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ACTIVITIES 3 and 4 (presented in Questions 48 and 49) are examples of highly appropriate assignments in EFL classes since they conform to several of the guidelines expressed in the PCNs (Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais: terceiro e quarto ciclo do Ensino Fundamental – Língua Estrangeira) reproduced below.
The only guideline that is NOT addressed by the proposals of Activity 3 and 4 is

After Activity 4, the teacher expected the students would realize that

The following statements express justifications for the inclusion of Activity 2 in an EFL reading class.
I - It can be considered a challenging and, possibly, motivating reading comprehension task since it helps students arrive at a general understanding of a piece of text and a detailed understanding of its sentences and linguistic elements.
II - By guessing the missing words in the blanks during the pre-reading phase, the students will be able to identify the writer’s intent and become more proficient readers.
III - By using their imagination and comparing their guesses with their peers and the original version, the students are learning to resort to their own previous knowledge and confirm or reject expectations in reading a text.
IV - Dynamic activities in which students get involved with the text without actually ‘reading’ it at first can be one way of motivating them to search for the meanings implied in the original version of the passage.
The correct statements are

It can be said that Activity 1 can be described by all of the explanations below EXCEPT
All of the following language features are found in the fragment and could be highlighted by the teacher to help students grasp the form and meaning of this passage, but for