Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Arcoverde - PE 2024 para Professor II de Língua Inglesa

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Q2520308 Inglês

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Learning to read based on textual genres is more effective when the student is familiarized with each form of language inserted in a context and a concrete situation.

Q2520309 Inglês

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In the Communicative Approach, the initial phase of the teaching process is dedicated to establishing a conducive environment for learning. In this phase, the focus is on building confidence among participants and reducing potential anxieties.

Q2520310 Pedagogia

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According to Law N. 13,146/2015, the provisions regarding the offering of bilingual education must be applied in private educational institutions, but they are allowed to charge additional fees of any nature in their tuition fees, annual fees, and registrations to comply with these determinations. 

Q2520311 Pedagogia

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According to Resolution CNE-CEB (National Council of Education/Basic Education Council) N. 07/2010, the diversified part of the Elementary School curriculum must be organized separately and independently from the national common base. 

Q2520312 Pedagogia

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According to Federal Decree N. 11,556, dated June 12, 2023, one of the responsibilities of the National Strategic Committee of the Commitment (Cenac) is to review and approve the action plans of federative entities for the implementation of policies, programs, and actions within the scope of the Commitment. 

Q2520313 Inglês

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Contextualizing teaching content is relevant to promote meaningful learning, as the primary focus should be on transmitting disciplinary information, regardless of students' reality.

Q2520314 Pedagogia

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In the liberating progressive pedagogy, inspired by Paulo Freire, the transmission of structured content based on the students' experiences is valued, aiming at raising awareness about social reality. 

Q2520315 Inglês

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Verb phrases contain a verb as their central element. However, sentences that include a modal verb (such as can, may might etc) can also be considered a verb phrase, since the modal verb will change the meaning and tone of the main verb. It is important to note that modal verbs is the only exception to verb phrases without a verb as its central element. 

Q2520316 Inglês

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Within the Communicative Approach, promoting group work is a valued strategy for teaching a foreign language. This methodology emphasizes the importance of allowing students to interact with each other in small groups, which can maximize their opportunities for communicative practice. 

Q2520317 Pedagogia

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According to Law N. 13,146/2015, it is the responsibility of the government to create, implement, and evaluate the inclusive educational system at all levels and modalities, excluding the improvement of educational systems. 

Q2520318 Inglês

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The relationship between teacher and student in the classroom is characterized by a complexity that goes beyond simple didactic interaction or warm human interaction. Both parties play fundamental roles, where the actions of one affect those of the other, and the student is not seen as a mere recipient of knowledge but as a being capable of thinking, reflecting, and actively participating in the educational process. 

Q2520319 Inglês

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The pedagogical trend called "traditional liberal" advocates that teaching content is organized based on the experiences lived by the student, thus promoting an education centered on the development of cognitive skills.

Q2520320 Pedagogia

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Integral Education, as an educational concept, prioritizes only the intellectual development of students, neglecting other important dimensions.

Q2520321 Inglês

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The concept of social skills, currently used in education, encompasses a set of actions and attitudes of the teacher in the classroom to promote student motivation, manage discipline, and make the learning process more engaging.

Q2520322 Inglês

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In the libertarian progressive pedagogy, the teacherstudent relationship is horizontal and non-directive, promoting self-management and the freedom of students in their learning.

Q2520323 Pedagogia

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The use of colored pens when returning assessments helps students focus their attention on specific points of the document. For instance, using a red pen will help the student pay attention to the mistakes made and learn from them. 

Q2520324 Inglês

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The purpose of teaching is to prioritize the accumulation of knowledge, valuing a mind filled with information which is the only possible way to achieve problem solving skills as it can be observed in classrooms.

Q2520325 Inglês

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Adverbial phrases in English can be composed exclusively of an adverb as their central element which does not modify directly a verb. For example: The weather forecast predicted rain quite soon.

Q2520326 Inglês

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Effective text comprehension only occurs if there is correspondence between the activated knowledge in the text and the reader's world knowledge.

Q2520327 Inglês

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The emergence of interest in teaching languages for specific purposes, such as instrumental English, after World War II, was influenced by the development of research in areas such as sociolinguistics and educational psychology. 

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