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Q1933352 Inglês

Read Text 2 and answer the question. 

Text 2

Here are four passages from an article on awareness of English as a lingua franca (ELF):

1) “Few will deny that research in the area of English as a lingua franca (ELF) has significantly contributed to our understanding of many different facets of communication involving non-native speakers of English. Such studies have added valuable insights to the growing research in the domain of critical applied linguistics and critical pedagogy and have prompted many scholars to problematize all aspects of English language teaching, learning, testing, curriculum designing, etc.”

2) “It is important at this stage to distinguish between the critical and the transformative perspective in ESOL teacher education. While they both share the element of reflection, they are different in a crucial way, although the former has often been seen as an umbrella term that subsumes the latter.”

3) “Critical pedagogy is invaluable in our attempt to understand the complex processes of the global spread of English and the intricate ways in which it continues to be localized and relocalized (Pennycook, 2010). It has the tools to help teachers appreciate the complications of context and the various underlying and often hidden discourses, from learner identity construction in the ESOL classroom (Norton and Toohey, 2011) to language testing (Shohamy, 2004) to the politics of pedagogy in the ‘classroom as a microcosm of the larger social and cultural world’” (Pennycook, 2001: 138).

4) “The value of an ELF-aware transformative perspective to ESOL teacher education lies in its power to help teachers define ELF for themselves and for their teaching contexts. In this way, teachers are involved in the co-construction of ELF and, in particular, in the development of one or more pedagogical frameworks for ELF. To achieve this, teachers have to have an informed awareness of the ELF construct, a critical awareness of their own deeper convictions about essential aspects of language, communication, and language teaching/learning, and the capability to bring about sustainable change in their teaching.” 

From Sifakis, N. C. (2014). "ELF awareness as an opportunity for change: a transformative perspective for ESOL teacher education". Journal of English as a Lingua Franca, 3/2: 317-335

According to Jordão (2013), critical pedagogy differs from structuralist pedagogies because, among other reasons, it 
Q1933351 Inglês

Read Text 2 and answer the question. 

Text 2

Here are four passages from an article on awareness of English as a lingua franca (ELF):

1) “Few will deny that research in the area of English as a lingua franca (ELF) has significantly contributed to our understanding of many different facets of communication involving non-native speakers of English. Such studies have added valuable insights to the growing research in the domain of critical applied linguistics and critical pedagogy and have prompted many scholars to problematize all aspects of English language teaching, learning, testing, curriculum designing, etc.”

2) “It is important at this stage to distinguish between the critical and the transformative perspective in ESOL teacher education. While they both share the element of reflection, they are different in a crucial way, although the former has often been seen as an umbrella term that subsumes the latter.”

3) “Critical pedagogy is invaluable in our attempt to understand the complex processes of the global spread of English and the intricate ways in which it continues to be localized and relocalized (Pennycook, 2010). It has the tools to help teachers appreciate the complications of context and the various underlying and often hidden discourses, from learner identity construction in the ESOL classroom (Norton and Toohey, 2011) to language testing (Shohamy, 2004) to the politics of pedagogy in the ‘classroom as a microcosm of the larger social and cultural world’” (Pennycook, 2001: 138).

4) “The value of an ELF-aware transformative perspective to ESOL teacher education lies in its power to help teachers define ELF for themselves and for their teaching contexts. In this way, teachers are involved in the co-construction of ELF and, in particular, in the development of one or more pedagogical frameworks for ELF. To achieve this, teachers have to have an informed awareness of the ELF construct, a critical awareness of their own deeper convictions about essential aspects of language, communication, and language teaching/learning, and the capability to bring about sustainable change in their teaching.” 

From Sifakis, N. C. (2014). "ELF awareness as an opportunity for change: a transformative perspective for ESOL teacher education". Journal of English as a Lingua Franca, 3/2: 317-335

Passage 4 suggests that a transformative perspective to ESOL teacher education requires that teachers become more
Q1933350 Inglês

Read Text 2 and answer the question. 

Text 2

Here are four passages from an article on awareness of English as a lingua franca (ELF):

1) “Few will deny that research in the area of English as a lingua franca (ELF) has significantly contributed to our understanding of many different facets of communication involving non-native speakers of English. Such studies have added valuable insights to the growing research in the domain of critical applied linguistics and critical pedagogy and have prompted many scholars to problematize all aspects of English language teaching, learning, testing, curriculum designing, etc.”

2) “It is important at this stage to distinguish between the critical and the transformative perspective in ESOL teacher education. While they both share the element of reflection, they are different in a crucial way, although the former has often been seen as an umbrella term that subsumes the latter.”

3) “Critical pedagogy is invaluable in our attempt to understand the complex processes of the global spread of English and the intricate ways in which it continues to be localized and relocalized (Pennycook, 2010). It has the tools to help teachers appreciate the complications of context and the various underlying and often hidden discourses, from learner identity construction in the ESOL classroom (Norton and Toohey, 2011) to language testing (Shohamy, 2004) to the politics of pedagogy in the ‘classroom as a microcosm of the larger social and cultural world’” (Pennycook, 2001: 138).

4) “The value of an ELF-aware transformative perspective to ESOL teacher education lies in its power to help teachers define ELF for themselves and for their teaching contexts. In this way, teachers are involved in the co-construction of ELF and, in particular, in the development of one or more pedagogical frameworks for ELF. To achieve this, teachers have to have an informed awareness of the ELF construct, a critical awareness of their own deeper convictions about essential aspects of language, communication, and language teaching/learning, and the capability to bring about sustainable change in their teaching.” 

From Sifakis, N. C. (2014). "ELF awareness as an opportunity for change: a transformative perspective for ESOL teacher education". Journal of English as a Lingua Franca, 3/2: 317-335

As regards Passage 2, analyse the assertions below:
I. A critical orientation may include a transformative view. II. Critical and transformative perspectives in ESOL are indistinguishable. III. Transformative perspectives are wider than critical orientations.
Choose the correct answer:
Q1933349 Inglês

Read Text 2 and answer the question. 

Text 2

Here are four passages from an article on awareness of English as a lingua franca (ELF):

1) “Few will deny that research in the area of English as a lingua franca (ELF) has significantly contributed to our understanding of many different facets of communication involving non-native speakers of English. Such studies have added valuable insights to the growing research in the domain of critical applied linguistics and critical pedagogy and have prompted many scholars to problematize all aspects of English language teaching, learning, testing, curriculum designing, etc.”

2) “It is important at this stage to distinguish between the critical and the transformative perspective in ESOL teacher education. While they both share the element of reflection, they are different in a crucial way, although the former has often been seen as an umbrella term that subsumes the latter.”

3) “Critical pedagogy is invaluable in our attempt to understand the complex processes of the global spread of English and the intricate ways in which it continues to be localized and relocalized (Pennycook, 2010). It has the tools to help teachers appreciate the complications of context and the various underlying and often hidden discourses, from learner identity construction in the ESOL classroom (Norton and Toohey, 2011) to language testing (Shohamy, 2004) to the politics of pedagogy in the ‘classroom as a microcosm of the larger social and cultural world’” (Pennycook, 2001: 138).

4) “The value of an ELF-aware transformative perspective to ESOL teacher education lies in its power to help teachers define ELF for themselves and for their teaching contexts. In this way, teachers are involved in the co-construction of ELF and, in particular, in the development of one or more pedagogical frameworks for ELF. To achieve this, teachers have to have an informed awareness of the ELF construct, a critical awareness of their own deeper convictions about essential aspects of language, communication, and language teaching/learning, and the capability to bring about sustainable change in their teaching.” 

From Sifakis, N. C. (2014). "ELF awareness as an opportunity for change: a transformative perspective for ESOL teacher education". Journal of English as a Lingua Franca, 3/2: 317-335

The following sentences present information provided in each of the passages from Text 2. Read them, add the corresponding number of each passage (1 to 4), and mark the option that presents the correct sequencing:
( ) Both perspectives attribute value to reflection. ( ) The classroom should be seen as part of a wider context. ( ) ELF teachers are stimulated to reflect on their own teaching. ( ) ELF studies have had great impact on English language teaching.
Q1933324 Pedagogia
Felipe é professor de Física do 2º ano do Ensino Médio. Ele costuma acompanhar a aprendizagem de seus alunos por meio da participação nas aulas, dos exercícios realizados individual e coletivamente e dos trabalhos e provas que compõem a avaliação institucional da escola.
O professor reconhece que a avaliação da aprendizagem no Ensino Médio, conforme previsto nas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais do Ensino Médio, envolve, ainda, a seguinte dimensão:
Q1932352 Pedagogia
A Lei nº 9.394/1996, Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (LDB), no seu Art. 26 dispõe: “Os currículos da educação infantil, do ensino fundamental e do ensino médio devem ter base nacional comum, a ser complementada, em cada sistema de ensino e em cada estabelecimento escolar, por uma parte diversificada, exigida pelas características regionais e locais da sociedade, da cultura, da economia e dos educandos”.
SOBRE o artigo acima, é CORRETO afirmar que: 
Q1932351 Pedagogia
Em dezembro de 2017, a educação brasileira passou a contar com a Base Nacional Curricular Comum criada a partir do Plano Nacional de Educação e prevista na Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (LDB, Lei nº 9.394/1996). A BNCC aborda a tecnologia e os recursos digitais como conjunto de aprendizagens essenciais, nas competências gerais comuns a todos os alunos ao longo das etapas e modalidades da educação básica.
Marque a opção que apresenta, dentre as competências gerais da BNCC, a que está diretamente relacionada ao uso das tecnologias no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. 
Q1932350 Pedagogia
A Lei nº 9.394/96 – Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação – LDB, apresenta textualmente no seu Art. 22. "A educação básica tem por finalidades [...]
Q1932349 Pedagogia
Leia atentamente as afirmativas abaixo referentes à Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC):

I- A Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) é um documento de caráter normativo que define o conjunto orgânico e progressivo de aprendizagens essenciais que todos os alunos devem desenvolver ao longo das etapas e modalidades da Educação Básica, de modo a que tenham assegurados seus direitos de aprendizagem e desenvolvimento, em conformidade com o que preceitua o Plano Nacional de Educação (PNE).
II- A BNCC determina os conhecimentos e as habilidades essenciais que todos os alunos e alunas têm o direito de aprender. Na prática, isso significa que, independentemente da região, raça ou classe socioeconômica, todos os estudantes do Brasil devem aprender as mesmas habilidades e competências ao longo da sua vida escolar.
III- A BNCC é obrigatória e está prevista na Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional e no Plano Nacional da Educação. Os currículos de todas as redes públicas e particulares devem ter a BNCC como referencial.
IV-As aprendizagens essenciais definidas na BNCC, ao longo da Educação Básica, devem concorrer para assegurar aos estudantes o desenvolvimento de dez competências gerais, que consubstanciam, no âmbito pedagógico, os direitos de aprendizagem e desenvolvimento.

Marque a opção CORRETA sobre os itens acima:
Q1932348 Pedagogia
Em 1996, a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (LBD nº 9.394/1996) determinou que todas as instituições de ensino precisam ter um Projeto Político Pedagógico - PPP. Na prática, o Projeto Político Pedagógico é um documento que estipula quais são os objetivos da instituição e o que a escola, em todas as suas dimensões, vai fazer para alcançá-los. Nele, serão considerados os três âmbitos gerais que compõem o ambiente educacional. São eles: 
Q1932347 Pedagogia
O papel da avaliação é diagnosticar a situação da aprendizagem, tendo em vista subsidiar a tomada de decisão para a melhoria da qualidade do desempenho do educando (LUCKESI, 2011). Nesse contexto, a avaliação, segundo o autor, é:
Q1932346 Pedagogia
A Didática é um dos principais instrumentos na formação do professor. É por meio dela que se adquirem os ensinamentos necessários para a prática educativa, pois o processo de ensino aprendizagem é muito complexo e para isso o educador deve constantemente refletir e repensar a sua prática pedagógica para que o aprendizado do aluno seja alcançado.
Assim, o conhecimento da Didática no processo formativo do professor implica o fortalecimento da identidade docente, que está mais bem caracterizada na opção: 
Q1932345 Pedagogia
Na base da teoria vygotskyana, encontra-se o princípio de que a apropriação da cultura humana ocorre por meio de relações interpessoais dentro da sociedade à qual o indivíduo pertence, e essa apropriação se dá por intermédio da educação e do ensino com a mediação de adultos e/ou pares mais experientes. Portanto, como atestam as proposições de Vygotsky (1934/2008), podemos afirmar que: 
Q1932344 Pedagogia
Das teorias da aprendizagem, podemos citar a Teoria Histórico-Cultural de Vygotsky (1896-1934), que em sua gênese, pressupõe uma natureza social da aprendizagem, ou seja, 
Q1932343 Pedagogia
A epistemologia, por tratar da origem do conhecimento, é um campo vasto de estudo das várias áreas, inclusive na área pedagógica. O conhecimento tem um papel central em qualquer teoria da aprendizagem ou educacional. A questão fundamental é: como o ser humano constrói seu conhecimento? Ou ainda: o que é aprender? O que é conhecer? Como se relacionam aprender e conhecer? O que é necessário para aprender um assunto completamente novo? Como se passa de um conhecimento mais simples para um mais complexo?
No que diz respeito aos pressupostos epistemológicos de toda teoria educacional, é possível constatar basicamente três diferentes formas de representar a relação ensino-aprendizagem: 
Q1932341 Português
Leia o texto a seguir e responda à questão.

Por que é tão difícil admitir que estamos errados? A psiquiatria explica

(POLLO, Luiza. Por que é tão difícil admitir que estamos errados? A psiquiatria explica. TAB Uol, 13 jun. 2020. Com adaptações. Disponível em: <>)

Tendo em vista as estratégias de retomada referencial usadas na construção de sentidos do texto, é possível afirmar, EXCETO: 
Q1932335 Português
Leia o texto a seguir e responda à questão.

Por que é tão difícil admitir que estamos errados? A psiquiatria explica

(POLLO, Luiza. Por que é tão difícil admitir que estamos errados? A psiquiatria explica. TAB Uol, 13 jun. 2020. Com adaptações. Disponível em: <>)

Dentre os substantivos compostos a seguir, indique o único cuja flexão para o plural é feita da mesma forma que em ―cabeças-duras (linha 07): 
Q1929814 Inglês

No Time to Die, by Billie Eilish and Finneas

I should have known

I'd leave alone

Just goes to show

That the blood you bleed is just the blood you


We were a pair

But I saw you there

Too much to bear

You were my life, but life is far away from fair

Was I stupid to love you?

Was I reckless to help?

Was it obvious to everybody else?

That I'd fallen for a lie

You were never on my side

Fool me once, fool me twice

Are you death or paradise?

Now you'll never see me cry

There's just no time to die

I let it burn

You're no longer my concern, mmm

Faces from my past return

Another lesson yet to learn

That I'd fallen for a lie

You were never on my side

Fool me once, fool me twice

Are you death or paradise?

Now you'll never see me cry

There's just no time to die 

Available in:

The highlighted sentence “You’ll never see me cry” is an example of one of the uses of the simple future: to make promises. Choose the INCORRECT statement about the uses of future tenses. 
Q1929813 Inglês

No Time to Die, by Billie Eilish and Finneas

I should have known

I'd leave alone

Just goes to show

That the blood you bleed is just the blood you


We were a pair

But I saw you there

Too much to bear

You were my life, but life is far away from fair

Was I stupid to love you?

Was I reckless to help?

Was it obvious to everybody else?

That I'd fallen for a lie

You were never on my side

Fool me once, fool me twice

Are you death or paradise?

Now you'll never see me cry

There's just no time to die

I let it burn

You're no longer my concern, mmm

Faces from my past return

Another lesson yet to learn

That I'd fallen for a lie

You were never on my side

Fool me once, fool me twice

Are you death or paradise?

Now you'll never see me cry

There's just no time to die 

Available in:

What does the use of the highlighted word “yet” in the sentence “another lesson yetto learn” suggest?
Q1929812 Inglês

No Time to Die, by Billie Eilish and Finneas

I should have known

I'd leave alone

Just goes to show

That the blood you bleed is just the blood you


We were a pair

But I saw you there

Too much to bear

You were my life, but life is far away from fair

Was I stupid to love you?

Was I reckless to help?

Was it obvious to everybody else?

That I'd fallen for a lie

You were never on my side

Fool me once, fool me twice

Are you death or paradise?

Now you'll never see me cry

There's just no time to die

I let it burn

You're no longer my concern, mmm

Faces from my past return

Another lesson yet to learn

That I'd fallen for a lie

You were never on my side

Fool me once, fool me twice

Are you death or paradise?

Now you'll never see me cry

There's just no time to die 

Available in:

Consider the word order of the highlighted question “Was I stupid to love you?”, find the alternative below that follows the same word order in terms of subject / main verb / auxiliary verb, etc.
5961: C
5962: B
5963: A
5964: C
5965: E
5966: C
5967: C
5968: D
5969: E
5970: E
5971: A
5972: B
5973: D
5974: B
5975: A
5976: E
5977: C
5978: E
5979: A
5980: B