Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Arcoverde - PE 2024 para Professor II de Língua Inglesa

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Q2520328 Inglês

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Learning is an exclusively natural and instinctive process, not influenced by cultural or educational experiences.

Q2520329 Pedagogia

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According to Federal Decree N. 11,556, dated June 12, 2023, the implementation of the Commitment is the exclusive responsibility of the Ministry of Education, without the need for coordination with other federative entities.

Q2520330 Inglês

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According to Hymes, to be considered competent in communicative terms, it is not sufficient to only know and use the phonology, syntax, and lexicon of the language, but it is also necessary to understand and apply the specific discourse rules of the community in which one is situated. 

Q2520331 Pedagogia

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The teaching of English language in elementary school, according to the BNCC, disregards the impact of culture on the teaching-learning process of the language.

Q2520332 Pedagogia

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According to Federal Decree N. 11,556, dated June 12, 2023, one of the implementation strategies of the Commitment is to address regional, socioeconomic, ethnic-racial, and gender inequalities.

Q2520333 Pedagogia

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The Linguistic Knowledge axis, according to the BNCC text, prioritizes the study of English language in a contextualized manner, considering notions such as "adequacy," "standard," and "linguistic variation".

Q2520334 Inglês

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The learning psychology proposes that the role of the teacher is essentially to teach, while that of the student is to learn, serving as a bridge between these processes.

Q2520335 Inglês

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Educational objectives, contrary to being mere formalities, constitute the backbone of pedagogical planning, demanding deep reflection from the teacher regarding their practice, the content, materials, and methods used, as well as systematically and intentionally guiding the teaching-learning process towards broad and specific goals. 

Q2520336 Inglês

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Studies related to reading strategies highlight that the reader's prior knowledge does not significantly influence the comprehension of reading texts in a foreign language.

Q2520337 Inglês

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In the process of reading texts in a foreign language like English, it's essential to have a broad vocabulary knowledge to fully comprehend the text, since the use of authentic texts in the classroom requires students to be able to decode them without any issues, it makes it possible to effectively approach the text in class. 

Q2520338 Pedagogia

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The teaching of English language in elementary school, according to the BNCC, prioritizes an ideal model of speaker, seeking aspects such as correctness, precision, and linguistic proficiency.

Q2520339 Inglês

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Canale and Swain proposed a model of communicative competence that includes four types of competence: grammatical, sociolinguistic, discourse, and strategic, each playing a fundamental role in the effective use of language.

Q2520340 Pedagogia

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Integral Education is a modern proposal that aligns with the demands of the late 19th century, prioritizing only the formation of autonomous individuals. 

Q2520341 Pedagogia

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According to Law N. 13,146/2015, in the selection processes for admission and retention in courses offered by higher education institutions and vocational and technological education, both public and private, it is not necessary to provide tests in accessible formats to meet the specific needs of candidates with disabilities.

Q2520342 Pedagogia

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As provided for in Article 8 of Law N. 13,005/2014, the federated entities must include in their education plans strategies that exclusively ensure the articulation of educational policies with other social policies, having sensitivity to cultural aspects.

Q2520343 Inglês

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Communicative Language Teaching prioritizes the structural teaching of the English language, without considering communicative proficiency as the main objective.

Q2520344 Inglês

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General Didactics is independent of the specific didactics of teaching subjects because its main function is to generalize processes and procedures obtained from the investigation of the sciences that underpin teaching and learning, without considering the methodological peculiarities of each discipline.

Q2520345 Pedagogia

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The strategies outlined in the Annex of the Law n° 13.005/14; do not prevent the eventual implementation of complementary measures at the local level, which indicates flexibility in the execution of the national education plan.

Q2520346 Pedagogia

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According to Resolution CNE-CEB (National Council of Education/Basic Education Council) N. 07/2010, Elementary School is a subjective public right of each individual and a duty of the State and the family in its provision for all.

Q2520347 Inglês

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The classic definition of competence, proposed by Chomsky, addresses only the knowledge of language structures and rules, without considering its social function. 

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