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Q1607898 Inglês
Although there is an increasing recognition of importance of listening, there are still many problems for teaching listening to second language learners in the classrooms. For example, many Chinese teachers seem to rely too much on textbooks and overlook the interaction with students. The class is full of teacherlecturing and group discussions are rare (Jack, 2013). In English classes when listening and speaking activities are left out many students and sometimes even teachers may compromise - _________.
Q1607897 Inglês
When teaching my daughter how to drive, I told her if she didn't hit the brake in time she would break the car's side mirror. In brake and break we can clearly see an example of
Q1607746 Pedagogia

Em se tratando de Educação Inclusiva é incorreto afirmar:

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Q1607745 Estatuto da Pessoa com Deficiência - Lei nº 13.146 de 2015

Marque abaixo a questão que corresponde a ASSERTIVA sobre a Tecnologia Assistiva :

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Q1607744 Direitos Humanos
“Promulga a Convenção Internacional sobre os Direitos das Pessoas com Deficiência e seu Protocolo Facultativo, assinados em Nova York, em 30 de março de 2007. ” Disponível em: 2010/2009/decreto/d6949.htm
A afirmação acima trata-se:
241: D
242: A
243: B
244: A
245: A