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Q2372100 Inglês

Text 3

The large majority of humankind is more or less fluent in 2 or even more languages. This raises the fundamental question how the language network in the brain is organized such that the correct target language is selected at a particular occasion. Here we present particular behavioral and functional magnetic resonance imaging data showing that bilingual processing leads to language conflict in the bilingual brain even when the bilinguals' task only required target language knowledge. This finding demonstrates that the bilingual brain cannot avoid language conflict, because words from the target and nontarget languages become automatically activated during reading. Importantly, stimulus-based language conflict was found in brain regions in the LIPC associated with phonological and semantic processing, whereas response-based language con whereas flict was only found in the pre-supplementary motor area/anterior cingulate cortex when language conflict leads to response conflicts.

Index terms: event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging, interlingual homographs, lexical decision, pre-supplementary motor area and anterior cingulated, response conflict.

(Adapted from:
According to the text, what was the result of the study?
Q2372099 Inglês

Text 3

The large majority of humankind is more or less fluent in 2 or even more languages. This raises the fundamental question how the language network in the brain is organized such that the correct target language is selected at a particular occasion. Here we present particular behavioral and functional magnetic resonance imaging data showing that bilingual processing leads to language conflict in the bilingual brain even when the bilinguals' task only required target language knowledge. This finding demonstrates that the bilingual brain cannot avoid language conflict, because words from the target and nontarget languages become automatically activated during reading. Importantly, stimulus-based language conflict was found in brain regions in the LIPC associated with phonological and semantic processing, whereas response-based language con whereas flict was only found in the pre-supplementary motor area/anterior cingulate cortex when language conflict leads to response conflicts.

Index terms: event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging, interlingual homographs, lexical decision, pre-supplementary motor area and anterior cingulated, response conflict.

(Adapted from:
What is the discourse genre of TEXT 3?
Q2372098 Inglês
Read the following sentences:

I- The restaurant chain has had a very difficult year due to the Covid-19 pandemic. As a result, they haven't had to close any of the As a result restaurants.
II- He makes a good salary though the job itself doesn't have much novelty.
III- Sales have decreased this past quarter; therefore, we will not be taking on new employees.

The use of connectors is correct in:
Q2372097 Inglês
Complete the sentence with the correct comparative structure: “This is ______ interesting book I've ever read.” 
Q2372096 Inglês


“Children learn, on average, ten to fifteen new word meanings each day, but only one of these words can be accounted for by direct instruction. The other nine to fourteen word meanings need to be picked up in some other way. It has been proposed that children picked up acquire these meanings with the use of processes modeled by latent semantic analysis; that is, when they meet an unfamiliar word, unfamiliar children can use information in its context to correctly guess its rough area of meaning. A child may expand the meaning and use of certain words that are already part of its mental lexicon in order to denominate anything that is somehow related but for which it does not know the specific words yet. For instance, a child may broaden the use of mummy and dada in order to indicate anything that mummy dada belongs to its mother or father, or perhaps every person who resembles its own parents, or say rain while meaning I don't want to go out.”

(Adapted from: Language Acquisition
Considering the word “unfamiliar” (line 3), which one of the following words represent an opposite idea to the one stated in the text?
1096: E
1097: E
1098: A
1099: C
1100: B