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I- It was a dangerous weekend in the water along Auckland's west coast at the weekend; II- Demolition is expected in March; III- A memorial service is to be conducted at eleven o'clock in the morning on Thursday.
Choose the option in which all the underlined prepositions are used correctly.
I- The release of the O-level examination results are something most people in Singapore are familiar with; II- There is a commitment in the Maritimes to adjust minimum wages once a year; III- However, a new study has shown that making up for lost sleep at the weekend might not be such a bad idea.
Choose the option in which the underlined item is correct.
“This group of women _________ its emissaries around the country with a large supply of plastic specula for sale.”
Choose the best option that completes the context above.
“Under the Convention, an applicant cannot take a complaint to the Strasbourg Court unless he has first exhausted all remedies available under domestic law.”
The underlined item can be replaced by:
Read the fragment below.
“Macron and Theresa May were having a summit, they were discussing how bleak the future was for Britain's financial sector unless we paid into the EU's budget and abided by their rules, and the coverage has skipped over all that to talk about some whizzy idea that has more holes in it than a Hollyoaks.”
In the context above, the underlined phrasal verb can be understood as:
Research focused on second language acquisition (SLA) is no longer directly focused on language teaching as it was in the early stages of the development of this academic area. As such, some questions that guide SLA research include how languages in general are learned and the relation with first language acquisition. The answers to these questions give us a deeper understanding of the nature of language and its complexities, which, in turn, may further aid in language teaching methodologies. Some milestones in the course of SLA research include: contrastive analysis, language transfer, error analysis, and universal grammar. ____________ is based on the idea that learners draw heavily from their native language to learn the additional language, leading to the transfer of certain forms and meanings that may reflect differences in learner performance. (Perna, C. B. L., Molsing, K. V., & Ramos, Y. S.)
Choose the correct milestone in the options below that fills the blank above.
Read the fragment below.
I- Every language requires a different repertoire of reading skills, based on the structure of the language and the literacy habits of the native speakers of that language;
II- ESL and EFL teachers, therefore, should train students in the skills that will give them the power to comprehend in English. (…) learning a new thinking process is best accomplished when the learner is consciously aware of the process, and an approach to teaching reading skills should take that into account;
III- In fact, the more students talk about their thinking processes, the more they learn. (Mikulecky, Beatrice S.)
Thinking on reading skills, analyze the context above and choose the correct option.
I. Alimentação. II. Uniforme escolar. III. Assistência à saúde.
Quais estão corretas?
I. Oferece informações ao professor, ao aluno e aos pais deste sobre o progresso e os limites do aluno, destacando os pontos que necessitam maior empenho e esforço. II. Fornece informações não apenas sobre avanços conquistados pelos alunos nos conteúdos ensinados, mas também sobre seus interesses, suas necessidades e suas habilidades. III. Leva em consideração provas e exames, mas baseia-se também nas demais atividades, como trabalhos em grupos e observação de desempenho cotidiano.
Quais estão corretas?
I. Promover o desafio. II. Gerar necessidade. III. Ser um líder carismático. IV. Ser extrovertido e bem-humorado.
Quais estão corretas?
I. Valorizar e utilizar os conhecimentos historicamente construídos sobre o mundo físico, social, cultural e digital para entender e explicar a realidade, continuar aprendendo e colaborar para a construção de uma sociedade justa, democrática e inclusiva. II. Conhecer-se, apreciar-se e cuidar de sua saúde física e emocional, compreendendo-se na diversidade humana e reconhecendo suas emoções e as dos outros, com autocrítica e capacidade para lidar com elas. III. Agir pessoal e coletivamente com autonomia, responsabilidade, flexibilidade, resiliência e determinação, tomando decisões com base em princípios éticos, democráticos, inclusivos, sustentáveis e solidários.
Quais estão corretas?
I. Aceleração para concluir em menor tempo o programa escolar para os superdotados. II. Terminalidade específica para aqueles que não puderem atingir o nível exigido para a conclusão do ensino fundamental, em virtude de suas deficiências. III. Acesso aos benefícios dos programas sociais exclusivamente em escolas especiais.
Quais estão corretas?