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Q1083139 Inglês
Texto III

    Warnock (2009) stated that the first reason to teach writing online is that the environment can be purely textual. Students are in a rich, guided learning environment in which they express themselves to a varied audience with their written words. The electronic communication tools allow students to write to the teacher and to each other in ways that will open up teaching and learning opportunities for everyone involved. Besides, writing teachers have a unique opportunity because writing-centered online courses allow instructors and students to interact in ways beyond content delivery. They allow students to build a community through electronic means. For students whose options are limited, these electronic communities can build the social and professional connections that constitute some of education's real value (Warnock, 2009).
    Moreover, Melor (2007) pointed out that social interaction technologies have great benefits for lifelong education environments. The social interaction can help enhancing the skills such as the ability to search, to evaluate, to interact meaningfully with tools, and so on. Education activities can usually take place in the classroom which teacher and students will face to face, but now, it can be carried out through the social network technologies including discussion and assessment. According to Kamarul Kabilan, Norlida Ahmad and Zainol Abidin (2010), using Facebook affects learner motivation and strengthens students' social networking practices. What is more, according to Munoz and Towner (2009), Facebook also increases the level of web-based interaction among both teacher-student and student-student. Facebook assists the teachers to connect with their students outside of the classroom and discuss about the assignments, classroom events and useful links.
    Hence, social networking services like Facebook can be chosen as the platform to teach ESL writing. Social networking services can contribute to strengthen relationships among teachers as well as between teachers and students. Besides, they can be used for teachers and students to share the ideas, to find the solutions and to hold an online forum when necessary. Using social networking services have more options than when using communication tools which only have single function, such as instant messaging or e-mail. The people can share interests, post, upload variety kinds of media to social networking services so that their friends could find useful information (Wikipedia, 2010).

(Adapted from: YUNUS, M. D.; SALEHI, H.; CHENZI, C. English Language Teaching; Vol. 5, No. 8; 2012.)
Das opções a seguir, aquela que se configura como o melhor título para o Texto III é:
Q1083136 Inglês
Texto I


    As a result of the communicative revolution in language teaching, it has become increasingly clear that grammar is a tool or resource to be used in the comprehension and creation of oral and written discourse rather than something to be learned as an end in itself. When learned as a decontextualized sentence-level system, grammar is not very useful to learners as they listen, read, speak, and write in their second or foreign language. Indeed, as Canale and Swain (1980) have posited, communicative competence consists of four components, only one of which – Item 3 below – involves grammar:

1. Sociolinguistic competence (i.e., appropriacy): The speaker/ writer knows how to express the message in terms of the person being addressed and the overall circumstances and purpose of the communication.

2. Discourse competence: The selection, sequence, and arrangement of words and structures are clear and effective means of expressing the speaker/writer's intended message.

3. Linguistic competence (i.e., accuracy): The forms, inflections, and sequences used to express the message are grammatically correct.

4. Strategic competence: The speaker/writer has effective and unobtrusive strategies to compensate for any weaknesses s/he has in the above three areas.

    Certainly, in many person-to-person communications, sociolinguistic appropriacy and discourse competence are more important than grammatical accuracy, provided that the grammar used is not inaccurate to the point of miscommunicating the intended message; communication is the overriding concern. However, there are situations where a reasonable degree of accuracy is also critical, and this is our current focus.

    In order for ESL/EFL teachers to consistently present grammar as serving some higher-order objective, Celce-Murcia and Hilles (1988) suggest that grammar should never be taught as an end in itself but always with reference to meaning, social factors, or discourse – or a combination of these factors. Larsen-Freeman's (1991) position is similar: She sees form, meaning, and function as three interacting dimensions of language; the classroom teacher must decide in which dimension the students  are experiencing the greatest learning challenge at any given moment and respond with appropriate instruction.

(Adapted from: CELCE-MURCIA, M. Grammar Pedagogy in Second and Foreign Language Teaching. TESOL Quarterly, 25(3), 459, 1991.)
No enunciado "The speaker/writer has effective and unobtrusive strategies to compensate for any weaknesses s/he has in the above three areas", o termo em destaque pode ser compreendido como:
Q1083135 Inglês
Texto I


    As a result of the communicative revolution in language teaching, it has become increasingly clear that grammar is a tool or resource to be used in the comprehension and creation of oral and written discourse rather than something to be learned as an end in itself. When learned as a decontextualized sentence-level system, grammar is not very useful to learners as they listen, read, speak, and write in their second or foreign language. Indeed, as Canale and Swain (1980) have posited, communicative competence consists of four components, only one of which – Item 3 below – involves grammar:

1. Sociolinguistic competence (i.e., appropriacy): The speaker/ writer knows how to express the message in terms of the person being addressed and the overall circumstances and purpose of the communication.

2. Discourse competence: The selection, sequence, and arrangement of words and structures are clear and effective means of expressing the speaker/writer's intended message.

3. Linguistic competence (i.e., accuracy): The forms, inflections, and sequences used to express the message are grammatically correct.

4. Strategic competence: The speaker/writer has effective and unobtrusive strategies to compensate for any weaknesses s/he has in the above three areas.

    Certainly, in many person-to-person communications, sociolinguistic appropriacy and discourse competence are more important than grammatical accuracy, provided that the grammar used is not inaccurate to the point of miscommunicating the intended message; communication is the overriding concern. However, there are situations where a reasonable degree of accuracy is also critical, and this is our current focus.

    In order for ESL/EFL teachers to consistently present grammar as serving some higher-order objective, Celce-Murcia and Hilles (1988) suggest that grammar should never be taught as an end in itself but always with reference to meaning, social factors, or discourse – or a combination of these factors. Larsen-Freeman's (1991) position is similar: She sees form, meaning, and function as three interacting dimensions of language; the classroom teacher must decide in which dimension the students  are experiencing the greatest learning challenge at any given moment and respond with appropriate instruction.

(Adapted from: CELCE-MURCIA, M. Grammar Pedagogy in Second and Foreign Language Teaching. TESOL Quarterly, 25(3), 459, 1991.)
Das sentenças a seguir, a que melhor resume o papel da gramática no ensino-aprendizagem de uma língua, de acordo com o Texto I, é:
Q1083134 Inglês
Texto I


    As a result of the communicative revolution in language teaching, it has become increasingly clear that grammar is a tool or resource to be used in the comprehension and creation of oral and written discourse rather than something to be learned as an end in itself. When learned as a decontextualized sentence-level system, grammar is not very useful to learners as they listen, read, speak, and write in their second or foreign language. Indeed, as Canale and Swain (1980) have posited, communicative competence consists of four components, only one of which – Item 3 below – involves grammar:

1. Sociolinguistic competence (i.e., appropriacy): The speaker/ writer knows how to express the message in terms of the person being addressed and the overall circumstances and purpose of the communication.

2. Discourse competence: The selection, sequence, and arrangement of words and structures are clear and effective means of expressing the speaker/writer's intended message.

3. Linguistic competence (i.e., accuracy): The forms, inflections, and sequences used to express the message are grammatically correct.

4. Strategic competence: The speaker/writer has effective and unobtrusive strategies to compensate for any weaknesses s/he has in the above three areas.

    Certainly, in many person-to-person communications, sociolinguistic appropriacy and discourse competence are more important than grammatical accuracy, provided that the grammar used is not inaccurate to the point of miscommunicating the intended message; communication is the overriding concern. However, there are situations where a reasonable degree of accuracy is also critical, and this is our current focus.

    In order for ESL/EFL teachers to consistently present grammar as serving some higher-order objective, Celce-Murcia and Hilles (1988) suggest that grammar should never be taught as an end in itself but always with reference to meaning, social factors, or discourse – or a combination of these factors. Larsen-Freeman's (1991) position is similar: She sees form, meaning, and function as three interacting dimensions of language; the classroom teacher must decide in which dimension the students  are experiencing the greatest learning challenge at any given moment and respond with appropriate instruction.

(Adapted from: CELCE-MURCIA, M. Grammar Pedagogy in Second and Foreign Language Teaching. TESOL Quarterly, 25(3), 459, 1991.)
O principal objetivo do Texto I é:
Q1083125 Espanhol
La admiración por la admiración
Javier Cercas
30 DIC 2017 
"Píos deseos al empezar el año." (L.88) Lo destacado, en el texto, significa: 
Q1083124 Espanhol
La admiración por la admiración
Javier Cercas
30 DIC 2017 
"Así que lleva razón Ródenas: (...) (L.86) Las partículas destacadas introducen una construcción: 
Q1083123 Espanhol
La admiración por la admiración
Javier Cercas
30 DIC 2017 
“(…); Cervantes, en cambio, observa a los humanos desde abajo, con una humildad militante, ...” (L.75) Lo destacado en el texto es una locución: 
Q1083122 Espanhol
La admiración por la admiración
Javier Cercas
30 DIC 2017 
"(...), yo no tengo ninguna duda de que sin admirar a los buenos no hay forma de emularlos..." (L.61) El verbo destacado, en el texto, significa:
Q1083121 Espanhol
La admiración por la admiración
Javier Cercas
30 DIC 2017 
''(…) no es que no haya que admirar nada, sino que no hay que admirar nada de lo que la mayoría admira..." (L.41). Lo destacado en el texto se trata de una conjunción:
Q1083120 Espanhol
La admiración por la admiración
Javier Cercas
30 DIC 2017 
"... se volvió superfluo..." (L.21) Lo destacado es un verbo: 
Q1083119 Espanhol
La admiración por la admiración
Javier Cercas
30 DIC 2017 
"(…), pese a las críticas que puedan hacerse a la universidad española …" (L.11) Lo destacado, en el texto, es una locución preposicional de sentido:
Q1083118 Espanhol
La admiración por la admiración
Javier Cercas
30 DIC 2017 
“Sorprende nuestro entusiasmo por quien está de vuelta de todo, ...” (L.1 / 2) El autor, con la locución verbal destacada en el texto, nos da entender que sentimos admiración por quien:
Q1083117 Pedagogia
Apesar da aprovação da Lei Federal nº 10.436, de 24 de abril de 2002, que reconhece Libras como língua oficial do país, os alunos surdos ainda enfrentam muitos obstáculos no processo de aprendizagem da Geografia. Um dos procedimentos metodológicos que proporcionariam uma educação geográfica inclusiva é:
Q1083116 Geografia
Para um professor de Geografia, é fundamental analisar os fenômenos e os fatos através da espacialidade, entendida pelo geógrafo Roberto Lobato Corrêa (2019, p. 289) “como o olhar do geógrafo, o modo pelo qual a ação humana sobre a superfície terrestre é descoberta, analisada e interpretada”. Para este autor, a espacialidade é constituída por três temas, a saber:
Q1083115 Geografia
“O estudo das religiões e suas espacialidades pode colaborar na construção de um currículo de Geografia que rompa com a padronização típica presente na organização escolar (MORAIS, 2014).”
A relevância do tema, para o ensino da Geografia, pode ser justificada pela importância de:
Q1083113 Geografia
“Se os professores podem ser vistos trabalhando em paisagens de conhecimento profissional, então eles precisam de uma bússola profissional para navegar nessas paisagens. Os valores dos professores, particularmente aqueles que portam uma identidade disciplinar docente, são uma parte fundamental dessa bússola profissional. (...) Mas a bússola profissional é apenas uma metáfora de como e por que os professores se comportam da maneira que fazem, embora eu argumente que é uma ideia útil para entender o profissionalismo docente e as políticas que os envolvem”
(BROOKS, C. Uma bússola profissional. In: ROCHA, A. A; MONTEIRO, A. M.; STRAFORINI, R. Conversas na escada: currículo, docência e disciplina escolar. Rio de Janeiro: Consequência, 2019, p. 76).
Segundo a autora, a bússola profissional pode, portanto, permitir ao professor de Geografia:
Q1083112 Geografia
“Imigrantes têm dificuldades para arrumar emprego em Cuiabá
De acordo com a Pastoral do Migrante, a capital recebe pessoas de vários países e diferentes nacionalidades, como haitianos, argentinos, cubanos e venezuelanos.” (Adaptado. Disponível em: Acesso em 27/10/2019)
Dentre os fatores responsáveis pelo aumento do fluxo migratório de latino-americanos para o Brasil, pode-se destacar a:
Q1083111 Geografia
“O WWF-Brasil atua no Pantanal e a estratégia de conservação é, ainda, compartilhada com o WWF da Bolívia e do Paraguai (...).” (Disponível em: Acesso em 27/10/2019)
Nas últimas décadas, o Pantanal vem sofrendo agressões pelo homem, praticadas não somente na planície, mas principalmente nos planaltos adjacentes. Dentre os impactos ambientais provocados pela expansão da agropecuária, pode-se citar o aumento:
Q1083110 Geografia
Observe as projeções cartográficas a seguir.
Imagem associada para resolução da questão
Diferentes projeções cartográficas foram desenvolvidas para permitir a representação da esfericidade terrestre num plano (mapas e cartas), cada uma priorizando determinado aspecto da representação (dimensão, forma, etc.). (Disponível em: Acesso em 27/10/19)
Considerando-se a classificação das projeções cartográficas quanto à figura geométrica empregada em sua construção, as projeções A, B e C correspondem, respectivamente, a:
Q1083109 Atualidades
“O conflito que acontece hoje na Síria é complexo, envolvendo muitos grupos, alguns extremistas, como Estado Islâmico e a Frente alNusra, grupos rebeldes contra o governo, as forças armadas sírias, e instituições, como o Partido dos Trabalhadores Curdos (PKK), sem contar as coalizões externas que atuam ativa e diretamente na guerra civil. O conflito remonta 40 anos, quando em 1970 aconteceu a tomada da presidência por Hafez alAssad, pai do atual presidente sírio Bashar al-Assad (...). Desde então a questão do credo e do poder executivo se explicitou. Essa atuação não se alterou em 2000, quando Bashar substituiu seu pai.” João Victor Scomparim Soares (Ex traído de: https ://www.mari l Extensao/observatoriodeconflitosinternacionais/serie---aguerra-civil-na-siria---atores-interesses-e-desdobramentos.pdf)
Imagem associada para resolução da questão A prolongada e sangrenta Guerra Civil que assola a Síria, e que recentemente ganhou novos e perigosos contornos a partir do anúncio da retirada oficial do Exército dos EUA, parece estar longe de chegar ao fim. Pode-se afirmar corretamente sobre o conflito:
1521: A
1522: A
1523: A
1524: B
1525: B
1526: A
1527: C
1528: B
1529: D
1530: A
1531: C
1532: B
1533: A
1534: C
1535: A
1536: D
1537: D
1538: C
1539: B
1540: A