Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Arcoverde - PE 2024 para Professor II de Língua Inglesa
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When reporting direct yes-no questions in Reported
Speech, it is common to introduce a subordinate clause
with "if" or "whether". So it is correct to say that the
reported sentence "She asked if you were going home" is
properly adapted to reported speech.
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In a noun phrase, the nucleus is always a noun or a noun
pronoun. Though it may contain modifiers, determiners,
adjectives, and other elements, the nucleus of the phrase
is the noun, which provides the main meaning of the
expression. Therefore, all noun phrases will have a noun
as their central element.
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The school integration of students with special
educational needs implies only including them in regular
classes without the need for adaptations in the school
curriculum or pedagogical project of the institution.
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Resolution CNE/CEB (National Council of
Education/Basic Education Council) N. 02/2001
establishes that special education provides support and
specialized services to students with various special
educational needs, including but not limited to deaf
students, students with visual impairment, neuromotor
physical disability, intellectual disability, typical behaviors
of syndromes and neurological, psychiatric, psychological
conditions, and students with high abilities/giftedness.
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According to Article 10 of the law n° 13.005/14, the
education systems of the Union, the States, the Federal
District, and the Municipalities must formulate their
budget plans in order to ensure financial allocations
compatible with the guidelines, goals, and strategies
established in the National Education Plan (PNE).
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Democratic management in schools aims to promote a
collective organization of educational actions and
conceptions, enabling a progressive pedagogical practice
committed to the civic formation of students.
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Returning assessments to students with additional notes,
not just indicating what is correct or incorrect, is a
recommended strategy to avoid embarrassment and
encourage self-assessment.
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According to Law N. 13,146/2015, it is the duty of the
State, society, and family to ensure, with priority, the
realization of rights related to food, housing, social
security, culture, tourism, leisure, among others, for
people with disabilities.
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Democratic management of public schools emerges as a
response to contemporary needs for organization,
participation, planning, and decision-making, providing a
more efficient and effective environment for the
educational process.
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According to Machado (2009), knowledge about text
genres is irrelevant for constructing meaning, as text
interpretation is independent of its generic structure.
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The Political-Pedagogical Project (PPP) is a tool that
describes and reveals the school's identity, organizing
pedagogical work in a democratic and collaborative
manner. It is the exclusive responsibility of the principal to
develop and implement it.
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In the traditional paradigm, assessment is based on
memorization and repetition, while in the complexity
paradigm, assessment aims to lead students to reflect
and understand, not just to memorize and recite.
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Teaching methods are directly related to the specific
objectives and content of disciplines, being applicable
universally and independent of students' characteristics.
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According to Resolution CNE-CEB (National Council of
Education/Basic Education Council) N. 07/2010, the
teaching of a modern Foreign Language in Elementary
School is mandatory from the 6th year onwards, with the
choice of the language to be taught determined
exclusively by educational authorities.
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According to Bakhtin (1997), discourse genres have
minimal influence on the language we use since the
immediate social situation is the sole determining factor
in the choice of utterances.
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In Reported Speech, verb tenses always shift back one
tense in relation to the tense originally used in direct
speech. For example, the direct sentence "Where are you
going?" when reported would change to "They asked
where were you going?", shifting simple present into
simple past.
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The English Language curriculum component, according
to the BNCC, has criteria for organizing skills that can be
flexibilized according to the specific needs and contexts
of each school.
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The school and the classroom are just part of a
sociocultural and institutional context, without any
influence on the students' learning process.
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According to Law N. 13,146/2015, disability does not
affect a person's legal capacity, including the right to
decide on the number of children and to have access to
adequate information on reproduction and family
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The teacher's role in the teaching process goes beyond
mere content transmission, as they must act as a
mediator, planning strategies that stimulate active
learning among students, promoting not only the
assimilation of knowledge but also cognitive, reflective,
and critical development.