale are characterized by free movement of capital, search for new markets for goods and services, exported manufacturing facilities seeking cheaper labor markets, collision between local producers and powerful international corporations. The economic processes encourage the development of a new global culture, the basis for it being standards such as consumption, consumer attitudes and ultimate individualism. The effects of globalization have been described as: aculturalism, the mutual influence among cultures and their gradual convergence and unification; migration processes due to the collapse of local economies; increased number of illegal immigrants; marginalization and prejudice; spread of individualism and consumer attitude which undermine the values of traditional society; increased exchange of information and ideas , information on global scale doubles its volume every two years; individual consciousness is overloaded with information but behaviors which might alter culture become even more uniform.

(Available in: Adapted.)

One of negative consequences of globalization should be described as:

Q2701731 Inglês

Read the text to answer 34, 35 and 36.

D.C. schools try to meet students where they live

Sarah Zick swerved through the crowds clogging 14th Street NW in Columbia Heights one recent muggy afternoon, trekking to one of her student’s homes. The first-grade teacher is attempting to meet the families of each of her students at their homes or a place of their choosing — shifting the traditional parent-teacher power dynamic that plays out on school grounds. On this Wednesday, three weeks into the school year, it was student No. 21. She spotted the 6-year-old girl near her public housing complex holding hands with her mother. The girl gave Zick a quick hug. The meeting began. What Zick learned: the girl loves math but is more tepid about reading. She loves dancing and princesses. A friend from school recently died of complications related to asthma, and the 6-year-old often thinks about death. Lockdowns at the school prompted by recent shootings in Columbia Heights exacerbated those anxieties.Zick’s plan after that meeting: she will send the girl home with books about dancing and princesses for mom to read with her at night. And when there is another lockdown or drill, Zick will pay extra attention to make sure the girl is okay.

Over the past five years, the District has sought to reinvent the old-fashioned idea of home visits. It’s no longer about descending on the house of a struggling or truant student. In 2011, the traditional public school system partnered with the Flamboyan Foundation which trained the teachers on how to conduct the visits, paying them $40 each family meeting. Eight years after the program launched, D.C. educators have made more relationship-building home visits than any school system in the country — even more than bigger systems, according to Gina Martinez-Keddy, executive director of Parent Teacher Home Visits, which tracks these interactions.

(Available in: Adapted.)

“Them” (L27) refers back to:

Q2701730 Educação Física

A atividade motora evolui dos movimentos simples para os movimentos mais complexos devido a um processo de desenvolvimento de tônus muscular e de criações de novas ligações neurais. O desenvolvimento motor evolui continuamente do rudimentar para o específico, do grosseiro ao fino. São modalidades de coordenação motora grossa, EXCETO:

Q2701729 Inglês

Read the text to answer 34, 35 and 36.

D.C. schools try to meet students where they live

Sarah Zick swerved through the crowds clogging 14th Street NW in Columbia Heights one recent muggy afternoon, trekking to one of her student’s homes. The first-grade teacher is attempting to meet the families of each of her students at their homes or a place of their choosing — shifting the traditional parent-teacher power dynamic that plays out on school grounds. On this Wednesday, three weeks into the school year, it was student No. 21. She spotted the 6-year-old girl near her public housing complex holding hands with her mother. The girl gave Zick a quick hug. The meeting began. What Zick learned: the girl loves math but is more tepid about reading. She loves dancing and princesses. A friend from school recently died of complications related to asthma, and the 6-year-old often thinks about death. Lockdowns at the school prompted by recent shootings in Columbia Heights exacerbated those anxieties.Zick’s plan after that meeting: she will send the girl home with books about dancing and princesses for mom to read with her at night. And when there is another lockdown or drill, Zick will pay extra attention to make sure the girl is okay.

Over the past five years, the District has sought to reinvent the old-fashioned idea of home visits. It’s no longer about descending on the house of a struggling or truant student. In 2011, the traditional public school system partnered with the Flamboyan Foundation which trained the teachers on how to conduct the visits, paying them $40 each family meeting. Eight years after the program launched, D.C. educators have made more relationship-building home visits than any school system in the country — even more than bigger systems, according to Gina Martinez-Keddy, executive director of Parent Teacher Home Visits, which tracks these interactions.

(Available in: Adapted.)

The innovative home-visit program features:

Q2701728 Educação Física

As regras são consideradas tipificação de uma modalidade esportiva, uma vez que determinam o que é proibido e o que é válido. São classificadas como regras básicas de uma competição de caratê, EXCETO:

Q2701727 Educação Física

Em 1882, Jigoro Kano fundou sua primeira escola denominada “Judô Kodokan”, tendo como princípio lutas exclusivamente desportivas. Kano se preocupava com a formação do caráter dos seus alunos, assim como o equilíbrio psicológico. É correto afirmar que o local de treinamento e competição do judô denomina-se:

Q2701726 Educação Física

Na anatomia humana, o corpo é dividido em cabeça, tronco e membros. Os membros são ligados ao tronco por ossos, músculos e ligamentos que constituem as chamadas cinturas. A cintura que liga os membros superiores ao tronco denomina-se:

Q2701725 Inglês

Read the text to answer 34, 35 and 36.

D.C. schools try to meet students where they live

Sarah Zick swerved through the crowds clogging 14th Street NW in Columbia Heights one recent muggy afternoon, trekking to one of her student’s homes. The first-grade teacher is attempting to meet the families of each of her students at their homes or a place of their choosing — shifting the traditional parent-teacher power dynamic that plays out on school grounds. On this Wednesday, three weeks into the school year, it was student No. 21. She spotted the 6-year-old girl near her public housing complex holding hands with her mother. The girl gave Zick a quick hug. The meeting began. What Zick learned: the girl loves math but is more tepid about reading. She loves dancing and princesses. A friend from school recently died of complications related to asthma, and the 6-year-old often thinks about death. Lockdowns at the school prompted by recent shootings in Columbia Heights exacerbated those anxieties.Zick’s plan after that meeting: she will send the girl home with books about dancing and princesses for mom to read with her at night. And when there is another lockdown or drill, Zick will pay extra attention to make sure the girl is okay.

Over the past five years, the District has sought to reinvent the old-fashioned idea of home visits. It’s no longer about descending on the house of a struggling or truant student. In 2011, the traditional public school system partnered with the Flamboyan Foundation which trained the teachers on how to conduct the visits, paying them $40 each family meeting. Eight years after the program launched, D.C. educators have made more relationship-building home visits than any school system in the country — even more than bigger systems, according to Gina Martinez-Keddy, executive director of Parent Teacher Home Visits, which tracks these interactions.

(Available in: Adapted.)

Sarah Zick’s 6-year-old student:

Q2701724 Educação Física

As corridas com barreiras em Olimpíadas são feitas na pista com a transposição das barreiras pelos atletas. A corrida com obstáculos se difere da corrida com barreiras por parte dela ser realizada fora da pista. Assinale, a seguir, um obstáculo que os atletas dessa modalidade devem passar.

Q2701723 Química

Cada substância química, quando submetida a calor, luz e etc., apresenta um comportamento diferente conhecido como propriedade das substâncias. Dois exemplos conhecidos são: o éter comum, pois evapora facilmente; e o ferro, que tem a capacidade de enferrujar. As propriedades de “evaporar do éter” e de “enferrujar do ferro” são tipos de fenômenos conhecidos, respectivamente, por:

41: A
42: B
43: A
44: D
45: C
46: A
47: A
48: C
49: C
50: C
51: B
52: D
53: D
54: A
55: C
56: B
57: D
58: B
59: C
60: A