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Q3106235 Inglês
In the field of foreign language education, understanding the intricate relationship between language and culture is crucial. Which of the following pedagogical approaches best embodies this relationship by emphasizing that language learning cannot be separated from its cultural context, thus promoting learners' ability to navigate and interpret culturally embedded meanings? 
Q3106233 Inglês
In the context of developing writing skills through contextualization and text production based on everyday situations, which of the following activities would be most effective in helping students connect their writing to real-life experiences? 
Q3106232 Inglês
An educator is designing a curriculum that emphasizes critical analysis and advanced problem-solving skills. To optimize the teaching-learning process, the educator plans to integrate both formative and summative assessments strategically. The goal is to facilitate continuous learning while accurately measuring student achievement at the end of the course. 
Q3106230 Inglês
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.

Archaeologists conduct first 'space excavation' on International Space Station

By Justin St. P. Walsh and Alice Gorman, The Conversation | Published: August 15, 2024 | Last updated on August 20, 2024

New results from the first archaeological fieldwork conducted in space show the International Space Station is a rich cultural landscape where crew create their own "gravity" to replace Earth's, and adapt module spaces to suit their needs.

Archaeology is usually thought of as the study of the distant past, but it's ideally suited for revealing how people adapt to long-duration spaceflight.

In the SQuARE experiment described in our new paper in PLOS ONE, we re-imagined a standard archaeological method for use in space, and got astronauts to carry it out for us.

Archaeology ... in ... spaaaaace!

The International Space Station is the first permanent human settlement in space. Close to 280 people have visited it in the past 23 years.

Our team has studied displays of photos, religious icons and artworks made by crew members from different countries, observed the cargo that is returned to Earth, and used NASA's historic photo archive to examine the relationships between crew members who serve together.

We've also studied the simple technologies, such as Velcro and resealable plastic bags, which astronauts use to recreate the Earthly effect of gravity in the microgravity environment − to keep things where you left them, so they don't float away.

Most recently, we collected data about how crew used objects inside the space station by adapting one of the most traditional archaeological techniques, the "shovel test pit".

On Earth, after an archaeological site has been identified, a grid of one-metre squares is laid out, and some of these are excavated as "test pits". These samples give a sense of the site as a whole.

In January 2022, we asked the space station crew to lay out five roughly square sample areas. We chose the square locations to encompass zones of work, science, exercise and leisure. The crew also selected a sixth area based on their own idea of what might be interesting to observe. Our study was sponsored by the International Space Station National Laboratory.

Then, for 60 days, the crew photographed each square every day to document the objects within its boundaries. Everything in space culture has an acronym, so we called this activity the Sampling Quadrangle Assemblages Research Experiment, or SQuARE.

The resulting photos show the richness of the space station's cultural landscape, while also revealing how far life in space is from images of sci-fi imagination.

The space station is cluttered and chaotic, cramped and dirty. There are no boundaries between where the crew works and where they rest. There is little to no privacy. There isn't even a shower.

What we saw in the squares

Now we can present results from the analysis of the first two squares. One was located in the US Node 2 module, where there are four crew berths, and connections to the European and Japanese labs. Visiting spacecraft often dock here. Our target was a wall where the Maintenance Work Area, or MWA, is located. There's a blue metal panel with 40 velcro squares on it, and a table below for fixing equipment or doing experiments.

NASA intended the area to be used for maintenance. However, we saw hardly any evidence of maintenance there, and only a handful of science activities. In fact, for 50 of the 60 days covered by our survey, the square was only used for storing items, which may not even have been used there.

The amount of velcro here made it a perfect location for ad hoc storage. Close to half of all items recorded (44%) were related to holding other items in place.

The other square we've completed was in the US Node 3 module, where there are exercise machines and the toilet. It's also a passageway to the crew's favourite part of the space station, the seven-sided cupola window, and to storage modules.

This wall had no designated function, so it was used for eclectic purposes, such as storing a laptop, an antibacterial experiment and resealable bags. And for 52 days during SQuARE, it was also the location where one crew member kept their toiletry kit.

It makes a kind of sense to put one's toiletries near the toilet and the exercise machines that each astronaut uses for hours every day. But this is a highly public space, where others are constantly passing by. The placement of the toiletry kit shows how inadequate the facilities are for hygiene and privacy.

What does this mean?

Our analysis of Squares 03 and 05 helped us understand how restraints such as velcro create a sort of transient gravity.

Restraints used to hold an object form a patch of active gravity, while those not in use represent potential gravity. The artefact analysis shows us how much potential gravity is available at each location.

The main focus of the space station is scientific work. To make this happen, astronauts have to deploy large numbers of objects. Square 03 shows how they turned a surface intended for maintenance into a halfway house for various items on their journeys around the station. Professor de Inglês - 1 1

Our data suggests that designers of future space stations, such as the commercial ones currently planned for low Earth orbit, or the Gateway station being built for lunar orbit, might need to make storage a higher priority.

Square 05 shows how a public wall space was claimed for personal storage by an unknown crew member. We already know there is less-than-ideal provision for privacy, but the persistence of the toiletry bag at this location shows how crew adapt spaces to make up for this.

What makes our conclusions significant is that they are evidence-based. The analysis of the first two squares suggests the data from all six will offer further insights into humanity's longest surviving space habitat.

Current plans are to bring the space station down from orbit in 2031, so this experiment may be the only chance we have to gather archaeological data. rst-space-excavation-on-international-space-station/
You need to find specific information in the article about the duration of the SQuARE experiment conducted on the International Space Station. Which reading method would be most effective for quickly locating this precise detail? 
Q3106229 Inglês
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.

Archaeologists conduct first 'space excavation' on International Space Station

By Justin St. P. Walsh and Alice Gorman, The Conversation | Published: August 15, 2024 | Last updated on August 20, 2024

New results from the first archaeological fieldwork conducted in space show the International Space Station is a rich cultural landscape where crew create their own "gravity" to replace Earth's, and adapt module spaces to suit their needs.

Archaeology is usually thought of as the study of the distant past, but it's ideally suited for revealing how people adapt to long-duration spaceflight.

In the SQuARE experiment described in our new paper in PLOS ONE, we re-imagined a standard archaeological method for use in space, and got astronauts to carry it out for us.

Archaeology ... in ... spaaaaace!

The International Space Station is the first permanent human settlement in space. Close to 280 people have visited it in the past 23 years.

Our team has studied displays of photos, religious icons and artworks made by crew members from different countries, observed the cargo that is returned to Earth, and used NASA's historic photo archive to examine the relationships between crew members who serve together.

We've also studied the simple technologies, such as Velcro and resealable plastic bags, which astronauts use to recreate the Earthly effect of gravity in the microgravity environment − to keep things where you left them, so they don't float away.

Most recently, we collected data about how crew used objects inside the space station by adapting one of the most traditional archaeological techniques, the "shovel test pit".

On Earth, after an archaeological site has been identified, a grid of one-metre squares is laid out, and some of these are excavated as "test pits". These samples give a sense of the site as a whole.

In January 2022, we asked the space station crew to lay out five roughly square sample areas. We chose the square locations to encompass zones of work, science, exercise and leisure. The crew also selected a sixth area based on their own idea of what might be interesting to observe. Our study was sponsored by the International Space Station National Laboratory.

Then, for 60 days, the crew photographed each square every day to document the objects within its boundaries. Everything in space culture has an acronym, so we called this activity the Sampling Quadrangle Assemblages Research Experiment, or SQuARE.

The resulting photos show the richness of the space station's cultural landscape, while also revealing how far life in space is from images of sci-fi imagination.

The space station is cluttered and chaotic, cramped and dirty. There are no boundaries between where the crew works and where they rest. There is little to no privacy. There isn't even a shower.

What we saw in the squares

Now we can present results from the analysis of the first two squares. One was located in the US Node 2 module, where there are four crew berths, and connections to the European and Japanese labs. Visiting spacecraft often dock here. Our target was a wall where the Maintenance Work Area, or MWA, is located. There's a blue metal panel with 40 velcro squares on it, and a table below for fixing equipment or doing experiments.

NASA intended the area to be used for maintenance. However, we saw hardly any evidence of maintenance there, and only a handful of science activities. In fact, for 50 of the 60 days covered by our survey, the square was only used for storing items, which may not even have been used there.

The amount of velcro here made it a perfect location for ad hoc storage. Close to half of all items recorded (44%) were related to holding other items in place.

The other square we've completed was in the US Node 3 module, where there are exercise machines and the toilet. It's also a passageway to the crew's favourite part of the space station, the seven-sided cupola window, and to storage modules.

This wall had no designated function, so it was used for eclectic purposes, such as storing a laptop, an antibacterial experiment and resealable bags. And for 52 days during SQuARE, it was also the location where one crew member kept their toiletry kit.

It makes a kind of sense to put one's toiletries near the toilet and the exercise machines that each astronaut uses for hours every day. But this is a highly public space, where others are constantly passing by. The placement of the toiletry kit shows how inadequate the facilities are for hygiene and privacy.

What does this mean?

Our analysis of Squares 03 and 05 helped us understand how restraints such as velcro create a sort of transient gravity.

Restraints used to hold an object form a patch of active gravity, while those not in use represent potential gravity. The artefact analysis shows us how much potential gravity is available at each location.

The main focus of the space station is scientific work. To make this happen, astronauts have to deploy large numbers of objects. Square 03 shows how they turned a surface intended for maintenance into a halfway house for various items on their journeys around the station. Professor de Inglês - 1 1

Our data suggests that designers of future space stations, such as the commercial ones currently planned for low Earth orbit, or the Gateway station being built for lunar orbit, might need to make storage a higher priority.

Square 05 shows how a public wall space was claimed for personal storage by an unknown crew member. We already know there is less-than-ideal provision for privacy, but the persistence of the toiletry bag at this location shows how crew adapt spaces to make up for this.

What makes our conclusions significant is that they are evidence-based. The analysis of the first two squares suggests the data from all six will offer further insights into humanity's longest surviving space habitat.

Current plans are to bring the space station down from orbit in 2031, so this experiment may be the only chance we have to gather archaeological data. rst-space-excavation-on-international-space-station/
According to the article, how does the International Space Station serve as a "rich cultural landscape"? 
Q3106217 Sistemas Operacionais
Ao instalar e configurar um sistema operacional, algumas práticas e procedimentos são essenciais para garantir o funcionamento correto do sistema e sua segurança. Sobre o assunto, julgue as seguintes afirmações como verdadeiras (V) ou falsas (F):

1.(_)Durante a instalação de sistemas operacionais modernos, como Windows e Linux, é obrigatório criar e configurar manualmente todas as partições do disco rígido.
2.(_)É possível instalar a maioria dos sistemas operacionais a partir de dispositivos de armazenamento removíveis, como pen drives e DVDs, configurando a sequência de inicialização (boot) na BIOS ou UEFI.
3.(_)A instalação de drivers de hardware é uma etapa importante após a instalação do sistema operacional, sendo essencial para que componentes como placas de vídeo, som e rede funcionem corretamente.

Assinale a alternativa cuja respectiva ordem de julgamento esteja correta: 
Q3106216 Noções de Informática
Softwares como Word, Excel e PowerPoint são ferramentas essenciais que facilitam a criação de documentos, a análise de dados e a apresentação de informações de forma clara e organizada. Em relação às aplicações práticas em sala de aula utilizando softwares como Word, Excel e PowerPoint, qual das alternativas a seguir está correta? 
Q3106215 Sistemas Operacionais
O gerenciamento de memória é uma das funções fundamentais de um sistema operacional, sendo responsável por alocar, monitorar e otimizar o uso da memória durante a execução de processos. A eficiência desse gerenciamento é crucial para garantir que os sistemas operacionais operem de maneira eficaz, especialmente em ambientes multitarefa. Sobre o gerenciamento de memória em sistemas operacionais e as estratégias para otimização do uso da memória, assinale a alternativa correta: 
Q3106214 Noções de Informática
Avalie as proposições em relação aos dispositivos de armazenamento de dados e seus princípios de funcionamento:

I.SSDs (unidades de estado sólido) são mais rápidos do que os HDDs, pois não possuem partes móveis e utilizam memória flash para acessar dados rapidamente.
II.Os HDDs (discos rígidos) utilizam pratos magnéticos giratórios para armazenar dados e tendem a ter maior durabilidade e resistência a quedas em comparação aos SSDs.
III.A vida útil dos SSDs é ilimitada, pois eles não possuem partes móveis e não sofrem desgaste com o tempo.

Assinale a alternativa correta: 
Q3106213 Arquitetura de Computadores
Um técnico recebe um chamado de um usuário que relata que o computador está apresentando a tela azul da morte (BSOD) frequentemente e não está iniciando corretamente. Qual deve ser a primeira ação do técnico para diagnosticar o problema?
Q3106212 Arquitetura de Computadores
Os componentes de microcomputadores, como placa-mãe, RAM, processador, disco rígido e placa de vídeo, são fundamentais para o funcionamento do sistema. Em relação aos componentes de microcomputadores, qual das alternativas abaixo está correta? 
Q3106211 Arquitetura de Computadores
Julgue as seguintes afirmações como verdadeiras (V) ou falsas (F) sobre a classificação de memórias em voláteis e não voláteis:

1.(_)Os SSDs (Solid State Drives) são classificados como memórias voláteis.
2.(_)As memórias cache são um tipo de memória volátil, utilizadas para acelerar o acesso aos dados frequentemente usados pelo processador.
3.(_)Os discos rígidos (HDDs) são exemplos de memórias voláteis, pois seu funcionamento depende de energia constante para armazenar dados.

Assinale a alternativa cuja respectiva ordem de julgamento esteja correta: 
Q3106210 Arquitetura de Computadores
A configuração de microcomputadores envolve o processo de montagem dos componentes de hardware, como a placa-mãe, CPU, memória RAM, e dispositivos de armazenamento, bem como a instalação e configuração de softwares para garantir o funcionamento adequado do sistema. Assim, avalie as proposições:

I.A placa-mãe é o componente central que conecta todos os outros componentes de um microcomputador.
II.O gerenciamento térmico é importante na configuração de hardware, pois evita o superaquecimento dos componentes.
III.Dispositivos de armazenamento, como HDD e SSD, nunca precisam ser configurados após a instalação física no microcomputador.

Assinale a alternativa correta: 
Q3106209 Pedagogia
Assinale a alternativa que contém a afirmação em consonância com a Lei nº 9.394/96, que estabelece as diretrizes e bases da educação nacional: 
Q3106208 Noções de Informática
Em relação ao uso e às funcionalidades dos pacotes de aplicativos Microsoft Office e LibreOffice, qual das alternativas a seguir está correta? 
Q3106207 Sistemas Operacionais
Quando se compara os sistemas operacionais Windows e GNU/Linux, várias características distintas e suas implicações para o uso e manutenção desses sistemas são observadas. Qual das alternativas a seguir reflete corretamente uma diferença significativa entre o Windows e o GNU/Linux? 
Q3106205 Redes de Computadores
Em relação à navegação segura e à utilização responsável da internet, bem como aos tipos de antivírus e sua importância na segurança digital, julgue as seguintes afirmações como verdadeiras (V) ou falsas (F):

1.(_)Utilizar uma conexão VPN (Virtual Private Network) é uma prática recomendada para garantir maior privacidade e segurança ao navegar na internet.
2.(_)Manter o sistema operacional e os softwares atualizados é uma medida de segurança essencial para reduzir vulnerabilidades que podem ser exploradas por invasores.
3.(_)O uso de autenticação de dois fatores (2FA) é desnecessário em dispositivos pessoais, já que o antivírus oferece proteção suficiente contra todas as formas de ataque.

Assinale a alternativa cuja respectiva ordem de julgamento esteja correta: 
Q3106204 Redes de Computadores
Questão 01 As redes locais (LAN) são fundamentais para a interconexão de dispositivos em um ambiente restrito, como uma empresa ou escola. Sobre o assunto, julgue as seguintes afirmações como verdadeiras (V) ou falsas (F):

1.(_)A utilização de endereços IP dinâmicos pode aumentar a complexidade da configuração de uma rede local a ponto de inviabilizar sua utilização.
2.(_)A topologia em estrela conecta todos os dispositivos a um único switch ou hub central.
3.(_)O protocolo TCP/IP é comumente usado para comunicação em redes locais.

Assinale a alternativa cuja respectiva ordem de julgamento esteja correta: 
Q3106196 Pedagogia
Aprender a falar, portanto, não consiste apenas em memorizar sons e palavras. A aprendizagem da fala pelas crianças não se dá de forma______com a reflexão, o pensamento, a explicitação de seus atos, sentimentos, sensações e desejos.

Marque a alternativa que complete o texto, completando o sentido: 
Q3106194 Pedagogia
Segundo Emília Ferreiro (1985), o professor é a peça-chave para o desenvolvimento eficaz do aluno, diante da sua postura educadora e por ter consciência da importância do seu papel, onde a aprendizagem se dá estimulando o indivíduo, tornando-a prazerosa. Nesse contexto, ler e escrever passam a ser algo mais revolucionário e inovador. Neste sentido, qual é o papel que o professor exerce para o conhecimento do aluno? 
1261: D
1262: A
1263: A
1264: A
1265: A
1266: D
1267: D
1268: C
1269: D
1270: D
1271: C
1272: B
1273: A
1274: D
1275: C
1276: D
1277: D
1278: A
1279: C
1280: D