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Beware the power of the blog
Companies may not like blogs, but if they ignore them
they may be inviting some PR disasters
The number of blogs on the internet is doubling every five
months, according to blog-tracking site Technorati. The total is
now around 20 million, with around 1.3 million posts made each
day. Most are no more interesting than overhearing another
person's telephone call, but there are exceptions that can have a
remarkable impact.
(from 2145491/beware-power-blog, retrieved on September 24th, 2008)
Beware the power of the blog
Companies may not like blogs, but if they ignore them
they may be inviting some PR disasters
The number of blogs on the internet is doubling every five
months, according to blog-tracking site Technorati. The total is
now around 20 million, with around 1.3 million posts made each
day. Most are no more interesting than overhearing another
person's telephone call, but there are exceptions that can have a
remarkable impact.
(from 2145491/beware-power-blog, retrieved on September 24th, 2008)
Beware the power of the blog
Companies may not like blogs, but if they ignore them
they may be inviting some PR disasters
The number of blogs on the internet is doubling every five
months, according to blog-tracking site Technorati. The total is
now around 20 million, with around 1.3 million posts made each
day. Most are no more interesting than overhearing another
person's telephone call, but there are exceptions that can have a
remarkable impact.
(from 2145491/beware-power-blog, retrieved on September 24th, 2008)
Beware the power of the blog
Companies may not like blogs, but if they ignore them
they may be inviting some PR disasters
The number of blogs on the internet is doubling every five
months, according to blog-tracking site Technorati. The total is
now around 20 million, with around 1.3 million posts made each
day. Most are no more interesting than overhearing another
person's telephone call, but there are exceptions that can have a
remarkable impact.
(from 2145491/beware-power-blog, retrieved on September 24th, 2008)
I. O poder de polícia implica restrições e condicionamentos à liberdade e à propriedade.
II. A complementação das leis com o objetivo de permitir a sua execução se concretiza pelo exercício do poder regulamentar.
III. O poder discricionário, por traduzir atividade administrativa, só pode ser exercido no âmbito do Poder Executivo.
Na frase acima, utilizou-se corretamente o acento grave para indicar a crase. Assinale a alternativa em que isso não tenha ocorrido.
perfeitamente – perfeito – perfeição
Assinale a alternativa em que estejam corretamente classificadas as ocorrências da palavra QUE no trecho acima.
Com base na leitura do trecho acima, analisando a lógica textual, é correto afirmar que:
Analise os itens a seguir a respeito do trecho acima:
I. O essa tem valor dêitico (ou díctico).
II. O vocábulo Durante pode ser classificado como preposição acidental.
III. O termo às liberdades constitucionais se classifica como complemento nominal.