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“I ______ to smoke. It is not good for my health. My sister _______ to eat fish every day. And you? ________ you like to drink beer?”
Complete the sentence with a modal verb:
“Teacher Paul ___ teach us about Math and Chemistry.”
I. A Didática Crítica tem a percepção multidimensional do processo de ensino e aprendizagem.
II. O “o que” e o “como fazer” estão subordinados ao “para que fazer”.
III. A Didática Crítica possui compromisso político com uma sociedade democrática.
IV. A Didática Crítica está comprometida com o processo de emancipação humana.
Assinale a alternativa CORRETA:
A arte de produzir fome
Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 jul. 2023.
INSTRUÇÃO: Leia o texto a seguir para responder à questão.
What does the hurricane scale tell us?
INSTRUÇÃO: Leia o texto a seguir para responder à questão.
Brazil’s Supreme Court to vote on decriminalising abortion
By Katy Watson
Brazil’s Supreme Court has started voting on whether to decriminalise abortion. However, the session was quickly postponed after a minister called for the vote to take place in person instead of via video – and no new date has yet been set.
Currently, abortion is only allowed in three cases: that of rape, risk to the woman's life and anencephaly – when the foetus has an undeveloped brain.
If the Supreme Court votes in favour, abortion will be decriminalised up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. [...]
Disponível em: Acesso em: 25 set. 2023. Adaptado.
Harrisburg: A convicted murderer who escaped from a Pennsylvania jail has been captured with help from a heatsensing aircraft and a police dog, ending an intense, two-week manhunt that unnerved residents in the Philadelphia suburbs, authorities said.
Tactical teams surrounded the fugitive, Danelo Cavalcante, at around 8am in a rural area about 50 kilometres west of Philadelphia. As he tried to crawl away, a police dog subdued him and he was forcibly taken into custody, Pennsylvania State Police Lieutenant Colonel George Bivens said.
Cavalcante, who was armed with a rifle that he had stolen from a garage, was taken into custody without further incident. Bivens said he did not have the opportunity to use the firearm.
Cavalcante broke out of the Chester County Prison two weeks earlier by climbing between two walls that formed a narrow corridor in the jailhouse yard and scrambling onto the roof, according to police.
“It’s never easy to find someone who doesn’t want to be found in a large area,” Bivens said in response to a question about the extended manhunt during a Wednesday news briefing.
Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 set. 2023. Adaptado.
A seleção apropriada dos tempos verbais na redação assume um caráter crucial, visto que visa assegurar a clareza e a coesão do texto, fomentando assim a fluidez da leitura. Esse aspecto é de particular relevância em uma composição jornalística, em que se impõe a necessidade de determinar com exatidão a temporalidade das informações veiculadas, o que, por sua vez, confere credibilidade à reportagem, manifestando um zelo pelo rigor e precisão na exposição dos fatos.
Considerando as duas passagens negritadas no texto, o que indica a escolha das estruturas verbais nesses trechos destacados?