Questões de Concurso Público Câmara dos Deputados 2012 para Analista Legislativo - Museólogo

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Q281406 Português
Imagem 003.jpg

Em relação às ideias e estruturas linguísticas do texto, julgue os
itens que se seguem.
Na expressão “Então, como agora” (L.4-5), o termo “Então” confere ao segmento uma relação sintática de conclusão.
Q281407 Inglês
Imagem 004.jpg

Based on the text above, judge the following items.
Some lawyers have considered the possibility of sending parents to prison if they missed meetings with teachers.
Q281408 Inglês
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Based on the text above, judge the following items.
Kelt Cooper’s proposal resulted in a debate about fining truancy in a city of the state of Connecticut.
Q281409 Inglês
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Based on the text above, judge the following items.
The novelty of fining students who play truant is shocking to most people in the USA.
Q281411 Inglês
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Based on the text above, judge the following items.
There are schools which award students iPads if they never miss a day during a school year.
16: E
17: C
18: C
19: E
20: E