Questões de Concurso Público TJ-RJ 2021 para Analista Judiciário - Analista de Infraestrutura de TIC
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Text 9A3-I
If you were to judge 2018’s most important legal technology by looking at conference agendas and media coverage, you’d probably say it was the continuing development of artificial intelligence. But if you judge the most important technology by its direct impact on the practice of law, then it would have to be analytics. As I suggested in a recent column, we could be nearing the point where it would be malpractice for a lawyer not to use analytics.
Internet: <> (adapted).
Text 9A3-I
If you were to judge 2018’s most important legal technology by looking at conference agendas and media coverage, you’d probably say it was the continuing development of artificial intelligence. But if you judge the most important technology by its direct impact on the practice of law, then it would have to be analytics. As I suggested in a recent column, we could be nearing the point where it would be malpractice for a lawyer not to use analytics.
Internet: <> (adapted).
Text 9A3-I
If you were to judge 2018’s most important legal technology by looking at conference agendas and media coverage, you’d probably say it was the continuing development of artificial intelligence. But if you judge the most important technology by its direct impact on the practice of law, then it would have to be analytics. As I suggested in a recent column, we could be nearing the point where it would be malpractice for a lawyer not to use analytics.
Internet: <> (adapted).
Text 9A3-I
If you were to judge 2018’s most important legal technology by looking at conference agendas and media coverage, you’d probably say it was the continuing development of artificial intelligence. But if you judge the most important technology by its direct impact on the practice of law, then it would have to be analytics. As I suggested in a recent column, we could be nearing the point where it would be malpractice for a lawyer not to use analytics.
Internet: <> (adapted).
I Embora tenha sido editada pela União, a Lei de Licitações e Contratos é considerada lei nacional, aplicando-se a todos os Poderes da União, dos estados, do Distrito Federal e dos municípios.
II Quando a administração pública efetua compra de um produto não comum cujo valor é superior a um milhão, quatrocentos e trinta mil reais, deve-se utilizar a modalidade de licitação concorrência.
III No caso de aquisição de material que só possa ser fornecido por empresa exclusiva, a administração pública deverá realizar contratação direta mediante dispensa de licitação.
Assinale a opção correta.
Nessa situação hipotética, caso João pretenda ajuizar ação judicial requerendo indenização em face do Estado, a responsabilidade civil
Nessa situação hipotética, Maria