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Q2414612 Inglês

Giving Blood = Giving Life

Giving blood is an amazing thing a person can do. Why? Because people who have anaemia, cancer, blood disorders, sickle cell, and other illnesses need blood transfusion. Some people even need regular blood transfusion to live.

Think about it: giving blood as part ............ everyone’s life; something they done .............. a regular basis, like eating ........... a favourite restaurant. What kind of difference does that make? Well, a donation might make the difference between life and death for nearly five million people who receive blood transfusions every year.

Giving blood is simple and convenient. It only takes about an hour and you can make the donation at a donor center. Afterwards, you will feel good about yourself.

Most people don’t think they’ll never need a blood transfusion, but many do. Blood is something money can’t buy. One may give a newborn, a child, a mother or a father, a brother, or a sister another chance at life. In fact, this simple action may help to save lives.

The blood donation process is much quicker and easier than you think. Giving blood will not decrease your strength and it’s certainly the right thing to do.

Identify the sentences below as true ( T ) or false ( F ), according to the text.

( ) The words quicker and easier, are examples of a comparative form of the adjective.

( ) lives is the the plural form of live.

( ) In the sentence “It only takes about an hour and you can”, the underlined word is in the third person of the simple present tense.

( ) amazing means to astonishing.

Check the alternative which presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom.

Q2414610 Inglês

Giving Blood = Giving Life

Giving blood is an amazing thing a person can do. Why? Because people who have anaemia, cancer, blood disorders, sickle cell, and other illnesses need blood transfusion. Some people even need regular blood transfusion to live.

Think about it: giving blood as part ............ everyone’s life; something they done .............. a regular basis, like eating ........... a favourite restaurant. What kind of difference does that make? Well, a donation might make the difference between life and death for nearly five million people who receive blood transfusions every year.

Giving blood is simple and convenient. It only takes about an hour and you can make the donation at a donor center. Afterwards, you will feel good about yourself.

Most people don’t think they’ll never need a blood transfusion, but many do. Blood is something money can’t buy. One may give a newborn, a child, a mother or a father, a brother, or a sister another chance at life. In fact, this simple action may help to save lives.

The blood donation process is much quicker and easier than you think. Giving blood will not decrease your strength and it’s certainly the right thing to do.

Choose the alternative which presents the correct prepositions that are missing in the second paragraph:

Q2414608 Inglês

Giving Blood = Giving Life

Giving blood is an amazing thing a person can do. Why? Because people who have anaemia, cancer, blood disorders, sickle cell, and other illnesses need blood transfusion. Some people even need regular blood transfusion to live.

Think about it: giving blood as part ............ everyone’s life; something they done .............. a regular basis, like eating ........... a favourite restaurant. What kind of difference does that make? Well, a donation might make the difference between life and death for nearly five million people who receive blood transfusions every year.

Giving blood is simple and convenient. It only takes about an hour and you can make the donation at a donor center. Afterwards, you will feel good about yourself.

Most people don’t think they’ll never need a blood transfusion, but many do. Blood is something money can’t buy. One may give a newborn, a child, a mother or a father, a brother, or a sister another chance at life. In fact, this simple action may help to save lives.

The blood donation process is much quicker and easier than you think. Giving blood will not decrease your strength and it’s certainly the right thing to do.

According to the text we can infer that:

Q2414585 Pedagogia

Consta no artigo 8º da Resolução CNE/CP nº 2, de 22/12/2017 - Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) que os currículos, coerentes com a proposta pedagógica da instituição ou rede de ensino, devem adequar as proposições da BNCC à sua realidade, considerando, para tanto, o contexto e as características dos estudantes, devendo:

1. Contextualizar os conteúdos curriculares, identificando estratégias para apresentá-los, representá-los, exemplificá-los, conectá-los e torná-los significativos, com base na realidade do lugar e do tempo nos quais as aprendizagens se desenvolvem e são constituídas.

2. Decidir sobre formas de organização dos componentes curriculares – disciplinar, interdisciplinar, transdisciplinar ou pluridisciplinar – e fortalecer a competência pedagógica das equipes escolares, de modo que se adotem estratégia mais dinâmicas, interativas e colaborativas em relação à gestão do ensino e da aprendizagem.

3. Selecionar e aplicar metodologias e estratégias didático-pedagógicas diversificadas, recorrendo a ritmos diferenciados e a conteúdos complementares, se necessário, para trabalhar com as necessidades de diferentes grupos de alunos, suas famílias e cultura de origem, suas comunidades, seus grupos de socialização, entre outros fatores.

4. Conceber e pôr em prática situações e procedimentos para motivar e engajar os estudantes nas aprendizagens.

5. Construir e aplicar procedimentos de avaliação seletiva de processo ou de resultado, que levem em conta as habilidades inatas bem como os contextos e as condições de aprendizagem dos estudantes.

Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmativas corretas.

Q2414583 Pedagogia

Está presente na Resolução CNE/CP nº 2, de 22/12/2017 - Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) que:

As propostas pedagógicas e os currículos devem considerar .............................................................. dos estudantes, visando ao seu pleno desenvolvimento, na perspectiva de efetivação de uma educação integral.

Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a lacuna do texto.

876: B
877: C
878: B
879: D
880: B