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Sobre ensino da língua estrangeira inglesa em inglês
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The summaries of ‘Deutsche Kastanien’ by students from France and Germany confirm my hypothesis that the genre summary (French résumé, GermanZusammenfassung) is a culturallymarked genre. Representative samples of each cultural group are reproduced below. They show that the summaries by the American and French learners of German (cf. summary 7) remain close to the human interest story and its factual aspects, whereas the summaries by the German native speakers (summaries 8, 9 and 10) focus on the larger problem, of which Ender’s story is only an illustration.
KRAMSCH, 1993, p. 10.
From this perspective, the study of language encompasses
The postmethod condition is a sustainable state of affairs that compels us to fundamentally restructure our view of language teaching and teacher education. It urges us to review the character and content of classroom teaching in all its pedagogical and ideological perspectives. It drives us to streamline our teacher education by refiguring the reified relationship between theory and practice.
KUMARAVADIVELU, B. Understanding language teaching: from method to postmethod. Marhwah: Erlbaum, 2006. in: Language teacher education for a global society. Routledge: Taylor& Francis, 2012, p. 170.
So, Postmethod Pedagogy is a three-dimensional system consisting of three pedagogic parameters:
(...) o inglês tem se tornado cada vez mais importante como meio de comunicação internacional. Assim, é muito importante para seus alunos desenvolver uma atitude positiva em relação à língua e ao conhecimento para usá-los com êxito. Precisam desenvolver estratégias de aprendizado para que esse aprendizado continue fora da sala de aula tanto quanto dentro dela.
HOLDEN, S. O ensino da língua inglesa nos dias atuais. São Paulo, SBS, 2009, p. 12.
Partindo da perspectiva de Susan Holden, a respeito do ensino de língua inglesa, o falante não nativo de inglês
Based on the Approaches and Methods in English Language Teaching, mark the statements below as true (T) or false (F).
( ) Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is an approach with a theoretical underpinning that a language is for communication.
( ) The Audiolingual Approach is based on a structuralist view of language and draws on the psychology of behaviourism as the basis of its learning theory, employing stimulus and response.
( ) The Lexical Approach is an approach based on the notion that language comprises lexical units (chunks, collocations, and fixed phrases). Grammar is secondary and is acquired through learning these chunks.
( ) The Grammar Translation sees the process of learning a second language as a cognitive task, with learners as intelligent autonomous individuals, who can infer language use from well-structured input.
The statements are, respectively:
Study these sentences below and decide if they are true ( T ) or false ( F ), according to the Base Curricular da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Palhoça document.
( ) No Componente Curricular Eixo/Nível III e IV o tempo de ensino é composto de 8 anos cada.
( ) A carga horária deverá ser de 800 dias / 3.200 horas/aulas, que corresponde a dez fases/ semestres de efetivo trabalho escolar, para o cômputo do total do Ensino Fundamental.
( ) Cada Eixo/Nível do Componente Curricular corresponde a dois semestres/fases do ano, totalizando quatro Eixos/ Níveis, o que equivale a oito semestres/fases, para conclusão do Ensino Fundamental de EJA.
( ) A carga horária na EJA para o período diurno é o mesmo para a EJA do período noturno, de quatro horas diárias de sala.
Choose the alternative which presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom.
There are several differences between spoken and written language (Mewburn, Firth & Lehmann, 2019). We can characterize spoken language as quite informal, colloquial and presumably unstructured. Written language, on the other hand, is generally more structured, formal, impersonal and wordy ( blic/@web/@stsv/@ld/documents/doc/uow195597. pdf). Read the sentences and classify them in spoken or written language.
- It’s a tiring sport, squash.
- I am a hardworking person who would love to work at your company.
- See the match last night?
- Kimchi is a traditional Korean dish, consisting of fermented vegetables.
When we learn a language, there are some skills that we need for it. They are essential components of language proficiency and are typically emphasized in language learning and teaching programs to ensure learners develop well-rounded communicative abilities. Read the skills definitions and match to their name.
- It is the verbal expression of your thoughts and ideas.
- It refers to understanding, interpreting, and analyzing the speaker's message.
- It helps understand different texts, their context and inference.
- It involves presenting your thoughts in the form of text in a structured and organized manner.
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The teaching of instrumental English went through five
stages of development, beginning with register analysis
and culminating in the learner-centered approach, which
focuses on the specific needs of learners.
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When the concept of prior knowledge is addressed in
language teaching, it's important for the teacher to
understand that this relates to the cultural and
socioeconomic aspects of the student, which will
facilitate text comprehension and reduce the impact of
knowledge of foreign language rules when working with a
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The early methods of teaching foreign language, including
instrumental English, date back to the 16th century and
focused primarily on oral communication and everyday
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The teacher's role in the teaching process goes beyond
mere content transmission, as they must act as a
mediator, planning strategies that stimulate active
learning among students, promoting not only the
assimilation of knowledge but also cognitive, reflective,
and critical development.
Julgue o item a seguir.
The school and the classroom are just part of a
sociocultural and institutional context, without any
influence on the students' learning process.