Questões de Concurso Militar EsFCEx 2015 para Oficial - Direito

Foram encontradas 70 questões

Q587531 História
 Analise as afirmativas sobre o instituto das capitanias hereditárias na América portuguesa e marque a opção correta.

I. A capitania doada passava a ser propriedade do capitão donatário, mas com a obrigação de doar sesmarias a cristãos interessados.

II. O donatário da capitania passava a ter o monopólio da atividade judicial e estava autorizado a fundar vilas e a formar milícias.

III. Os documentos da doação das capitanias estipulavam as parcelas dos tributos que deviam ser pagos pelos colonos aos capitães donatários e à Coroa. 

Q587532 História
A opção que expressa as condições econômicas brasileiras durante o século XIX é:
Q587533 História
Sobre o “milagre brasileiro” (1969-1973), é correto afirmar:
Q587534 Inglês

      The oldest human footprints in Europe have been discovered in Britain. There are only three other sets of footprints that are older and they are in Africa.

      Scientists took digital photographs of the footprints and created a 3D image from them. The images and model were unveiled at a news conference at the British Museum in London. Scientists think that most of the footprints are children’s. There was at least one adult, too.

      Discoveries of ancient man’s footprints are extremely rare. Scientists say that the discovery will rewrite our understanding of human occupation of Britain and Europe. 

In the sentence: “The oldest human footprints in Europe have been discovered in Britain”, choose the correct verb tense.
Q587535 Inglês

      The oldest human footprints in Europe have been discovered in Britain. There are only three other sets of footprints that are older and they are in Africa.

      Scientists took digital photographs of the footprints and created a 3D image from them. The images and model were unveiled at a news conference at the British Museum in London. Scientists think that most of the footprints are children’s. There was at least one adult, too.

      Discoveries of ancient man’s footprints are extremely rare. Scientists say that the discovery will rewrite our understanding of human occupation of Britain and Europe. 

Chose the correct alteraative that shows a superlative form.
Q587536 Inglês

      The oldest human footprints in Europe have been discovered in Britain. There are only three other sets of footprints that are older and they are in Africa.

      Scientists took digital photographs of the footprints and created a 3D image from them. The images and model were unveiled at a news conference at the British Museum in London. Scientists think that most of the footprints are children’s. There was at least one adult, too.

      Discoveries of ancient man’s footprints are extremely rare. Scientists say that the discovery will rewrite our understanding of human occupation of Britain and Europe. 

Chose the correct altemative according to the text.

I. The oldest human footprints were found in Britain.

II. The footprints are children's.

III. The findings are quite common.

Q587537 Inglês

      The oldest human footprints in Europe have been discovered in Britain. There are only three other sets of footprints that are older and they are in Africa.

      Scientists took digital photographs of the footprints and created a 3D image from them. The images and model were unveiled at a news conference at the British Museum in London. Scientists think that most of the footprints are children’s. There was at least one adult, too.

      Discoveries of ancient man’s footprints are extremely rare. Scientists say that the discovery will rewrite our understanding of human occupation of Britain and Europe. 

Read the sentence below.

     Scientists took digital photographs of the footprints and created a 3D image from them.

The altemative that correctly transforms the sentence above to the simple present is: 

Q587538 Inglês

      The oldest human footprints in Europe have been discovered in Britain. There are only three other sets of footprints that are older and they are in Africa.

      Scientists took digital photographs of the footprints and created a 3D image from them. The images and model were unveiled at a news conference at the British Museum in London. Scientists think that most of the footprints are children’s. There was at least one adult, too.

      Discoveries of ancient man’s footprints are extremely rare. Scientists say that the discovery will rewrite our understanding of human occupation of Britain and Europe. 

Read the sentences below.

      Scientists took digital photographs of the footprints and created a 3D image from them.

      Scientists say that the discovery will rewrite our understanding of human occupation of Britain and Europe.

The altemative that correctly identifies the pronouns is: 

Q587540 Inglês
 Choose the altemative that correctly completes the sentences below:

_______March 25th she will be_________ the plane. She arrives__________ 7 am. Once_______ London she will call us. 

Q634570 Direito Constitucional
Assinale a opção correta.
Q634571 Direito Constitucional
O Mandado de Segurança
Q634572 Direito Civil
O regime de bens no casamento
Q634573 Direito Processual Penal
O Ministério Público ofereceu denúncia em face de unm pessoa pela prática do delito de homicídio qualificado pelo motivo torpe, sendo o acusado impronunciado pelo magistrado ao final da primeira fase do procedimento bifásico do júri. A via adequada para o combate de tal decisão é (são) o (a) (s)
Q634574 Direitos Humanos

Analise as afirmações abaixo e marque a opção correta.

I. De acordo com as quatro Convenções de Genebra de 1949 e o seu Protocolo Adicional n° I, de 1977, combatente é todo membro das forças armadas, excetuado o pessoal de saúde e religioso.

II. Em existindo uma dúvida sobre se uma pessoa é civil ou não, em conflito armado internacional, não será concedido o estatuto de prisioneiro de guerra, mesmo que provisoriamente.

III. Quando um jornalista é preso, realizando missão perigosa em zona de conflito armado internacional, é considerado prisioneiro de guerra.

Q634575 Direito Penal Militar
Assinale a opção correta.
Q634576 Legislação Federal
A ação civil pública é o instrumento processual adequado para reprimir ou impedir
Q634577 Direito Ambiental
Marque a alternativa correta.
Q634578 Direito Constitucional
Marque a alternativa que elenca corretamente características da nossa constituição vigente.
Q634579 Direito Constitucional
Sobre as medidas provisórias, pode-se afirmar que:
21: E
22: A
23: B
24: E
25: B
26: E
27: A
28: C
29: D
30: C
31: D
32: E
33: B
34: D
35: A
36: A
37: E
38: C
39: C
40: A