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Ano: 2015 Banca: Centec Órgão: Centec Prova: Centec - 2015 - Centec - Professor - Inglês |
Q761912 Inglês

Complete the blank spaces and check the correct sequence.

This car is so ________.

I’m ________ sorry for this.

She feels _____ about that experience.

Ano: 2015 Banca: Centec Órgão: Centec Prova: Centec - 2015 - Centec - Professor - Inglês |
Q761911 Inglês
Choose the sentence that is grammatically correct:
Ano: 2015 Banca: Centec Órgão: Centec Prova: Centec - 2015 - Centec - Professor - Inglês |
Q761910 Inglês

Answer question about the text below:

A US dentist who killed a lion in Zimbabwe says he regrets shooting the well-known animal. 
In a written statement, Walter Palmer insists that he thought he was on a legal hunt and that he "deeply regrets" his actions. 
Cecil the lion, known for his black mane, was about 13 years old, and a famous attraction for wildlife tourists in Zimbabwe. But earlier this month, it’s understood the big cat was tempted outside a national park using bait and allegedly shot with a bow and arrow by Palmer. 
"Cecil was collared. You may want to know what that means. Collared is an animal which is under surveillance and a GPS system which is being used for research, for different things…” 
Wildlife officials accused Mr Palmer of killing Cecil, without a permit, after paying $50,000 to two people who lured the beast to its death. 
"The person involved, or the offender, is a gentleman who is an American called Walter James Palmer. Walter James Palmer is the guy who came into the country around the beginning of this month of July and was enticed, we're not quite sure yet, to harvest this particular lion. The proper market value for this lion, which is a big treasure, would be around $100,000 US dollars.” 
Police in Zimbabwe say two people have been arrested and that Mr Palmer may also face poaching charges. If convicted, the two men would be required to pay $20,000 in compensation, but the court may impose an additional jail term. 
According to the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority, investigations show that the killing of Cecil was illegal because the land owner was not allocated a lion on his hunting quota for 2015. 
Lions are not a protected species in Zimbabwe. The country issues annual permits allowing foreign hunters to kill wildlife like elephant, buffalo and lion, and say doing so allows it to raise money for conservation. 

Check the sequence of words from the text that are all from the same grammatical class.
Ano: 2015 Banca: Centec Órgão: Centec Prova: Centec - 2015 - Centec - Professor - Inglês |
Q761909 Inglês

Answer question about the text below:

A US dentist who killed a lion in Zimbabwe says he regrets shooting the well-known animal. 
In a written statement, Walter Palmer insists that he thought he was on a legal hunt and that he "deeply regrets" his actions. 
Cecil the lion, known for his black mane, was about 13 years old, and a famous attraction for wildlife tourists in Zimbabwe. But earlier this month, it’s understood the big cat was tempted outside a national park using bait and allegedly shot with a bow and arrow by Palmer. 
"Cecil was collared. You may want to know what that means. Collared is an animal which is under surveillance and a GPS system which is being used for research, for different things…” 
Wildlife officials accused Mr Palmer of killing Cecil, without a permit, after paying $50,000 to two people who lured the beast to its death. 
"The person involved, or the offender, is a gentleman who is an American called Walter James Palmer. Walter James Palmer is the guy who came into the country around the beginning of this month of July and was enticed, we're not quite sure yet, to harvest this particular lion. The proper market value for this lion, which is a big treasure, would be around $100,000 US dollars.” 
Police in Zimbabwe say two people have been arrested and that Mr Palmer may also face poaching charges. If convicted, the two men would be required to pay $20,000 in compensation, but the court may impose an additional jail term. 
According to the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority, investigations show that the killing of Cecil was illegal because the land owner was not allocated a lion on his hunting quota for 2015. 
Lions are not a protected species in Zimbabwe. The country issues annual permits allowing foreign hunters to kill wildlife like elephant, buffalo and lion, and say doing so allows it to raise money for conservation. 

Which option has NOT a synonym of the word “impose” (line 25)?
Ano: 2015 Banca: Centec Órgão: Centec Prova: Centec - 2015 - Centec - Professor - Inglês |
Q761908 Inglês

Answer question about the text below:

A US dentist who killed a lion in Zimbabwe says he regrets shooting the well-known animal. 
In a written statement, Walter Palmer insists that he thought he was on a legal hunt and that he "deeply regrets" his actions. 
Cecil the lion, known for his black mane, was about 13 years old, and a famous attraction for wildlife tourists in Zimbabwe. But earlier this month, it’s understood the big cat was tempted outside a national park using bait and allegedly shot with a bow and arrow by Palmer. 
"Cecil was collared. You may want to know what that means. Collared is an animal which is under surveillance and a GPS system which is being used for research, for different things…” 
Wildlife officials accused Mr Palmer of killing Cecil, without a permit, after paying $50,000 to two people who lured the beast to its death. 
"The person involved, or the offender, is a gentleman who is an American called Walter James Palmer. Walter James Palmer is the guy who came into the country around the beginning of this month of July and was enticed, we're not quite sure yet, to harvest this particular lion. The proper market value for this lion, which is a big treasure, would be around $100,000 US dollars.” 
Police in Zimbabwe say two people have been arrested and that Mr Palmer may also face poaching charges. If convicted, the two men would be required to pay $20,000 in compensation, but the court may impose an additional jail term. 
According to the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority, investigations show that the killing of Cecil was illegal because the land owner was not allocated a lion on his hunting quota for 2015. 
Lions are not a protected species in Zimbabwe. The country issues annual permits allowing foreign hunters to kill wildlife like elephant, buffalo and lion, and say doing so allows it to raise money for conservation. 

Which of the following options can substitute the verb “regrets”, at line 1, without changing its meaning in text? 
Ano: 2015 Banca: Centec Órgão: Centec Prova: Centec - 2015 - Centec - Professor - Inglês |
Q761907 Inglês

Answer question about the text below:

A US dentist who killed a lion in Zimbabwe says he regrets shooting the well-known animal. 
In a written statement, Walter Palmer insists that he thought he was on a legal hunt and that he "deeply regrets" his actions. 
Cecil the lion, known for his black mane, was about 13 years old, and a famous attraction for wildlife tourists in Zimbabwe. But earlier this month, it’s understood the big cat was tempted outside a national park using bait and allegedly shot with a bow and arrow by Palmer. 
"Cecil was collared. You may want to know what that means. Collared is an animal which is under surveillance and a GPS system which is being used for research, for different things…” 
Wildlife officials accused Mr Palmer of killing Cecil, without a permit, after paying $50,000 to two people who lured the beast to its death. 
"The person involved, or the offender, is a gentleman who is an American called Walter James Palmer. Walter James Palmer is the guy who came into the country around the beginning of this month of July and was enticed, we're not quite sure yet, to harvest this particular lion. The proper market value for this lion, which is a big treasure, would be around $100,000 US dollars.” 
Police in Zimbabwe say two people have been arrested and that Mr Palmer may also face poaching charges. If convicted, the two men would be required to pay $20,000 in compensation, but the court may impose an additional jail term. 
According to the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority, investigations show that the killing of Cecil was illegal because the land owner was not allocated a lion on his hunting quota for 2015. 
Lions are not a protected species in Zimbabwe. The country issues annual permits allowing foreign hunters to kill wildlife like elephant, buffalo and lion, and say doing so allows it to raise money for conservation. 

From the reading of the text, check T (true) or F (false) and check the correct sequence:

( ) The lion was killed in US.

( ) Walter James Palmer is an investigator of the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority.

( ) It’s illegal to kill any lion in Zimbabwe.

( ) Foreigners can receive a permit to kill buffalos in Zimbabwe.

Ano: 2015 Banca: Centec Órgão: Centec Prova: Centec - 2015 - Centec - Professor - Inglês |
Q761906 Pedagogia
A avaliação da aprendizagem é uma área polêmica da educação. Os objetivos da avaliação estão ligados à concepção e contextos educacionais e da sociedade em geral. Aponte a alternativa em que a instituição educacional está conectada com a concepção de avaliação progressista moderna.
Ano: 2015 Banca: Centec Órgão: Centec Prova: Centec - 2015 - Centec - Professor - Inglês |
Q761905 Pedagogia
Inúmeros educadores, psicólogos, sociólogos e outros profissionais que se envolvem com a educação defenderam e opinaram acerca do tema “ a sala de aula é como espaço de aprendizagem e interação”. Aponte o pensador que em sua obra defendia o conhecimento praxeológico, o conceito de campo e a noção de habitus.
Ano: 2015 Banca: Centec Órgão: Centec Prova: Centec - 2015 - Centec - Professor - Inglês |
Q761904 Pedagogia
A sala de aula como espaço de aprendizagem e intervenção não é uma concepção firmada em todas as escolas. A relação professor aluno, o processo de ensino-aprendizagem e a avaliação são inerentes a cada concepção de educação formulada e vivenciada.
Assinale a opção em que a relação professor aluno CONDIZ com uma educação libertadora.
Ano: 2015 Banca: Centec Órgão: Centec Prova: Centec - 2015 - Centec - Professor - Inglês |
Q761903 Pedagogia
O grande educador Paulo Freire defendia a relação professor aluno numa perspectiva dialógica. Aponte a alternativa contrária ao pensamento de Paulo Freire em relação à educação no contexto da sala de aula.
Ano: 2015 Banca: Centec Órgão: Centec Prova: Centec - 2015 - Centec - Professor - Inglês |
Q761902 Pedagogia

De acordo com SANTOS (2013) “ A aprendizagem significativa é aquela que ocorre a partir do surgimento de um sentido pessoal por parte de quem aprende, o que desencadeia uma atitude proativa que tenta desvendar o novo e (re) construir conceitos que ampliam cada vez mais a habilidade de aprender”.

Aponta a alternativa em que a metodologia aplicada é CONDIZENTE com o conceito acima.

Ano: 2015 Banca: Centec Órgão: Centec Prova: Centec - 2015 - Centec - Professor - Inglês |
Q761901 Pedagogia

A escola é o espaço privilegiado para obtenção ou construção do conhecimento. Na escola, a sala de aula é o local onde ocorre a maior parte das atividades de aprendizagem.

Marque a alternativa que não CONDIZ como uma sala de aula onde haja intervenção.

Ano: 2015 Banca: Centec Órgão: Centec Prova: Centec - 2015 - Centec - Professor - Inglês |
Q761900 Pedagogia

No processo de ensino aprendizagem tradicional a memorização era supervalorizada por pensar-se que para aprender era necessário repetir. Para se contrapor à educação tradicional foram e são vivenciadas outras formas de se desenvolver o ensinar e o aprender.

Fundamentado na propositura apresentada, aponte a alternativa que reforça a posição da educação tradicional.

Ano: 2015 Banca: Centec Órgão: Centec Prova: Centec - 2015 - Centec - Professor - Inglês |
Q761899 Pedagogia
Quando o professor associa sua prática de avaliativa ao desenvolvimento do estudante, é CORRETO afirmar que avaliação tem a função, predominantemente.
Ano: 2015 Banca: Centec Órgão: Centec Prova: Centec - 2015 - Centec - Professor - Inglês |
Q761898 Pedagogia
A concepção que uma instituição ou um professor tem da avaliação da aprendizagem está diretamente ligada com a concepção de mundo e pedagógica que ele tem. Luckesi (2005) aborda a avaliação da aprendizagem diferenciando o ato de avaliar do ato de examinar. Assinale a alternativa abaixo que se relaciona como a prática de AVALIAR: 
Ano: 2015 Banca: Centec Órgão: Centec Prova: Centec - 2015 - Centec - Professor - Inglês |
Q761897 Pedagogia
Na área da educação pode-se afirmar que há vários tipos de planejamento e planos: o do Sistema Nacional de Educação, o curricular, o da Instituição, os de cursos e os de aula. Segundo Vasconcellos (2004) um planejamento qualquer, de maneira geral, apresenta várias finalidades.
Na visão crítico-reflexiva sobre a educação, são finalidades dos Planos ou Projetos de ensino aprendizagem, EXCETO,
Ano: 2015 Banca: Centec Órgão: Centec Prova: Centec - 2015 - Centec - Professor - Inglês |
Q761896 Pedagogia
Os Cursos de Educação Profissional Técnica de nível Médio, na forma articulada integrada com o Ensino Médio, na modalidade de Educação de Jovens e Adultos, tem carga horária mínima definida pela Resolução Nº 6 da CEB/CNE, no seu artigo 28. Fundamentado nesta afirmativa assinale a alternativa CORRETA.
Ano: 2015 Banca: Centec Órgão: Centec Prova: Centec - 2015 - Centec - Professor - Inglês |
Q761895 Pedagogia
De acordo com as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para a Educação Profissional Técnica de Nível Médio, artigo 24,da Resolução nº 6 da Câmara de Educação Básica/Conselho Nacional de Educação(CEB/CNE) na perspectiva, da educação continuada, assinale a opção CORRETA.
Ano: 2015 Banca: Centec Órgão: Centec Prova: Centec - 2015 - Centec - Professor - Inglês |
Q761894 Pedagogia
Os Planos de Curso, coerentes com os respectivos Projetos Político Pedagógicos, são submetidos à aprovação dos órgãos competentes dos correspondentes Sistemas de Ensino, contendo itens obrigatórios.
A partir da afirmativa identifique qual a alternativa cita itens NÃO obrigatórios.
Ano: 2015 Banca: Centec Órgão: Centec Prova: Centec - 2015 - Centec - Professor - Inglês |
Q761893 Pedagogia
Aponte a única opção que NÃO CONDIZ com os princípios norteadores da Educação Profissional Técnica de Nível Médio.
12401: A
12402: B
12403: C
12404: E
12405: B
12406: D
12407: E
12408: D
12409: C
12410: D
12411: A
12412: C
12413: D
12414: C
12415: B
12416: B
12417: C
12418: C
12419: B
12420: D