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Q1374321 Pedagogia
Considerando os Temas Transversais contidos nos PCNs, é correto afirmar que “através da tematização do(a) _______________ deverão ser abordados temas da atualidade que possam ser estudados e analisados tendo como referência o contexto da proposta pedagógica da escola. Essa abordagem conduz a escola a estimular a autonomia na composição de valores dos educandos, auxiliando-os a se situarem nas interações sociais dentro da escola e da comunidade como um todo, abrangendo os principais grupos temáticos: respeito mútuo, justiça, diálogo e solidariedade”. Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a afirmativa anterior.
Q1374319 Pedagogia
Com relação à Teoria de Piaget, assinale a afirmativa INCORRETA.
Q1374318 Pedagogia
Com relação à abordagem inatista do desenvolvimento do homem, assinale a afirmativa INCORRETA.
Q1374317 Pedagogia
Sobre o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (Lei Federal nº 8.069, de 13/07/1990 – ECA), assinale a afirmativa INCORRETA.
Q1374316 Pedagogia
“Um sistema educacional comprometido com o desenvolvimento das capacidades dos alunos, que se expressam pela qualidade das relações que estabelecem e pela profundidade dos saberes constituídos, encontra, na avaliação, uma referência à análise de seus propósitos, que lhe permite redimensionar investimentos, a fim de que os alunos aprendam cada vez mais e melhor e atinjam os objetivos propostos.”
(Brasil, 1997.)
Acerca da compreensão da avaliação contemplada nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCNs), marque V para as afirmativas verdadeiras e F para as falsas.
( ) Conjunto de ações cujo objetivo é o ajuste e a orientação da intervenção pedagógica para que o aluno aprenda da melhor forma. ( ) Conjunto de ações que busca obter informações sobre o que foi aprendido e como. ( ) Elemento de reflexão contínua para o professor sobre sua prática educativa. ( ) Instrumento que possibilita ao aluno tomar consciência de seus avanços, dificuldades e possibilidades. ( ) Ação que ocorre apenas em momentos específicos caracterizados como fechamento de grandes etapas de trabalho. ( ) Instrumento para o desenvolvimento das atividades didáticas para interpretação de um momento estático e linear de construção de conhecimento.
A sequência está correta em
Q1374315 Pedagogia
A interdisciplinaridade, como questão gnosiológica, surgiu no final do século XIX e visa garantir a construção de um conhecimento globalizante, rompendo as fronteiras das disciplinas. A metodologia do trabalho interdisciplinar implica em, EXCETO:
Q1374314 Pedagogia
O princípio da gestão democrática está inscrito na Constituição Federal e na LDB, sendo assim, ele deve ser desenvolvido em todos os sistemas de ensino e escolas públicas do país. A gestão democrática traz, em si, a necessidade de uma postura democrática. E esta postura revela uma forma de encarar a educação e o ensino em que o Poder Público, o coletivo escolar e a comunidade local, juntos, estarão sintonizados para garantir a qualidade do processo educativo. Considerando o exposto, são elementos que fazem parte desse processo, EXCETO:
Q1374313 Pedagogia
A Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação, em seu Artigo 21, determina que a educação brasileira organiza-se em dois níveis: educação básica e educação superior. Sobre a educação básica, analise:
I. Compreende três etapas: educação infantil, ensino fundamental e ensino médio. II. Sua jornada escolar será de, no mínimo, quatro horas de trabalho efetivo em sala de aula, sendo progressivamente ampliado o período de permanência na escola, visando implantar a jornada de tempo integral, a critério dos sistemas de ensino. III. Pode-se agregar à educação básica algumas formas e modalidades diferenciadas de educação para atendimento de especificidades: educação de jovens e adultos profissional; do campo; especial; indígena; e, de afrodescendentes, entre outras. IV. Formar diplomados nas diferentes áreas de conhecimento, aptos para a inserção em setores profissionais e para a participação no desenvolvimento da sociedade brasileira, e colaborar na sua formação contínua.
Estão corretas as afirmativas
Q1374301 Inglês

Leia o texto e responda à questão.

The birth of a nation

     The most memorable writing in eighteenth-century America was done by the founding fathers, the men who led the American Revolution of 1775-1783 and wrote the constitution of 1989. But none of them were writers of fiction. Rather, they were practical philosophers, and their most typical product was the political pamphlet. They shared the European Enlightenment belief that human reason could understand both nature and man. Unlike the Puritans – who saw man as a sinful failure – the Enlightenment men were sure man could improve himself. They wanted to create a happy society based on justice and freedom.

     The writings of Benjamin Franklin (1706 -1790) show the Enlightenment spirit in America at its best and most optimistic. His style is quite modern and, even today, his works are a joy to read. At the same time, there’s something “anti-literary” about Franklin. He had no liking for poetry and felt that writing should always have a practical purpose.

     Almanacs, containing much useful information for farmers and sailors (about the next year’s weather, sea tides, etc.), were a popular form of practical literature. Together with the Bible and the newspaper, they were the most-widely read and often the only reading matter in most Colonial households. Franklin made his Almanac interesting by creating the character “Little Richard”. Each new edition continued a simple but realist story about Richard, his wife and family. He also included many “sayings” about saving money and working hard. Some of those are known to most Americans today:

     Lost time is never found again.

     God helps those who help themselves.

     In 1757 Franklin collected together the best of his sayings and published The Way to Wealth. This little book became one of the best-sellers of the Western World and was translated into many languages.

(Peter High. Outline of American Literature . Essex, Longman. 1996. Adaptado)

O sufixo -ing adquire função de adjetivo na alternativa
Q1374300 Inglês

Leia o texto e responda à questão.

The birth of a nation

     The most memorable writing in eighteenth-century America was done by the founding fathers, the men who led the American Revolution of 1775-1783 and wrote the constitution of 1989. But none of them were writers of fiction. Rather, they were practical philosophers, and their most typical product was the political pamphlet. They shared the European Enlightenment belief that human reason could understand both nature and man. Unlike the Puritans – who saw man as a sinful failure – the Enlightenment men were sure man could improve himself. They wanted to create a happy society based on justice and freedom.

     The writings of Benjamin Franklin (1706 -1790) show the Enlightenment spirit in America at its best and most optimistic. His style is quite modern and, even today, his works are a joy to read. At the same time, there’s something “anti-literary” about Franklin. He had no liking for poetry and felt that writing should always have a practical purpose.

     Almanacs, containing much useful information for farmers and sailors (about the next year’s weather, sea tides, etc.), were a popular form of practical literature. Together with the Bible and the newspaper, they were the most-widely read and often the only reading matter in most Colonial households. Franklin made his Almanac interesting by creating the character “Little Richard”. Each new edition continued a simple but realist story about Richard, his wife and family. He also included many “sayings” about saving money and working hard. Some of those are known to most Americans today:

     Lost time is never found again.

     God helps those who help themselves.

     In 1757 Franklin collected together the best of his sayings and published The Way to Wealth. This little book became one of the best-sellers of the Western World and was translated into many languages.

(Peter High. Outline of American Literature . Essex, Longman. 1996. Adaptado)

One of Benjamin Franklin’s sayings states that “God helps those who help themselves”. Another popular saying in English with the correct use of a reflexive pronoun is found in alternative
Q1374299 Inglês

Leia o texto e responda à questão.

The birth of a nation

     The most memorable writing in eighteenth-century America was done by the founding fathers, the men who led the American Revolution of 1775-1783 and wrote the constitution of 1989. But none of them were writers of fiction. Rather, they were practical philosophers, and their most typical product was the political pamphlet. They shared the European Enlightenment belief that human reason could understand both nature and man. Unlike the Puritans – who saw man as a sinful failure – the Enlightenment men were sure man could improve himself. They wanted to create a happy society based on justice and freedom.

     The writings of Benjamin Franklin (1706 -1790) show the Enlightenment spirit in America at its best and most optimistic. His style is quite modern and, even today, his works are a joy to read. At the same time, there’s something “anti-literary” about Franklin. He had no liking for poetry and felt that writing should always have a practical purpose.

     Almanacs, containing much useful information for farmers and sailors (about the next year’s weather, sea tides, etc.), were a popular form of practical literature. Together with the Bible and the newspaper, they were the most-widely read and often the only reading matter in most Colonial households. Franklin made his Almanac interesting by creating the character “Little Richard”. Each new edition continued a simple but realist story about Richard, his wife and family. He also included many “sayings” about saving money and working hard. Some of those are known to most Americans today:

     Lost time is never found again.

     God helps those who help themselves.

     In 1757 Franklin collected together the best of his sayings and published The Way to Wealth. This little book became one of the best-sellers of the Western World and was translated into many languages.

(Peter High. Outline of American Literature . Essex, Longman. 1996. Adaptado)

Mark the sentence in which “most” is being used as a quantifier.
Q1374298 Inglês

Leia o texto e responda à questão.

The birth of a nation

     The most memorable writing in eighteenth-century America was done by the founding fathers, the men who led the American Revolution of 1775-1783 and wrote the constitution of 1989. But none of them were writers of fiction. Rather, they were practical philosophers, and their most typical product was the political pamphlet. They shared the European Enlightenment belief that human reason could understand both nature and man. Unlike the Puritans – who saw man as a sinful failure – the Enlightenment men were sure man could improve himself. They wanted to create a happy society based on justice and freedom.

     The writings of Benjamin Franklin (1706 -1790) show the Enlightenment spirit in America at its best and most optimistic. His style is quite modern and, even today, his works are a joy to read. At the same time, there’s something “anti-literary” about Franklin. He had no liking for poetry and felt that writing should always have a practical purpose.

     Almanacs, containing much useful information for farmers and sailors (about the next year’s weather, sea tides, etc.), were a popular form of practical literature. Together with the Bible and the newspaper, they were the most-widely read and often the only reading matter in most Colonial households. Franklin made his Almanac interesting by creating the character “Little Richard”. Each new edition continued a simple but realist story about Richard, his wife and family. He also included many “sayings” about saving money and working hard. Some of those are known to most Americans today:

     Lost time is never found again.

     God helps those who help themselves.

     In 1757 Franklin collected together the best of his sayings and published The Way to Wealth. This little book became one of the best-sellers of the Western World and was translated into many languages.

(Peter High. Outline of American Literature . Essex, Longman. 1996. Adaptado)

O texto é rico em adjetivos, como memorable, practical, sinful, realist, e literary. Está correto o par substantivo- -adjetivo na alternativa
Q1374297 Inglês

Leia o texto e responda à questão.

The birth of a nation

     The most memorable writing in eighteenth-century America was done by the founding fathers, the men who led the American Revolution of 1775-1783 and wrote the constitution of 1989. But none of them were writers of fiction. Rather, they were practical philosophers, and their most typical product was the political pamphlet. They shared the European Enlightenment belief that human reason could understand both nature and man. Unlike the Puritans – who saw man as a sinful failure – the Enlightenment men were sure man could improve himself. They wanted to create a happy society based on justice and freedom.

     The writings of Benjamin Franklin (1706 -1790) show the Enlightenment spirit in America at its best and most optimistic. His style is quite modern and, even today, his works are a joy to read. At the same time, there’s something “anti-literary” about Franklin. He had no liking for poetry and felt that writing should always have a practical purpose.

     Almanacs, containing much useful information for farmers and sailors (about the next year’s weather, sea tides, etc.), were a popular form of practical literature. Together with the Bible and the newspaper, they were the most-widely read and often the only reading matter in most Colonial households. Franklin made his Almanac interesting by creating the character “Little Richard”. Each new edition continued a simple but realist story about Richard, his wife and family. He also included many “sayings” about saving money and working hard. Some of those are known to most Americans today:

     Lost time is never found again.

     God helps those who help themselves.

     In 1757 Franklin collected together the best of his sayings and published The Way to Wealth. This little book became one of the best-sellers of the Western World and was translated into many languages.

(Peter High. Outline of American Literature . Essex, Longman. 1996. Adaptado)

Ao lhes ser proposta uma compreensão mais detalhada do primeiro parágrafo do texto, alguns alunos (de sua turma de inglês mais avançado) afirmam não serem capazes de lê-lo por desconhecerem várias das palavras empregadas pelo autor. Como professor preocupado em desenvolver a habilidade de leitura em língua inglesa de seus alunos, você
Q1374296 Inglês

Leia o texto e responda à questão.

The birth of a nation

     The most memorable writing in eighteenth-century America was done by the founding fathers, the men who led the American Revolution of 1775-1783 and wrote the constitution of 1989. But none of them were writers of fiction. Rather, they were practical philosophers, and their most typical product was the political pamphlet. They shared the European Enlightenment belief that human reason could understand both nature and man. Unlike the Puritans – who saw man as a sinful failure – the Enlightenment men were sure man could improve himself. They wanted to create a happy society based on justice and freedom.

     The writings of Benjamin Franklin (1706 -1790) show the Enlightenment spirit in America at its best and most optimistic. His style is quite modern and, even today, his works are a joy to read. At the same time, there’s something “anti-literary” about Franklin. He had no liking for poetry and felt that writing should always have a practical purpose.

     Almanacs, containing much useful information for farmers and sailors (about the next year’s weather, sea tides, etc.), were a popular form of practical literature. Together with the Bible and the newspaper, they were the most-widely read and often the only reading matter in most Colonial households. Franklin made his Almanac interesting by creating the character “Little Richard”. Each new edition continued a simple but realist story about Richard, his wife and family. He also included many “sayings” about saving money and working hard. Some of those are known to most Americans today:

     Lost time is never found again.

     God helps those who help themselves.

     In 1757 Franklin collected together the best of his sayings and published The Way to Wealth. This little book became one of the best-sellers of the Western World and was translated into many languages.

(Peter High. Outline of American Literature . Essex, Longman. 1996. Adaptado)

Suponha que você avalie trabalhar a leitura detalhada do primeiro parágrafo do texto em turmas de níveis mais avançados de inglês na escola. Você cuidadosamente analisa o parágrafo quanto ao nível de dificuldade do vocabulário e das estruturas gramaticais empregados. Você então toma sua decisão quanto à adequação de tal leitura para seu aluno com base no fato de que há, neste trecho, entre outros elementos,
Q1374295 Inglês

Leia o texto e responda à questão.

The birth of a nation

     The most memorable writing in eighteenth-century America was done by the founding fathers, the men who led the American Revolution of 1775-1783 and wrote the constitution of 1989. But none of them were writers of fiction. Rather, they were practical philosophers, and their most typical product was the political pamphlet. They shared the European Enlightenment belief that human reason could understand both nature and man. Unlike the Puritans – who saw man as a sinful failure – the Enlightenment men were sure man could improve himself. They wanted to create a happy society based on justice and freedom.

     The writings of Benjamin Franklin (1706 -1790) show the Enlightenment spirit in America at its best and most optimistic. His style is quite modern and, even today, his works are a joy to read. At the same time, there’s something “anti-literary” about Franklin. He had no liking for poetry and felt that writing should always have a practical purpose.

     Almanacs, containing much useful information for farmers and sailors (about the next year’s weather, sea tides, etc.), were a popular form of practical literature. Together with the Bible and the newspaper, they were the most-widely read and often the only reading matter in most Colonial households. Franklin made his Almanac interesting by creating the character “Little Richard”. Each new edition continued a simple but realist story about Richard, his wife and family. He also included many “sayings” about saving money and working hard. Some of those are known to most Americans today:

     Lost time is never found again.

     God helps those who help themselves.

     In 1757 Franklin collected together the best of his sayings and published The Way to Wealth. This little book became one of the best-sellers of the Western World and was translated into many languages.

(Peter High. Outline of American Literature . Essex, Longman. 1996. Adaptado)

You opt for using the text “The birth of a nation” to have your students practice the reading skill of scanning. You then give them the following instruction:
Q1374294 Inglês

Leia o texto e responda à questão.

The birth of a nation

     The most memorable writing in eighteenth-century America was done by the founding fathers, the men who led the American Revolution of 1775-1783 and wrote the constitution of 1989. But none of them were writers of fiction. Rather, they were practical philosophers, and their most typical product was the political pamphlet. They shared the European Enlightenment belief that human reason could understand both nature and man. Unlike the Puritans – who saw man as a sinful failure – the Enlightenment men were sure man could improve himself. They wanted to create a happy society based on justice and freedom.

     The writings of Benjamin Franklin (1706 -1790) show the Enlightenment spirit in America at its best and most optimistic. His style is quite modern and, even today, his works are a joy to read. At the same time, there’s something “anti-literary” about Franklin. He had no liking for poetry and felt that writing should always have a practical purpose.

     Almanacs, containing much useful information for farmers and sailors (about the next year’s weather, sea tides, etc.), were a popular form of practical literature. Together with the Bible and the newspaper, they were the most-widely read and often the only reading matter in most Colonial households. Franklin made his Almanac interesting by creating the character “Little Richard”. Each new edition continued a simple but realist story about Richard, his wife and family. He also included many “sayings” about saving money and working hard. Some of those are known to most Americans today:

     Lost time is never found again.

     God helps those who help themselves.

     In 1757 Franklin collected together the best of his sayings and published The Way to Wealth. This little book became one of the best-sellers of the Western World and was translated into many languages.

(Peter High. Outline of American Literature . Essex, Longman. 1996. Adaptado)

Este é um texto basicamente
Q1374293 Inglês

Leia os quadrinhos e responda à questão.


A correct use of the present perfect tense is found in alternative:
Q1374292 Inglês

Leia os quadrinhos e responda à questão.


It is correct to say about the strip:
Q1374291 Inglês

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    For years attention has been paid to so-called communicative tests – usually implying tests dealing with speaking. More recently, efforts have been made to design truly communicative tests of other language skills as well, such as reading comprehension.

    Canale (1984) points out that a good test is not just one which is valid, reliable, and practical in terms of test administration and scoring, but rather one that is accepted as fair, important and interesting by test takers (the teachers) and test users (the students). Also, a good test has feedback potential, rewarding both teachers and students with clear, rich, relevant, and generalizable information. Canale suggests that acceptability and feedback potential have often been accorded low priority, thus explaining the curious phenomenon of multiple-choice tests claiming to assess oral interaction skills.

    One example of a communicative test has been referred to as a “storyline” test. In such a test, a common theme runs throughout in order to assess the effects of context. The basis for such an approach is that the respondents learn as they read on, that they check previous content, and that the ability to use language in conversation or writing depends in large measure on the skill of picking up information from past discussion and using it in formulating new strategies.

    Swain (1984), for example, developed a storyline test of French as a foreign language for high school French immersion students. The test consisted of six tasks around a common theme, “finding summer employment”. There were four writing tasks (a letter, a note, a composition, a technical exercise) and two speaking tasks (a group discussion and a job interview). The test was designed so that the topic would be motivating to the students and so that there would be enough information provided in order to give the tasks credibility. There was access to dictionaries and reference material, and opportunity for students to review and revise their work. Swain’s main concern was to “bias for best” in the construction of the test – to make every effort to support the respondent in doing their best on the test.

(Andrew D.Cohen. Second Language Assessment. IN: Marianne Celce-Murcia(ed). Teaching English as a second or foreign language. Boston, Massachusstes: Heinle&Heinle. 2nd edition. 2001. Adaptado)

“Bias” is a word more commonly associated with the idea of partiality, prejudice, predisposition. In the last sentence of the text, the word is used in the expression “bias for best” which, in the context, means that Swain’s main concern was that
Q1374290 Inglês

Leia o texto e responda à questão.

    For years attention has been paid to so-called communicative tests – usually implying tests dealing with speaking. More recently, efforts have been made to design truly communicative tests of other language skills as well, such as reading comprehension.

    Canale (1984) points out that a good test is not just one which is valid, reliable, and practical in terms of test administration and scoring, but rather one that is accepted as fair, important and interesting by test takers (the teachers) and test users (the students). Also, a good test has feedback potential, rewarding both teachers and students with clear, rich, relevant, and generalizable information. Canale suggests that acceptability and feedback potential have often been accorded low priority, thus explaining the curious phenomenon of multiple-choice tests claiming to assess oral interaction skills.

    One example of a communicative test has been referred to as a “storyline” test. In such a test, a common theme runs throughout in order to assess the effects of context. The basis for such an approach is that the respondents learn as they read on, that they check previous content, and that the ability to use language in conversation or writing depends in large measure on the skill of picking up information from past discussion and using it in formulating new strategies.

    Swain (1984), for example, developed a storyline test of French as a foreign language for high school French immersion students. The test consisted of six tasks around a common theme, “finding summer employment”. There were four writing tasks (a letter, a note, a composition, a technical exercise) and two speaking tasks (a group discussion and a job interview). The test was designed so that the topic would be motivating to the students and so that there would be enough information provided in order to give the tasks credibility. There was access to dictionaries and reference material, and opportunity for students to review and revise their work. Swain’s main concern was to “bias for best” in the construction of the test – to make every effort to support the respondent in doing their best on the test.

(Andrew D.Cohen. Second Language Assessment. IN: Marianne Celce-Murcia(ed). Teaching English as a second or foreign language. Boston, Massachusstes: Heinle&Heinle. 2nd edition. 2001. Adaptado)

A letra g não é pronunciada em muitas palavras na língua inglesa. Das palavras a seguir, retiradas do texto, assinale aquela em que a letra g é pronunciada.
841: A
842: D
843: C
844: B
845: A
846: C
847: A
848: D
849: A
850: C
851: E
852: E
853: B
854: C
855: A
856: D
857: D
858: C
859: B
860: E