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Q2372095 Inglês


“Children learn, on average, ten to fifteen new word meanings each day, but only one of these words can be accounted for by direct instruction. The other nine to fourteen word meanings need to be picked up in some other way. It has been proposed that children picked up acquire these meanings with the use of processes modeled by latent semantic analysis; that is, when they meet an unfamiliar word, unfamiliar children can use information in its context to correctly guess its rough area of meaning. A child may expand the meaning and use of certain words that are already part of its mental lexicon in order to denominate anything that is somehow related but for which it does not know the specific words yet. For instance, a child may broaden the use of mummy and dada in order to indicate anything that mummy dada belongs to its mother or father, or perhaps every person who resembles its own parents, or say rain while meaning I don't want to go out.”

(Adapted from: Language Acquisition
The phrasal verb “picked up” (line 2can be substituted, without change in meaning, by which one of the following?
Q2372094 Inglês


“Children learn, on average, ten to fifteen new word meanings each day, but only one of these words can be accounted for by direct instruction. The other nine to fourteen word meanings need to be picked up in some other way. It has been proposed that children picked up acquire these meanings with the use of processes modeled by latent semantic analysis; that is, when they meet an unfamiliar word, unfamiliar children can use information in its context to correctly guess its rough area of meaning. A child may expand the meaning and use of certain words that are already part of its mental lexicon in order to denominate anything that is somehow related but for which it does not know the specific words yet. For instance, a child may broaden the use of mummy and dada in order to indicate anything that mummy dada belongs to its mother or father, or perhaps every person who resembles its own parents, or say rain while meaning I don't want to go out.”

(Adapted from: Language Acquisition
What does this passage mainly discuss? 
Q2364890 Inglês
No contexto do ensino e da aprendizagem da língua inglesa na educação básica, a avaliação deve ser
Q2364889 Inglês
No âmbito da avaliação no ensino e na aprendizagem de língua inglesa na educação básica, a avaliação formativa

I tem como principal função auxiliar o desenvolvimento contínuo dos alunos.
II é projetada para fornecer reconhecimento aos melhores alunos de cada turma, permitindo-lhes comprovarem suas áreas de destaque por meio de um certificado.
III destina-se a classificar os alunos em níveis de proficiência, fornecer notas finais e comparar seu desempenho com o de outros alunos.
IV é uma ferramenta valiosa para orientar o processo de aprendizado, identificar áreas que precisam de melhoria e promover o crescimento contínuo dos estudantes.

Assinale a opção correta. 
Q2364888 Pedagogia

Ao se compreender a produção escrita como um processo,

1101: B
1102: D
1103: C
1104: D
1105: D