Questões de Inglês - Sinônimos | Synonyms para Concurso

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Q1753960 Inglês
    The pandemic has exposed a contradiction in modern society. We are more connected than ever – proven by the speed and truly global spread of the virus; nevertheless, we are also deeply divided.
    Today’s connectedness, enforced by social distancing, has pushed the role of technology in every aspect of our lives to a new level. The tech industry is now in a challenging space: trapped between the increasing politicization of technology, the still superficial social debate around its impact and the slow adaptation of appropriate legislation. Right now, the industry needs to enable and push forward this ethical debate, recognizing its responsibility in this historic moment.
    The first step is to end the myth of tech neutrality. We need to acknowledge that technology is caught between private economic interests and its social value. Some tech business models, for example, prioritize commodification of data or advertising revenue over the social value of their services — the sharing of knowledge, connecting people, etc.
    The social impact of tech is deeper than we usually perceive and most of the time invisible to us. Digital architecture determines, increasingly, social interactions in our digital society. An example of this is the invisible influence of search engine and social media algorithms, the results of which shape our understanding of the world.
    In this moment of crisis, technology can play a fundamental role in overcoming the economic recession and reducing the systemic injustices that have been exposed.
Social exclusion - the next pandemic.
Internet: <> (adapted)

Concerning the ideas stated in the text and the words used in it, judge the following items.
The words “trapped” (in the second sentence of the second paragraph) and “caught” (in the second sentence of the third paragraph) can be considered synonyms and are used with similar meanings in the text.
Q1753958 Inglês
    The pandemic has exposed a contradiction in modern society. We are more connected than ever – proven by the speed and truly global spread of the virus; nevertheless, we are also deeply divided.
    Today’s connectedness, enforced by social distancing, has pushed the role of technology in every aspect of our lives to a new level. The tech industry is now in a challenging space: trapped between the increasing politicization of technology, the still superficial social debate around its impact and the slow adaptation of appropriate legislation. Right now, the industry needs to enable and push forward this ethical debate, recognizing its responsibility in this historic moment.
    The first step is to end the myth of tech neutrality. We need to acknowledge that technology is caught between private economic interests and its social value. Some tech business models, for example, prioritize commodification of data or advertising revenue over the social value of their services — the sharing of knowledge, connecting people, etc.
    The social impact of tech is deeper than we usually perceive and most of the time invisible to us. Digital architecture determines, increasingly, social interactions in our digital society. An example of this is the invisible influence of search engine and social media algorithms, the results of which shape our understanding of the world.
    In this moment of crisis, technology can play a fundamental role in overcoming the economic recession and reducing the systemic injustices that have been exposed.
Social exclusion - the next pandemic.
Internet: <> (adapted)

Concerning the ideas stated in the text and the words used in it, judge the following items.
The sentence “the industry needs to enable and push forward this ethical debate” (in the last sentence of the second paragraph) can be correctly rephrased as the industry ought to facilitate and advance forward this ethical debate, without changing the meaning of the text
Q1750585 Inglês
Let’s keep the lights on when she’s your age. What sort of world will this little girl grow up in? Many experts agree that it will be a considerably more energyhungry one. There are already seven billion people on our planet. And the forecast is that there will be around two billion more by 2050. So if we’re going to keep the lights on for her, we will need to look at every possible energy source. At Shell we’re exploring a broad mix of energies. We’re making our fuels and lubricants more advanced and more efficient than before. With our partner in Brazil, we’re also producing ethanol, a biofuel made from renewable sugar cane. And we’re delivering natural gas to more countries than any other energy company. When used to generate electricity, natural gas emits around half the CO2 of coal. Let’s broaden the world’s energy mix. (Newsweek. June 25, 2012. Cover. Adapted.)
In “And the forecast is that there will be around two billion more by 2050” the underlined word means
Q1750187 Inglês
Observe the sentence below. “It has quite a few weeks to potentially grow during its run.” The underlined item can be understood as:
Q1745226 Inglês
Observe the context below. This will assuredly be the standings once the regular season is said and done. The sentence below can be rewritten, without losing meaning, as:
351: C
352: E
353: D
354: A
355: D