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Ano: 2005 Banca: FCC Órgão: TRE-RN
Q1206576 Odontologia
Na prevenção da cárie dentária os produtos contendo flúor podem exercer um importante papel. Pode-se afirmar que esses produtos podem ser
Ano: 2005 Banca: FCC Órgão: TRE-RN
Q1206488 Odontologia
P.F.S., 16 anos, sexo feminino, filha de funcionária do Tribunal, foi submetida à exodontia do 35. Saiu do consultório odontológico às 16h37 min. e às 22h49 min. deu entrada no pronto-socorro municipal com hemorragia no local da exodontia.
Algumas semanas após o atendimento de P.F.S. sua mãe procurou o cirurgião-dentista para ser, ela mesma, atendida. M.A.S. tinha 38 anos, dentes e gengivas em ótimo estado, não sentia dor nem referia febre ou qualquer outro sintoma. Ao exame, o CD constatou um tumor na região lingual próxima ao dente 35. Observou, mediu e pediu ao auxiliar que anotasse o diagnóstico clínico na ficha de M.A.S. Tratava-se de “tórus mandibular”. Pode-se afirmar que esse tipo de alteração é caracterizado por um crescimento ósseo
Ano: 2005 Banca: FCC Órgão: TRE-RN
Q1204958 Noções de Informática
Observe as instruções abaixo relativas ao MS Access. 
É correto o que se afirma APENAS em
Ano: 2005 Banca: FCC Órgão: TRE-RN
Q1201965 Inglês
Windows 2000 suffers millennium bug Malicious code execution possible thanks to flaw. Matthew Broersma, Techworld 22 April 2005 Microsoft has confirmed a security flaw in Windows 2000 that could allow attackers to execute malicious code via Windows Explorer and other programs. The flaw, involving a problem in the way the webvw.dll library validates document metadata, was disclosed earlier this week by security firm GreyMagic. The flaw could be exploited by distributing a malicious file which, when selected in Windows Explorer, could execute malicious script commands. More dangerously, an attacker could exploit the bug via a document on a remote SMB share, GreyMagic said. "Script commands that are injected in this manner will execute as soon as the malicious file is selected in Windows Explorer and will be executed in a trusted context, which means they will have the ability to perform any action the currently logged on user can perform," GreyMagic said in its advisory. "This includes reading, deleting and writing files, as well as executing arbitrary commands." Microsoft has confirmed that it is investigating the flaw, and as usual stated that it is not aware that any customers have been affected so far. The company has also criticised GreyMagic for posting proof-of-concept code along with its advisory. Stephen Toulouse of Microsoft's Security Response Center (MSRC), in a message posted on the Microsoft TechNet website, downplayed the danger posed by the flaw. "Significant user interaction would be required for an attacker to exploit this vulnerability," he wrote. Any attack would rely on Server Message Block (SMB) communication, which customers should block at the firewall level as a best practice, Toulouse said. No patch exists, but users can protect themselves by disabling the "Web view" option in Windows Explorer, Microsoft said. The company said it may patch the bug once its investigation is complete. The flaw affects Windows 2000 Professional, Server and Advanced Server versions, GreyMagic said. The affected library, webvw.dll, is used in displaying information in Windows Explorer's preview pane, which is enabled by default in Windows 2000 systems. An input-validation bug means an attacker could inject script commands into the "author" metadata field of a document, which could be executed when the metadata is processed by webvw.dll. Other applications using the library are also affected, GreyMagic said. "The malicious file does not need to be executed in order to activate the exploit, double-clicking is not required," the firm said in its advisory. "The exploitation takes place as soon as the file is selected." GreyMagic said it first notified Microsoft of the flaw on 18 January. (
No trecho it may patch the bug, may indica
Ano: 2005 Banca: FCC Órgão: TRE-RN
Q1201657 Inglês
Windows 2000 suffers millennium bug Malicious code execution possible thanks to flaw. Matthew Broersma, Techworld 22 April 2005 Microsoft has confirmed a security flaw in Windows 2000 that could allow attackers to execute malicious code via Windows Explorer and other programs. The flaw, involving a problem in the way the webvw.dll library validates document metadata, was disclosed earlier this week by security firm GreyMagic. The flaw could be exploited by distributing a malicious file which, when selected in Windows Explorer, could execute malicious script commands. More dangerously, an attacker could exploit the bug via a document on a remote SMB share, GreyMagic said. "Script commands that are injected in this manner will execute as soon as the malicious file is selected in Windows Explorer and will be executed in a trusted context, which means they will have the ability to perform any action the currently logged on user can perform," GreyMagic said in its advisory. "This includes reading, deleting and writing files, as well as executing arbitrary commands." Microsoft has confirmed that it is investigating the flaw, and as usual stated that it is not aware that any customers have been affected so far. The company has also criticised GreyMagic for posting proof-of-concept code along with its advisory. Stephen Toulouse of Microsoft's Security Response Center (MSRC), in a message posted on the Microsoft TechNet website, downplayed the danger posed by the flaw. "Significant user interaction would be required for an attacker to exploit this vulnerability," he wrote. Any attack would rely on Server Message Block (SMB) communication, which customers should block at the firewall level as a best practice, Toulouse said. No patch exists, but users can protect themselves by disabling the "Web view" option in Windows Explorer, Microsoft said. The company said it may patch the bug once its investigation is complete. The flaw affects Windows 2000 Professional, Server and Advanced Server versions, GreyMagic said. The affected library, webvw.dll, is used in displaying information in Windows Explorer's preview pane, which is enabled by default in Windows 2000 systems. An input-validation bug means an attacker could inject script commands into the "author" metadata field of a document, which could be executed when the metadata is processed by webvw.dll. Other applications using the library are also affected, GreyMagic said. "The malicious file does not need to be executed in order to activate the exploit, double-clicking is not required," the firm said in its advisory. "The exploitation takes place as soon as the file is selected." GreyMagic said it first notified Microsoft of the flaw on 18 January. (
No texto, downplayed significa
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