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Q148646 Gestão de Pessoas
O mercado de trabalho é constituído pelas ofertas de trabalho ou emprego oferecidas pelas organizações, em determinado lugar e em determinada época. Em uma situação de oferta de emprego, as organizações têm como conseqüência:
Q148645 Gestão de Pessoas
As maneiras pelas quais a organização pretende lidar com seus membros e por intermédio deles atingir os objetivos organizacionais, permitindo condições para o alcance de objetivos individuais estão relacionadas com:
Q148644 Gestão de Pessoas
Entre os cinco processos básicos na gestão de pessoas abaixo enumerados, aquele que se relaciona com a integração de pessoas, o desenho de cargos e a avaliação do desempenho, é:
Q148643 Gestão de Pessoas
A Administração de Recursos Humanos (ARH) pode se apresentar nas organizações em uma estrutura centralizada ou descentralizada. Dentre as vantagens de ser centralizada, cita-se:
Q148642 Gestão de Pessoas
Não há leis ou princípios universais para a Administração de Recursos Humanos (ARH). O Fato da ARH não se compor de técnicas rígidas e imutáveis, a caracteriza como possuidora de um caráter:
Q148641 Gestão de Pessoas
É uma técnica da Administração de Recursos Humanos aplicada indiretamente sobre as pessoas:
Q148640 Gestão de Pessoas
A Administração de Recursos Humanos é uma área interdisciplinar que envolve variados conceitos, dentre eles, o de Psicologia, Sociologia e Direito do Trabalho. Diversas técnicas são utilizadas e, dentre aquelas utilizadas no Ambiente Interno, pode-se citar:
Q148639 Inglês
Microsoft to Offer Free Virus Protection Software for

By Scott Gilbertson November 19, 2008

Microsoft plans to offer Windows users a new antivirus
package designed to protect the OS from viruses, spyware,
rootkits and trojans. The new software is tentatively code-
named Morro, and will be available for free to Windows XP,
Vista and 7 users sometime in the second half of 2009.
The new software will reportedly use very minimal resources,
which means it should work well with older PCs. If fact,
Microsoft says Morro has been specially designed for older
PCs and low-spec machines popular in developing nations. In
addition to its minimal processor demands, Morro has been
developed to use very little bandwidth,making it ideal for those
without broadband connections.
Morro will replace Microsoft's current, paid service, Windows
Live One Care, which has been available on a subscription
basis for $50 per year.
While a free, antivirus solution that ships with Windows would
be a boon for the average user, it could also mean trouble for
third-party software solutions. Given that a bundled solution
could raise antitrust concerns and would no doubt see
competitors like McAfee and Grisoft reaching for the lawyers
Microsoft will be offering Morro as a separate download.
Assuming Morro can deliver decent security it should be a
welcome free addition to Windows, but we don't suggest
throwing away your third-party software just yet. Antivirus
software suites will likely continue to hold an edge over Morro
by offering additional handy tools like password managers,
identity theft protection and browser-based phishing
Still, if you've been running Windows with no antivirus software
at all,Morrowill no doubt be better than nothing, and it's hard to
argue with free.

This machine runs on a ________.That will make any other seem old.
Q148638 Inglês
Microsoft to Offer Free Virus Protection Software for

By Scott Gilbertson November 19, 2008

Microsoft plans to offer Windows users a new antivirus
package designed to protect the OS from viruses, spyware,
rootkits and trojans. The new software is tentatively code-
named Morro, and will be available for free to Windows XP,
Vista and 7 users sometime in the second half of 2009.
The new software will reportedly use very minimal resources,
which means it should work well with older PCs. If fact,
Microsoft says Morro has been specially designed for older
PCs and low-spec machines popular in developing nations. In
addition to its minimal processor demands, Morro has been
developed to use very little bandwidth,making it ideal for those
without broadband connections.
Morro will replace Microsoft's current, paid service, Windows
Live One Care, which has been available on a subscription
basis for $50 per year.
While a free, antivirus solution that ships with Windows would
be a boon for the average user, it could also mean trouble for
third-party software solutions. Given that a bundled solution
could raise antitrust concerns and would no doubt see
competitors like McAfee and Grisoft reaching for the lawyers
Microsoft will be offering Morro as a separate download.
Assuming Morro can deliver decent security it should be a
welcome free addition to Windows, but we don't suggest
throwing away your third-party software just yet. Antivirus
software suites will likely continue to hold an edge over Morro
by offering additional handy tools like password managers,
identity theft protection and browser-based phishing
Still, if you've been running Windows with no antivirus software
at all,Morrowill no doubt be better than nothing, and it's hard to
argue with free.

If you don't read carfully this manual you _____ be able to learn how this gizmo works.
Q148637 Inglês
Microsoft to Offer Free Virus Protection Software for

By Scott Gilbertson November 19, 2008

Microsoft plans to offer Windows users a new antivirus
package designed to protect the OS from viruses, spyware,
rootkits and trojans. The new software is tentatively code-
named Morro, and will be available for free to Windows XP,
Vista and 7 users sometime in the second half of 2009.
The new software will reportedly use very minimal resources,
which means it should work well with older PCs. If fact,
Microsoft says Morro has been specially designed for older
PCs and low-spec machines popular in developing nations. In
addition to its minimal processor demands, Morro has been
developed to use very little bandwidth,making it ideal for those
without broadband connections.
Morro will replace Microsoft's current, paid service, Windows
Live One Care, which has been available on a subscription
basis for $50 per year.
While a free, antivirus solution that ships with Windows would
be a boon for the average user, it could also mean trouble for
third-party software solutions. Given that a bundled solution
could raise antitrust concerns and would no doubt see
competitors like McAfee and Grisoft reaching for the lawyers
Microsoft will be offering Morro as a separate download.
Assuming Morro can deliver decent security it should be a
welcome free addition to Windows, but we don't suggest
throwing away your third-party software just yet. Antivirus
software suites will likely continue to hold an edge over Morro
by offering additional handy tools like password managers,
identity theft protection and browser-based phishing
Still, if you've been running Windows with no antivirus software
at all,Morrowill no doubt be better than nothing, and it's hard to
argue with free.

You ____ not believe that these possibilties are real, they're based ____ experiments that _____ proved until now.
Q148636 Inglês
Microsoft to Offer Free Virus Protection Software for

By Scott Gilbertson November 19, 2008

Microsoft plans to offer Windows users a new antivirus
package designed to protect the OS from viruses, spyware,
rootkits and trojans. The new software is tentatively code-
named Morro, and will be available for free to Windows XP,
Vista and 7 users sometime in the second half of 2009.
The new software will reportedly use very minimal resources,
which means it should work well with older PCs. If fact,
Microsoft says Morro has been specially designed for older
PCs and low-spec machines popular in developing nations. In
addition to its minimal processor demands, Morro has been
developed to use very little bandwidth,making it ideal for those
without broadband connections.
Morro will replace Microsoft's current, paid service, Windows
Live One Care, which has been available on a subscription
basis for $50 per year.
While a free, antivirus solution that ships with Windows would
be a boon for the average user, it could also mean trouble for
third-party software solutions. Given that a bundled solution
could raise antitrust concerns and would no doubt see
competitors like McAfee and Grisoft reaching for the lawyers
Microsoft will be offering Morro as a separate download.
Assuming Morro can deliver decent security it should be a
welcome free addition to Windows, but we don't suggest
throwing away your third-party software just yet. Antivirus
software suites will likely continue to hold an edge over Morro
by offering additional handy tools like password managers,
identity theft protection and browser-based phishing
Still, if you've been running Windows with no antivirus software
at all,Morrowill no doubt be better than nothing, and it's hard to
argue with free.

Choose the best option.

The lights went ____ twice when I was ____ the computer this morning, so I had to stop working ____ the project. Well, that's why I'ml ate.
Q148635 Inglês
Microsoft to Offer Free Virus Protection Software for

By Scott Gilbertson November 19, 2008

Microsoft plans to offer Windows users a new antivirus
package designed to protect the OS from viruses, spyware,
rootkits and trojans. The new software is tentatively code-
named Morro, and will be available for free to Windows XP,
Vista and 7 users sometime in the second half of 2009.
The new software will reportedly use very minimal resources,
which means it should work well with older PCs. If fact,
Microsoft says Morro has been specially designed for older
PCs and low-spec machines popular in developing nations. In
addition to its minimal processor demands, Morro has been
developed to use very little bandwidth,making it ideal for those
without broadband connections.
Morro will replace Microsoft's current, paid service, Windows
Live One Care, which has been available on a subscription
basis for $50 per year.
While a free, antivirus solution that ships with Windows would
be a boon for the average user, it could also mean trouble for
third-party software solutions. Given that a bundled solution
could raise antitrust concerns and would no doubt see
competitors like McAfee and Grisoft reaching for the lawyers
Microsoft will be offering Morro as a separate download.
Assuming Morro can deliver decent security it should be a
welcome free addition to Windows, but we don't suggest
throwing away your third-party software just yet. Antivirus
software suites will likely continue to hold an edge over Morro
by offering additional handy tools like password managers,
identity theft protection and browser-based phishing
Still, if you've been running Windows with no antivirus software
at all,Morrowill no doubt be better than nothing, and it's hard to
argue with free.

The new antivirus packege will…
Q148633 Inglês
Microsoft to Offer Free Virus Protection Software for

By Scott Gilbertson November 19, 2008

Microsoft plans to offer Windows users a new antivirus
package designed to protect the OS from viruses, spyware,
rootkits and trojans. The new software is tentatively code-
named Morro, and will be available for free to Windows XP,
Vista and 7 users sometime in the second half of 2009.
The new software will reportedly use very minimal resources,
which means it should work well with older PCs. If fact,
Microsoft says Morro has been specially designed for older
PCs and low-spec machines popular in developing nations. In
addition to its minimal processor demands, Morro has been
developed to use very little bandwidth,making it ideal for those
without broadband connections.
Morro will replace Microsoft's current, paid service, Windows
Live One Care, which has been available on a subscription
basis for $50 per year.
While a free, antivirus solution that ships with Windows would
be a boon for the average user, it could also mean trouble for
third-party software solutions. Given that a bundled solution
could raise antitrust concerns and would no doubt see
competitors like McAfee and Grisoft reaching for the lawyers
Microsoft will be offering Morro as a separate download.
Assuming Morro can deliver decent security it should be a
welcome free addition to Windows, but we don't suggest
throwing away your third-party software just yet. Antivirus
software suites will likely continue to hold an edge over Morro
by offering additional handy tools like password managers,
identity theft protection and browser-based phishing
Still, if you've been running Windows with no antivirus software
at all,Morrowill no doubt be better than nothing, and it's hard to
argue with free.

In the tthird paragraph, second line, the author says: “Given that a bundle solution…” theword means…
Q148629 Conhecimentos Gerais
Em relação ao MS Word, analise:

I. A combinação das teclas CTRL + SETA para a direita permite ir para o fim da linha atual do texto.

II. Através do Menu “Inserir” coloca-se o cabeçalho no texto.

III. A combinação CTRL + F tem a finalidade de fechar o documento atual.

Dos itens acima mencionados:
Q148628 Conhecimentos Gerais
No MS Word, a opção de Menu “Arquivo” que possibilita salvar um documento do tipo “. doc” como um arquivo HTML ( Página da Web) é:
Q148627 Conhecimentos Gerais
Um usuário em um microcomputador com o sistema operacional Windows XP em português, digita um texto no aplicativo Word e monta uma Planilha no MS Excel. Para passar de uma aplicação a outra rapidamente, o Windows oferece a opção de acesso por meio da Barra de Tarefas ou, de forma alternativa, o seguinte atalho de teclado:
Q148626 Conhecimentos Gerais
Em uma planilha no aplicativo MS Excel, na célula A1 foi digitado o número 20. Se esta célula for selecionada e o botão% da Barra de Ferramentas for pressionado, a célula A1 apresentará o seguinte valor:
Q113835 Noções de Informática
Considerando a URL acima, julgue os itens a seguir.
Caso existisse, essa URL não poderia ser aberta em navegadores como o Internet Explorer e o Firefox, devido o uso do protocolo ftp.
Q113834 Noções de Informática
Considerando a URL acima, julgue os itens a seguir.
É possível afirmar que o recurso descrito por essa URL existe.
Q113833 Noções de Informática
Considerando a URL acima, julgue os itens a seguir.
O termo “vacao” é um parâmetro da URL que pode ser ignorado por aplicações processando essa URL.
2161: B
2162: E
2163: B
2164: D
2165: B
2166: C
2167: A
2168: B
2169: B
2170: C
2171: E
2172: A
2173: B
2174: E
2175: D
2176: A
2177: D
2178: E
2179: E
2180: C