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Q1798473 Inglês
Using authentic material from the real world to teach English

   There are lots of resources available to English language teachers today: from textbooks to online teaching tools, they can all aid and enrich English lessons. Many teachers also introduce authentic English material into their lessons to expose learners to the language as it is spoken in the real world.
   Authentic material is any material written in English that was not created for intentional use in the English language classroom. Using this content to teach the English language can make the learning process even more engaging, imaginative and motivating for students. It can also be useful to elicit genuine responses from learners.
   The great thing about using authentic material is that it is everywhere, which makes it easy to find, and simple for learners to practice English in their own time. Remember that it isn‟t limited to articles from newspapers and magazines. Songs, TV programs and films, radio and podcasts, leaflets, menus – anything written in English constitutes authentic material. (…)
Source: Accessed on: 18/06/2018.
(Concurso Milagres/2018) The words using, engaging and motivating, in the second paragraph, are, respectively:
Q1798472 Inglês
Using authentic material from the real world to teach English

   There are lots of resources available to English language teachers today: from textbooks to online teaching tools, they can all aid and enrich English lessons. Many teachers also introduce authentic English material into their lessons to expose learners to the language as it is spoken in the real world.
   Authentic material is any material written in English that was not created for intentional use in the English language classroom. Using this content to teach the English language can make the learning process even more engaging, imaginative and motivating for students. It can also be useful to elicit genuine responses from learners.
   The great thing about using authentic material is that it is everywhere, which makes it easy to find, and simple for learners to practice English in their own time. Remember that it isn‟t limited to articles from newspapers and magazines. Songs, TV programs and films, radio and podcasts, leaflets, menus – anything written in English constitutes authentic material. (…)
Source: Accessed on: 18/06/2018.
(Concurso Milagres/2018) The word spoken, in the 1st paragraph, is the past participle form of the verb speak. Check the alternative which contains the CORRECT correspondence between the verb and its past participle form. 
Q1798471 Inglês
Using authentic material from the real world to teach English

   There are lots of resources available to English language teachers today: from textbooks to online teaching tools, they can all aid and enrich English lessons. Many teachers also introduce authentic English material into their lessons to expose learners to the language as it is spoken in the real world.
   Authentic material is any material written in English that was not created for intentional use in the English language classroom. Using this content to teach the English language can make the learning process even more engaging, imaginative and motivating for students. It can also be useful to elicit genuine responses from learners.
   The great thing about using authentic material is that it is everywhere, which makes it easy to find, and simple for learners to practice English in their own time. Remember that it isn‟t limited to articles from newspapers and magazines. Songs, TV programs and films, radio and podcasts, leaflets, menus – anything written in English constitutes authentic material. (…)
Source: Accessed on: 18/06/2018.
(Concurso Milagres/2018) The verbs aid and enrich, in the 1st paragraph, can be replaced by: 
Q1798470 Inglês
Using authentic material from the real world to teach English

   There are lots of resources available to English language teachers today: from textbooks to online teaching tools, they can all aid and enrich English lessons. Many teachers also introduce authentic English material into their lessons to expose learners to the language as it is spoken in the real world.
   Authentic material is any material written in English that was not created for intentional use in the English language classroom. Using this content to teach the English language can make the learning process even more engaging, imaginative and motivating for students. It can also be useful to elicit genuine responses from learners.
   The great thing about using authentic material is that it is everywhere, which makes it easy to find, and simple for learners to practice English in their own time. Remember that it isn‟t limited to articles from newspapers and magazines. Songs, TV programs and films, radio and podcasts, leaflets, menus – anything written in English constitutes authentic material. (…)
Source: Accessed on: 18/06/2018.
(Concurso Milagres/2018) From the information presented in the text, one can NOT infer that:
Q1798469 Inglês
Using authentic material from the real world to teach English

   There are lots of resources available to English language teachers today: from textbooks to online teaching tools, they can all aid and enrich English lessons. Many teachers also introduce authentic English material into their lessons to expose learners to the language as it is spoken in the real world.
   Authentic material is any material written in English that was not created for intentional use in the English language classroom. Using this content to teach the English language can make the learning process even more engaging, imaginative and motivating for students. It can also be useful to elicit genuine responses from learners.
   The great thing about using authentic material is that it is everywhere, which makes it easy to find, and simple for learners to practice English in their own time. Remember that it isn‟t limited to articles from newspapers and magazines. Songs, TV programs and films, radio and podcasts, leaflets, menus – anything written in English constitutes authentic material. (…)
Source: Accessed on: 18/06/2018.
(Concurso Milagres/2018) According to the text, authentic materials:
Q1798468 Inglês

   Grammar. To teach or not to teach? This has been the question that language teachers have asked themselves for ages. It has been a matter of debate for teachers, linguists and second language acquisition experts.
   Historically, language teaching approaches and methods have moved from one extreme of the spectrum to another as regards the explicit teaching of grammar. Long before our times, grammar was at the centre of language teaching, as it was believed that the study of the grammar of X‟s language was the best way to its mastery. So, from medieval times till around the 1970s, the fixation of language teaching on the study and description of structures manifested in approaches such as the Grammar Translation and the Audio Lingual method, with short interludes of the other approaches such as the Direct Method, Total Physical Response and the Silent way which although claiming to differ still based their syllabus on grammar points.
   From the Grammar-dominated end of the spectrum, we moved to the Absolutely-noGrammar end. Grammar based approaches proved inadequate in that students were unable to communicate outside the classroom. Based mainly on Hymes‟ “communicative competence” and Krashen‟s models of language acquisition, the Communicative Approach emerged as the meaning-focused alternative to the formfocused approaches of the past. Strong versions of the approach emphasized the teaching of functions and absolutely discouraged the teaching of grammar structures arguing that communication – and not language description- was the aim of language teaching.
   However, the studies of the last 30 years have proved that the lack of grammar instruction has not encouraged language acquisition. On the contrary, more recent studies show that grammar instruction and explicit knowledge of the target language do have positive effects on language acquisition. So, how should we approach the teaching of Grammar in the Post- CommunicativeApproach Era?

Source: Accessed on 17/06/2018
(Concurso Milagres/2018) In the clause that language teachers have asked themselves for ages, the verbal form is in the:
Q1798467 Inglês

   Grammar. To teach or not to teach? This has been the question that language teachers have asked themselves for ages. It has been a matter of debate for teachers, linguists and second language acquisition experts.
   Historically, language teaching approaches and methods have moved from one extreme of the spectrum to another as regards the explicit teaching of grammar. Long before our times, grammar was at the centre of language teaching, as it was believed that the study of the grammar of X‟s language was the best way to its mastery. So, from medieval times till around the 1970s, the fixation of language teaching on the study and description of structures manifested in approaches such as the Grammar Translation and the Audio Lingual method, with short interludes of the other approaches such as the Direct Method, Total Physical Response and the Silent way which although claiming to differ still based their syllabus on grammar points.
   From the Grammar-dominated end of the spectrum, we moved to the Absolutely-noGrammar end. Grammar based approaches proved inadequate in that students were unable to communicate outside the classroom. Based mainly on Hymes‟ “communicative competence” and Krashen‟s models of language acquisition, the Communicative Approach emerged as the meaning-focused alternative to the formfocused approaches of the past. Strong versions of the approach emphasized the teaching of functions and absolutely discouraged the teaching of grammar structures arguing that communication – and not language description- was the aim of language teaching.
   However, the studies of the last 30 years have proved that the lack of grammar instruction has not encouraged language acquisition. On the contrary, more recent studies show that grammar instruction and explicit knowledge of the target language do have positive effects on language acquisition. So, how should we approach the teaching of Grammar in the Post- CommunicativeApproach Era?

Source: Accessed on 17/06/2018
(Concurso Milagres/2018) Check the alternative which contains the sound of the – ed in the verbs: moved, emphasized and proved:
Q1798466 Inglês

   Grammar. To teach or not to teach? This has been the question that language teachers have asked themselves for ages. It has been a matter of debate for teachers, linguists and second language acquisition experts.
   Historically, language teaching approaches and methods have moved from one extreme of the spectrum to another as regards the explicit teaching of grammar. Long before our times, grammar was at the centre of language teaching, as it was believed that the study of the grammar of X‟s language was the best way to its mastery. So, from medieval times till around the 1970s, the fixation of language teaching on the study and description of structures manifested in approaches such as the Grammar Translation and the Audio Lingual method, with short interludes of the other approaches such as the Direct Method, Total Physical Response and the Silent way which although claiming to differ still based their syllabus on grammar points.
   From the Grammar-dominated end of the spectrum, we moved to the Absolutely-noGrammar end. Grammar based approaches proved inadequate in that students were unable to communicate outside the classroom. Based mainly on Hymes‟ “communicative competence” and Krashen‟s models of language acquisition, the Communicative Approach emerged as the meaning-focused alternative to the formfocused approaches of the past. Strong versions of the approach emphasized the teaching of functions and absolutely discouraged the teaching of grammar structures arguing that communication – and not language description- was the aim of language teaching.
   However, the studies of the last 30 years have proved that the lack of grammar instruction has not encouraged language acquisition. On the contrary, more recent studies show that grammar instruction and explicit knowledge of the target language do have positive effects on language acquisition. So, how should we approach the teaching of Grammar in the Post- CommunicativeApproach Era?

Source: Accessed on 17/06/2018
(Concurso Milagres/2018) The expression target language refers to:
Q1798465 Inglês

   Grammar. To teach or not to teach? This has been the question that language teachers have asked themselves for ages. It has been a matter of debate for teachers, linguists and second language acquisition experts.
   Historically, language teaching approaches and methods have moved from one extreme of the spectrum to another as regards the explicit teaching of grammar. Long before our times, grammar was at the centre of language teaching, as it was believed that the study of the grammar of X‟s language was the best way to its mastery. So, from medieval times till around the 1970s, the fixation of language teaching on the study and description of structures manifested in approaches such as the Grammar Translation and the Audio Lingual method, with short interludes of the other approaches such as the Direct Method, Total Physical Response and the Silent way which although claiming to differ still based their syllabus on grammar points.
   From the Grammar-dominated end of the spectrum, we moved to the Absolutely-noGrammar end. Grammar based approaches proved inadequate in that students were unable to communicate outside the classroom. Based mainly on Hymes‟ “communicative competence” and Krashen‟s models of language acquisition, the Communicative Approach emerged as the meaning-focused alternative to the formfocused approaches of the past. Strong versions of the approach emphasized the teaching of functions and absolutely discouraged the teaching of grammar structures arguing that communication – and not language description- was the aim of language teaching.
   However, the studies of the last 30 years have proved that the lack of grammar instruction has not encouraged language acquisition. On the contrary, more recent studies show that grammar instruction and explicit knowledge of the target language do have positive effects on language acquisition. So, how should we approach the teaching of Grammar in the Post- CommunicativeApproach Era?

Source: Accessed on 17/06/2018
(Concurso Milagres/2018) The word although expresses an idea of:
Q1798464 Inglês

   Grammar. To teach or not to teach? This has been the question that language teachers have asked themselves for ages. It has been a matter of debate for teachers, linguists and second language acquisition experts.
   Historically, language teaching approaches and methods have moved from one extreme of the spectrum to another as regards the explicit teaching of grammar. Long before our times, grammar was at the centre of language teaching, as it was believed that the study of the grammar of X‟s language was the best way to its mastery. So, from medieval times till around the 1970s, the fixation of language teaching on the study and description of structures manifested in approaches such as the Grammar Translation and the Audio Lingual method, with short interludes of the other approaches such as the Direct Method, Total Physical Response and the Silent way which although claiming to differ still based their syllabus on grammar points.
   From the Grammar-dominated end of the spectrum, we moved to the Absolutely-noGrammar end. Grammar based approaches proved inadequate in that students were unable to communicate outside the classroom. Based mainly on Hymes‟ “communicative competence” and Krashen‟s models of language acquisition, the Communicative Approach emerged as the meaning-focused alternative to the formfocused approaches of the past. Strong versions of the approach emphasized the teaching of functions and absolutely discouraged the teaching of grammar structures arguing that communication – and not language description- was the aim of language teaching.
   However, the studies of the last 30 years have proved that the lack of grammar instruction has not encouraged language acquisition. On the contrary, more recent studies show that grammar instruction and explicit knowledge of the target language do have positive effects on language acquisition. So, how should we approach the teaching of Grammar in the Post- CommunicativeApproach Era?

Source: Accessed on 17/06/2018
(Concurso Milagres/2018) The expression as regards, in the second paragraph, can be substituted by all the terms below, EXCEPT:
Q1798463 Inglês

   Grammar. To teach or not to teach? This has been the question that language teachers have asked themselves for ages. It has been a matter of debate for teachers, linguists and second language acquisition experts.
   Historically, language teaching approaches and methods have moved from one extreme of the spectrum to another as regards the explicit teaching of grammar. Long before our times, grammar was at the centre of language teaching, as it was believed that the study of the grammar of X‟s language was the best way to its mastery. So, from medieval times till around the 1970s, the fixation of language teaching on the study and description of structures manifested in approaches such as the Grammar Translation and the Audio Lingual method, with short interludes of the other approaches such as the Direct Method, Total Physical Response and the Silent way which although claiming to differ still based their syllabus on grammar points.
   From the Grammar-dominated end of the spectrum, we moved to the Absolutely-noGrammar end. Grammar based approaches proved inadequate in that students were unable to communicate outside the classroom. Based mainly on Hymes‟ “communicative competence” and Krashen‟s models of language acquisition, the Communicative Approach emerged as the meaning-focused alternative to the formfocused approaches of the past. Strong versions of the approach emphasized the teaching of functions and absolutely discouraged the teaching of grammar structures arguing that communication – and not language description- was the aim of language teaching.
   However, the studies of the last 30 years have proved that the lack of grammar instruction has not encouraged language acquisition. On the contrary, more recent studies show that grammar instruction and explicit knowledge of the target language do have positive effects on language acquisition. So, how should we approach the teaching of Grammar in the Post- CommunicativeApproach Era?

Source: Accessed on 17/06/2018
(Concurso Milagres/2018) The text suggests that:
Q1798462 Inglês

   Grammar. To teach or not to teach? This has been the question that language teachers have asked themselves for ages. It has been a matter of debate for teachers, linguists and second language acquisition experts.
   Historically, language teaching approaches and methods have moved from one extreme of the spectrum to another as regards the explicit teaching of grammar. Long before our times, grammar was at the centre of language teaching, as it was believed that the study of the grammar of X‟s language was the best way to its mastery. So, from medieval times till around the 1970s, the fixation of language teaching on the study and description of structures manifested in approaches such as the Grammar Translation and the Audio Lingual method, with short interludes of the other approaches such as the Direct Method, Total Physical Response and the Silent way which although claiming to differ still based their syllabus on grammar points.
   From the Grammar-dominated end of the spectrum, we moved to the Absolutely-noGrammar end. Grammar based approaches proved inadequate in that students were unable to communicate outside the classroom. Based mainly on Hymes‟ “communicative competence” and Krashen‟s models of language acquisition, the Communicative Approach emerged as the meaning-focused alternative to the formfocused approaches of the past. Strong versions of the approach emphasized the teaching of functions and absolutely discouraged the teaching of grammar structures arguing that communication – and not language description- was the aim of language teaching.
   However, the studies of the last 30 years have proved that the lack of grammar instruction has not encouraged language acquisition. On the contrary, more recent studies show that grammar instruction and explicit knowledge of the target language do have positive effects on language acquisition. So, how should we approach the teaching of Grammar in the Post- CommunicativeApproach Era?

Source: Accessed on 17/06/2018
(Concurso Milagres/2018) According to the text, it is correct to say that:
Q1797760 Inglês
    In a nutshell, police officers maintain law and order, protect the general public, investigate crimes and prevent criminal activity from happening.
    If you become a police officer, your career will be all about crime prevention, prosecution and punishment. Policing is such a varied career path that you could find yourself doing all kinds of activities.
    You might be responsible for preventing heinous crimes and stopping dangerous criminal groups, such as organised crime syndicates. Alternatively, you might be working to diminish anti-social behaviour, or you might be taking part in counter-terrorism activities.
    Moreover, you might be responsible for investigating crimes against people and their property, or maintaining public peace and order at large events, public gatherings and protests.
     At all times, police officers must make sure their actions comply with current legislation. Consequently, police officers must keep up to date with the latest developments in crime detection and prevention.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Concerning the text above, judge the following item.
The adverb “Alternatively” (in the second sentence of the third paragraph) means a different option than the one expressed in the previous sentence.
Q1797759 Inglês
    In a nutshell, police officers maintain law and order, protect the general public, investigate crimes and prevent criminal activity from happening.
    If you become a police officer, your career will be all about crime prevention, prosecution and punishment. Policing is such a varied career path that you could find yourself doing all kinds of activities.
    You might be responsible for preventing heinous crimes and stopping dangerous criminal groups, such as organised crime syndicates. Alternatively, you might be working to diminish anti-social behaviour, or you might be taking part in counter-terrorism activities.
    Moreover, you might be responsible for investigating crimes against people and their property, or maintaining public peace and order at large events, public gatherings and protests.
     At all times, police officers must make sure their actions comply with current legislation. Consequently, police officers must keep up to date with the latest developments in crime detection and prevention.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Concerning the text above, judge the following item.
In the last sentence of the text, the phrase “keep up to date with” means to meet the deadline.
Q1797757 Inglês
    In a nutshell, police officers maintain law and order, protect the general public, investigate crimes and prevent criminal activity from happening.
    If you become a police officer, your career will be all about crime prevention, prosecution and punishment. Policing is such a varied career path that you could find yourself doing all kinds of activities.
    You might be responsible for preventing heinous crimes and stopping dangerous criminal groups, such as organised crime syndicates. Alternatively, you might be working to diminish anti-social behaviour, or you might be taking part in counter-terrorism activities.
    Moreover, you might be responsible for investigating crimes against people and their property, or maintaining public peace and order at large events, public gatherings and protests.
     At all times, police officers must make sure their actions comply with current legislation. Consequently, police officers must keep up to date with the latest developments in crime detection and prevention.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Concerning the text above, judge the following item.
The text affirms that the police career offers a variety of activities.
Q1797756 Inglês
    In a nutshell, police officers maintain law and order, protect the general public, investigate crimes and prevent criminal activity from happening.
    If you become a police officer, your career will be all about crime prevention, prosecution and punishment. Policing is such a varied career path that you could find yourself doing all kinds of activities.
    You might be responsible for preventing heinous crimes and stopping dangerous criminal groups, such as organised crime syndicates. Alternatively, you might be working to diminish anti-social behaviour, or you might be taking part in counter-terrorism activities.
    Moreover, you might be responsible for investigating crimes against people and their property, or maintaining public peace and order at large events, public gatherings and protests.
     At all times, police officers must make sure their actions comply with current legislation. Consequently, police officers must keep up to date with the latest developments in crime detection and prevention.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Concerning the text above, judge the following item.
The phrase “In a nutshell”, in the beginning of the text, can be appropriately replaced by Briefly.
Q1797755 Inglês
As technology continues to reshape nearly every sector of society, it is also transforming police work in the 21º century. Law enforcement leaders can now count on an arsenal of high-tech systems and tools that are designed to enhance public safety, catch criminals and save lives. 
    One of their options is the use of biometrics. Police have been using fingerprints to identify people for over a century. Now, in addition to facial recognition and DNA, there is an ever-expanding array of biometric characteristics being utilized by law enforcement and the intelligence community. These include voice recognition, palmprints, wrist veins, iris recognition, and even heartbeats.
    With comprehensive electronic databases now in place to more effectively use DNA and other biometric data, even the use of fingerprints to identify suspects has gone high-tech. For example, a CNBC report explains how police in London can now use a mobile INK (Identity Not Known) biometrics device to scan a suspect's fingerprints and in many cases reveal their identity within 60 seconds.

Internet: <onlinedegrees.sandiego.ed> (adapted).

Judge the following item based on the text above. 
In the last paragraph, the words “comprehensive” and “report” can be correctly replaced with understanding and journalist without this changing the meaning of the text.
Q1797753 Inglês
As technology continues to reshape nearly every sector of society, it is also transforming police work in the 21º century. Law enforcement leaders can now count on an arsenal of high-tech systems and tools that are designed to enhance public safety, catch criminals and save lives. 
    One of their options is the use of biometrics. Police have been using fingerprints to identify people for over a century. Now, in addition to facial recognition and DNA, there is an ever-expanding array of biometric characteristics being utilized by law enforcement and the intelligence community. These include voice recognition, palmprints, wrist veins, iris recognition, and even heartbeats.
    With comprehensive electronic databases now in place to more effectively use DNA and other biometric data, even the use of fingerprints to identify suspects has gone high-tech. For example, a CNBC report explains how police in London can now use a mobile INK (Identity Not Known) biometrics device to scan a suspect's fingerprints and in many cases reveal their identity within 60 seconds.

Internet: <onlinedegrees.sandiego.ed> (adapted).

Judge the following item based on the text above. 

Identifying fingerprints, facial features and DNA characteristics has only recently become part of the investigation methods employed by law enforcement.

Q1797752 Inglês
As technology continues to reshape nearly every sector of society, it is also transforming police work in the 21º century. Law enforcement leaders can now count on an arsenal of high-tech systems and tools that are designed to enhance public safety, catch criminals and save lives. 
    One of their options is the use of biometrics. Police have been using fingerprints to identify people for over a century. Now, in addition to facial recognition and DNA, there is an ever-expanding array of biometric characteristics being utilized by law enforcement and the intelligence community. These include voice recognition, palmprints, wrist veins, iris recognition, and even heartbeats.
    With comprehensive electronic databases now in place to more effectively use DNA and other biometric data, even the use of fingerprints to identify suspects has gone high-tech. For example, a CNBC report explains how police in London can now use a mobile INK (Identity Not Known) biometrics device to scan a suspect's fingerprints and in many cases reveal their identity within 60 seconds.

Internet: <onlinedegrees.sandiego.ed> (adapted).

Judge the following item based on the text above. 
The options mentioned in the first sentence of the second paragraph are connected to “Law enforcement leaders” in the last sentence of the previous paragraph, a relation indicated by the use of “their”.
Q1796213 Inglês
Leia o texto para responder à questão.

Why the world is becoming more allergic to food
   Inquiries into the deaths of British teenagers after eating buttermilk, sesame and peanut have highlighted the sometimes tragic consequences. Last year, a six-year-old girl in Western Australia died as the result of a dairy allergy.
   The rise in allergies in recent decades has been particularly noticeable in the West. Food allergy now affects about 7% of children in the UK and 9% of those in Australia, for example. Across Europe, 2% of adults have food allergies.
   Life-threatening reactions can be prompted even by traces of the trigger foods, meaning patients and families live with fear and anxiety. The dietary restrictions which follow can become a burden to social and family lives.
   While we can't say for sure why allergy rates are increasing, researchers around the world are working hard to find ways to combat this phenomenon.
   The increase in allergies is not simply the effect of society becoming more aware of them and better at diagnosing them.
   It is thought that allergies and increased sensitivity to foods are probably environmental, and related to Western lifestyles.
   We know there are lower rates of allergies in developing countries. They are also more likely to occur in urban rather than rural areas.
   Factors may include pollution, dietary changes and less exposure to microbes, which change how our immune systems respond.
   Migrants appear to show a higher prevalence of asthma and food allergy in their adopted country compared to their country of origin, further illustrating the importance of environmental factors.
SANTOS, Alexandra. 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em 14 jun. 2021. 
Mark the alternative which better describes the use of the word “rather” in “They are also more likely to occur in urban rather than rural areas”.
7361: A
7362: C
7363: A
7364: C
7365: D
7366: C
7367: B
7368: C
7369: B
7370: E
7371: A
7372: D
7373: C
7374: E
7375: C
7376: C
7377: E
7378: E
7379: C
7380: B