Questões de Inglês - Sinônimos | Synonyms para Concurso

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Q1766873 Inglês

The English language is peculiarly rich in synonyms, as, with such a history, it could not fail to be. The spirit of the Anglo-Saxon race, masterful in language as in war and commerce, has subjugated all these various elements to one idiom, making not a patchwork, but a composite language. Anglo-Saxon thrift, finding often several words that originally expressed the same idea, has detailed them to different parts of the common territory or to different service, so that we have an almost unexampled variety of words, kindred in meaning but distinct in usage, for expressing almost every shade of human thought. 

    According Cambridge Dictionary (2018), synonyms is a word or phrase that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another word or phrase in the same language: the words "small" and "little" are synonyms.

    And antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word: two antonyms of "light" are "dark" and "heavy".

Read carefully what is exposed from I to V.

I- 1) The game was abandoned at half-time because of the poor weather conditions.

   2)  He decided to forsake politics for journalism. It is impossible to keep both careers at the same time.

II- In my opinion, Julia Roberts is very beautiful! My dad agrees with me, but my mom says that the eternal pretty woman is ugly.

III- The singer has shown exceptional talent over the past two years. Her outstanding performances set a new benchmark for singers throughout the world. However, readers of magazines said they wanted more stories about ordinary people and fewer stories about the rich and famous like this singer.

IV- 1) I wanted a simple black dress, nothing fancy.

     2) I like simple food better than fancy dishes.

V- It was an extremely vulgar joke.

Now, read the statements that are made about information I to V (above).

1st) In I, there are the verbs to abandon and to forsake. They are synonyms. To keep is the antonym of them.

2nd) In II, the words beautiful and pretty are synonyms. Ugly is their antonym.

3rd) In III, the word ordinary is the antonym of exceptional. There is not any synonym for exceptional in III.

4th) In IV, simple is the antonym of fancy. It could be replaced by plain, but just in I wanted a simple black dress, nothing fancy.

5th) In V, vulgar could be replaced by coarse or unsuitable

The correct alternative about the five information above is: 

Q1763678 Inglês

Instruction: Answer question based on the following text.

Fake news: improved critical literacy skills are key to telling fact from fiction

Adapted from 

The word “buzzword” (line 01) can be replaced, without changing the meaning in context, by is:
Q1757145 Inglês


        A new study has found that antisocial people are more likely to have smaller areas of their brain. Researchers said criminals' brains had a different structure to the brains of people who followed the law. The study is published in the journal "Lancet Psychiatry". Researchers used data from 672 people born in 1972-73. They looked at records of the people's antisocial behaviour between the ages of seven and 26. At the age of 45, the researchers scanned the people's brains. Eighty of the people had a history of criminal and antisocial behaviour from being early teenagers. Researchers found that the areas of the brain linked to emotions, motivation and behaviour control were smaller in the long-term criminals' brains. 

        Professor Terrie Moffitt, a co-author of the research, said the research could help doctors understand what is behind long-term antisocial behaviour. She said the antisocial people in the study may have behaved badly because of their brain structure. She said: "They are actually operating under some [disability] at the level of the brain." She added that because of this, we needed to care for these people in a kinder way. Lead author Dr Christina Carlisi said: "Differences in brain structure might make it difficult for people to develop social skills. This may prevent them from engaging in antisocial behaviour. These people could benefit from more support throughout their lives." 

Available on: Accessed on: March, 20th 2020.

These people could benefit from more support throughout their lives." The word in bold can be replaced in the previous sentence by:
Q1757143 Inglês


        A new study has found that antisocial people are more likely to have smaller areas of their brain. Researchers said criminals' brains had a different structure to the brains of people who followed the law. The study is published in the journal "Lancet Psychiatry". Researchers used data from 672 people born in 1972-73. They looked at records of the people's antisocial behaviour between the ages of seven and 26. At the age of 45, the researchers scanned the people's brains. Eighty of the people had a history of criminal and antisocial behaviour from being early teenagers. Researchers found that the areas of the brain linked to emotions, motivation and behaviour control were smaller in the long-term criminals' brains. 

        Professor Terrie Moffitt, a co-author of the research, said the research could help doctors understand what is behind long-term antisocial behaviour. She said the antisocial people in the study may have behaved badly because of their brain structure. She said: "They are actually operating under some [disability] at the level of the brain." She added that because of this, we needed to care for these people in a kinder way. Lead author Dr Christina Carlisi said: "Differences in brain structure might make it difficult for people to develop social skills. This may prevent them from engaging in antisocial behaviour. These people could benefit from more support throughout their lives." 

Available on: Accessed on: March, 20th 2020.

“... we needed to care for these people in a kinder way.” The underlined part means: 
Q1756728 Inglês

“...Australia amid a heatwave...” The underlined word means:

346: E
347: A
348: E
349: A
350: D