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Q2877845 Inglês

Instruções: As questões de números 45 a 49 referem-se ao texto abaixo.

Radio Discipline

Communication between pilots and air traffic controllers is a process that is vital for the safe and efficient control of air traffic. Pilots must report their situation, intentions and requests to the controller in a clear and unambiguous way; and the controller must respond by issuing instructions that are equally clear and unambiguous. ...[B]... data link communication has reached an advanced stage of development, verbal communication is likely to remain the prime means of air-ground communication for many years.

t is of course important that radio equipment should be reliable and easy to use, and should be capable of conveying the spoken word clearly and without distortion over long distances. However, the process of communication is equally important and must be successful even in the most difficult conditions.

Of the many factors involved in the process of communication, phraseology is perhaps the most important, because it enables us to communicate quickly and effectively despite differences in language and reduces the opportunity for misunderstanding. Standardised phraseology reduces the risk that a message will be misunderstood and aids the readback/ hear-back process so that any error is quickly detected.

Radio communications (including party-line communications) contribute to building the pilot’s and the controller’s situational awareness. Flight crew and controllers may prevent misunderstandings by providing each other with timely information, for better anticipation.

Good radio discipline is essential to this process. Poor radio discipline is the most common cause of breakdown in the RTF communication process.

Aspects of Radio Discipline

1. Always listen out before transmitting − unless flight crew listen out before making a first call on a new frequency, they may interrupt an exchange between other traffic and ATC.

2. Always use standard phraseology.

3. Follow best practice on message format and content.

4. Ensure the use of a high standard of English language and pronounce as clearly as possible whilst speaking at a sensible pace.

5. Do not communicate with aircraft in the national language when there is a risk of loss of situational awareness for nonlocal pilots.

6. Follow best-practice with regard to speed and timeliness of communication.

7. Always apply the read-back/hear-back procedure. 8. Always request a repeat of a transmission when in any doubt as to the content or meaning of it.

(Adapted from bookshelf/books/113.pdf)

A palavra que preenche corretamente a lacuna ...[B]..., no texto, é:

Q2877844 Inglês

Instruções: As questões de números 41 a 44 referem-se ao texto abaixo.

Industry gets the floor: Developing future Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management Systems (ATFCM)

One of the key SESAR projects in the area of Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management Systems (ATFCM) is Project 13.1.4, managed by Dominique Latgé, from Thales. He explained how the project will enable industry to contribute to future ATFCM systems through SESAR.

The project addresses the evolution of the Network Information Management System (NIMS) from a centralised regional system to a more collaborative and distributed system based on the Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs). One of its objectives is to help the transformation of the current regional CFMU system into marketable technical solutions for the subregional and local levels.

Project 13.1.4 also aims to define the collaborative decision making processes needed by this new organisation of the network. Driven by the new roles and responsibilities at the different levels (regional, sub-regional and local), the project ensures that each actor will find the right information at the right time to take the right decision.

Industry gets the floor

Project 13.1.4 is led by industry. Industry contributors will use the knowledge and experience they have developed in other parts of the world and with Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) at a local level in Europe.

Thales will use experience from work with South Africa’s air traffic & navigation system, where they helped to specify, develop and validate a sub-regional system for ...[A]... : CAMU (South Africa Central Airspace Management Unit). Indra, one of the other project partners, will use knowledge gained from work with Aena on local short term prediction tools and airspace management tools.

The project raises many questions, such as what products are needed inside Europe and at FAB level? What do we need to take into account for areas outside Europe?

The position of manufacturing industry in SESAR projects, in particular in system projects related to air traffic control (WP 10), airports (WP 12) and SWIM (WP 14), makes it a strong technical enabler for information sharing.

(Adaptado de Sesar Magazine, N. 6, Junho 2011, p. 6)

O pronome it, no último parágrafo do texto, substitui

Q2877841 Inglês

Instruções: As questões de números 41 a 44 referem-se ao texto abaixo.

Industry gets the floor: Developing future Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management Systems (ATFCM)

One of the key SESAR projects in the area of Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management Systems (ATFCM) is Project 13.1.4, managed by Dominique Latgé, from Thales. He explained how the project will enable industry to contribute to future ATFCM systems through SESAR.

The project addresses the evolution of the Network Information Management System (NIMS) from a centralised regional system to a more collaborative and distributed system based on the Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs). One of its objectives is to help the transformation of the current regional CFMU system into marketable technical solutions for the subregional and local levels.

Project 13.1.4 also aims to define the collaborative decision making processes needed by this new organisation of the network. Driven by the new roles and responsibilities at the different levels (regional, sub-regional and local), the project ensures that each actor will find the right information at the right time to take the right decision.

Industry gets the floor

Project 13.1.4 is led by industry. Industry contributors will use the knowledge and experience they have developed in other parts of the world and with Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) at a local level in Europe.

Thales will use experience from work with South Africa’s air traffic & navigation system, where they helped to specify, develop and validate a sub-regional system for ...[A]... : CAMU (South Africa Central Airspace Management Unit). Indra, one of the other project partners, will use knowledge gained from work with Aena on local short term prediction tools and airspace management tools.

The project raises many questions, such as what products are needed inside Europe and at FAB level? What do we need to take into account for areas outside Europe?

The position of manufacturing industry in SESAR projects, in particular in system projects related to air traffic control (WP 10), airports (WP 12) and SWIM (WP 14), makes it a strong technical enabler for information sharing.

(Adaptado de Sesar Magazine, N. 6, Junho 2011, p. 6)

NÃO há respaldo no texto para a seguinte afirmação:

Q2877840 Inglês

Instruções: As questões de números 41 a 44 referem-se ao texto abaixo.

Industry gets the floor: Developing future Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management Systems (ATFCM)

One of the key SESAR projects in the area of Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management Systems (ATFCM) is Project 13.1.4, managed by Dominique Latgé, from Thales. He explained how the project will enable industry to contribute to future ATFCM systems through SESAR.

The project addresses the evolution of the Network Information Management System (NIMS) from a centralised regional system to a more collaborative and distributed system based on the Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs). One of its objectives is to help the transformation of the current regional CFMU system into marketable technical solutions for the subregional and local levels.

Project 13.1.4 also aims to define the collaborative decision making processes needed by this new organisation of the network. Driven by the new roles and responsibilities at the different levels (regional, sub-regional and local), the project ensures that each actor will find the right information at the right time to take the right decision.

Industry gets the floor

Project 13.1.4 is led by industry. Industry contributors will use the knowledge and experience they have developed in other parts of the world and with Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) at a local level in Europe.

Thales will use experience from work with South Africa’s air traffic & navigation system, where they helped to specify, develop and validate a sub-regional system for ...[A]... : CAMU (South Africa Central Airspace Management Unit). Indra, one of the other project partners, will use knowledge gained from work with Aena on local short term prediction tools and airspace management tools.

The project raises many questions, such as what products are needed inside Europe and at FAB level? What do we need to take into account for areas outside Europe?

The position of manufacturing industry in SESAR projects, in particular in system projects related to air traffic control (WP 10), airports (WP 12) and SWIM (WP 14), makes it a strong technical enabler for information sharing.

(Adaptado de Sesar Magazine, N. 6, Junho 2011, p. 6)

A melhor tradução para Project 13.1.4 also aims to define the collaborative decision making processes needed by this new organisation of the network é:

Q2877838 Inglês

Instruções: As questões de números 41 a 44 referem-se ao texto abaixo.

Industry gets the floor: Developing future Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management Systems (ATFCM)

One of the key SESAR projects in the area of Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management Systems (ATFCM) is Project 13.1.4, managed by Dominique Latgé, from Thales. He explained how the project will enable industry to contribute to future ATFCM systems through SESAR.

The project addresses the evolution of the Network Information Management System (NIMS) from a centralised regional system to a more collaborative and distributed system based on the Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs). One of its objectives is to help the transformation of the current regional CFMU system into marketable technical solutions for the subregional and local levels.

Project 13.1.4 also aims to define the collaborative decision making processes needed by this new organisation of the network. Driven by the new roles and responsibilities at the different levels (regional, sub-regional and local), the project ensures that each actor will find the right information at the right time to take the right decision.

Industry gets the floor

Project 13.1.4 is led by industry. Industry contributors will use the knowledge and experience they have developed in other parts of the world and with Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) at a local level in Europe.

Thales will use experience from work with South Africa’s air traffic & navigation system, where they helped to specify, develop and validate a sub-regional system for ...[A]... : CAMU (South Africa Central Airspace Management Unit). Indra, one of the other project partners, will use knowledge gained from work with Aena on local short term prediction tools and airspace management tools.

The project raises many questions, such as what products are needed inside Europe and at FAB level? What do we need to take into account for areas outside Europe?

The position of manufacturing industry in SESAR projects, in particular in system projects related to air traffic control (WP 10), airports (WP 12) and SWIM (WP 14), makes it a strong technical enabler for information sharing.

(Adaptado de Sesar Magazine, N. 6, Junho 2011, p. 6)

A expressão que completa corretamente a lacuna ...[A]... é:

Q2877837 Matemática

Os vértices do triângulo A, B e C são localidades desenhadas em um mapa cuja escala é 1 : 1.100.000. Estão indicadas as distâncias entre as localidades, obtidas no mapa.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Na situação real, o número de quilômetros necessários para contornar plenamente o triângulo formado por essas localidades, supondo trajetórias retas, é

Q2877836 Matemática

Observe as indicações das medidas, em graus, dos ângulos na figura.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

O valor da soma de y com z é

Q2877835 Matemática

Uma folha de papel retangular é dobrada ao meio de forma a continuar retangular após a dobra. Sem desdobrar são realizadas mais 3 dobras da mesma maneira nessa folha. A folha é aberta e são visíveis as marcas das dobras. Essas marcas determinam diversos retângulos. Considerando apenas os menores retângulos formados, a quantidade desses retângulos é igual a

Q2877833 Matemática Financeira

Restam dois tapetes retangulares em uma loja. Um deles com medidas dos lados x e y, dadas em metros, e outro com um lado com 50% a mais do que x e o outro lado com 30% a menos do que y. Ambos são vendidos pelo mesmo preço o m2. A porcentagem que um dos tapetes obteve a mais em seu preço, em relação ao outro, é de

Q2877832 Matemática

Para transportar a areia de um monte com 3 m3 pode ser utilizado um balde com capacidade de 12,5 litros. O funcionário diz que, utilizando esse balde, ele gasta exatamente 1 minuto para encher o balde, transportar, descarregar e voltar para uma nova viagem. Também está disponível, para esse transporte, outro balde com capacidade de 25 litros. Com esse último balde o funcionário diz que gasta 1 minuto e 40 segundos para encher o balde, transportar, descarregar e voltar para uma nova viagem. Desconsiderando totalmente possíveis desgastes com cansaço humano, o sistema mais rápido de transporte de toda essa areia é mais rápido do que o outro em

Q2877830 Matemática

Na progressão aritmética A, o primeiro elemento a1 = −2, o segundo elemento a2 = 1. Somar o primeiro elemento com o segundo elemento significa fazer −2 + 1 = −1. Somar os índices de posição desses dois elementos significa fazer 1 + 2 = 3. Há pares de elementos dessa progressão aritmética cuja soma é 50. Nesses casos, a soma dos respectivos índices de posição em cada par é

Q2877829 Matemática

Seja C o consumo de combustível por quilômetro percorrido de uma aeronave, e v sua velocidade, admita que a função que relaciona essas grandezas seja dada por C = −v2 + 2000v. Nas condições dadas, se a velocidade v da aeronave aumentar em 100%, a diferença entre seu consumo (por quilômetro percorrido) após o aumento e antes dele, nessa ordem, será igual a

Q2877822 Matemática

Os pontos x, y, z, k e w são pontos da circunferência λ de centro P e raio 2 cm. As semi-retas r, s e t são concorrentes em Q e, conforme indica a figura, passam por x, y, z, w, k e P. Sabe-se ainda que s divide ao meio o ângulo agudo formado por r e t com vértice em Q.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Com relação à situação descrita, é correto afirmar que a distância entre

Q2877814 Matemática

A diferença entre a soma dos 100 primeiros números pares positivos e os 90 primeiros números ímpares positivos é igual a

Q2877810 Matemática

Júlio tem que subtrair 3 de um número e dividir o resultado por 9, porém, equivocadamente ele subtraiu 9 do número e dividiu o resultado por 3, obtendo 43. Se Júlio tivesse feito corretamente a conta que deveria ter realizado inicialmente, o resultado que ele teria obtido naquela conta seria

Q2877807 Direito Administrativo

Em determinado processo administrativo regulado pela Lei no 9.784/1999, determinada decisão atingiu indiretamente direito de João. Neste caso, João

Q2877806 Direito Administrativo

Considere as seguintes assertivas a respeito das alterações de contratos regulados pela Lei no 8.666/1993:

I. Os contratos regidos pela mencionada lei poderão ser alterados, com as devidas justificativas, unilateralmente pela Administração, quando houver modificação do projeto ou das especificações, para melhor adequação técnica aos seus objetivos.

II. Em regra, o contratado fica obrigado a aceitar, nas mesmas condições contratuais, os acréscimos ou supressões que se fizerem nas obras, serviços ou compras, até 25% do valor inicial atualizado do contrato.

III. Em havendo alteração unilateral do contrato que aumente os encargos do contratado, a Administração deverá restabelecer, por aditamento, o equilíbrio econômico-financeiro inicial.

IV. Se no contrato não tiverem sido contemplados preços unitários para obras ou serviços, esses serão fixados de acordo com a tabela de preços prevista na lei em apreço, vedada a fixação mediante acordo entre as partes.

Está correto o que consta APENAS em

Q2877805 Legislação Federal

De acordo com o Código Brasileiro de Aeronáutica, prescreve em 6 meses e 2 anos, respectivamente, as ações

Q2877804 Legislação Federal

A aeronave da empresa X se envolveu em acidente grave quando estava pousando no aeroporto A da cidade B. Durante a investigação do acidente, a aeronave

Q2877801 Legislação Federal

Presume-se entregue em bom estado e de conformidade com o documento de transporte a carga que o destinatário haja recebido sem protesto. Os protestos por avaria e por atraso serão feitos dentro dos prazos:

3021: C
3022: B
3023: C
3024: A
3025: B
3026: E
3027: D
3028: B
3029: A
3030: E
3031: D
3032: B
3033: D
3034: C
3035: E
3036: D
3037: B
3038: E
3039: A
3040: B