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Q1769111 Gerência de Projetos
Sabendo que um projeto é um esforço temporário empreendido para criar um produto ou serviço ou resultado único, uma importante atividade da gestão de projetos é o gerenciamento do escopo do projeto, que inclui:
Q1769110 Gerência de Projetos
Todos os projetos têm partes interessadas que são afetadas ou podem afetar o projeto de forma positiva ou negativa. Algumas partes interessadas podem ter uma capacidade limitada para influenciar o trabalho ou os resultados do projeto; outras podem ter uma influência significativa no projeto e nos seus resultados esperados. Pesquisas acadêmicas e análises de desastres em projetos com alta visibilidade destacam a importância de uma abordagem estruturada para identificação, priorização e engajamento de todas as partes interessadas (PMBOK 6ª edição). A habilidade do gerente de projetos e da equipe para identificar corretamente e engajar todas as partes interessadas de maneira apropriada pode fazer a diferença entre:
Q1769109 Gerência de Projetos
O termo de abertura do projeto, ou project charter, é o documento que:
Q1769108 Gerência de Projetos
A definição para “Estrutura Analítica do Projeto” (EAP) vem a ser:
Q1769107 Gerência de Projetos
O PMBOK é um guia, desenvolvido pelo PMI (Project Management Institute), que contém as melhores práticas relativas à gestão de projetos. De acordo com o PMBOK, projeto é:
Q1769106 Gerência de Projetos
A opinião especializada é uma forma de garantir a ampla identificação e listagem das partes interessadas. Reuniões de análise de perfis também podem ser concebidas para desenvolver o entendimento das principais partes interessadas do projeto. Os interesses, as expectativas e a influência das partes interessadas que devem ser considerados durante todo o projeto podem ser obtidos através da coleta e análise sistemática de informações quantitativas e qualitativas, definida no guia PMBOK como “Análise de Partes Interessadas”. A análise de partes interessadas segue várias etapas, sendo uma delas:
Q1769105 Gerência de Projetos
Segundo o PMBOK (6ª edição), realizam-se:
Q1769104 Gerência de Projetos
O parecer de uma auditoria apontando a probabilidade de não ser possível implementar uma nova rede local de dados, em função de problemas de falta de conhecimento da equipe técnica para configurar a rede de acordo com o planejado, em um projeto que está em curso, diz respeito à área de conhecimento do PMBOK (6ª edição):
Q1769103 Inglês

Workplace Happiness
Happiness is often equated with a form of mood or emotion. The term in the present form was defined by Argyle (1987) as the positive inner feeling of an individual towards a particular aspect. The term happiness is viewed as a positive personnel feeling, contentment, pleasure, joy, gladness and enjoyment. Some authors view it as a moment. The term is often confused with the word satisfaction; both these terms are used simultaneously by many authors. The Psychologists attribute different meanings to satisfaction and happiness. The term is associated with positive organizational behavior (Luthans, 2002; Cropanzano & Wright, 2001).
The psychological explanation for happiness is a particular moment in the transition process of behavior. But the happiness may be prolonged unlike the emotion in some circumstances. The happiness is derived on acceptance of the policy or practices of the organization. The differentiation between happiness and satisfaction is another complex set of issues where researchers were engaged. The Human Development Index was developed by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to measure the extent of development in response to society needs, in Bhutan the measure for development is the Happiness Index (Karma Ura, 2015). The World has designated 20th March as International Happiness Day. The Happiness at the work place is the level of contentment of the employees and their feelings towards work and performance. The happiness at workplace is not to be confused with satisfaction. The happiness at workplace is inherent to the psychology of individual but whether it is source for satisfaction is a research question. The factors of happiness and satisfaction at the workplace are a debatable issue.
Adapted from: 42%20%20Vijaya%20Lakshmi%20%20Jun-2017.pdf. Accessed on April 07, 2021.
Considering parts of speech, it is possible to say that the words debatable and positive are:
Q1769102 Inglês

Workplace Happiness
Happiness is often equated with a form of mood or emotion. The term in the present form was defined by Argyle (1987) as the positive inner feeling of an individual towards a particular aspect. The term happiness is viewed as a positive personnel feeling, contentment, pleasure, joy, gladness and enjoyment. Some authors view it as a moment. The term is often confused with the word satisfaction; both these terms are used simultaneously by many authors. The Psychologists attribute different meanings to satisfaction and happiness. The term is associated with positive organizational behavior (Luthans, 2002; Cropanzano & Wright, 2001).
The psychological explanation for happiness is a particular moment in the transition process of behavior. But the happiness may be prolonged unlike the emotion in some circumstances. The happiness is derived on acceptance of the policy or practices of the organization. The differentiation between happiness and satisfaction is another complex set of issues where researchers were engaged. The Human Development Index was developed by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to measure the extent of development in response to society needs, in Bhutan the measure for development is the Happiness Index (Karma Ura, 2015). The World has designated 20th March as International Happiness Day. The Happiness at the work place is the level of contentment of the employees and their feelings towards work and performance. The happiness at workplace is not to be confused with satisfaction. The happiness at workplace is inherent to the psychology of individual but whether it is source for satisfaction is a research question. The factors of happiness and satisfaction at the workplace are a debatable issue.
Adapted from: 42%20%20Vijaya%20Lakshmi%20%20Jun-2017.pdf. Accessed on April 07, 2021.
The word mood in “Happiness is often equated with a form of mood or emotion” means:
Q1769101 Inglês

Workplace Happiness
Happiness is often equated with a form of mood or emotion. The term in the present form was defined by Argyle (1987) as the positive inner feeling of an individual towards a particular aspect. The term happiness is viewed as a positive personnel feeling, contentment, pleasure, joy, gladness and enjoyment. Some authors view it as a moment. The term is often confused with the word satisfaction; both these terms are used simultaneously by many authors. The Psychologists attribute different meanings to satisfaction and happiness. The term is associated with positive organizational behavior (Luthans, 2002; Cropanzano & Wright, 2001).
The psychological explanation for happiness is a particular moment in the transition process of behavior. But the happiness may be prolonged unlike the emotion in some circumstances. The happiness is derived on acceptance of the policy or practices of the organization. The differentiation between happiness and satisfaction is another complex set of issues where researchers were engaged. The Human Development Index was developed by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to measure the extent of development in response to society needs, in Bhutan the measure for development is the Happiness Index (Karma Ura, 2015). The World has designated 20th March as International Happiness Day. The Happiness at the work place is the level of contentment of the employees and their feelings towards work and performance. The happiness at workplace is not to be confused with satisfaction. The happiness at workplace is inherent to the psychology of individual but whether it is source for satisfaction is a research question. The factors of happiness and satisfaction at the workplace are a debatable issue.
Adapted from: 42%20%20Vijaya%20Lakshmi%20%20Jun-2017.pdf. Accessed on April 07, 2021.
The question that cannot be answered with the information given in the text is:
Q1769100 Inglês


What is Engineering Mind-set thinking?

Engineering Mind-set Thinking is a way of thinking that combines the problem solving/design process with the life-skills that fosters dealing with others as in a team. It provides the culture, measurements, feedback, planning skills, tools and values of engineering without the high level knowledge of math and science (Content Knowledge). Mastering this way of thinking is important for all students, regardless of their career objectives.

You can integrate Engineering mind-set thinking into an existing curriculum by including project-based, experiential focus on all social skills that connect people & society to create a better design and problem-solving solution. It's the culture & tools for thinking. Away of thinking for an entire organization. 

The process is not only about solving problems but also about interfacing with people and the community to communicate background information about the problem. In the business world this means having empathy with your customer. The mindset is breaking the problem into manageable chucks to better understand the problem, taking a system view (inputs & outputs) of the problem and seeing the right issues are addressed for the needs of the community. It's being a leader of your learning environment and taking ownership and responsibility of the project. Engineering mindset also means seeing problems as opportunities and the fun in solving those problems.

Adapted from: Engineering-Mind-set-summary-13.pdf Accessed on April 5, 2021.

All the words below are synonyms of leader, EXCEPT:
Q1769099 Inglês


What is Engineering Mind-set thinking?

Engineering Mind-set Thinking is a way of thinking that combines the problem solving/design process with the life-skills that fosters dealing with others as in a team. It provides the culture, measurements, feedback, planning skills, tools and values of engineering without the high level knowledge of math and science (Content Knowledge). Mastering this way of thinking is important for all students, regardless of their career objectives.

You can integrate Engineering mind-set thinking into an existing curriculum by including project-based, experiential focus on all social skills that connect people & society to create a better design and problem-solving solution. It's the culture & tools for thinking. Away of thinking for an entire organization. 

The process is not only about solving problems but also about interfacing with people and the community to communicate background information about the problem. In the business world this means having empathy with your customer. The mindset is breaking the problem into manageable chucks to better understand the problem, taking a system view (inputs & outputs) of the problem and seeing the right issues are addressed for the needs of the community. It's being a leader of your learning environment and taking ownership and responsibility of the project. Engineering mindset also means seeing problems as opportunities and the fun in solving those problems.

Adapted from: Engineering-Mind-set-summary-13.pdf Accessed on April 5, 2021.

According to the text , it is correct to state that Engineering Mind-set Thinking:
Q1769098 Raciocínio Lógico

Considerando-se a seguinte proposição:

Se Carlos mora no Brasil, então Ana não fala japonês.

A negação da proposição acima está indicada corretamente na seguinte opção:

Q1769090 Português

Texto  ( Para responder à questão)

Os clássicos estão morrendo?

Catástrofe espiritual. Foi assim que Cornel West, um dos mais destacados intelectuais negros dos EUA, classificou a decisão da Universidade Howard, talvez a mais importante instituição de ensino negra do país, de fechar seu departamento de estudos clássicos. 

West, que escreveu um contundente artigo de opinião para o Washington Post, afirma que a noção de crimes do Ocidente se tornou tão central na cultura americana que ficou difícil reconhecer as coisas boas que o Ocidente proporcionou, notadamente os clássicos, que são clássicos justamente porque permitem uma conversação universal, abarcando pensadores de diferentes eras e povos.

Diretores de Howard responderam, no New York Times. Dizem que, ao contrário de universidades brancas de elite, a instituição não tem dinheiro para tudo e teve de estabelecer prioridades. Afirmam que os alunos de Howard não ficarão sem ler Platão, Aristóteles e outros clássicos, apenas que não haverá mais um departamento exclusivo dedicado a esses pensadores.

Os clássicos estão morrendo? Morrer, eles não morrerão. Haverá sempre, nas universidades e fora delas, uma legião de estudiosos que garantirão que nosso conhecimento sobre esses autores não só não regredirá como avançará. Eu receio, porém, que o chamado cânon ocidental será cada vez mais objeto de estudo de especialistas e menos um corpo de referências que todos os cidadãos educados reconheçam.

Isso é ruim, porque, assim como a concordância acerca do que são fatos é fundamental para a ciência e a democracia, um universo de noções comuns em que as pessoas possam se apoiar para dialogar, trocar ideias e identificar-se é vital para a constituição de uma sociedade. E é preferível que esse universo seja povoado por autores densos, que comportem interpretações complexas e que resistiram ao teste do tempo a que seja determinado pelos modismos simplificadores das guerras culturais.

Hélio Scwartsman

(Folha de S. Paulo, 04 de maio de 2021)

No primeiro parágrafo, o emprego das vírgulas tem o propósito de destacar expressão com valor de:
Q1769023 Gerência de Projetos
O ciclo de vida de um projeto passa por diferentes fases que facilitam o estudo e a aplicação das técnicas de administração de projetos. A fase, cuja ideia é transformada em um modelo mental ou representação do produto que deverá ser fornecido ao final do projeto, é conhecida como:
Q1769022 Gerência de Projetos
O checklist é um método de seleção onde os projetos são escolhidos considerando-se:
Q1769021 Gerência de Projetos
O conjunto de projetos que são agrupados, buscando-se atingir os objetivos estratégicos de uma organização, é denominado:
Q1768992 Engenharia de Software
Na engenharia de sistemas, o caminho crítico das atividades técnicas do projeto é identificado por meio:
Q1768989 Sistemas de Informação
Segundo Kossiakoff et al. (2011), na classificação dos sistemas existe uma hierarquia no grau de complexidade. A hierarquia representada na ordem do maior grau de complexidade ao menor grau de complexidade é:
521: B
522: C
523: A
524: B
525: A
526: A
527: B
528: C
529: B
530: A
531: C
532: D
533: A
534: D
535: C
536: B
537: D
538: B
539: C
540: D